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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    O2!!  **tackle hug**  sorry you are so busy with medical crap.  We know the feeling.  Hang it there and keep us posted, OK??

    "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV"     who remembers that commerical with Robert Young, aka Marcus Welby??  **chortles**

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Hey O2!  *waving*

    Well, Birdie, you are so petite!  I had heard they have Green Eileen in Seattle!  I'm pretty excited for you.  If you go there, I really hope you will give me a full blow-by-blow report.  Like this:  'I walked in, and there was a picture of Eileen in the foyer, and then..'

    I have had a 30-minute bio-mat session!  Oh, you bitter non-believers.  It was great.  AND  I am very into the alkaline water.  They fill up your bottle with special alkalinized water when you go there, for no charge, I love it.  I don't get out much to do anything for myself.  You can't believe how fun it was to go into a dim room, lay on warm bio-mat pad, and there was a relaxation tape playing...  I must say, it was great.

    Was def relaxed that evening, and I wasn't so sore as I have been -- I have been a sore mess, with knotty shoulders and stiff joints -- but I know that may have been because I got 30 minutes to myself.  G, I do not really get Thai here.  You must have a good place.  Hmm.  Remind me to ask you about it at our lunch!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    I reply to myself.  Z, Green Eileen:  I have not been, but it is a giant store of recycled Eileen Fisher clothing.  I can only imagine how great it is.  I wonder how the prices are?  I wonder what they have?  I am pining to go.  Will have to live vicariously through our Wren.  How is the new kitty?  Squeakers?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited September 2014

    I will definitely give you a blow by blow if I get to Green Eileen. Squeakers has stopped sneezing and we are trying to decide how to introduce him to Goldie. Actually I'm more concerned about her reaction than his. He's a pretty chill dude. Still, as DH pointed out, we've had lots of pairs and trios thru the years and they generally manage to work it out. It's a 2 story house with a basement, so there are lots of hiding places.

    I'm sure that relaxing with soothing music would make me feel better no matter what else they did.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    I agree with DH.  And I can't wait for a picture of Squeakers.  I remember an earlier one I think.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Bangkok Square,,, way out Archer Road,,, almost to Tower Road. Really good. Except the sticky rice was not like Bahn Thai used to make. I liked theirs,,and didn't care for the one at this place. But nice Panang curry and the puff appetizers,, forgot what they are called,, and Hot and sour soup.  Plenty of veggie options too.

    I would try that bio-mat for aches and pains. I'm on my 2 week before surgery,,, no motrin, etc,, time frame now,, which sucks. And what's up with the alkaline water?  have good electrolytes?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    p.s. -- I hate the two-week period of no blah blah.  I have that every six weeks now -- my next one's coming up in two weeks.  I esp hate not being allowed green tea.  And last time I had a headache for three days and could not take any advil for it.  

    That place is just too far for me.  I don't know... they say alkalinity is better than acidity.  That alkaline is a good environment and acidity is a bad environment.  Good for sleep, digestion... some say it's nothing.  But, you know, even Kris Carr advocates waking up and having hot water with lemon: the lemon is making the water alkaline.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    This water at the spa is delicious.  I drank the whole bottle down at one time.  Call me a patsy, but, you know, I am just happy to get out to do some nice thing -- even drink special water.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    No green tea??? WTF?? No one said anything about that and it's not on my list,,,,,

    Why no green tea???

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    It is really far. But my friends usually drive so I just ride along! :p

    That's true about the lemon water,, I should do that more often too. If I only remembered to buy lemons,,,,

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Yep, no green tea.  No ginger in your veg juices.  No supplements of any kind.  No multi-V.  No herbal teas or herbal supplements.  No rooibos.  My PS -- 'Why can't you just drink some normal tea for two weeks?'

    I believe it's because some of those things (positively) effect circulation, but could also lead to increased bleeding/difficulty clotting.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    hmmm, green tea and ginger are not on my list.  Must investigate. Ginseng and multivits are. Herbal supplements are,, but no mention of ginger CANDY or herbal tea. WTH?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Has any body checked out the Warm And Fuzzy thread?  It's a hoot!!bobo, try this at Halloween with your kids. 


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Oooh you girls have been busy in my absence!

    Glennie, you've spent time in Bangkok too, Panang Curry yumm, one of Colin's faves! Did you mean Thai Curry Puffs? What about the Coconut Prawns..OMG JUst remembered the Coconut Crab in Noumea, turn your head Bobo, they live on coconut and the flavor infuses into them, wow, I have pictures of me up to my elbows in this delicacy! lol

    I can't leave you lot alone for a minute and you're greasing up Hamsters and such.

    Two weeks Bobo and you're having another surgery too. Where does the time go? I wasn't allowed supplements either, except when I told him I didn't want to stop my Olive Leaf and he said, "Oh Olive Leaf is fine I take that too!"  No mention of all the teas though. 

    My Mother never missed a morning of hot water and fresh lemon, she had amazing skin. I do it when I think of it, I should remember, I can see my lemon tree from the kitchen window.

    I have just had my Microdermabrasion, Vitamin C infusion and another Hydrating Rubber Mask, then a Spa Mani and Pedi, I feel like I am floating, but with a nasty windburn side effect! lol It was very nice, the young girl who was doing it was being tested today, so we had the boss watching, all went well! Being sandblasted first with Rose Infused Crystals...oww, and then the Diamond dust... youch it smarts a tad, shall we say!! Can't wait for the next one bahahahah!

    Spookiesmom, Vegan Witches, I love that!

    I have never seen the Bio Mat, so can't comment on that one.

    Recycled Eileen, what a wonderful idea! I used to offload designer stuff to a recycle store named Yours and Mine, bought plenty there too. There are hardly any recycle shops any more, over here.

    Glennie, I don't know the commercial, but I remember Marcus Welby, were you in the commercial? 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    OH, no,, I wasn't in the commercial,,, It's sort of an inside pharmacist joke,,, cuz patients would come up to us and ask us all sorts of things,, some things that they really should ask their doctor instead.  I don't remember what product he was pushing,, I'm sure that there's a Youtube video!,,, It was just that line that is long remembered.

    And I haven't been to Thailand either,, that's the name of a local restaurant,, way across town from where Bobo and I live,,, that has excellent Thai food. And yes, it was the curry puffs I was thinking of,,, very tasty.

    My friend's sister has her own biomat and swears by it. I would like to try it.

    Pondering if I really have to give up green tea 2 solid weeks before surgery,, or If I can have it a few more days,,,,

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Well I got all that wrong, Glennie! Haha Just off to bed... have a lovely day! M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Sleep well, M!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    M, you are so funny!  Not all of us have been to Thailand, eating crabs who have themselves eaten something, and then also not all of us pick lemons off of our own lemon trees! **swanning around in diaphanous lemon-colored gown** I am jealous of your lemon tree!  M, I don't feel good from my flu shot.  It is a small thing, I know, but it makes my hard week harder.  They say that 'dead virus' thing to me too.  I had to have one, though, since last year I got the hospital flu when I was in the hospital -- remember? -- and twelve people died from it the week I was in!  So I want to make sure I'm covered for this time.  Hope the hospital has one of the flus that was in my shot.

    In the bag for Dawny and DP this week, and Andrea.  G, it kills me to give up my little teas.  You know, I am a human being who likes to have a cup of tea, and I don't think that is too much to ask.

    I would just like to say that I, for one, was not 'greasing up hamsters.'  That was Andrea.  :)

    Goldie is just the sweetest thing.  How could Squeakers not love her?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Oooh Bobo, sorry you aren't feeling good. I know what you mean about it making your week harder. I hope it passes soon. You can't even take Tylenol for it, can you?

    I told my Doctor, who was a bit of a Dicktor, that I was my own vaccination. I had caught so many Flu bugs from working at the airport, that I didn't need his crap innoculation, I was a walking vaccine. 

    I knew it wasn't you greasing up the Hamsters, just that the collective group was prolific in it's writing, while I was sleeping and "someone" Andrea, was greasing up Hamsters. lol 

    There you go again with the Lemon Diaphanous gown, oh my gosh, if you only knew! The lemon tree is pretty special though, it is a grafted 2 different types of lemon ordinary and Meyer and it just produces so many lemons that I am constantly giving them away, even have people calling in, for a few of them! I didn't plant it, but inherited it when we bought the house! M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Bobo:  sucks that you are not feeling good!  Tylenol?? anything??  I don't think it's too much to ask to have tea. I'm having my green tea for a few more days.  I'll stop a week before,, I think that's enough. And then I read not to have flax either,, somewhere else,, not on my papers.  And I put flax in my shake,, and it already has flax in it. WTH?? I can't have shake either??? **pissed off**

    And I found out that there will be a bowel prep before this surgery. So even more fun! Glad I'm off before the surgery.

    M:  I too am jealous of your lemon tree. When I was growing up in Miami, we had a lot of fruit trees. A dreaded yellow canker disease killed them all. Sucked. Had grapefruit, avocado and key lime. I prefer limes to lemons actually. Must be a child hood thing,, but you have 2 types of lemons.  Dang!!!!  We used to give away the avocados too,, we had so many.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    I was wishing for a lemon tree. Bobo's sexy cancer diet with lemon water is expensive. 

    It's started. Kids opening doors, in/out. I just want peace and quiet and sleep. Hard to get onto boy as he is spelling/writing on his own. 

    She has an ear infection. Rx not right so have to wait until am to get it filled. Arghh. Crap on a Chapstick.

    Calgon take me away. 

    I've never been told not to drink tea leading up to sx.  That would hurt! 

    My arm always swells after a flu shot and I don't feel great. Wet tea bag does wonders for injection site. I'll probably wait a few more weeks to get ours. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    I'm waiting until after surgery to get mine.  UGH on wrongly written RX.. I hate that!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Oh joy, a bowel prep, can they make it any more disgusting? 

    What a shame you lost your trees to that disease. I would love an Avacado tree, my neighbors have one. I have a Keffir lime, Apple, Pear and Grapefruit. I have just planted out my usual lettuce in my little raised bed, just have to find some nice tomato plants, also put in 2 kinds of Parsley, Basil Vietnamese Mint, regular Mint,Coriander and Baby Spinach. The Rosemary has taken off as has the Lemongrass. I don't buy much salad stuff in the summer, this lasts most of the way through and then when it is really hot it goes to seed.

    This diet before surgery has knobs on it! Aussie speak for "it's such bullshit!" come on, what is really going to happen if you drink green tea, as opposed to black, or my absolute fave, white tea!  M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Bugger Zills, I am sorry you've got another sick baby and the wrong Script! Just realized I answered your question about the Vanilla Slices on the other thread. M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    i researched the bowel prep reason,,, and they want a clean bowel,, cuz if they nick it,,, and stuff is in it,, that can cause all kinds of problems.  If nicked and clean,, not so much. So I'm ok,, there is a reason behind the madness.

    What I'm really freaking out about is the LE factor. Been talking to some of the more experienced ladies on the LE threads and being in the head down, butt up position can flare up the LE.  So in addition to worrying about the surgery in general, and post op pain, and making sure they don't stick an IV in my LE arm,, they could do everything right and the position I need to be in for proper surgery could cause a flare.  OH, crap,,,,,, the anxiety is really going to get to me,,

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    It's just green tea,, not the black,, and white is not mentioned anywhere. Supposedly it contains chemicals that thin the blood and could make you bleed more during surgery. It just seems stopping it two weeks before surgery, a bit LONG. And flax seed,, what is up with that?  Haven't been able to find the time to research that one yet.

    And no ginger either.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    I had to stop Coumadin 5 days before surgery. So I really don't understand TEA 2 weeks before!!!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    See, Coumadin and aspirin and other blood thinners, I understand,, but green tea?? Flax seed???

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    OK, I get the reason for the bowel prep, but I still hate doing it!

    Head down bum up? For a hyster? Is that for a vag one? I have only ever seen bikini line scars or laporoscopy scars.

    I am sorry you're worried about the LE, if it isn't bad enough that you have to have surgery, but that is a concern too. Hugs to you, I will be available anytime to  Skype the Dicktors, the suit has been dry cleaned! M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    It's robotic lap,, with removal thru the vagina.  Hopefully if all goes well. Thus the reason for the position. It's like being in a yoga bridge position, I think.

    I love that you got the power suit dry cleaned and ready for Skype with any of our dicktors.  You are so sweet.