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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Those are lovely!!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    soooo pretty!

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited October 2014

    Glennie. You are not going to Aus without me!!!!!  Ariom. What are those beautiful things hanging there????  Beautiful!!!!!! And you make them????


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    You want to see the penguins too???

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2014

    Ariom, I stated on the other board what a neat idea to display them on an old rake!! they are all lovely. OK, I want to see the penguin parade too! Dont leave meWinking

    The weekend to be spent with gkids was a bust! DH ended up with flu as did 2 of the girls, so we came home a day early! oh well, he is well again and the 3rd girl came down with it but the others are ok. Seems there is always sick bugs going around and dh never misses one of them, I swear he must have no immune system!

    Bobo, I feel so sick that you are so worried and uncertain about this upcoming procedure.. I think I will bring you up north with me and we will go ICE FISHING!! now if that wont shock your system nothing will... tell your drs to do it right cause you are going ice fishing! And the best part is the fish house is in Canada!!! no ice yet of course, in fact beautiful weather... love fall when it is warm and the wind is blowing down the prairies...which isnt often. I really dont go icefishing much, maybe on a nice winter day. 

    There is a fish fry uptown tonight, this is duck/goose hunting season and hunters from all over come swarming for water fowl... I cant understand it, I do not like the taste of either, anyway some hunters from MN always bring some walleye fish and serve the community! Should be good.

    Hello to all gals!! hope things are going ok. PS, friend that has stage 1v lung just got another clear scan, she told me she was expecting the worst because of some of the same symptoms but nope.. nothing there.. great news. Love to share good news,

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    YAY for friend's good news!!   Happy to hear that.

    I love walleye!  Had it last year for the first time when I visited ND.  *still want to walk to Canada*

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited October 2014

    yes I want to see those cute penguins


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    yea for good news. Hope it's contagious! Sorry about the sick weekend. Count me in for ice fishing, fish fry and penguins. No duck or goose for me. 

    JS. I'm just feeling sorry for myself. Need a light box and go workout. The reality that someone else is going to raise my kids hurts. Will the baby remember me? Will the boy have good memories? Not just me being sick, tired or crying?

    I love Ms sun catchers. No talent here. Can't sing, dance, paint:draw. Can burn dinner, leave clothes unfolded, dishes in sink, stuff piled up. 

    Better go order that light box. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    Z forgive me asking, are you stage 4? We don't, NONE of us, have an expiration date stamped on us. Lots of us go for a LONG LONG TIME!!!!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Yes please ND!  Ice fishing and a walk to Canada will be perfect!

    Bobo + Z = 4 ever.  I love you Z.

    Yes, DLLP will take kids to parade!  I must say -- and I was telling G -- DLLP is not good at multi-tasking under the best of circumstances.  Even less so under stress.  She's been through so much.  I don't think she realizes how much I do to keep things going. 

    Bird, am going to order out like mad.  There is juice bar.  Going to order in juice.  Going to just say 'fuck it' and spend thousands.  Will not make savings entry for that pay period.

    Just posted a baby picture of the baby on DP's thread!  Go see it, hurry!  I hope it will cheer her up.  It is my first time posting a picture!  

    Am overdue to strap on painful medical device.  Am just not doing it.  Am madly arranging the dinner order for day of surgery and doing other things.  Have not yet even taken shower.  XXX

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2014

    Glennie, you visited ND? did not know that, yes walleye is great, btw... Canadians call it pickeral. It is Canadian Thanksgiving today.. wish ours was earlier and not so close to Christmas.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Yes, I went to ND last year, right before my MX!!  It was my 50th state, so it was AN EVENT!!  Went to Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Saw LOTS of buffalo.  As big as our rental car. It was awesome.

    Loved the walleye,, I think I ate it 3 times while I was there!

    Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Morning from freezing Aus! It has been bucketing down all night and the winds have been so strong they woke me up, no that's something, I can sleep through almost anything.

    So everyone's coming to the Penguin Parade! Yay

    Zills, I love you too, get a lightbox!

    ndgirl, can I come ice fishing with you? I still want to walk to Canada! What great news about your friend! I have just had a close friend Dx with Lung Cancer. It was purely by accident, he hasn't had any symptoms. Never smoked or been a drinker. Fit as a fiddle...go figure!

    02, they are Feng Shui Sun Catchers, you hang them in a window and the lead crystal ball catches the light and throws colorful prisms throughout the room. They are said to promote clear Chi energy in your home. I have been making them and giving them away as gifts, forever, even used to sell them at the airport when I worked there, to girls from other airlines. I gave one away recently and the recipient suggested I approach our local Craft store, which sits right on the edge of the lake, just down the street from me. I ran into the ladies who run the store at the Expo I was at on Sunday, had a meeting yesterday and they have taken them on in the shop! I have no idea how well they will sell, but if you don't try, you never know! M x

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited October 2014

    Morning girls

    Love the penguin parade, have been a few times, they are so cute, you are waiting, waiting for them to come in on the beach, you see the first one or two, thinking yay, here they come  but they are so timid, they keep going back in and out of the water, under they eventually waddle on up the beach.  They have a viewing platform where you can see them going into their nesting holes.  Just adorable.  Let's all go together.  As M says, there are some nice foodie spots on Phillip Island too.

    I want to walk to Canada!  Would like to see where the ice fishing is, but I don't want to actually fish, I feel sorry for the fish, guess that's why I am vegetarian.  ND, so happy to hear your friends news, awesome.

    Z, maybe you need some happy pills, something other than the Effexor?  I couldn't cope without Zoloft, too many bad thoughts and what ifs.  All of that on top of children stuff, housework, homework, it is all just too much.

    Spookiesmom, I cannot talk about the spiders, gives me the Herbie jeebies. *shivering*

    M, glad you are doing something you love with the wind catchers, hope they sell well, so you can get the foob moire going!  It's so cold, isn't it?  We have had hailstones also.  How can it be 29 one day, and freezing the next.  Weird.

    So, the parade is people on floats?  I have heard of homecoming queen, how do they pick somebody?  Glad DLLP will take those beautiful children bobo, so you can rest.

    I can't paint, draw, sew, knit, anything like that.  I am a good reader also, love trying new recipes, have gazillions of recipe magazines and the like, my DD says I am the best at meowing like a cat, does that count? Lol

    Supposed to be sorting some stuff out today, filing etc, and I need to sort out our games, board games, card games etc.  We regularly play family games, but we have so many they are taking over the house!  I really can't be bothered tho, much rather see what you guys are up to.  Xx

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    I can't believe you went from spring to freezing again!  It's been a long winter for you.

    I so badly want to see the penguins. It's on the top of my *where to go in Australia* list.   That and Ayers Rock.  I know it has a different name now, but I can NEVER remember it.

    Yes, the parade will have people on floats, and probably marching along. I think the university marching band goes marching down the street. At least I would assume so. Maybe the high school bands do too.  If I find some pictures online, I'll try to put them here.   I'm not sure how they pick the homecoming queen. 

    Trader Joe's has pumpkin flavored yogurt for this season.  It's pretty good.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited October 2014

    Thanks, Glennie.  You must put The Great Barrier Reef on your list too.  It is just astonishing how beautiful it is there, the underwater reef is so colourful, and the fish too.  Uluru is Ayers Rock, but I will admit that I haven't been there, yet.  Pumpkin flavoured yoghurt?  I love yoghurt and I love pumpkin, but I am not sure I want them both mixed together. Ewww.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    Homecoming Queen is probably pick the same way as in high school. This time around its the sorority girls. 

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited October 2014

    So the prettiest, or is it not as shallow as that?! Lol

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    yes stage IV from get go. Just overly tired. Road trip to meet cousins this weekend. Boy home on fall break. Massive amounts of laundry and paperwork. Kids not sleeping due to storms. Another big one rolling in tonight. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    Prettiest, popular, what ever it takes. I wasn't queen of anything, not even for a day.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    More storms, Z?  UGH!!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    It's that COLD(ha ha) front coming our way with the 80% chance for rain the next 2 days. Just what I need. Not!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2014

    Ariom, sure you can come fishing... you all can!! We always chuckle when we go to a concert or some event that has entertainers from the south and they see the ice houses on the lake or wherever and they say.. "you folks are f... ing crazy"! Think we are at times too, but have to be to tough out these winters!! so glad you are selling your sun catchers.. they are so beautiful and just mean alot to me catching our northern sun.

    Zills, maybe Dawny has a good suggestion about a few happy pills? maybe it cant be cured but managed at stage 1v, you have so much on your plate I wish I could do something for you.. if I was closer I would even clean house for you!! and I detest cleaning, love a clean house just dont want to be the one doing it. Spookiesmom has it right, no expiration date stamped on us.

    Dawny, you dont have to fish.. I dont feel sorry for them but not a real big fish eater, pretty much only walleye and shrimp.

    OHH I want a trip to Down Under too, always been on my bucket list but not sure it will happen. Dream dream dreams, gotta have them.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    **haughtily**  Well, I am the queen of my own house.  No, wait, that is our princess.  It is right there in the name.

    Dawny, I am sure they pick a queen.  But I have no idea how.  Yes, that's the plan -- get them out of house.  But then, you know, they will come back.  In truth I only have two days -- Monday and Tuesday -- in the house to myself before I have to go back to work.  I don't think I will rest much with all that will go on with dllp and kids and bobo jumping on and off the bed, making it skid, because the #@%@$#$! bedframe is on wheels.

    I think we should all clean one another's houses, like a chain reaction.  I choose to clean M's house, since it looks the most clean already.  I have had a headache for two days.  It was the same thing with the last sx.  Not allowed advil, motrin, allergic to Tylenol.  Whoops!  Kitty scratching at the door.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited October 2014

    Spookiesmom, it am sure you are THE queen to spookie!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    many years ago, when I was a pup, there was a TV show called Queen for a Day.  Anybody old enough to remember? The ladies had to answer questions, or do something, the winner was crowned. Got a robe too. I guess the prizes were 50s stuff👠dinner, maybe a cleaning service for a day

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    It's so funny hearing everyone talking about Canada...makes me homesick lol.

    I remember when we first moved to the States (Michigan) and that spring a lot of folks were doing spring Ice Fishing on lake Eerie when suddenly it warmed up and dozens of vehicles were stranded on the ice after the people were rescued. I wonder if anyone lost their truck.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    Zills, I get your fear about your kids. I had my last two just before I turned 40 (I know! What was I thinking? Lol) and I was worried then about living long enough to see them get married and have children. Then along came this despicable cancer, and it just brought that fear to the surface again. 

    No one knows how long they have on this planet. But thinking about it takes away precious time we can't get back. So I won't give anymore to cancer than I have to. We have to have hope that treatment will get better, and that in our lifetime a cure will be found.

    In the meantime don't sweat the small stuff. Spend as much time with your babies as you can handle and take lots of photos, for you all to look at together years from now.



  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2014

    hey Spookiesmom, I sure do remember Queen for a Day, always wished my mom could go on tv and win that. I was little and loved tv! 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,962
    edited October 2014

    My great grandmother never missed Queen for a Day. A woman came into the psych ward in Houston. She went thru the usual battery of questions and tests. She finally decided she must the the Queen for a Day because she couldn't think of any other reason strangers would be asking her all those questions. Incorrect, but very logical.

    Squeakers update: We bought him a harness & leash. He was able to remove it easily. At the store's suggestion, we brought him in to be fitted for another harness. We bought the one a store employee had used on her cat. Making sure he couldn't just walk out, we walked him all over the store on the leash (store does not have mice, he checked thoroughly). He even sniffed noses with a scotty without showing any reaction. Employees were impressed with how chill he was. Hardest part was putting him back in the carrier to go home.