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Comfort dogs



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2013

    What is the new baby's name?! Picture please!

    BMX 6 December for me. Thought I wouldn't do recon, but I am. I will do nipples as well. Will you keep me posted? :)

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited October 2013

    the new baby's name is Joker and yes I will post a picture soon. I'm not sure how old you are Bobogirl but I am 44, 43 when diagnosed and was initially ambivalent about reconstruction and then unsure about nipples. I will definitely keep you posted. If you look at my profile there's a link to my blog and on there is a gallery of pictures from the time of my mastectomy through tissue expanders and then implants. I am going to be posting the nipple pictures there as well. its on a separate page from my blog so if you don't want to read anything you can just go straight to the gallery by using the menu option.

    I decided to do the nipples because everytime I look in the mirror it reminds me of having had cancer and I just figured if I started the reconstruction I'll go all the way through to the end and hopefully it will help me feel a little more normal and then I can get on with my life.

    good luck with your BMX. I will be sending you good thoughts and hugs.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2013

    Thank you Pbananas. I am 43. Will look at your pictures. You seem so... good at technology!

    Kisses to Joker. Is he a joker? Late for the school run. Kids asleep and school starts in one hour.

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited October 2013

    thank you Happy

    no, he is anything but a joker. He is the sweetest thing I've seen, he's been napping in my lap for the last four hours. He's a real sweetie

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2013

    Oh! He's not a joker! It's irony. He's just a sweet darling.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited October 2013

    Hi Planet and Bobo- good luck with the upcoming surgeries. what a deal we are all going through huh? I will have the nipple surgery too once my plastic surgeon thinks I am far enough out after rads. It is good to have some friends to go through all of this with.

    And our sweet pups of course!!! They are definitely a HUGE comfort.

    I have been thinking about adopting a third as well but mine are mid-sized dogs and my lap can't really hold more than two! LOL. I am covered in them right now.

    I am SO glad that Joker found such a happy home. Lucky dog!!!

    Have a wonderful day 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2013

    Lucky Joker - sounds like a real sweetie. Can't wait to see pix. FWIW, I agree about doing nips to finish off the recon. I skipped surgical nips and got 3D nip tattoos, but I almost didn't get nips at all, cuz I thought who really needs them. Now I'm so glad I got them. I really don't notice myself in the mirror anymore, and I honestly forget most of the time that I don't have the original "girls" - the nips just finished the recon off beautifully.

    Thought you animal lovers would appreciate this. I've posted it on the Exercise thread, but I think some of you may like it too. We have a little red miniature pinscher rescue named Mikey. We also have a cabin in the woods in the Catoctin Mountains in Maryland where we go most weekends. We've been having trouble with a black bear lately - we had a sealed container outside to store bird seed that has never been touched, but a few weeks ago the bear found it and broke into it, and had a feast. So even though we now store the seed safely inside, the bear keeps coming back while we're gone during the week, knocking over the birdbath, rummaging through the storage bin - I guess looking for more bird seed.

    Last Friday evening we got up there and found the bear had struck again – stuff was thrown all over the yard, windchimes were pulled down, and most expensively, the hot tub cover was totally destroyed. Shocked Our friend the retired wildlife biologist said that every time the bear comes back and isn't scared off, he gets more comfortable about being there, so we had to find some way to catch him in the act and scare him. We normally take the bird feeders in at night, but we decided to leave them up overnight as kind of a trap, and put pots and pans next to our bed. The plan was that hopefully we'd hear the bear if it came back overnight, and we could bang pots and pans to scare it off. Yes, the bear came back, but of course we didn't wake up. Mikey was sacked out in bed with us, but suddenly he started growling and snarling, and that woke us up. We looked out and it wasn't just one bear, and it wasn't a he, but was a mom and two adorable cubs. We could see them in the moonlight, pulling down the feeders and enjoying themselves thoroughly. We opened the doors and windows and started banging the pots together as loudly as we could. What a racket, but it worked - mom and cubs hightailed it out of there!

    We felt bad about shooing the mama bear off cuz all she wanted to do was feed the babies to prepare for hibernation, but the problem is if bears get too comfy around people, then someone eventually panics and calls the wildlife people, then they have to shoot the bear for being a "nuisance bear." We'd inadvertently helped the mom and cubs be comfortable around our cabin, so for their sakes we had to undo that. We figure we may have to reinforce the aversion therapy a few more times, but at least we've broken the cycle of our ursine neighbors being comfortable around the cabin. Our little bear dog hero Mikey saved the day! Happy

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited October 2013

    what a story Natsfan!! I think you absolutely saved those bears from future harm.

    Thanks for what you said about the nipples....that is EXACTLY how I hope to feel afterwards and why I'm doing it.

    I will post a pic of Joker tomorrow because it's almost Halloween and I'm sure I will be posting all 3 in costume, so I need one au natural first :)

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited October 2013

    Natsfan that is a great story and you paint a wonderful picture of your cabin in the woods. It sounds great! Yay for Mikey protecting you- and the bears! we also have them in the Lake Tahoe region, where we stay often. Humans definitely cannot encourage them. You did the right thing, for sure.

    Planet we cant wait for your pics!

    Happy hump day

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2013

    No sign of bears at the cabin this weekend, so maybe our pan banging last weekend did the trick. But we'll keep the pots and pans by the bed until hibernation time, just in case they decide to make a return visit.

    By the way, here's a picture of brave Mikey, our Bear Hero dog!


  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2013

    OMG, I'm sorry I've been gone from the board for a few drama!!!

    here is a link to the album Halloween Dogs

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2013

    Natsfan, that's an AWESOME pic!!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2013

    I love you Mikey! :)

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2013

    Planet - looks like your household lived up to your BCO nickname on Halloween - complete Planet Bananas. What fun!

    Do any of you go to the Dog of the Day website? It's It's a very simple website - people send in pictures of their dog with a description, and they feature one dog each day. I have it set as my home page on my PC at work - nothing gets the day off to a better start than a cute picture and a story about a beloved dog. They also have Cat of the Day and Pet of the Day.

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2013

    thanks, is planetbananas for many reasons lol.

    thanks for the link, that is a cool site I am part of Boston Terriers R Us on Facebook.....amazing how many of us are on there and how darn cute the pictures are.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited November 2013

    Oh my Gosh Planet, those are the best Halloween pics!! What fun. Thank you for sharing!!!!! That really made me smile this AM after a crazy work week.

    Natsfan Mikey is adorable!!! How tall is he? Mighty bearhunter indeed. SO cute.

    Hugs and happy weekend to all.

  • Joysley
    Joysley Member Posts: 25
    edited November 2013

    I just found this thread and love it. I am an avid dog lover with two of my own. We have a Westie that is almost 11 and a Walker Coon hound that we rescued from the shelter last year. They are my constant companions when I'm home. I will post a picture when I can get to my desk computer.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited November 2013

    Hi joysley-Welcome! We love anyone who loves dogs.

    Can't wait to see a picture!


  • iowagirl1
    iowagirl1 Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2013

    I had cockers at the time I was diagnosed.  When I came back from my biopsy I sat down on the couch.  The male jumped up and pinned me down.  All the while he was  rabidly sniffing the affected breast.   Forgive me for this but I said that I had a PETSCAN.  LOL. I always wondered if Jake knew what was going on when he got cancer.  Both cockers are gone now and I miss them a lot.  

    I did find two Cavalier King Charles at the Humane Society.  It's so nice to have a welcome wagon greeting me at the door when I come home.  At treat time the male just flies into the kitchen when he hears the me digging in the treat bowl.  The  female sits on the back of the couch and  sticks her nose in the air.  I think she thinks she is royalty and is above begging.  She waits patiently for me to bring it to her. And I always do. :-) 

    I am scheduled for a prophylactic MX and Diep procedure.  My PS can't do it until April but she put me on the cancellation list and said it will most likely get bumped up to December.


  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited November 2013

    Hi Iowagirl- welcome to the thread! What great dogs you have, past and present. The past pups are always with us in a way, hmm?

    I love your story about the female spaniel- my shitzu-poo Toto does exactly the same thing! My more poodly mix, lewie, will dance in a circle for treats but the shitz-poo is pretty convinced that his regal role, when I say "dance!" is to point his nose toward the ceiling and wait. I can picture yours doing this too- King Cavaliers are SOOO cute! Those huge brown eyes, I think I would give them anything, wherever they wanted it!

    Mine are also from the shelter- great that you rescued! Most of the girls on this thread did- great people.

    Good luck bumping up your procedure. The mx sucks but not as much as worrying constantly about having cancer cells lurking in the tissue. Mine is all healed up now and pain free, I am really glad I did it.

    Happy Sunday!

  • jab
    jab Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I just discovered this tread, and am thrilled. I'm a dog lover, and currently have a Sheba Inu, Teddy (My avitar). I tell people he is my boyfriend (I'm also married). Like many of you, Teddy was sniffing my chest when I played with him months before being diagnosed - He knew, I am sure. Since surgery he has been glued to me, and wont leave my side. I am so lucky to have such a loyal and loving companion at such a difficult time. He and my husband have been my rock. This is something that only other dog lovers really understand.

    Please give your pups a treat and a belly rub for me!

  • iowagirl1
    iowagirl1 Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2013

    Thanks for the welcome Science gal.  I always say you can tell a lot about people from the way they treat their pets. I actually know people who say dogs are livestock and should live in the barn.  Not in my close circle of friends, though!   Hi, Jab.  Your dog is  adorable.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2013

    Welcome Iowa and Jab! Jab, Bobo is my boyfriend too, and I am married. :)

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited November 2013

    Haha welcome Jab! Your Teddy is gorgeous! Sheba Inu's are SO smart- of course he knew something was up.

    Lewis is my boyfriend and I am also married, love it!

    How are you healing after your operation? Adjusting okay? I also had a left mx with TE and then exchange. I am used to it now and happy with the way I look (I thank my surgeons every day) but at first it looked so wierd and was quite a shock. I hope you are coping okay- with your Teddy's help, of course!

    Today is my birthday and I got fish for my 50 gallon aquarium, another of my great loves in life. It really relaxes me after a crazy day at work.

    Hugs to everyone!


  • jab
    jab Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2013

    Its nice to hear I'm not the only one with a furry boyfriend! Thanks for asking about my surgery Jan and happy birthday to you! And helllo Bobogirl and iowagirl. .All has been gling well. I got my drain out yesterday, thankfully! No significant issues. Teddy and I had a 5 km walk today which tired me but he was good for another 10. He is going to keep me going through this, which has to be a good thing.

    Wednesday I'll find out more details about the tumor and specifically what I will be having for chemo. Sciencegirl, you also had a big tumor. Did that heavily influence the kind of Chemo? I had a friend who had bowel cancer scare the crap out of me the other day saying I will be completely immoble while on chemo. I seriously hope not as my boyfriend will need his walks!

    Hugs to you ang your pups

    Teddy's girlfriend..JAB

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2013

    Hey Jab! I am so glad you had your drains out! Glad also you can walk your boyfriend... I don't think I will be able to walk mine after sx. I know he will pull on the leash. I am worried about it.

    I know Sciencegal will answer your Qs. Happy birthday Sciencegal! Hope you are having a wonderful one. XXX

  • jab
    jab Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2013

    This made me smile today - An picture of me and my boy - He was about 10 months here


  • flat13good
    flat13good Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2013

    I agree animals know when things are not right. I have 3 large girls each over 60 lbs. all mutts and they are all around me most of the time. Once I fell out in the yard and my eldest came to the rescue and stood strong so I could use her to get myself up. She is 11 now and could not help anymore but she would still be right there trying. Tomorrow I will have surgery and we will find out how my 75 + lbs 11 month old puppy will handle it. She is a bulldozer when she wants to be but laid back mostly so I'll let you know .....

  • flat13good
    flat13good Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2013


    Nadine the wonder dog at 5mths we will see if she how my bulldozer handles my Surgery tomorrow.

  • Joysley
    Joysley Member Posts: 25
    edited November 2013

    Found out Friday that my precious fur baby has cancer. I'm heartbroken. She's 11 years old and although she's not suffering at this point, I know what's coming. I was afraid and very concerned about her when I got my stage IV dx. She's very attached to me and I knew she wouldn't understand when the time came and I would be gone from her. Now it looks like I'll be here for her when her time draws near. I thank The Lord for that much. Vet says we're looking at maybe six months. Prayers needed here. Her name is Wormie.