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Comfort dogs



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2013

    Bobo - I've been worried that we hadn't heard from you.  I am so sorry that you've had a rough time. Please do not feel that you'd bring down the thread with any news - we animal people have to stick together through thick and thin!  And yikes - a fall on top of everything else.  I can't imagine falling so soon after surgery - that had to be brutal.  Sorry you can't walk Bobo for now, but hooray for the non-snuggly Miguel for making an exception and snuggling on your legs.  They really do know when we need some extra love. 

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited December 2013

    Hi Bobogirl, I am SOO sorry that your recovery has been so rocky. I wish I could take Bobo for a walk for you. But I know he understands, I am sure he is just super worried about you. They know when we are "down for the count". Even Miguel knows! (love that name for a cat by the way- awesome).

    I sure wish you speedy healing. Please remember to take care of yourself and also drink lots of water, it really helps our tissues heal after surgery.

    BIG hugs- gentle ones.

  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2013


    Here are my sweeties. Anyone ever have their animals certified as comfort animals? These two mean the world to me and helped me get through treatment.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited December 2013

    Oh SO cute Georgie! Do they actually like each other? Most adorable.

    My aunt has two comfort dogs that she takes to nursing homes, bless her heart. 

    Since I work where I was treated they let my wonderful hubby bring my Lewie in with me a couple of times but just to wait in the waiting room or go for a walk around the outside of the cancer center while I got herceptin (less of a "circus" than the chemo/cold caps).

    He sure cheered everyone up who got to pet him! I dont think he can get certified though because he is blind, poor boy. Our other dog Toto is fiercely cute ( a little shitz-poo) but still too rambunctious for that. Lewie is so calm.

    Is your big dog a service animal? he/she sure is gorgeous!


  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited December 2013

    I've been staying away from this thread because of my own complications, and the first thing I read are there troubles you guys are having. Bobo I hope you are feeling better. I had my nipple reconstruction done on December 4th and the doctor ended up doing a full reconstruction on the left which is good, but I'm dealing with some necrosis. At the moment they're hoping it's going to heal on its own but it hasn't yet and I have not been allowed to shower since the beginning of December. Speaking of showers, I hope you are feeling better from falling. I hope everyone has a good holiday. I am able to participate a little so that makes me happy. That, and possibly taking in a fourth rescue........

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited December 2013

    georgie, I just started looking into what one has to do to get their animals certified. I have one out of my three that would do really well. If I find out anything I will post it here.

  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2013

    Hi fellow animal lovers,

    I did get a letter from my MO saying my animals are comfort animals. I did go through the therapy dog training with Delta Society for a previous dog. You can take a class or buy their book and train the animal yourself. Just before she took her test she died in a spay surgery. So Il'll never know for sure if she would have passed but I think she would have. I trained everyday with her. I'm off topic! Comfort animals apparently do not need to be trained like therapy animals or service animals but there is some different case law on each side. So it is confusing. 

    Anyway the doctor's office told me that if an issue came up they would have to fill out a form. I'm single and frankly cancer has thinned friendships for me. My animals help me stay connected and sane with issues of anxiety and depression. 

    I am afraid I may need to move after living here for 20 years as our building is being sold. And am worried I won't find another rental as my dog is huge. He is giant and not destructive but so many places only allow small pets! So having animals as comfort animals will allow me to keep them with me. I really need them and am so stressed about finding another place to live. 

    My cat actually helped find my cancer as he was kneading my breast and while most cancer isn't supposed to hurt, mine did. I reached down to feel the sore spot and there it was, a lump which was ILC. After my surgeries, I was alone for much of the time after the first few days. My animals really got me and are getting me throught his cancer journey. So will see what happens. 

    Love to you all. 

  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2013

    Hi All! 

    Animals are truly amazing!  My partner and I have 6 Doxies and 2 Cats.  The weeines are pure lap babies and constantly beg for kisses.  It is truly an honor to have such amazing little fur balls.  I know I will be comforted and protected by the coolest 6 pack on this side of texas when I have my surgeries.  Our kitties are more independent and would rather lay in the window tree... but I know they care!  I hope everyone finds a warm belly to rub this holiday season!! 

    I will be having a Mx sometime in January waiting on BRCA test results to determine if it will be a single or double.  I am still young and don't want to have to worry about this coming back!! 

    Prayers and Blessings to all!! 

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited December 2013

    Good luck MereMere! It sound like you have a great six pack to get you through anything. Too cute. I would love to see a picture of all six of those little guys.

    Georgie I am so sorry for what you have been through, but you have some friends here! Wonderful animal lovers, everyone who posts here. I will ask my aunt how she got her comfort dog certified. What stress to have to move. Ugh.

    Planet I am so sorry this is happening to you. I am crossing my fingers that your tissue "takes".  My field of work is in tissue healing-please drink as much water as you can, take your vitamins and eat some shrimp, leafy greens and blueberries if you can- the micronutrients in those will help promote the blood supply that your tissue needs to stay alive. Extra protein and no sugar, if possible (I know, tough over the holidays) - GOOD LUCK!

    Bobogirl I sure hope you are feeling better.

    Merry Christmas to all,

    with hugs,


  • flat13good
    flat13good Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2013

    Your babbies are wonderful  I have Nadine a large mix bread and she is very laid back so maybe when she is a little older she could be a certified comfort dog. I will have to look into it. At 1 year old and she weighs 74lbs and hoping she does not get much bigger.  HA HA HA  My other lovely ladies would never work out the are to high strung and old now.  I love all my girls they all help me get through this mess.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year to my animal- loving friends on this post!

    I had not written for a bit because for Christmas my wonderful hubby got me an eight week old malti-poo puppy (NOT from a puppy mill). He is adorable- and lots of work of course. We named him Brian after my favorite character in "Family guy".

    I will try to post a picture. My two older poodle-mix dogs are playing constantly with him, after the first week of shock and adjustment. The little guy has really made them far more active, which is very good. They were couch potatos except for walks!

    I hope everyone is doing well and healing okay from surgeries.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2014

    Can't wait to see a picture of the new furkid - he must be impossibly cute!  Happy

  • flat13good
    flat13good Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Years to all,

    The night before New Years Eve I had a friend coming over and he almost hit something crossing the street so he stopped to see and it was a dog. It jumped in his truck and he brought it over.  It is a boy maybe 3 months no collar and cute as can be pit bull baby. He is all white with a brown spot on one eye. smart little guy too.  I think someone dumped him at the apartments on the corner and it was VERY cold out. My friends dog is going to be OK with him, she is another Pit bull and she does not like girl dogs at all,  so far I have not had the call that he is now my dog so that is good. I will get to visit him , he is now in the family. We looked for signs and lost dog register and craigs list but no one is looking for him.  Bad People to do that to such a cute and good baby.  He now has a good home Lucky dog.  I think he was going to name him  Bullseye  or Patch.  He also told me that 3 years to the day he had to put his dog down  old age  She was the mother of my oldest dog. So maybe the puppy found him and not the other way around.........  Flatsy

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2014

    What a lucky pup! I bet he is so cute. Thank gosh your friend found him.

    Here is a photo of Brian, my Christmas pup, during a rare quiet moment. He is FULL of energy! Has certainly gotten my older dogs to romp and play a lot more.

    Ten weeks old now. I love him lots.




  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2014

    sweet!!! Enjoy the puppy breath:)))

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited January 2014

    Thanks sciencegal! your puppy is adorable! One of the reasons I haven't been on here is we got another puppy too. We are fostering a deaf 2 year old but I think he is probably a one year old Brown Boston Terrier. I've never had a puppy out of 9 dogs so this is brand new and I have to say quite exhausting lol.we have had a deaf dog before but she was older and easier to train or maybe I'm just not remembering. Anyway I wish all of you a very happy 2014 full of health and our furry babies!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2014

    Great! That is so good of you to take him in. I have one blind dog but have never had a deaf one,  that must present a major difficulty in training, for sure. It is hard enough when the little ones can hear us!

    We are having a lot of fun but it is definitely a lot of work. Well worth it though.


  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited January 2014

    I've had a blind one, too and I have found deaf dogs easier.  They are definitely trainable,  but it takes longer. Actually,  hearing is the last sense a dog relies on....smell and then sight are first. I am getting very attached to the little guy so as long as I am cleared for NO more surgery and the Femara doesn't give me too much trouble,  he's a keeper! Absolutely well worth it!

  • FairyDogMother
    FairyDogMother Member Posts: 154
    edited January 2014

    Well, I have the flu since my 3rd round of chemo. My doggies are making sure I rest.  Here is a picture of 5 out of 8 of them.  Love the fact they curl up on my back when I can't breathe.  The human remains dog is hidden. All our smaller doggies are by the fireplace.  I hope all are staying warm. 


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2014

    Great picture, FairyDog!! Happy Chemo is bad enough - I can't imagine having flu on top of that.  Looks like your furkids are giving you lots of love. 

  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2014


    Sending best wishes that you feel better soon! What a great family you have:)

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2014

    Fairydogmother that is the BEST picture! I love the pup curled up on top of the crate- awesome.

    I sure hope you feel better by now.

    hugs to all, I hope you are well

  • FairyDogMother
    FairyDogMother Member Posts: 154
    edited January 2014

    Fever broke Friday night.  We are now having 70F degree weather. If I feel up to might put some odor our for my labardor and do some scent work today. 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2014

    Fairydog - so glad you're feeling better.

    The tables are turned at our house this week, and we're having to comfort the dog.  Mikey went to the vet Tuesday for a teeth cleaning and to treat a scratch on his cornea.  They had to extract a couple of teeth, and also removed a suspicious lump on his leg.  He's got one of those big satellite dish things on his head, and is just not a happy camper right now.  Scared Poor baby.


  • Monis
    Monis Member Posts: 309
    edited January 2014

    Awe, Mikey is adorable!  Hope he's feeling better soon.

  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2014

    Hope Mikey is feeling better soon! Poor baby. 

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited January 2014

    Great pic, Fairy dogmother! Hope you're feeling better!

    Awwwww Natsfan hope Mikey is doing well and that the lump is benign.

    We are in the thick of training here, new puppy doing amazing, I continue to be surprised at how smart he is! we just finally started walking all together as a pack. To do that, two of them have to go in a stroller because they are unable to walk the distance that the other two need. We are quite a sight in the neighborhood because usually I am intentionally wearing some crazy outfit that I chose at 6 a.m. That does not even come near to a coordinating our matching. :)

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2014

    You guys are cheering me up so much.  Have been through the wringer with sx, infection, emergency sx NY eve, and then hospital flu.  Fairydogmother, love that picture!  You have the flu too!  And Bananas, love the mental picture of you walking in a pack.  And new puppy, Brian!  You guys are the best.

    Bobo is next to me trying to get at a flea.  He's flea-allergic.  He's on trifexis, but a rogue flea drives him mad.  Just ordered special shampoo and cream rinse for him -- the rinse can double to help any hot spots.  So that's the bobo update.  Not as adorable.  I will say he has been by my side every minute since I got home from the hospital.

    Feel better Mikey!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2014

    Aw Bobogirl I sure hope you are feeling better. What a hard time you have had. I am sending much love.

    Brian sends puppy kisses!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2014

    I love puppy breath!  Kisses received :)

    His name is perfect, right?  Because I read the dog from that show came back to life?  I don't watch that show.  But your puppy will be a puppy forever! X