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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    Soriya, a good way to know your stage is by looking at the size of the largest tumor and lymph node involvement. This link might help:

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2013

    Welcome Soriya!  Whatever your stage, we are here to support and learn from each other. 

    Rocket - Something is odd. I deleted the preference and re-set it and still no email notification. That's ok. It is just an extra step. Will re-set my iPad and see what happens.

    Need to work on, and share, my list of New Years resolutions but today I just want to send warm wishes that Santa brought health and good times ahead for everyone on this forum, even if you don't believe in Santa :)  My kids did believe for such a long time that Santa finally wrote a letter indicating this was his last trip to our house.  Oh my motherly sins LoL

    Much love, Nisa

  • warrior70
    warrior70 Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2013

    HI!  I have been a longtime lurker here on this board; finally stepping up to posting a bit...

    I was diagnosed in June; had left mastectomy in July, began chemo Sept (AC+ 12 weekly T) and am now down to six Taxols...yay!  I even see a little head and body fuzz returning right now and I love it!Happy

    I am Stage IIa (less than 1 cm tumor, 2/4 a micro met...ER/PR +, HER -, 100% hormone positive both ER and PR)

    Like everyone here, I am overjoyed to be getting through treatment, excited but scared about the future...I'm preaching to the choir, I know!

    You guys don't know how you've inspired me with your posts; thank you for all the outstanding information and all the smiles.  Have a happy and healthy new year...I'm looking forward to spending it with you guys!

    Lurking No More,


  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627
    edited December 2013

    I  should have joined this thread months ago,  glad to find.  Hope  all had a MERRY  CHRISTMAS  and  wishing you a  HAPPY New Year.

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited December 2013

    welcome Warrior 70! Happy & healthy new year!

    Nisa - all the best tomorrow. Speedy recovery!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2013

    Welcome Warrior and Nettie!  So glad you found us.  We are going to have a great 2014!

    Thank you Mjsgumbas. Yeah big day tomorrow. Going for my exchange. Feeling positive. I would let my PS do heart surgery on me...feel safe in her hands.  I gave myself a special gift: went for a buzz cut. The all-dry uneven half-inch and in a much darker color is gone.  My first post-chemo haircut will never be forgotten!

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384
    edited December 2013

    Nisa, wishing you a fast recovery. Keep us posted.  :)

  • warrior70
    warrior70 Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2013

    Hi Nettie1964.  Looks like you had a similar chemo regimen to did it go for you?  I am getting Taxol #7 today; so far, no neuropathy, fingernails/toenails OK, fuzz growing back on head, face...Taxol has been much more tolerable than AC and I am really looking forward to finishing 1/30/14.  Then, on to rads.  Any wisdom to share on that?

    NisaVIlla, best of luck with exchanges!  I am so looking forward to that day in the future when I am cancer-free, my hair is back, and my itty-bitty-tittie-committee again has two members...though I must say, my TE is putting on a pretty good show down there.  We'll all have a lot to celebrate in 2014, I'm sure.

    And hi mjsgumbas, it's nice to be on board!

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    hello ladies! An update about my chemo: I finished my last chemo on 12/4 and the 3 week mark ended on 12/25! That day I started with Tamoxifen. No SE. Just some dry mouth at night but no big deal at all.

    Still tired and don't see my hair growing yet 23 days after last chemo!

    Does anybody know how long it will take to see my hair coming back? How long will it take to see one inch hair on my head?

    To al, the ladies still doing treatment: you will love the feeling of being done! Every day you will feel stronger and knowing you are done is priceless.

    I went to see my doctors for follow up and the OS scheduled an appointment in six months. I asked him why so far and he told me because there is no reason to see him before, that it was just to check on me and maybe blood work, but no pet scans nor MRIs. He told me I am done!

    I left the hospital with such huge smile that people were smiling back at me!

    My next steps are getting back to work and having the TE exchanged for the permanent and all final touches.

    We will all get there, please be patient and pray.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Annie54
    Annie54 Member Posts: 39
    edited December 2013

    It really depends on the chemo cocktail you had. I had TCH x 6 and started feeling fuzz on my head 6-8 weeks after I finished chemo. Could see it at about 10 weeks and now have 1 inch and full coverage at 4 months pfc. I finally ditched the wig and hats 2 weeks ago! Seems like it takes forever to get started growing back but once it does it comes in pretty fast. Heads up on the eyebrows and eyelashes. I kept mine all through chemo and then lost them 2 months after chemo....about the time the hair started growing in. They filled back in quickly though so I was without them for less than a month. I know how anxious you are to have your hair back - so hard being patient! But it does come back. I've only now stopped analyzing my hair length 10 times a day! I believe with your chemo cocktail though it may come in a bit faster than mine.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2013

    Hi All - Thanks for good wishes. Exchange surgery yesterday went very well. There was no need for additional pocket work.  I feel so much lighter without the TEs. Now on antibiotics. No need for pain meds so far. No comparison at all with first surgery. Check-in was at 7:30, surgery at 9:30 and home by 2pm. I have not seen the final product though. Will be in this little straitjacket/vest until Monday when I have my post-op. Hoping now for no revisions but I know they are sometimes necessary. Have agreat weekend!

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384
    edited December 2013

    Nisa,  i am glad your surgery went well.  Take it easy!  :)

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391
    edited December 2013

    I know it's a bit late but Merry Christmas and ...(not too late) Happy new year everyone!

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627
    edited December 2013

    I  will say when it comes to chemo,  I had an  easy time with it.  Even the AC  was  ok  for me.  And I  breezed through the 12  taxol and  rads.  I've only now begun  to have some  post rad  issues.  just  wish I  would have been told this could happen.  Lots of  scar tissue and swelling  creating soreness and back ache issues.

     Otherwise  I'm doing good.  hair is slowly  growing,  And yes it did start during the taxol.

    I  just hate that I panic  over each new ache and pain,  hoping with time,  that will  change

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391
    edited December 2013

    I had a semi ok time with chemo. Tired out easily, had diarrhea really bad during one of the rounds of it. Other than that and the physical differences I did ok.

    I am having a heck of a time with this anastrozole though.  I know I need to excersize more but feel as if I'm 80 years old and I just turned 50 this year.  I am up 20 pounds from my diagnosis and dont feel like doing a dang thing!

  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Member Posts: 77
    edited December 2013

    Checking in. I went to Roatan, Honduras in the Caribbean and absolutely loved it. Christmas was great, but I was one of the many who didn't get their presents in time.  It all worked out, though. I also got myself a new oncologist who I like better than my old one.

    I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and Happy New Year!

  • warrior70
    warrior70 Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2013

    Thanks for all the chemo info!

    So Headeast, no rads?  I think I'm gray area (small malignant tumor, less than 3 nodes) and RO says I have to have it.  I will do anything that will give me the best chance to survive this, but the side effects of rads do scare me.  

    SO happy to hear you are done with active treatment.  I'm just looking forward to the end of chemo; one month from tomorrow!

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited December 2013

    Warrior, I had no serious side effects from rads. I got itchy and red toward the end but that went away after about 2 weeks. I'm two years out and am experiencing zero problems. 

  • Monis
    Monis Member Posts: 309
    edited December 2013

    New member, reporting for duty at the Stage II Sister's Club!  Dx'd in October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month!), MX w/TE on left side in November.  In my expansion phase now.  I was extremely lucky and did not need radiation or chemo, but I have started on Tamoxifen.  Nice to meet you all!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,594
    edited December 2013

    After chemo, rads were a piece of cake to me. No lingering SEs, 6 1/2 years out!

    Welcome, Monis!

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    Warrior70, no rads for me. I was in gray area too. After case being in breast conference they decided it was not necessary, all lymph nodes and both breasts out. Only one node was positive. Margins clear.

    Welcome Monis!

    I see now a few more hairs, but still very bald!

  • warrior70
    warrior70 Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2013

    Thanks Headeast, Ruthbru and Yorkiemom for rads feedback; Ruthbru and Yorkiemom, did you do any recon?  I think the effect of rads on recon is what's worrying me most.

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited December 2013

    Warrior, I had a lumpectomy with recon about 9 months later. Contrary to what I had read here, my radiated breast did fine with recon. The PS was even able to build a nipple. I am a little asymmetrical, but nothing really noticeable, except to me. I don't like the tattoo I got, but again it's not such a big deal. I look much more normal now, which is what I wanted. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,594
    edited December 2013

    Warrior, I had a lumpectomy, no reconstruction, so that didn't factor in. But for what it's worth, other than getting a little red at the end, my skin held up perfectly fine; looked and looks absolutely normal.

  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118
    edited December 2013

    regarding hair-- I remember starting to wear my wig in January- and wearing it for the last time in late June... and I had about 2 inches of hair at that point.  What a great day that was, to feel the sun on my head again...even today, when it rains, I step outside for just a minute to feel it on my head.

    Regarding radiation, I am 5 years out and had whole breast radiation.  I think the one lasting issue is that I have less sensation in that breast than in the other one... but it looks exactly the same...

  • warrior70
    warrior70 Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2013

    Thank you yorkiemom, ruthbru and momwith2kids.  I have decided that I will try not to worry too much about rads; so far with chemo, it hasn't been fun but it's been do-able...and a month from today, I will be done!!!

    So, on to something more fun...what kind of New Year's plans does everyone have?

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited December 2013

    I am very ready to celebrate the new year! On to happier & healthier days! We have an annual sleepover party at our house - about 14 of us! Laughs, pool and surf & turf! Can't wait for my appeltinis too! 

    I'll b lifting my glass to all if you lovely ladies! Thank you for all your support & advice these last 8 months! Hugs to all!

  • Leigh22
    Leigh22 Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2013

    Hi everyone... Looks like I'm a stage II sister, too!  I haven't posted on this board for a long time...  but the new year approaching has really got me thinking about how to get myself out of this temporary rut I've been in... I think it's that I'm staying home a lot and not getting out as much, and of course all the Christmas cookies and the need to lose weight, :o)  and the weather, etc. etc....  

    I was diag. Aug, 2012, did neoadjuvant chemo, then DBL Mast. in March, 2013, with tissue expanders, and then was disappointed that my RAD ONC suggested I get 33 rounds of radiation in June/July, 2013 on my left breast as well because my margins, although clear, was thin.  I finished Rads July 5, 2013.  I actually had bi-lateral breast cancer, with 2 tumors in each breast at a stage II left breast and stage I on right breast, with micromets to the left Sent. node.....  Whew, when I type it all down it sounds horrible!!! 

    I'm about to have my "exchange" surgery to swap out the TE for the implants on Feb. 10, 2014 ... I've had these cement suckers in there for waaay too long!  LOL  I'm shocked my PS is giving me implants after having the radiation because he said he would not do it for fear of capsular contracture, but when he saw me in Oct. 2013, he said my skin held up very well and he couldn't tell which side got the radiation so he's going to give me the gummy bear ones, with some fat grafting.  Boy this sure can be a long process, can't it!  Just happy for a 2-3 hour outpatient procedure and not an 8-10 hour reconstruction procedure...  I have seriously been dreading another big surgery... this was a huge relief for me.

    I'm glad I got back on this site and look forward to getting to know some of you nice ladies, and hope I can be of help to those of you who are just beginning your journey through all of this.  :o)


  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited December 2013

    Welcome to the Stage II thread, Leigh! I only had recon following a lumpectomy, but was also pleasantly surprised with how well my skin held up post rads. When I didn't know if I would have a mastectomy or lumpectomy, I took a look at those expanders. OMG, I could not imagine one of those monsters sitting on my chest. I had to assume the PS knew what he was doing, but those things looked fearsome. Congrats on your upcoming exchange surgery.


    DH and I have a reservation at one of our favorite restaurants, after seeing "Mandela." We will be home before midnight though. If I am awake, hahaha, we will toast the bubbly when the Time's Square Ball drops.

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627
    edited December 2013

    My  experience is a little different, i  breezed  thru all treatment,  chemo and rads.  Didn't even have any  skin problems at all.  But now I  seem to be developing  lymphedema from the radiation.   seeing  an OT  for therapy  which is painful,  but so  far life goes on as normal, I  do  NOT  take pain meds.

     wishing you all  the best in the New