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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2013

    Dear Togetherness, we are all here for you. We are ok to feel weak sometimes, we are human. We are going through so much, our soul is hurt.

    We are all here to share our feelings, anger, sadness, happiness.

    Talk to us, talk to your best friends, we will understand. It will be over soon, just seems neverending.

    Love, HE

  • Togetherness
    Togetherness Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2013

    Thank you all for your kind words. Time just seems to be running slow with this infection. Been on antibiotics for 2 weeks so far and I just hope my body isn't rejecting these implants. I was in the hospital two other times during my chemo treatments. One for an infection in the breast another because potassium was down and kidneys were shutting down. I am just ready for all this to be over. I think my friends are too. They all have been very supportive, but unless you have experienced it you truly don't get it. I am nervous about going back to work as appearance has changed lost 20 lbs, bald, and have that grey look like some chemo patients get. I have decided to get out of the house so I don't feel isolated and do a small errand each day. I did that today and it made me feel better. My husband and daughter have been great but they have a hard time dealing with all these setbacks. I just wish I could wave a majic wand and all would be back to my new normal life. I have been strong through all this and now I think everything is crashing down. I know there are better days ahead. I just need to get out of this funk I am in. Thank you all for your support. I am so glad I have found this thread!!!

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited November 2013

    Togetherness - It does get better. I had that grey look for a long time after chemo and wondered if I would ever start looking better. Getting out regularly and moving is important. Start slowly and build up gradually. I would sometime have to rest a day or so after doing something as I was wiped out. You have an infection and that alone can make you feel wiped.

    I do hope that you are taking a good pro-biotic to repopulate the flora in your gut as they are essential to your overall health. My OBGYN insisted I do so after chemo as I developed a raging vaginal infection.

    My skin doctor told be to start using Cetaphil face wash and I think it helped as my skin began to brighten after I started using it. I still use it daily.

    I hope you start feeling better soon.

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited November 2013

    I hope all my Stage 2 sisters on this thread have a wonderful holiday with family & friends. I am truely thankful to have found such a wonderful support system in all of you! As we all say, its a shame we had to meet here.

    I know cancer has changed my life and I look forward to enjoying each and every day, even the difficult ones.

    Wishing you all great memories and yummie turkeys Happy

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2013

    Mjsgumbas, thank you so much for the Thanksgiving wishes!

    I am looking forward for this to be over. Last chemo is next week, them expansions, exchange, nipples, and hormone therapy. So looking forward to have all this behind me!

  • Johnetta
    Johnetta Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2013

    Hi Ladies. I just came across this thread and am wondering if it is open to newbies. I have just completed radiation (following lumpectomy and chemo) and am looking for a good group of positive ladies to share this continuing journey. At least it feels like a continuing journey for me - even though I have completed active treatment and currently have clean scans. I have found many of my friends now see me as "finished" with breast cancer. I would LOVE to also feel that way, but simply don't yet.

    I am 48 so hope I fit the criteria! :-) My name is Johnetta. I am married with 4 children and 1.5 grandchildren.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,594
    edited November 2013

    Absolutely it is open to everyone, welcome Johnetta!

  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299
    edited November 2013

    welcome johnetta, glad your here. I think we all want to feel "finished" with breast cancer but that is easier said than done. So glad your done with active treatment; can't wait for my day!! Currently still in chemo then surgery into the New Year etc......sigh

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2013

    Welcome Johnetta! You are a young gramma and many years more to enjoy those babies!

  • smrlvr
    smrlvr Member Posts: 117
    edited November 2013

    Johnetta, so glad you are here! even though I am in the middle of treatment, I always think about when I will be "done" and how anyone moves on from this. I really don't think anyone can truly understand how we feel except those of us who are living through this nightmare. I hope as you move forward with your life you think about BC less and less.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2013

    Hi Johnetta, nice meeting you. Headeast, you will be getting your last chemo in 2 days, hooray for leaving those nasty drugs behind you.

    This thread has been quiet. How is everybody? Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving Holiday. During grace, I gave thanks for this support group -a thankfulness that continues beyond the holidays.

    I have been MIA due to going on my first post-cancer trip - visited Zion National Park and then Bryce Canyon, with a mandatory 3-day visit to Las Vegas on the way back to CA. I walked around thinking Vegas would be a great place for a reunion with you all. Let's make it happen this summer!

    Almost 3 months after active treatment, my energy level is really good - did plenty hiking and no troubles. It was great for our family to spend time away from cancer-related stuff. I have completed 2 months of Arimidex with minimal bone pain. I think of Ruth daily: if I move/exercise, the bone pain goes from low to almost non-existent. Wish the prescription were chocolate and not exercise!

    Sending everyone a big hug, Nisa

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    Hello Nisa! Yes, this thread has been quiet! I am glad you went to your first trip post C. A new beginning!

    Yes,mI have my last TC treatment this Wednesday and I am happy for that, except that for some reason I feel extremely tired. Eating bananas and today I started back with the protein shakes. I also started walking 3 miles a day, maybe that is what is making me tired?

  • atlbraves
    atlbraves Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2013

    Hi and I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and are enjoying Chanukah, if you observe.

    I just had my first AC infusion on Friday. About an hour ago, I started to feel human again. Pshew! It may be a roller coaster, but I'm thankful for some feeling of normalcy.

    I hope you're all taking good care!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2013

    Headeast - Walking 3 miles during chemo cycles would have tired me! Also it could be related to the cumulative effect of nasty taxotere. Hopefully you are not working on top of chemo.

    Atlbraves - Oh boy, sounds like it was rough. The only thing I kept telling myself during SEs was what someone wrote on this forum: Chemo is what is going to keep cancer away! Hope you can eat and sleep ok tonight.

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited December 2013

    Glad to see everyone posting again! Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday!

    Nisa - I'd love to meet these lovely ladies in Vegas! Say when

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    Nisa, I am not working while chemo, no way I could be sitting or working for more than an hour straight. I rest almost all day, and even restign I feel tired!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2013

    Mjsgumbas - We are now a Vegas-team of 2 and need to start recruiting lol. How does May sound? If we can recruit at least 4 to meet-up, that is a small yet great number. If 20 or more participate, then it will be a blast! The more the merrier, IMHO.

    We can send reminders/invites from time to time but my guess is that we will see responses after the holidays, when people can breathe again.

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    Vegas doesn't appeal to me..yet. Nerdy

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,594
    edited December 2013

    Hey, I actually do have a CHOCOLATE prescription. Eating 2-3 ounces of at least 70% cocoa dark chocolate (the darker the better) every day can lower your blood pressure! Seriously, I am not even making that up!!!!!!!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2013

    Headeast - I worked a little during my chemo cycles. Usually the 3rd week I was feeling (almost) normal and enjoyed going to work part-time. But after chemo # 3, I went downhill with SEs. A lot of neuropathy that even determined the treatment to be cut short a bit. Mean taxotere! The fatigue, anemia, and edema were pretty bad. I would need to take a rest half way going to my bedroom. That's how I learned there are 16 steps on my stairway lol.

    It's nice to be back posting but I must go now. More soon!

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning all! Just checking in. Hello to all newbies and welcome to this wonderful thread. For those of you who dont know I am the husband of Mary Alice who was diagnosed in April. These wonderful women and threads have helped us a great deal as we travel on this journey. MA is now just past her midpoint of Rads, 12 to go. A little red but not too bad. Her hair is coming back! Dark and fine but its coming! More than I have! She is feeling good. She gets tired but nothing like chemo. She went to our gig for the first time since the diagnosis and was welcomed and hugged by so many friends! One of which was a 15 year survivor! Made us feel great. I would love to offer my assistance to any husband who would like to talk. I know I had a hard time and others helped me!

    Ps- she just started Arimidex last week too.

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited December 2013

    glad things are going well JDB...thanks for the check in...

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited December 2013

    I am now done with my first two years of femara/letrozole. Three to go...

  • Mely19
    Mely19 Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2013

    hello ladies! Just checking in with y'all. I've been on the exchange thread more since I just got moved over to the squishy side. Sounds like we are all still plowing through our treatments. Wishing you all a minimal SE treatments this week. I would love to come to Vegas but the last time I was there, I had so much problems with dryness. Maybe by may it won't be so bad.

  • smrlvr
    smrlvr Member Posts: 117
    edited December 2013

    Mely - I notice you didn't have tissue expanders put in at the time of your mastectomy. I didn't either. My BS discouraged it because he felt sometimes they interfere with healing and could effect the radiation I will be having in the spring. So now I need to decide when I will start this process. My BS said the healing for expander placement is more painful than the mastectomy. How long did it take for you? How long are you out of work. I really need to start thinking g about when I am going to do this. Maybe next summer.

  • Mely19
    Mely19 Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2013

    Smrlvr, one BS discouraged it and the other said it was up to me since I didn't know if I would need radiation. Turns out I didn't need radiation so I could have put it in at time of mastectomy. Of course this is in hindsight. The TE surgery was painful until the pain meds kicked in. I had a pain pump and that helped tremendously. It was manageable. Worst part was just not being able to lift anything again. So hard, was told not even a gallon of milk in the beginning. I was so afraid to open up the incision. I was off for 4 weeks but if you have a desk job without lifting your arm, you could go back in 3. Now I'm off for 3 weeks for the exchange.

  • Mely19
    Mely19 Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2013

    Smrlvr, I think ultimately, you have to see how the radiation affects your skin. The ps will help determine if the TE will work or if you are better off with using your own tissue.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2013

    On a different note...when did you have your their first follow-up once chemo (or active treatment) is over? Is there a system set up where you get tested every so many months? I had my last chemo, went back in for the usual blood check, and never heard from MOs again. How was it for you? Thanks!

    Ruth - Chocolate Rx sounds just what I need!

    Gardengumby - Any troubles with Femara? Congrats on 2 years post!

    Mely - We will arrange for some humidity for you in Vegas :)

    Joe - My previous hair was not dyed so my wig matched it nicely. But my incoming hair color looks nothing like my previous hair. But I take any hair over no hair! Send a hug to M.A. nice she attended the gig. Arimidex going ok so far?

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2013


    Arimidex ok only been a week. She says it gives her crazy dreams, so we adjusted the time when she takes it to noon and it seems to be better. No other side effects at this point. Rads going ok. We love our RO, Dr Wong out of Morristown. Wonderful man. He watches over his patients like a hawk. Less than half way to go and just a little red, no problems with TE or anything.

    We have a week off in May- Las Vegas was on our radar so that could be a good plan!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited December 2013

    nisa - I was on Herceptin following chemo for the remainder of the year after chemo so saw my MO throughout, but then moved to appointments at 3-month intervals with blood work at each (CEA, CA 27/29, CMP, CBC, Vit D) and a PET scan annually.  After a year of that I have now moved to appointments every six months.  I have my second of those tomorrow afternoon and have already done the blood work, but do not yet know if he will order a PET for this year - it has been a year since the last one.  Many MO do not order either the tumor markers or scans for their "early stage" patients unless they have symptoms, but because I was node positive and Her2+ I believe I was closely watched in the short term because Her2+ can recur quickly.  I plan to ask tomorrow what the plan is going forward.