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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Hooray S! Good news.

    Just popping in to check on our DP. Have they got your pain managed? Worried. Let us know when you cannot have emails -- we want to know when you're going home, but we realize you may not know yourself yet! It is not very scientific over in your hospital.

    I hate those 'girl helpers' at the PT's office. I know I shouldn't speak so strongly. I am just over it.

    Taught straight through today and I am now in 'office hours.' Will check in later! X

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Yay SGC!!! You are a BADASS!!! I could never do that.. so thank you for standing up for all of us! BADASS!!

    Oh! And I meant to give a WOOHOO earlier to Dawny's wonderful news.

    Wren, unfortunately, I think anybody that hasn't had BC seem to think the trinkets are cute. I suppose they do promote awareness on some level.. you would think the fact that so many of us are affected would be enough.

    Glennie, if I can meet a dolphin, I will be there tomorrow. I have been in love with them since Flipper days... anybody remember that show? They just look so friggin happy and they make the cutest noises..and according to DP they sparkle as well.

    Damn Z, I think he has a better social live then all of us put together.... monster truck jam sounds like lots of fun. Why did BG trash her room.. she's such a little spitfire. Z, catch some snow on your tongue for Andrea... I think we're supposed to get a dusting today or tomorrow. First snowfall for you? I don't know what kind of handle the door has.. but it's really easy to replace a standard knob with a locking knob. If I can do it, so can you.. I'm pathetic and had no problem :)

    You'll just have to wait until you meet me haha! It is like an inch past my shoulders... almost 2 years now since the end of chemo. Hey.. anybody that has had chemo.. is your hair thicker now? Mine seems to be thicker.. or maybe it really isn't.. maybe I just appreciate having it back so much that I have no complaints about it. Seriously though, it does seem to be thicker.

    DP, wouldn't that be adorable to see the boy counseling BG.... something tells me she wouldn't listen to him for very long. Z, they don't hit each other do they? Me and my brother used to slap each other all the time.. still do, lol.

    Almost quitting time, I should be back later.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    YAY S!!  Good news!!!  Woo-hoo!!

    L:  when you come to FL,, we will make sure you meet one.  My BFF took me there on my 50th B-day and I got to swim with them!!  However,I don't recommend it in Jan,,,,  a warmer day would have been better!! Although they give you wetsuits.  And yes,, I remember Flipper!!  **still remember the theme song,,, ***

    back to work,,,,,

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Sgc, that is wonderful news. No new members to this club from our families this week at least!! Woot woot.

    How are you doing DP?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    great news sgc. Had beef stew for dinner with white rice and a roll with no butter. I do not like beef or white rice or rolls with no butter. But it wasn't bad. No bad pain yet so keeping fingers crossed. Didn't have the milk or apple juice. The nutritionist here leaves something to be desired. Between the all acid clear diet and the all starch dinner. I was hoping for fish today. I did like the potatoes and carrots that were hiding in stew. Nice girl that brought me water went to find me a menu for tomorrow. Told her I had been asking for one all week. It's some conspiracy. I'll never see her again. Head hurts. Want to sleep.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning....

    Wow Glennie, that must have been an amazing experience!

    The wedding is so close now.. I bet there's a hive of activity at the little house... hoping Bobo and DLLP have a drama free day.

    DP, so glad you ate something.. sorry it wasn't totally to your liking, but must feel good to have something in your belly. Also glad to hear you aren't in bad pain... I hope it continues.... well I'd prefer you were in no pain actually. Keep calling the nurses station asking for a menu.. or can Bond go searching for one? Hmm.. might not want to be too much of a nuisance or you might go back to jello. Maybe if you rest your eyes, it might help your head.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Morning all! Been up since "sparrows fart", this morning and have been to the Island for a garage/yard sale and checked out the auction up the road, but nothing for me today. Good thing really, I don't need anything. Just loaded Colin's car with all his model yacht stuff, he's off to race this afternoon, so I have the house to myself. I may try to sort some ebay stuff.

    Sgc, I am so thrilled for SIS, that's wonderful news. Woo Hoo to the chest flash, I am soooo impressed by that move! I can imagine the jaw drop that it would have caused! Bloody Pink Shit, I hate it all, I just want to see all that good money going where it does some real good, for research and a cure.

    Andrea, good point, no new members for this club! Yay!!!!

    DP, I hope you're feeling better after your clear diet and more pain relief.

    No Dolphins this morning when I went on the ferry, but these are not Dolphins you can pet, as far as I know and I haven't heard of anyone swimming with them here. They can be around when the yachts race on Tuesday evening. Colin had a great interaction with the Dolphins at Monkey Mia in Western Australia, years ago. He said they seemed to know he couldn't walk and they swam around him and under his arms, playing with him and when he was being pulled back to shore they tried to herd him back out into the water again. He loved it! I got to pet some of the performing Dolphins at Sea World in Queensland when I lived there for a year in my late teens.

    Z, I agree the boy has a great social life! LOL

    Speaking of chemo hair, my friend's hair has come in very dark and white salt and pepper with a slight curl, like that beautiful curly lamb you sometimes see. She has decided to keep it short and it looks sensational!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Beef stew DP? well that will test the waters for you. I hope it went down well and no more pain. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    ldesim, the concert I was watching was recorded in Melbourne in 2014 and yes, all the acrobatic stuff, she's fierce, I love her! There were some documentary type segments, with her backstage with her little girl, it was so sweet, she's such a loving Mother. She actually said that she doesn't swear and cuss so much, because she can't look into the eyes of a child and drop the F bomb!

    The funny part about my flashing my friend was that I hadn't realized she hasn't seen a Mx chest. She had a Lx, so between the tattoo that she didn't expect and the flat chest, I just took her by surprise.

    Hahaha Glennie, you nailed it! Can't take me anywhere! LOL

    Bobo, how is all going in the tiny house? Do you have everything organized? i am excited for you! M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Beef stew DP?? well not what I would think would be a starter meal but glad you enjoyed the carrots and potaoes anyway. I like beef stew if it has the right veggies, I make my own but would never order it anywhere. Glad you got to eat.

    Ariom, how I love the dolphin story with Colin, they are special creatures for sure. Petted them at Sea World in San Antionio years ago and yes I sure remember Flipper and the theme song... now you got me singing it.. stuck in head for the night.

    Yippee-Skippee for no cancer!! Glad the test was negative.;

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Impressive move, Susan. Love it, and wish we could stop the pink madness somehow. Maybe we all just have to walk around flashing the world in October.. that might shut them up! Congrats on the good news for your SIS. I hope she celebrates tonight.

    DP.. ok.. I am not a doctor, but I play one on TV. WTF? Why are they giving you greasy beef when you have gall bladder problems? I don't get it.. it's as if they are trying to sabotage you and put you into another attack. You need to eat low-fat food to keep that gallbladder from getting angry. I am just baffled at the medical care in Texas.

    Might take DD cross country skiing tomorrow so when she goes to winter camp she'll know what she's doing. I am so out of shape that she questioned my ability to go with her. I told her get a few friends to go and I will sip hot chocolate in the lodge!

    In keeping with my "I'm eating cake" attitude, I am sitting here eating fresh from the oven brownies. yum.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    Hey DP! Head feeling any better now that you have eaten something? Are they giving you pain meds that don't cause headaches? Nothing worse than a rebound headache! I hope you can get some sleep tonight. I am overtired and will probably be up so I will check back later. You are always in my thoughts and prayers

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Hi DP! Checking in to see how you're doing. Worried about the beef stew also.

    But so happy for Dawny's news!! Hi Betty! **waving**

    It is completely crazy here at the tiny house, M. I have not made my shopping lists for tomorrow. It's going to be a marathon weekend of cleaning and prep. DLLP is clueless as usual, needs to be told everything to do, and argues with you about it. We have the kids to wrangle.

    When other people have weddings they sometimes take a few days off to make the preparations, but... not us. We had to work straight through! And DLLP invited A HUGE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE FROM HER WORK. Not sure who is coming, but it will be much bigger (fifteen? twenty?) than the small party I'd planned on. And, you know, you look around and there are greasy child handprints all over the walls.

    Our princess did something horrible. She was in an argument with DLLP last night about cleaning her room, and she said, 'Well, I wish I had my REAL mother. My REAL mother wouldn't make me clean my room." And her face was so angry and sullen, but also she was near tears. And we asked her, and she said her friend Daria has been talking to her about her real mother, and that we are not her real mothers. Obviously this is not the first time this subject has been broached -- and I know we all have our own experiences with this, or many of us do -- but I just want to let you know that the way she threw that up to us, at the age of nine, was incredibly painful to me. I held myself together and explained her birth story again, brought out the album, and let her know that we picked her up from the hospital when she was born, that we are her real and forever mothers. But I was shaken to the core, and my heart is aching.

    DP, do not eat beef tomorrow. I am worried!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Wow,, beef stew?  I am with the others,, surprised that would be first meal. I can see the rice and a roll,, maybe some plain chicken?  Hope it tasted good and stays down ok.

    (((Bobo)))  My heart aches for you.  That had to be very hard, but you held it together. It is stressful right now with the wedding, but it will all be OK.  No one will notice any greasy hand prints,, ,we will all be looking at the smiles on your face and DLLP's face. And the cake,,,,,, for sure,, we will be looking at that lemon cake.  :P


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Bobo, So heartbreaking and so normal. I'm not sure I didn't hurl that one at my grandmother at some point. I think your response was great. At some point she may want to seek her bio mother, but at 9yo I think it was just ammunition. Perhaps some of the wedding nerves are affecting her too. I doubt guests look around for greasy handprints at child level. If they are parents, it will just look normal. Maybe MD could wash walls that morning?

    So glad SIS's biopsy came back clear. Woo Hoo!

    I had a dolphin play catch with me at Sea World in Hawaii. I went around back after the show and he tossed the ball to me and I tossed it back. Absolutely magical.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Oh Shit Bobo, I am so sorry you had to deal with that from the Princess at a time when your focus is on other things. Of course that subject will come up, usually from other kids who have no clue, how their words sting and how much it hurts you.

    I have a number of adopted girlfriends, all but 1 around my age and each of them, like the Princess knew their history. Obviously, there were times when growing up, that hurtful things were said to and about, all the parties involved, but the one thing that all of them have said, in adulthood, is they knew how much they were loved and that they were "chosen", which was what made them and their situation so special. Each of these girlfriends have searched out their birth Mothers, one did it in her 40's, but the others waited till their Mother's had passed because they didn't want any hurt for the women who they saw, as their real Mother.

    All you can do, is steel yourself for the barbs that come from kids, as they grow up. We've all done it and we've all been on the receiving end of it, I don't have to remind you about puberty! LOL

    Just remember, she loves you both, bigger than the world and trust me, if she was your natural child, she'd find something equally as hurtful, to throw at you! Love and hugs, try to just let it go and don't let it dampen this happy time. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Posting at the same time Glennie and Wren, I forgot the handprints, who cares Bobo, no one will even notice, nice idea Wren, about MD washing the walls when she arrives early...nah, can't see that happening! M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Awww Bobo, I'm so sorry you are upset... I don't know much about the subject, but what Wren says makes sense. Don't be worrying about the walls, you're going to drive yourself crazy.. Nobody cares and F them if they do.

    Love the dolphin stories.

    PRB, the skiing sounds like fun.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Aww, M, that was beautiful.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    My adoption was hidden from me, found the truth looking for Christmas presents. EVERYbody else in my world knew, I found out later. I'd had an argument with my mom, and screamed at her, why don't you just send me back where you got me.

    I was probably about 10.

    And yes, I did search before we moved to Fl. I found her. I had wonderful parents, a great life, but to see someone who looked like ME was so precious. Non adopted people don't truly understand that.

    You will give her a wonderful life, and she may feel the need to search, or not. Some don't. Just love her, and support her.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Aww Bobo, sorry this had to happen to you and dllp, but the gals above have said the best things, kids can be very brutal at times, then turn around and love your socks off! all just part of life it seems. Kids have a way of picking up on vibes and your family has had alot of stress in the past few months and weddings always make everyone crazy until the last vow is said! It will smooth itself over I promise! They love you!

    Good luck skiing PRB!

    DP, how is the beef stew setting on your tummy?? I think the dietician needs a call from all of us!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    don't sweat it bobo. I think in this case she is just being a brat. Those serious issues will come up along the way. But she is just lashing out IMO right now.

    Stomach was in terrible pain last night. They don't put any thought in to the meal. It was whatever standard menu. I true to order better or today. But honestly I am afraid to eat anything. I don't know what to do.

    It's 1:20am. Already showered for today. Bored. Could order some morphine and try to sleep. Morphine is all they willl give me. It only lasts like an hour. Asked nurse for dilaudid. She ignored me.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Hey DP, doesn't that Hospital have a Dietician, who orders the right food for you?Stew and Veg seems like a big jump from clear soup and jello. How about steamed veg, pureed a little steamed rice or Miso Soup? Can Bond or the Gp's get you some light, nutritious stuff?How about some natural yogurt, even baby food, to start?

    What's with these Nurses, do the Doctors not write orders, of what drugs you can have and how often? I swear you are living in a cupboard there and they are not treating you as a patient.

    It's nearly 2am there and you're already showered for the day, wish I was closer, I would come and break you out of there, drive you to a casino and have some fun, back in time for breakfast! M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Road trip with M. How much fun? Hope you slept some. Be glad when you're sprung.

    Just jumping on quickly. It snowed. Big fat flakes late! Game cancelled. Dog and kids anxious to be out. Waiting for daylight:)

    Congrats on the good news everyone.

    Bobo. I agree. It's just tension and being hurtful. It worked unfortunately. Just never a good time to hear it but especially now. Try not to let it get to you. Easier said than done.

    I agree no one will be paying attention to walls, floors, etc. Sounds like most of the guests will just drop in on lunch hour. They'll be too busy trying to eat and chat for a few minutes to notice. Now if you hide dirty pans in bathtub, they will talk about it. Because someone will find them!

    Andrea. Direct quote. " me wike em". She slept with them and has them on now. The shoes are too adorable. Peppa pig for her and toothless for him. Boy hasn't seen his yet and they are on the kitchen table! Too cute. Very talented. PM me your email. We must talk! I want to place orders.

    Babysitter called. Granddaughter just hurled. My sister has the flu. Looks like boys only for monster truck jam. I'm disappointed!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Bobo I agree with all the good advice here. I have tried to comment on this a few times, but keep failing at what I want to say. My daughter has never said anything like that, but I know it would rock my world if she did. Saying 'let it go' is easier said than done. I think we have to realize that our kids have a history, and we can't change it. We can love them, and help them make peace with their past, but in the end, they are the only ones who can settle it. So try not to beat yourself up too much. Your response to her was excellent - reassurance, going over her story, and trying to get to the bottom of why this is coming out now. All the right things.. today is another day, right? Oh.. and one last comment... the teen age years aren't too far away, so keep those correct responses close to your heart for easy access! (trying to make you smile there).

    DP - Are they giving you any explanations? None of this makes any sense to me.

    Zills - That comment about the pans in the bathtub was precious! Loved it.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Bobo, you are a good mother she feels safe enough with you to say hurtful things and know you will still love her. Just wait until she is in her teens!!! But you will survive it.

    One adoptive parent told her daughter how lucky she was because other parents were stuck with whatever child they gave birth to, but she got to choose her child. That didnt go over so well tho when the little girl went back to school and rubbed it in their faces, lol.

    I remember the first time all of my children told me they hated me. I simply replied "That's a shame, because I love you, and nothing you can say to me will ever change that!" Parenting is all about self control somedays, lol.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    lol. We don't need no stinkin explanations! It makes sense. I've done this before. What doesn't make sense is how wonky and disjointed everything is here. I've always used this hospital because I've always received good care here. But this is something else. But I've already shared with you how differently you are treated at stage IV. Ideally a nutritionist would have a protocol for these things. Must doU own thing as usual. If I tracked these drs down I'm sure I could get different drugs. But you'd think a nice nurse could do that. I now have different drs and nurses for the weekend. I quite liked last nights nurse. I realized this mornjng that I should have had a new fentanyl patch last night. Making me feel slightly better about my back hurting so bad. Waiting for gma to come put it on me. Would get nurse to do it but sometimes they are wonky and uou lose one. I don't have any to spare today. Z making me pee myself with hiding pots in bathtub. Damn it you are in to me. Don't hide them in oven either. Someone will turn it on and start a fire.

    Yes m. Let's go! I'll be waiting tonight.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    like that response Andrea. And you are so right about saying the most hurtful things to those we feel safest with. I used to say the most wretched things to my granny when I was very young. Afterward I would ponder why and conclude it was because I was closest to her. Damn the logic!

  • mary82965
    mary82965 Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2015

    I am sorry I can't answer your question. But I thought someone might be able to answer a question about these darn side boobs that I have that feel like they are filled with fluid? Someone mentioned that they may drain them? If so how long do they wait? And is this a surgical procedure or an office visit? They are driving me crazy!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    And then there was the day DD screamed at me, I hate you. Told her I wasn't real fond of her at that moment either. Shut her right up. You will survive.

    Do boys do this too