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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    I just love the purple coat. Very chic.

    Am I seriously the only person who has ever eaten fast food here? I know I don't always have the best eating habits but good lord. The reried beans are fat free. And it's about as bland as can be. It was quite filling and has lots of protein. I only had one and won't make it a habit. But it was a good solution for last night. Meanwhile no one cares that I'm sneaking spookies cigarettes. Bahaha!

    Got home. Gave gma heart attack while getting in truck. My knees are so swollen that they are no longer working. Went to pull self up into truck and both knees buckled. I am hanging off running board like a ninja. And unable to straighten my legs. I was actually impressed that I didn't fall off and bust my head or ass. Got grandma to let me go and was able to negotiate my way in somehow. Got home and couldn't get into porch for several attempts. That's not totally new but was worse today. Then I can barely stand from couch or toilet. Gotta get off these damn steroids. Here we go again...

    Happy Australia Day m and dawny. My Australian calendar ran out in December. It was a very pretty one that my moms friend brought me in 2013. He arrived just before my bmx and helped me write a will in a spiral pad. He was not a fan of that.

    Hoping for calm in the house of lemons tonight. Wondering if lemon theme was also to cover cleanser smell. If so, genius.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    **raises hand**  I have eaten fast food.  McDonalds. Wendy's.  Have not had Taco Bell in a long time,, but had had it.

    Good that the burrito was bland,,,,was just concerned it would be oily and hard on your system.  Your poor knees!!  UGH!!!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    LOL DP the Ninja girl. Love it... glad you didn't get hurt. OMG can you imagine? Back to the E.R you go. Where was Bond? Why wasn't he there to help you in? And.. can I just say.. a truck? I can hardly get into a truck on a good day. But you're home.. and a big woohoo for you DP. Happy for you. I like Taco Hell bean burritos. Oddly enough, they seem to be different every time I get them. Sometimes they are loaded with onions, sometimes they have that weird red sauce in them, other times it's just beans. Because I have gallbladder issues myself, I have eaten my fair share of those burritos...figure it's a heck of a lot better than eating a burger..

    Lemon theme to cover the disinfectant smell. Yup.. I can so totally imagine that. I bet that cake will be great. Hope Bobo checks in tonight since I don't text and haven't gotten to hear how she washed the walls down and decided to repaint. j/k

    What is wrong with me? I don't learn, obviously. Went out again for groceries and it was still damn cold! I bought frozen yogurt and the guy ahead of me had ice cream. We're in Michigan.. we eat ice cream when it's 6 degrees! I'm proud of myself for not getting real ice cream... I was l looking at one of those big tubs. Does that mean I now have an ice cream problem? I'm thinking quantity here. It was by Land O' Lakes... the people who make butter. I'm thinking it was probably awesome ice cream and so economical too!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    I just finished a pint of Haagen Dazs peanut butter chocolate ice cream.  I think my hot flashes need to be medicated with ice cream.  Works better than the dang Prozac.  We dont' have Land O'Lakes ice cream down here.  How is it??

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    I don't know Glennie. I resisted buying one of those big tubs!!! I bought the small container of frozen yogurt with the low fat content. Trying to be good because if I bought that big tub, I'd eat it every darn day... with chocolate syrup. :)

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    PRB, for what it is worth, I just had Land O Lakes vanilla ice cream with frozen raspberries from my friends garden... both were delicious! I have pretty much decided that I am going to eat what I want (within reason) but am not letting this disease or anything else decided what I want to eat or drink. I may be very wrong but if I enjoy ice cream I will have it at times. I am 66 years old and that is my decision! I do eat healthy foods as well, love lots of veggies fruits etc. but yes I too have had fast food, but we live several miles from it so that probably helps.

    DP, wow hanging like a ninja, so glad you didnt get hurt and land back at the cell you just escaped from! I can only imagine how scared your gma was! Wondering where bond was too? Take care.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    If I remember right, Bond got his name for being fabulous, but also because he caught our damsel in distress, when she blacked out in front of the Hospital and he managed to catch her on the way down. Well, that's how I remember it! He was probably wrangling the luggage out of the back of the truck, while our Ninja girl was trying to get out.

    I loooove ice cream too, but haven't had real dairy ice cream for over 30 years, my favorite, was always coffee flavor.

    Excitement is building, what are you wearing to the wedding Glennie?

    Aww poor BG, not well, I love that she loves to watch herself on videos! hahaha

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    EEEEK!! What am I wearing? 

    Thankfully all eyes will be on the wedding party, not on me.  I was thinking of wearing a dress ((don't faint)) but if it's cold, I will probably go with my standard black pants & colorful top & black cardigan sweater.  And OMG,, shoes,,,, I've had 2 pairs of shoes collapse on me lately,,,, wonder what shape the others are in.

    this is the problem with working from home.  You never have to get dressed up.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Wondering what is going on in the tiny house?  Are the kids in bed?  Is there a ruckus going on?  Are the cats hiding? Is Bobo-dog allowed back on the couch yet?  Is the cake drizzled??  Hoping everyone gets some sleep tonight! Tomorow is a big day.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Glennie, It's like being retired and never having to dress up. All my pants are black or denim. I am trying to buy a few dressier tops, especially as the pants get older and older. They are just nicer colors. I look silly in ruffles or frills.

    I'm excited that you're going to attend and report back. Almost as good as being there.

    DP, Congrats on your escape. Sorry it was fraught with such difficulties. I used to eat a lot of fast food, then lost my taste for it. We have a string of inexpensive ethnic restaurants and make the rounds. There's a taco truck on either end of our cross street. Same people, but one is inside. We also have a grocery store 3 blocks away that has good prepared foods in the deli section. We could get dinner there every day if we wanted - and won the lottery to pay for it.

    Bobo, Best wishes for tomorrow. Do not let MD get to you if you can help it. If necessary, just tell her it's your day, not hers. Maybe she won't be too bad because Mother of the Bride is a role she can savor.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    DP, so glad you are home!!!! Just in time to turn around and go back for cyberknife tomorrow... in the bag for you. Had a nice little chuckle over the acrobatics, but what a pain in the arse to be all swollen from the damn steroids. I only had them a couple of months and hated them.

    Hell.. I'd perform sexual acts for McDonald's Fries. Love the hamburgers from time to time too. Never did Taco Bell and only recently tried KFC.. didn't like it, everything was so damn salty. For us fast food is pizza, subs & calzones.

    Happy Australia day to the aussies.. or did that already happen? I get so confused lol.

    Love Spookies new coat.. one of my favorite colors. She just loves the camera, doesn't she :)

    Last I heard from the little lemon disinfectant smelling house is that the bouquets are done and she was ironing tablecloths.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    PRB, good on you for passing on the bucket! I probably would not have as I have no willpower.

    Nd, you go girl! Love raspberries.. your dessert sounded so good... but damn it's too cold for ice cream folks... I just can't eat it in the winter.

    Glennie, go with the pants.. isn't high 50's coolish for you guys? You need to stay warm so you can stay focused and report everything back to us!!

    Wren, good point.. MD will be playing up her role to the hilts I bet. Do we know if the useless brother is going? I can't remember if she said.

    M, I'm excited too!!!

    I guess we're supposed to get a huge snow storm starting tomorrow night and lasting until Wednesday morning. They are predicting 20-30 inches of snow and wind gusts up to 65 mph at times... sounds kind of scary.

    I made cookies today with wheat flour and cannellini (sp?) beans.. they also have peanut butter, oats & raisins and brown sugar.. and I am shocked..they are very good and surprisingly filling.... should help with the late night hunger attacks.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Ice cream and raspberries sounds good.  Cookies sound good.  hmmmmm, fries,,,,  We have a couple of new burgers places here.  BurgerFi and Relish.  They are not FAST food like McD's,,, they cook the burgers upon order, and seems to be a much higher quality of beef too. I have to admit that I am a carnivore. I know they say vegan eating is good for cancer patients, but I need me some meat! Or chicken or fish,,,, 

    A big UGH on the snowstorm. I promise to be alert and will report back tomorrow afternoon.  Right before work,,,, hahahahaha,,,,

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Relish.. that's a cute name... (Bobo..shield your eyes) I love burgers.. cheeseburgers..... love steak and chicken.... it's just not a meal without meat..unless it's pasta with lots of gooey cheese... but even better with ground beef or sausages in it.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Idesim, ha ha, you better stock up with c. burgers etc. and maybe even ice cream, saw where you may get a huge storm, say it isnt so huh? We eat beef too but buy it from a farmer/rancher here and we know how it is raised and grass fed... supposedly that is best.. well for this week anyway, they change things every other week.

    Well for all the bad cancer news yesterday, today my friend that has stage 1v lung cancer just got another CLEAR scan!! horray! no scan for another 3 months! Want to share the good news instead of bad!

    Waiting for some news from the tiny house too, have to ask..why "Hate Florida day"?? Hope the rain holds off and is nice warm sunshine to go with the yellow lemon theme!

    Waving good night to all.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    L:  I can see that we are going to get along!  Burgers!!   Think of all the lovely food in NOLA!!  Can't wait for that.

    ND:  I am so happy that you have good news!!  YAY for clear scan!!!

    Stay warm, everyone.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Yikes..- that's too much snow Ideism!!! Are you prepared if the power goes out? After what I went through last year with no power for 8 days...I'd book a hotel for day 2 or 3, and cancel if I didn't need it. Better yet, go buy a generator. I promised myself I would after last year, but of course I didn't. Also, jot down the # of a snow removal service. .

    We eat fast food more than we should, but it's not all bad. I really like McDonald's southwestern salads, and then there's always Panera. I do not enjoy cooking and would love a personal chef. That's the one thing I would love if I were rich... great meals and none of the work. Like I said earlier, I probably eat worse now than before my dx. Whoa is me... guess I'll have another brownie is my attitude!

    ND - it's hate Florida day because Spookie posted their nice toasty temperature while the rest of us are in a deep freeze!

    It is never too cold for ice cream btw... you just turn the house up to like 78 degrees and run around in shorts. That's what we do :)

    Wonder if anyone is sleeping in the Lemon Drop house.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    I doubt they're sleeping. DH and my Mom agree that I cried every day the week before the wedding. I don't remember that at all.

    At least you can prepare for snow with some assurance that your preparations will be available. They keep telling us to make earthquake plans here. Problem is: If my house is demolished my food, etc. will be under it. If it is not demolished, I don't need anything special. Somehow we have acquired tons of bandaids. Enough for the entire neighborhood.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    that is how bond got his name m. I think it had something to do with taking the dogs thru drive thru for ice cream. Speaking of that. I laugh at the fact that the colder it is here, the longer the line wraps around Braums. It's weird. Hospital lunch came with 3 oz serving cup of blue bell chocolate ice cream. It was very good. Told bond we should get those for portion control. Would not work for him.

    Bond was at home bcuz gma was there already and I said I would be fine. She had offered to go trade out for car but I said no I can get in truck. Normally I can. Hate steroids.

    I want to weep for our bg holding memo whole watching memo. Poor baby. Get ready glennie. Do you have a voice recorder for recording notes?

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    lol@voice recorder! Poor Glennie is thinking .. "WTF have I gotten myself into!". Glennie you need one of those reporter tags around your neck so you can move freely during the wedding...snapping pictures and then interviewing the guests after the ceremony!

    I just lost a whole paragraph of my dishwasher / hot water fiasco that happened tonight. I may as well be a squirrel chasing my tail around in a circle sometimes. Good news is... hot water heater appears to be working, and dishwasher cycle completed. That's all you need to know at this point!

    ND - happy for your good news. You're right, sometimes we need to focus on the good things that happen - like DP getting out of the hospital and not banging her head or her butt on the ground. :)

    OK.. I'm not getting married why am I still up?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    lol PRB. Glad it all worked out with the dishwasher. Nd I meant to say earlier that is why we have to just take this shit one day at a time. Great news for your friend.

    Not a fast food burger fan. They creep me out. Only thing from McDonalds is that one dollar sweet tea. What's in there so you think? But I didn't eat red meat for about a decade. Even before that though I couldn't so it. KFC makes me I'll but Popeyes is good. Prefer something a little more authentic like taco cabana to Taco Bell. But like I said. I guess sometimes it's a bean emergency. You are right about it being different all the time. Isn't that weird I guess that is the same from state to state. Or maybe the employees are just dumb. Ha. I discovered this horrible chemical laced thing called strawberry starburst freezy. They have it in happy hour for a dollar. It's frightening tasty. Really tastes and smells like a starburst. How do they do that? I know those places where you can get a greasy burger or street taco and play lotto at same time. Good ol days...

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Fast food! I love, grilled chicken honey soy wraps from McDonalds, who'd have thought they would ever have better food, I have never liked their burgers, but Hungry Jacks have great burgers and also the gourmet burger take out, are fantastic. I have never gotten into KFC, we had a friend who worked there in the 70's and he always said "KFC 11 secret herbs and spices, 10 of which, are salt and pepper!"

    I love gourmet Pizza, no cheese, but usually make them myself. I used to love to cook, back in the days of dinner parties, every week. These days, it is whatever I can do in the Air Fryer or the Vitamix, which is quite a lot, or else we get take out from our local restaurants.

    ldesim, sex acts for "Macca's chips", as we call them, now that's funny! I will never eat another one. without thinking about that! Dexter usually gets mine, I don't really care for skinny chips, I like the chunky wedge ones, with chilli and garlic aioli mayo!

    Well, it is 1.30am in FL, I wonder if everyone is asleep or if Bobo is up, scrubbing hand prints, off the walls. I hope she had time for a mani and a pedi, maybe a nice facial.

    nd, I am so pleased to hear your friends news!

    DP, I am in the bag for tomorrow, I have everything crossed! Big hug to you. How long does it take?

    PRB, so glad your appliances started to behave again for you!

    Glennie, I have to have a MD report, just like E NEWS, what she's wearing etc and anything profound she may say. I hope there may be a little something organized, which can be slipped in her drink, a syringe full of propofol, something? Just for if she turns out to be a PITA, let her sleep through the proceedings!

    Wren you are the band aid queen! My Mother was the toilet paper queen. I have never seen such a stash. When Bec and I had to clear out the family home, there was huge packs of toilet paper, in every available space. Eatrhquake Plans?

    Will check back later to see if there are any updates ! M x

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited January 2015

    PRB, loved your earlier post! Laughed and laughed and laughed! Then saw the pics and laughed all over again! Thank you. Xx

    ND, yay for some good news at last!

    DP, glad you finally broke out. I guess you also need steroids with cyber knife?

    So, it must be about 5:30 am in the nuptial residence? Time to get up and get married!

    Poor Glennie, we are all putting pressure on you to report back! Lol

    Thanks for the Australia Day wishes. We had " The Festival of Sails" at the yacht club, just nearby. They have a big race from Melbourne to Geelong, live music, food stalls, kids entertainment, fireworks etc etc. was good fun. It is Australia Day 21 years ago that DH and I went on our first date! It very nearly didn't happen though, as he raced in the aforementioned yacht race, and that year there was no wind, so they floated around all day, and so he was FOUR HOURS late for our 1st date! Lol. With no cell phones back then, I wS waiting at a friends house, cursing him, he was frantic and so apologetic, but I still bring it up every now and then, remind him that he is lucky that I had patience! Lol

    Ok, standing by for wedding news! Xx

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited January 2015

    DP, in the bag, with the white chocolate and mango ice cream I made today ;). xx

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    in the bag. BG may come too. Think it's just a cold but hate to send her to daycare feeling bad. Worse germs there to bring home.

    Boy on hour delay. Tiny bit of snow. Enough for black ice.

    Waiting for more wedding updates.

    I love Taco Bell bean burritos. Hate KFC. Too wet. Eat fried chicken from local store made the old fashioned way. Mcd fries are the bomb. DH prefers chunky ones too with curry sauce. Their burgers make me sick.

    Kids quiet. Must go check.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    wedding day is here. As predicted, it rained last night but is now sunny! 49F at the moment. So just a little cool. Will wear pants. F the dress. Need pockets for camera. Shall do my best to report in on my return. And since I doubt Bobo has time to check here before wedding, next post will be pic of surprise. One min.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Bobo wanted birdseed packets for throwing. So I made them. And decorated the basket with yellow things. Butterflies are the happy couple. I'm not very crafty but hope she likes them. The bags are glittery net. image

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    How sweet!!! I'm sure they will love it!!!! Hope all goes well for everyone!!!!!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    So cute Glennie! Be sure to throw a packet at MD really hard...have camera ready for surprised expression on face!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Ooooohhhhh good thinking PRB!!!!!!