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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    You guys are so sweet -- I really appreciated all of your words, especially yours PRB. And I loved hearing the story of BG and her shoes and the dolphin stories. Andrea, you are so funny: 'I remember the first time each of my children told me they hated me.' You are just so cool about it!

    I find I am still having hurt feelings, I cannot help it. DLLP told me to shake it off, and I told her, while making sign language (no kids around, BTW), That hurt (wringing symbol with hands) my (obvious symbol) feelings (rubbing heart area). She is such an idiot. I am feeling coolish toward the princess, withdrawn. I am thinking in my head, when she asked me to go with her to yoga, Maybe your real mother will pay fourteen dollars and take you to yoga. Maybe your real mother will stay up over night for a month to watch for your seizures, etc.

    But enough of that. DP, I am very concerned about the nutrition and the general way you are being treated! Can you get out of there? Can Bond bring gentle Japanese lunch with miso? So happy Cyberknife will start Monday. I am going to send all of my positive feelings to you. I had yoga today and dedicated my practice to compassion for DP at the hospital. XXX

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Zills, dirty pans in the tub! Gotta love ya girl.. never thought of that, but my bathroom is so small think they would be spotted for sure! Thanks for the chuckle.

    DP, whoa you are handling a bunch by yourself. Just digusted that you should be treated like that, if anything stage 1v should get extra care and treatment, altho I am sure you would never ask or expect special they just should step up to the plate and do it! Hope the weekend drs and nurses are in your favor.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Dirty pans in tub and oven.  Yes,,, seems I have been there, done that at some point.  When I did cross-country trip with boyfriend back in 1987, we camped all the way.  The one and only night we did not camp was in Vegas. We splurged and got hotel room.  And I did the dishes in the bathtub. True story.  Corona beer had just come out and the bars were offering $1 beers and $1 shrimp cocktails. We had our fill of those.

    DP:  I am disturbed by your menu.  Can Bond or GP's bring you food?  We all want you eating more healthy stuff that will be gentle on your system.  Did you get your new patch on? Hate that you are in pain. M will take you to the casino and you two will have a blast!!

    (((Bobo)))  Hang in there!!

    It is a beautiful day here. Got a little yard work done.  Wanted to do more but I know it will flare up LE, so I have to be moderate. Not easy for me.  Once I get in the yard, I want to finish.  Oh well,,, tomorrow is another day, and I have to work in 2 hours anyway.

    **waving to all***

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    the azaleas are blooming image

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    I'll have to go check mine. I'm sneezing, they must be. Pretty white ones

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    DP, I really hope that is not true.. if anything the level of care should go up a few notches. I concur with the others sentiments to have Bond or somebody bring you something light, but nutritious... don't wait around for these bunch of clowns. It seems you'r,e the only one with half a brain over there... is there not somebody from your care team that you can call and get to lay down the law with this jerks?

    Hi Mary... how long since your surgery? You should consult your BS if you are in a lot of discomfort... I haven't personally had it done, but I have read of others who have gone in to be drained.. it's a simple office procedure from the sounds of it. It is quite normal to have fluid in the surgical area after the drains are gone... I had fluid for up to a year after surgery. Some days it was annoying, but it was always deemed completely normal by Drs.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    What the heck? I wake up to a winter wonderland you and guys are yacking about your Azaleas :) We got like 4-5 inches of snow last night, it was very pretty to see upon waking up. The snow was heavy enough to be a good workout while shoveling it.

    Zils, so happy BG loves her shoes.. can't wait to hear the boy's reaction.... get a pic for us if you can... I would love to see them.

    Andrea.. you have a hot commodity there.. you better patent them or something :) So lucky to have that kind of talent!

    Bobo, I'm upset that you are so upset *hugs*,

    I forgot all else I read.. I'll be back later on.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    they can bring food.ay send bond out tonight. For what I dint know. Got to fill out menus but guess kitchen being stubborn. No one got their special orders today. It wasn't too bad though. Grilled chicken sandwich with the blandest mashed potatoes and carrots ever. I def don't want Swedish meatballs for dinner though. I have made a plea but no one has called. Nurses trying. Got patch on. Want to sleep all the time. Will walk when bond gets here.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    my side boobs are made of skin

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Mary, Do they sort of look like a waterbed? I was drained twice and they were office visits. They just stick a needle into the numb part and use a big syringe. If they're in your way or hurting, I would definitely call and have them look at it. Your body will gradually absorb fluid, but it takes a while.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    the bs drained me once in office. On good side, go figure. It filled back quickly but she said u should leave it to absorb due to risk if infection with every stick. It went away in about two weeks. Side boobs still made of skin and scar tissue and LE.

    Weekend dr says I can probably go home tomorrow. Clever nurse is on to me. Said I've been real quiet today. Thinks I'm sandbagging pain so I can go home. I have been questioning this myself. Coming off fluids tonight. Will see what happens. Took morphine right after dr left. To be fair I was just about to ask for it before she got here. To be real fair could I take it home with me? Lol. Bond coming back to spend night with me. Pretty sure he feels bad for being a jackass when we came to er. That and he can be quite sweet. Bringing me peanut butter and crackers and a bean burrito. I just know dinner order is still jacked. So that should be ok, right?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Mary, the dreaded side boobs, I had the waterbed that was mentioned earlier and had that drained at the surgeons office, no pain and lasted a few days and then it filled up again. It could be tapped at the furthest point and then like the wave of a waterbed it would undulate across my chest. It hung around for quite some time and eventually just resolved itself. The other thing that you may be experiencing, is "Dog Ears". I had one of those suckers too and although they are just the flesh that used to be pulled forward by the weight of the breast, they can be very annoying, especially if, liike mine, you have cut neves zapping and zinging inside them. Many women experience these leftovers, because it is difficult for the surgeon to gauge how tight to make the final incision and if you carry a little extra weight these things, can be a problem. Fear not, these are fixable too. I had mine revised about 15 months after my Mx surgery and for me, it was the best thing I could have done and I kicked myself for leaving it as long as I did. Anyway, great result and no discomfort any more.

    All the best Mary, best to see your Doctor and find out exactly what you're dealing with, but it is all able to be resolved. Good Luck with it.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Morning girls, pans in the bathtub, snarky kids, Spookiesmom, I reacted like you, Bec: I hate you! Me: Don't like you much either! Go to your room and think about it! Even the very best relationships can have these fired up moments My Mother and I could go at it hammer and tongs when I was young and feeling "superior", over something. I remember saying to her once "Are you sure we're related? We couldn't be, more different!" That must have hit her hard too, but I didn't give a toss, at the time.

    Hi DP, waving to you, so pleased Bond is spending the night with you! I can't fathom how there could be such treatment difference in stage lV, it is wrong on every level.

    Not sure peanut butter and bean burritos are really gentle for your stomach, was thinking more along the lines of gentle but nutritious stuff, but that's just me. I'd rather see you eating something, than nothing. Have a good night with Bond!

    ldesim, that's a lot of snow!

    Beautiful Azaleas!

    Hugs to everyone...M x

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    DP - I would think twice on the peanut butter. Here's a nice list from Columbia University dept. of surgery:

    The best food choices for those suffering from chronic pancreatitis are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nonfat/low fat dairy, and lean cuts of meat. Healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil, fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, may be consumed with careful portion control. Therefore, consume these healthy fats in small amounts.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    I was thinking the protein in those would be good. Without being meat. What's wrong with peanut butter? Besides it causes mbc to spread...I have saltines. Could just do that I guess. The fruits are all so acidic. Been avoiding. Drawer full of apple juice.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    oh because of the fat and oil in PB. Duh.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    DP, that is a good list PRB has sent you. Where is your Vitamix? It will come with a great recipe book. You need blender soups -- carrot ginger, maybe? They have a broccoli cheddar soup in that cookbook, I have made a vegan version. Perhaps some steamed mashed potatoes and turnips? I love that.

    I see that the list wants you to have very little fats. How about baked or roasted sweet potatoes or beets? I love roasted or steamed vegetable platters. And I am still advocating for miso soup.

    So glad bond is spending the night with you. I am beside myself regarding your comment about Stage IV and the fact that the level of treatment goes down, that is just unconscionable. How are you feeling? Do you need some emails delivered?

    It is wedding madness here. Thousands of chores to do. Tomorrow: house cleaning. The house is completely filthy. The kids are a couple of dirt mongers. They are going to have to be washed by hand tomorrow. Our princess actually stinks. It is disgusting. Do you want a wedding update?

    OMG... if only we were not having the reception at our house! That was stupid! Of course, this was all before DLLP decided to invite the entire team of therapists from her work. I am a little bit mad at her for that.

    Menu change! I have ordered platters from swanky organic-style grocery store.

    fruit platter

    oven-roasted turkey platter

    I will get fresh vegan ciabatta rolls, have them sliced

    condiment tray (including homemade honey mustard and mayo)

    vegetarian sushi platter

    I am making a greek platter with homemade humuus, grape leaves, roasted peppers, olives, and I am buying fresh pita bread

    and then the cake:

    I just got springform pans (will they work for normal cake? scared) and I'm making a lemon cake, fresh blueberry mousse (not too sweet) in between the layers. Fresh organic blueberries and raspberries on top. Drizzled with lemon glaze.

    I got the most beautiful flowers from the grocery store, all cream-colored and pale almost yellow or greenish: roses that are very open and antique, some beautiful smelling flowers that almost look like snapdragons but are not (???), very small buds of baby's breath, and a cream-colored/greenish bunch of hydrangea.

    The hydrangea will be the bouquet of our princess (a small round bouquet), I am having a bouquet of the baby's breath (I sent you a picture already) -- just that by itself, maybe a few greens. Oh, and I got several greens bouquets, but not the normal greens, they are so pretty. I'm going to have the rest of the flowers for the house... might put greens around the cake. I'm making a little wreath (out of a headband) for the princess' hair.

    Okay. Tomorrow I am going to work like a stagehand. Plus I have to do beauty maintenance things. OMG. Thinking of you every minute! I will be in the bag, along with the City Hall County Clerk of the Court Judge officiant guy, for your Cyberknife. Go Cyberknife go! Tell Bond he is a good boy for bringing you treats. XXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Wow, Bobo,,,, you are going all out on this menu!!  You are going to be working your small butt off tomorrow.

    DP:  Bobo has great food ideas!! Roasted sweet potatoes sound yummy to me,,, don't know if you like them. YAY for Bond bringing you food and spending the night with you. 

    I have to clock out at 11 tonight due to the budget.  I don't mind.  You know you are old when the idea of going to bed early makes you happy.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    DP, How about pears for fruit? I think you can buy them in small containers for toddlers. They also have sweet oranges that aren't very acidic. I agree about sweet potatoes. I used to take one to my internship for dinner. Pierce it a few times and microwave for 10 minutes. Doesn't need anything on it. So good. Applesauce is good for the tummy also. I'm glad he's coming to spend the night. I just can't believe how they are treating you. If they accuse you of sand bagging pain to go home, you might point out that beef stew is probably not recommended for your tummy - or Swedish meatballs for that matter.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    I've heard the BRAT diet for upset tummies. Stands for banana, rice, applesauce and toast. I don't think any of those would hurt.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    I say if it sounds good eat it. Scrambled eggs or ramen is what we add back in after being sick. Nice veg soup from Chinese take away or some rice. Something with a little flavor:)

    Unfortunately I agree stIV doesn't always get treated well. And yes they need the compassion the most. Ask them to just be you for 10 min! Much less walk a mile in our shoes.

    I never hide pans in oven or tub. My 2nd mom did both and I found them and it's still a running joke. I now have strict instructions not to bring over any party food that has to be heated. I have washed dishes in tub before. Not fun. Right now kids beg to "wash" dishes. Plastic cups and medicine droppers:)

    Found babysitter and went to monster jam. Boring! Looked staged. Commercials showed the best. Glad tix were free. Highway robbery on food.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    checking in on DP, glad bond is staying with you, what a comfort. I found a cute card that I will send off to you next week! I think of you all the time.

    What a shitty day, I can t tell you gals how much MORE I hate cancer today than other days! We got news of our friends son inl law has Hodgkin's disease , he is a doctor in Corpus Christe and is heading to MD Anderson on Monday, then another call that hubbiy's cousin dh is in hospital starting chemo for leukemia, then an email from my Canadian cousin and her GD is having the blast of chemo and radiation and hopefully the stem cell transplant will begin Thursday, but these next few days will be pure hell for all, she is only 17 years old. Damn cancer to hell. This is all in one day!! Sorry to unload, but you gals understand the frustration and hurt.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    oh geez nd. That is all too much. So sorry. It just sucks. Why can't anyone fix it? So sad. Sad for us all.

    Ok so I was not thinking PB and bean burrito as a long term solution. More like eat tonight to spare me from Swedish meatball. Didn't want to ask bond to whip up an organic low transfat veg tray on his way over. Both lists of foods look good. Vitamix not shipping until February. Looking forward to some good recipes.

    Flowers sound so pretty bobo. Don't do too much scrubbing. Everyone is right, no one will notice and it will all be over before you know it. I know easier said than done. How did w boy end up? What's weather going to do? Backyard party??

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Oh ND, I am so sorry! Cancer is a bitch!! My SIL's uncle has just finished chemo and started stem cell treatment. It seems to be very successful for many already.

    My mom always says pretty soon you wont be asking who has cancer you'll be asking who doesn't!

    I still stand by the theory that instead of researching those.of us who have cancer and trying to determine the similarities they should research those who dont have it and find out why!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    Oh geez nd. That is too much. So sorry. Why doesn't someone fix it??? Sad for us all.

    I think of monster jam as truck wrestling z. Fun for the kids though. concessions everywhere an outrage. I won't start on circus. Don't have to do that anymore.

    I once actually nearly burned the house down due to a pan of grease gma had hidden in the back of the oven. I don't keep those things but to this day I always check the oven before lighting it.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Nd, that is way too much for a week, let alone a day. Someone wrote a book about the history of cancer and titled it The Emperor of All Maladies. So true. Most other diseases have found cures or vaccines and this one nothing, although there are some new ways to battle it.

    DH is always storing things in the oven. I always check before turning it on too.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Andrea, is the stem cell transplant you speak of in Canada or US?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    Meant to tell you earlier cousin Andrea that I was thinking of you today. Watched braveheart in honor of our ancestors. :-)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Wonderful update Bobo, everything sounds fantastic. Lovely flowers and really nice choices for the food. It will be a lovely day for all of you!

    ndgirl, that's terrible news, I can't believe how often we are hearing of someone else, being diagnosed with cancer.

    All this talk of storing stuff in the oven reminds me of that episode of SATC, where Carrie had never used her oven to cook, just for storage. LOL

    We had a very quiet day today, very windy and cool, but still humid. I took Dex out for a walk, but it wasn't pleasant. I hate high winds. Busy week coming up, tomorrow is Australia Day, so public holiday here.

    DP, I hope you and Bond had a nice evening and that you're snuggled up and sleeping now. Thinking of you! M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Oh no! Don't get me started on William Wallace!! Lol. We have the same last we must be related to him: so says all my husband's family.

    You and I, on the other hand ARE cousins!! But not on that side...we are related on the English monarchy side. Sorry. Lol.

    ND the fellow I was talking about went down to Mexico or somewhere for alternative treatment. Then home to Canada for more chemo and now he has had Stem Cell treatment (in Canada).

    Bobo must be run off her feet. I hope DLLP is helping, and that she is able to breathe and enjoy her wedding day.