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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    PRB, you are wicked!  I like that!!  OK,, showered and shampooed,,,,now must decide what to wear. 

    Edit:  covering up my chest compression garments is a bei*tch!!  Hoping it will not peek out today.  I really like this top.  Have nothing yellow to wear to go with the THEME,,, Magnenta and black are my colors today.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    DP what time is cyber knife today? Time to get this thing rolling!! In the bag...might have to pick up Trixie from the doctor's lounge. Havent heard a peep from her since your escape!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    In the bag for Cyberknife!  Dang,, Trixie has been there for quite a while!  I think you better pick her up,, she needs some rest.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Glennie, great job!! That is so thoughtful of you. Have fun at the wedding! Is Ava your plus 1? How cute would that be? Have a great day!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Wish I could take Ava, but I doubt they would let her enter the Courthouse!  Leaving now,, gotta find parking!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Announcement:  Bobo and DLLP are wed!

    The wedding was lovely. Princess was SO pretty with the flowers in her hair! She had several compliments from passing strangers!  The wedding was in the chapel at the courthouse. W boy held the rings.  The county clerk performed the ceremony. Short, simple and sweet.  Legal paperwork in hand, and we were off to the tiny house for the reception.   But first, we stopped outside to throw the birdseed, which was a big hit!!  

    Tons of food at the VERY CLEAN tiny house. Bobo dog greeted everyone with his stuffed reindeer. I will be posting pics in a few mins of the food, the AWESOME vegan cake that Bobo made, and the flowers. I have a few "people" pics that I can email to you if you wish to PM me with your email address. I think Bobo will figure out something in the future so that you can see the pics that MD took.

    Yes, I met MD!!!  She was not wearing a muu muu.  **disappointed**  She was wearing a very colorful swirly type of blouse, so maybe kind of close to a muu muu.  MD took LOTS of pics, and that kept her busy. I think she was on her best behavior with all the company. She did play the bossy photographer ,, "stand here, no closer," - "are you going to feed her the cake?"--"Princess, you are in the way of the picture"--"W-boy, move closer"--   type of thing.

    I met Cousin Ryan and some of DLLP's coworkers.  (Will DLLP now be known as DW?? Inquiring minds need to know) Bobo dog chewed on the reindeer for most of the reception, until he decided it was time to climb in my lap and kiss my face. He's so sweet!!

    OK, let me get a few pics posted,, then must walk Ava dog and get ready for work. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Yummy cake!image

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    The Bouquets. image

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Sushi platter! image

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    absolutely beautiful! So well put together! Thanks Glennie! What a great friend you are!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Very nice!! And good job Glennie! Sounds like a good time...and MD was on her best behavior....nice to hear.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Very nice, so pretty. All looks yummy!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    Congratulations to the Brides! Thank you Glennie for being our eyes and ears! The photos are great and everything looks lovely! Glad MD behaved and smiling at the vision of the princess with flowers in her hair! And Boy had such a big job to do! Sounds like a huge success! Hooray

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Ariom, Hoarding toilet paper is very smart. How much would you pay for a roll of real toilet paper after the store ran out? Bet you could make a fortune.

    Glennie, Now I'm hungry. All that food looked so good. Sent you a pm with my email.

    Congratulations to the happy couple. Sounds like it was a beautiful occasion.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    My mom has been a toilet paper hoarder in the past. If it is on sale, she buys many!!  And I heard that there was a TP shortage in Argentina? Venesuzula?  One of those countries was prohibiting imports. So TP and tampons became extremely valuable!!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    bond hoards Toilet paper and toothpaste. But he hates Costco. Go figure. Thinking a costco trip in order after next week. Hopefully knees better by then. I'm like Bambi today. I had to use my cane.

    What great pics. The cake is beautiful. Thanks for being our field correspondent glennie. Wish I could have gone. You have not mentioned if our blushing bride had any makeup on. I hold my breath. I'll get that girl in NOLA. like a drag queen. Do you hear me little sculpted vagina? DRAG QUEEN.

    I stopped by lounge in way out and gathered trixie. Poor thing. She is testing in the ottomon with Reggie protecting her.

    Love bobo dog entertaining self for party. And showing off his toy. Toby has to show everyone too.

    Feeling pretty ok. Just real tired and wobbly. Need to start dosing down steroid. Awaiting that verdict. It's prob too soon I know but it's almost an emergency again. You don't feel anything, like radiation. It was 30 minutes on table. Hurt my back but everything does. Tomorrow is at noon I think. Today we blasted my right frontal lobe.dont know what's tomorrow.

    So happy operation lemon was a success. And now we share an anniversary bobo. Ha!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Oh Glennie, that's so sweet, looks great!

    PRB, I swear you're worse than I am about MD, throw the whole packet at her really hard! bahahaha and get a picture of the face! Love it!!!

    Z, poor BG, poor you, I hate it when little ones are sick, would gladly have it for them! Black ice, scary stuff!

    Have to go to next page for the rest of the posts, hope there is some wedding stuff!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Oh Glennie, thank you! that was such a beautiful photographic journey of the set up at the tiny house. I am PM'ing email. I can't wait for the rest of the pics, you're the best reporter! MD behaved, I am so pleased, so she got a bit bossy for the pics, we can forgive that!

    DP, so the right frontal lobe is done and you feel ok, that's magic! I was worried it may be awful. You're a brave girl, I want to take you out for ice cream and some shopping! Hugs M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Congratulations! Thanks for all the updates glennie. Did you get pix of the shoes?

    Must have lemon cake. Will cheat and make a doctored box. Highway robbery at Walmart. Never been a lemon fan before.

    So what are your restrictions DP? Can you taper now or later this week?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    hi M!

    There's a timtam thief in my house. He says you can't eat just one. He ate the whole package!

    Oh well. I've moved onto lemon cake!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    OH Z, that's the trouble with Tim Tams, if you open a pack, you better be ready to eat all of them! Make him buy you a box of them! Love lemon cake!

    What's this with all the toilet paper hoarding I thought my Mother was on her own with that, how weird. Now I can understand hoarding, say, Tim Tams, but toilet paper, I don't get it! Never heard of a toilet paper shortage.

    I am so glad everything has turned out well! The wedding is over and our girls can get on with living! DP has had the first cyberknife and it was ok, I was worried about that one. Glennie has given us all, a peep in the window, of the proceedings and my day is just beginning! All's well! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    timtams! At target you say? Perhaps bond needs some punishing and muy go there. See before I went to hospital there was quite a bit of chocolate in the house. Left from holidays of course. Come him te to my little package of fierro rocher have empty. Hmmm. Maybe that's what happened to gallbladder and pancreas. I am not really a sweets person and I have been on overload with it. Must I confess that when I had pancreatitis in my twenties that I had eaten ice cream and cake for breakfast. See it was a bday party and I ended up passing out before having my chocolate can that I had been so looking forward to..... Coincidence?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    One of my favorite things is when you guys talk about Tim Tams, and then you say, You can't eat just one. But the package is very small. I don't know why that causes me such glee.

    First off, No, idesim! I did not send text blasts! Those texts were you, Glennie, and Z. And then when DP texted me I sent her the same pictures! No Jennifer. You are a jealous type!

    Many, many thanks to you guys, I wished you were there, but I felt you were there. Did someone send me a magic coin for my shoe? And then Idesim sent a magic wedding pin! And Z sent magic thong underpants! Z's name was on hers, but the other packages were anonymous!

    ND, I am so sorry for your news, that is just awful, awful, you must be so worried. Love your defiant announcement that you will have ice cream. I would certainly have some with you if I could.

    Glennie, that was just the most thoughtful and sweet report! Your pictures are beautiful. I was so glad you were there. It was just as Glennie reported: Bobo sucked his Rudolf while everyone talked, and then, out of nowhere, he climbed up on Glennie's lap, all the way up, and snuffled her and kissed her and nuzzled her! And he did it to no one else. I wonder what made him think it was time for a loving with Glennie?

    DP, I was in the bag with you all morning. I was not nervous, per se, but I was a little nervous because it was so public. And we have already been married for nineteen years, so it just felt funny to have this muckety make us repeat vows to 'be honest and help one another.' I tried to be serious, because I really want the paperwork, and DLLP was crying a little, but... come on. If only the Clerk of the Official blah blah had seen what we went through to get the wedding ready! It was married person city over here!

    Okay. There was NOT chemical lemon disinfectant. But rather there were natural cleaning materials. Well, I think DLLP uses some Bar Keepers friend or Bon Ami scrub in the bathroom. We steam clean the floors with water! And we drip a few drops of spearmint oil on the mop head! I am a little bit addicted to non-organic disinfectant wipes for everyday cleanup... that happened before last year's first sx, because I was crazy about avoiding infection...

    I was so happy everyone liked the food! They ate it up. The party was very small. DLLP's co-workers that were only coming to the lunch... only two came. It was fine, really, either way. Super-glad it's over. Our princess has had four pieces of cake. Birdie, you were so succinct and correct: 'Maybe mother of the bride is a role she will savor.' She was EXTREMELY well mannered and fine. Other than talking about the following things at the reception:

    1. She has almost no gray hair. She showed everyone.

    2. She was crowned centennial queen of Holly Michigan in high school.

    3. She is often mistaken for my dad's daughter (???). In fact, she was at an outing playing with a little baby and someone thought it was her baby, and my dad was the grandfather (???)

    -- she was well behaved. I am so glad that's over! My hands are the raw and bleeding hands of a scrubwoman. In fact, I got three tiny spots of blood on the side of my dress when I put it on, because it turns out one of my cuticles was bleeding, and I had an old-school freak-out.

    DP, I thought of you this afternoon. I was taking off my MAKE UP, and I had so much makeup on that it took tissues and tissues, and I thought, now, DP would be very happy about this. Very little eye makeup though. I swear by my chiseled and razor-sharp vagina that I will walk the streets with a full face of your drag-queen makeup after you do it! So relieved you are home, I cannot tell you. In the bag for tomorrow at noon. No honeymoon for the wicked!

    PRB, that story made me pee.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    I reply to myself, what else can I do, someone must do it. DLLP asked what my favorite part of the day was, and I said, without thinking, The birdseed. Our glennie went to organic activist birdist bird environment shop and got birdseed of the gods. It is what birds would most want to eat, I imagine. No teeny sesame seeds there. And she made these beautiful packages. So then when we came out (it was a little bit rigged,with MD saying NO! LET US GO OUT FIRST! THEN WE WILL THROW THE BIRD SEED!), our princess really pelted me with the seeds, but others threw it high in the air, and it gained velocity before it landed. It was like a very hard birdseed shower. OUCH! I had to stop myself from saying. It was so funny and delightful. And then these giant seeds keep coming out of my hair, in the shower, and when I was putting on my pjs, and you know it when they hit the ground! It's like Christmas for the birds! Thank you Glennie!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Popped in to see how DP went today... Yay DP! First one down. How many to go? What are the SE's? I'm glad you are feeling ok and hope that this continues.

    Glennie.. omg.. you did a great job with pictures!!! Thank you so much for being there, it made me feel like I was there too.

    I am so pleased everything went ok and everyone was on their best behavior... congrats to the beautiful newlywed couple.

    We are preparing for the storm of storms here.. worst one in 100 years they are saying. Just think.. if I went to the wedding, I would have been stuck in sunny warm FL through the storm..... DAMN! :) Everybody please send good thoughts and prayers and what not that we do not lose power.... Joe gave our generator to an elderly/sickly member of the family and now we don't have one. Being male, he of course waited until the last minute to go get us a generator and they are all sold out. *big long sigh*

    Be back later as I need to catch up on the previous page I think.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Am working,, it's busy,, I promise to get to your PM's as soon as I can.  But OMG,,, i did NOT get a picture of the Princess's shoes and they were beautiful!!  **beating self on head**  I hope Bobo can post one.  Back soon,, promise.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    DP:  you are too funny asking ME if I noticed makeup. You do realize that I have not worn makeup since my own wedding in 1999???  I'm glad that Bobo herself answered this question.  So glad first Cyberknife is over. In the bag for tomorrow.

    So Glad that Bobo has reported in with more details!  And I'm sooooo happy you liked the bird seed. Hey, the kids were going to throw the whole packet, and I'm like,,, nooooo,, you have to take the seeds out so the birds can eat them. And did you hear me yell at Larry,, "you can't leave yet. You have to throw birdseed".  And I just met him. LOL!!  It was so much fun and I am so happy that you invited me. It was wonderful to meet your DLLP (DW) and the kids!!

    ldesim:  I hope you do not lose power!! 

    back later,,,,  work,, UGH!!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Wishing Bobo and DLLP much happiness to follow! You have been through so much already that maybe the next part of the journey will be a piece of cake.. lemon of course. Glennie sent me pics in email and I love the expression of princess on the one.. just precious! Beautiful family. CONGRATULATIONSSmile