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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    Zills, go to, put in lab and your zip code. It will give you all the labs near you. Lots of shelters have dogs in foster care that wouldn't be at the shelter. Our shelter has 166 cats in foster care. All the shelters use petfinder to advertise their wares.

    M, Yes the Aussie one. He had one really funny bit where the homeowner tries to remember the code for his gun safe while the intruder waits. "How would I remember your mother's birthdate?"

    And I'm another Mother who said live with the guy first. I think it saved her from a couple of disasters.

    We left Hood River this morning with the sun shining and 73 degrees at 9:30am. It started raining as we entered greater Seattle, is 63 here and still raining. We had 2 ears of corn from our garden for dinner tonight. They were store sized and delicious. Corn is a maybe crop here, so very exciting.

    DP, Get the divorce finalized. I think Texas is still a community property state. I'm sure you don't want him to get anything of yours.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    DP, that's a lot of money in just a few hours, you are good, maybe you should go and play for real :). Love the BF story where all the gals are in love with him.  Does he realise the effect he has?

    Zills, I think you should go with wren's suggestion re labs.  I imagine it would be hard to see their doggy tails wagging, but not take them with you.

    Bobo, a turtle, how adorable, did he/she live happily ever after?

    M, Have fun with the baby sniffing?  Is dex put out by another having all the affection?


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Petfinder is good. That's how I found Ava, and my last dog, Rocco too.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Petfinder is how I found Spookie. She was a 6 hour drive, but worth it to me. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    yes yes petfinder is the place. It's fun to read all the little stories too. And then you want to have all of them. That's where I found Reggie. 

    Does the kukicha tea come from a special store?  James Bond searched the tea aisle at Kroger for an hour last night. He ended up with celestial sleepy time so as not to come back empty handed. So I drank it and went to bed at 10pm. Now I've been awake since 2am. Argh. 

    Yes dawny, he knows he's a charmer. Back in his drinking days, we were out every evening. It was a lot of fun for a while. I'm very low key, so it was an experience to have everyone knowing and catering to you. We were good tippers too of course. Have to get motivated to go shower. Grandma is coming to cut my hair before the lawyer appt. 

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Agree with petfinder.  Might be the most expedious way of finding just the right pup!

    Just finished watching the Jim Jefferies Gun Control video.  That was a funny bit.  I would love to share that with DH since he is a "gun enthusiast".  He has an arsenal in the bedroom closet!  I hate them!  (My dad was a cop and I was taught a healthy respect for weapons.). BTW DH doesn't hunt-he has 10 guns for "self and family protection" hence the great desire to show it to him.  Won't waste my time as he won't find it funny, but my DD will!  

    Don't have a photo of Hank on my iPad.  Doubt there is one on DH's computer.  Also reason why I don't have a photo next to my name.  It won't let me upload from my iPad.  How ridiculous is that?  I don't have a desktop now that I am not working.  Only use DH's desktop when he wants me to do something on it for him, or I am doing the taxes!  He still has Windows XP and won't get a new program.  Why should he? He doesn't do anything on it but read his mail!  (Only because I refused to go through it for him anymore!) If anything happens to me, he is screwed!

    Okay, I might not be in the greatest mood today.  DD woke me up at 5:30 to give her my gas card so she could get to school.  Really?  That was the end of my sleeping.  Went to sleep around 2am this morning as I can't seem to shut my brain off at night!  The neurontin usually makes me sleepy, but lately I just can't fall asleep.  I am cranky!  I think I need drugs.

    DH just called from the other house that he is supposed to paint and fix up since he let the tenants fuck it up.  (The kitchen looks like a Pizzaria! Not a good look for a "southern home".) I was against the tenants making any changes, but he had to be the good guy.  Only been gone over night and he is ready to throw in the towel and come home.  I guess he likes paying two mortgages with one income!  As my college roommate would say, "whaa, whaa! You want some cheese with that whine!"  Guess I will have to get it done, which might actually be better for me.  I don't think I would be any slower!

    Enough of my rant today.  Hope you are having a good day, DP!  I am going to get the blender going for seconds!  

    Hope everyone has something wonderfully good happen today! S

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    I drove from Gainesville to Ft Lauderdale to get Ava.  She was just so cute, I couldn't resist her.

    Good luck with the lawyer appt, DP. Keep us posted.  I never heard of that tea either. Hopefully Bobo can tell us more.

    Darn on no picture of Hank!!! Wonder why you can't upload pic from Ipad?  I do it from my Ipod Touch.  And it's much smaller.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Clearwater to Panama City. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Kukicha tea is available at health food stores -- I get it from my small health-food store here, which shall remain nameless, since we are not supposed to tell our city of origin -- or from W Foods.  It is not at my Trader Joe's.  It is really good and calming and plain.  I am going to have some right now.  I also love Rooibos (but not mixed with anything).

    How you doin' today DP?  We are cooking up a little caper over on our other thread (New and future flat sister).  Wait until you hear what happens!  Can't wait to hear what happens at the lawyer's.

    Z, chex mix is genius!  No allergies.  Totally agree about shelters.  I hate them too, I cannot handle it, and I castigate myself because I am not a strong enough person to volunteer at the shelter and pet all the dogs there and give them love.  Last time I went to a shelter it was a total disaster.

    G, my dad loves all cookies.  I don't think you can go wrong at W Foods.

    Well, there is going to be a deluge of sweeties at MD's house by the time I get there!  For my part, I am going to bring homemade beer bread, choc chip cookies from fancy bakery, and a pie from W Foods.  So fun!  I am going to report in this weekend as your live correspondent! 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    gosh it feels like it's been a long day. Up super early. Got my hair cut. Wish I had done that a month ago!  It's not very pretty but it feels much better.  Got my life insurance forms from work. Saw the attorney. She is filing today. But there is a 60 day waiting period for cooling off. She is going to check if maybe there is a medical issue loophole. $2000 retainer .  I have to take her more money tomorrow because does anyone still carry a checkbook? I don't. That didn't take long so grandparents and I stopped for a sandwich before rads. Best fish sandwich I've had in forever. No waiting at rads which is sometimes miraculous. Home now and texted the news to future ex. Now some tea sounds good. Too bad genius James Bond only got caffeine free. Totally on purpose too. He hates me staying up all night. Will have to direct him to a health store. 

    Can't wait to see what y'all are cooking up over there bobo!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Good boy James Bond!  Kukicha has very tiny amount of caffeine -- not enough to count -- and I think rooibos has none... :)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    I need my caffeine!! He says he ordered a case from amazon today. Good guy. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    DP, no!  No caffeine after 2 p.m.  Okay, 4 p.m.  :)

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Glad things are moving along on the big D, DP.  Sorry it is so fucking expensive.  My ex used his deployment as being separated, even though I didn't ask for the divorce until he got back 9 months later.  He was in a bit of a hurry to marry his girlfriend.  Can't you use the separate residences to prove the cooling off period?  I hope things go smoothly for you!  I haven't carried a checkbook in years!  I think it is permanently stuck in DH's back pocket.  He is so set in his ways.  We've only been married for 14 years, actually that is a record for me, and we both have our quirks.  Mine, of course, are much better than his! Lol. Happy to hear you got your hair cut and didn't have to wait for rads!  :). Hope you get some rest tonight. If I can't sleep again, I will check to see if you are still up!  Later, S

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    There must be something wrong with me, I can drink anything with caffeine before bed and still be out to it, in minutes, give me a non drowsy Claratine and I sleep for hours! I don't do "drugs" well.

    Wow DP, $2000.00 retainer that's really stiff! I am usually whining about how much more stuff costs over here, but we do have cheap divorce! Just live apart for a year and do your own dividing up of stuff, pay a fee and Bing bang bong, you're done!

    Glad to hear your day went well and you got through the treatment without having to wait. Fish sandwich? What is that? I eat salmon sandwiches with avocado, tomato, onion and ailoli, my fave! Is it like that?

    Dawny, Dex hasn't had any experience with babies, since we have had him, he was very good, but wanted to sniff the little one all over. He didn't really like me holding her so much, but he took up his spot on the back of the couch as my head rest, while I held her. The young couple were very accommodating, they played with Dex and patted him a lot while I played with the baby!

    Sgc, I feel for your Husband having to make right, the crap from the tenants in your house. We had 2 lots do a runner after making a big mess of our property years ago. We decided no more rentals, too much stress. The tenants over here have more rights than the owners!

    Bobo, I have slacked off, because of the visitors. I've done nothing about the onslaught of yummy stuff at your parents house and I don't have an address. 

    Hi Glennie and Spookie! 

    Have a good evening all! M x

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    I did it!  I uploaded a photo for my avatar.  It is pre dx, but I am hoping to get back to resembling myself one of these days!  I am so proud! S

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Well done Sgc, I just saw it on the other thread! Lovely Photo!!!! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    good job sgc. Nice pic!  I need some caffeine cuz I can't handle going to bed at 10 again and up at 2. That wasn't cool. Bf said I would get used to it. I asked why I would want to. He likes to go to bed before 9 sometimes and gets up stupid early. 

    Your sandwich sounds good ariom. Here it is a fried square of cod usually with tartar sauce. This was at a deli though. It had piles of yummy kosher dill pickles and good tomatoes on a toasty bun with lots of lettuce.  And best part. No tartar sauce. I like lot of ketchup instead. It was really really good. But I'm still living hungry all the time too so it could be me. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Oh Yum, DP that sounds fabulous! I love Deli sandwiches with lots of different Kosher stuff. I lived in a predominately Jewish area years ago and couldn't get enough of the food, Delis everywhere, but that was before Cortisone, so I could eat whatever I wanted and never gained a pound!

    You sound like you have lived like a shift worker, late, late nights. I used to be like that too, but now go to bed around 11pm and up at 7.30am, it seems to work for me, but I do admit to the odd Nana Nap on the couch in the afternoons sometimes! lol But that's my age, or so I am told! Ha

    Have you been in the pool? M x

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Ah sucks, thanks guys!  My sleep patterns have gone to hell since my first round of chemo last year!  Never know when, how, or if I will sleep.  DH can have a cup of coffee right before he goes to bed, but I don't drink the stuff after 6.  Just wires me up and then I need to snack and then, well you know how that goes!  Lol, need to eat dinner before it is too late.  Chat later, S

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2014

    Nice pic Sgc, you are just lovely!  I think we share the same sleep patterns... not fun.

    An update on my friend Marilyn,.. she came for a visit and spent the night, had such good talks and of course I had to show her my Foobs!! she chuckles about this name for them. She was stage 1 and grade 2 and will be starting arimidex, no chemo or rads. We buzzed up to Canada and spent the morning at a tea house, went to women's clothing store and bought scarvesNerdy. She is doing very well, was so good to see her.

    Bobo, I bought some special chocolates for Dad, they are little hedgehogs with hazelnuts.. do you think they will melt getting to Florida.. or should I send cookies. Hope they get there when you are there!! oh we are evilDeviland having fun doing it! Let me know what you think.. they are so darn cute but didnt want them to melt either.

    Aw Ariom, sniffing babies heads.. what is it that just draws us to that.. could it be youth???

    Hello to everyone must run.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Oh my gosh,, so many posts! How long was I gone?  Must go back and read.

    Tonight's story:  Plans with friend for dinner and movie, my usual Weds night off ritual. So I took a shower, dried my hair, etc.  I'm in the bedroom deciding what shirt to wear and  **CRASH**   Poor dog scared to death, runs to Mummy.  The globe over the lightbulb in the bathroom decided to commit suicide by leaping off the ceiling and smashing itself into small pieces all over the floor. One large shard landed dangerously close to my baby dog!!  I was just in there!  It could have hit me on the head!

    So I get the dustpan and start sweeping up the bigger pieces before getting out the vaccum. Poor Ava,, still upset, comes to me,, sees her water dish and starts drinking. There was glass in it! I screamed NO and took it away from her, which of course freaked her out. My poor baby.   Anyway,, all cleaned up now.  Need new globe or just leave the light bulb exposed.  Seems safer to leave the light bulb exposed!

    Off to read posts.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Spooks:  that's a haul!!

    Bobo:  we aren't supposed to post our city of origin?  Oops,, pretty sure I gave that away somewhere.  Goodies to Dad will be in mail on Monday. Space it out a bit after your weekend drop off.   CAN'T wait to hear how it goes!!  Will have to look for that tea at the nameless health food store. Thurs is 10% off day. Woo-hoo!  Shelters are rough,, I want to bring them all home. And my allergies have gotten really bad. Used to be only to cats, now I have difficulty if I'm around a large number of animals,,, like more than 4. Will not be an old lady dog hoarder, unless it's hypo-allergenic dogs.

    DP:  good for you in getting the process starting. $2000 retainer sucks, but they charge a lot. (remember from my own divorce, OUCH)  Glad you didn't have to wait at rads.  I don't like tartar sauce myself,, I like cocktail sauce on my fried fish sandwiches. Like having spicy ketchup!!

    SGC:  love the piccie!! I stil have a checkbook, but never carry it with me,,, unless I know in advance that I'll need it for some strange reason. 14 years is an excellent record.  I never had a relationship last more than 7.

    M: that salmon sandwich sounds really good. Sounds like you get the opposite reaction to meds.  Caffeine will keep me up if I have it too late in the day,, like I had iced tea tonight with dinner and after 8PM,,, so I think this will be a not good sleep night.

    ND:  glad you had fun with Marilyn. I love that,,,just ran up to Canada and went shopping bit!!!  LOL!! The hedgehogs sounds really cute.  Hope they don't melt either.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Poor baby girl! She must think mommie is crazy!!!!

    NDgirl, I think it would prolly melt. It's still hot everywhere, except Alaska and high elv Wyoming. It was 93 here today. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    Glennie, We had a bathroom light do the same thing. DH got parts for it and fixed it and it did it again. Same light on a panel of 3. Right now it's just bare.

    Spookiesmom, It's finally 71 here. 

    ND, I agree about the chocolate melting in the mail. Maybe in Nov?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Actually Jan Feb would be cool enough. Might get to 70s then

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Nov/Dec should be good. Talking North FL here,, LOL!! 

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2014

    ok, well I had  better think of something else, have choc. chip cookies in freezer or brownies with no frosting, think that would work in Florida?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Yes, I think either of those would work.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    You aren't THAT much farther north from me! 

    NDgirl, yes, that should work. 

    Nitey nite