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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    I can get Colin to pimp you a chair should you need it DP, he's cruising in a brand new carbon fiber and Titanium one, not that you'll need one, once these rads kick that shit to the kerb (aussie sp)

    I am ready with a fierce suit and my Skype on, if that "Dicktor" needs a dressing down DP, you know I'll do it! Give me the word and it's done!

    I am glad you didn't hurt yourself as you went down in front of the Hospital, hugs to BF for being there, for the Damsel in Distress.

    I am so pleased you woke feeling better, maybe the rest is what you need for now, just go with the flow. The body does recoup, while sleeping.

    Pass the Pina Coladas please, the light fruity, half alcohol wine, isn't doing it for me!

    Bobo, aww Bobo just loves you! As soon as I wake in the morning, Dex is right there on my chest, looking into my eyes. He does what we call a "Dog Scan" which is the softest sniff along the eyelashes, not quite touching and a soft snort at the end. We don't know if he is testing for something or trying to heal us, but it is a cute routine every day!

    I wish you a comfortable night DP, hugs from me! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    just got home from dinner withy grandparents. Grandma tested out one of her cookie recipes for the fair for us. It was delicious. And old fashioned (aka1950s) enchiladas. Which it is really still hot to cook but she sacrificed for me because I love them. I love most all Mexican food though. Maybe I'll need a motorized shopping cart soon when I weigh 500 lbs!  

    Not too worse for the wear from my gymnastic display. The tops of my feet are scraped up and feel a bit sprained. Bf said he didn't think my legs were supposed to bend that direction. I thought the two guys that came running out to help worked at the hospital but he told me they were just standing there inside. Vanity is funny. I should be too scared to be embarrassed but it was definitely embarrassing. Oh well. I think I get to go back to the cancer center for treatment tomorrow. Hopefully it will be less eventful. I may also get to actually see the dr but I'm not sure. I don't want to have any episodes in front of the grandparents. I'm going to try going to bed at a normal time tonight. Thinking maybe I can since I've been up all day. Amazing!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,504
    edited September 2014

    Hi All, 

    Just so you know, we took this out of the Active Topic list, to prevent newbies from coming in right now. We suggest that you bookmark it to make sure you can easily locate the topic, and if you have any problems finding it, or would prefer it to be back in Active topics, please do reach out to us. 


    The Mods

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    I must say, I am the one who suggested to the mods that we be taken out of active topics... I don't want newbies in here talking about their bumpy areas.  Who doesn't have a bumpy area?  **old news**  We need to put this shit on sincere lockdown, since we are no longer inserting asterisks and numbers into our words to make them less like actual swear words.  Fuck you inhospitable rads center with the foul-smelling face masks!  Our DP is going to the fancier place tomorrow.

    Leave it to our M to coin a new word: 'Dicktor.'  That one's going to stick.  Let me try it out.  My Plastic Surgery Dicktor made me drive an hour and forty minutes roundtrip to see him, then he stuck me with an idiot PA.  Yes, that works very well.

    Pass the enchiladas, please.  And I think I will stick to beer.  I hoist this beer in your honor, DP, you badass!  Save me a cookie.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    Thanks mods. Didn't know you could do that. It's her call. 

    DP. Is it possible you are dehydrated? I had a couple of those type spells early in the summer. My RO said it was the heat and humidity. Some people don't do them well after chemo. I had no episodes in Ireland. Had a small one since I came back. And yes they are scary. Told to drink, drink, drink. Better make more piña coladas for tomorrow. In the bag. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    oh yes the bumps and lumps are there and by the way, also still concave to answer my own question. Just picture a rumpled up and reflattend world map from 1923. And yes bobo, I prefer to not have to filter. I guess we could rename to "I was worried about flat, now I just want my brain back". Gah!!!

    It's hot and I would like to go for a swim. But a couple of days ago I found a rat swimming in the pool. So I ain't venturing in in the dark!  I pondered saving the little guy but I have been trying to kill him for two weeks already. So I left him swimming away with his nose in the air. I felt bad when I got back home and bf had to fish him out dead and bloated.  I still feel guilty. He was really fighting and I just turned my back. My emotions are wacky right now though. 

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Piña Coladas will be flowing tomorrow!  Do I need a few more frozen glasses?  Really want to try some of Bobo's chips and grandma's cookies!  With you sister!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    forgot to add bobo that that was great sentence structure. Good job. Good call dr  zills. He did say to increase my water. It was damn hot when I got out if the car. I keep trying to find patterns but really can't. I have been living on sprite for over a week because it keeps my tummy happy. I will drink lots more water though. If I had my port (knew I would miss it), I would swing by for fluids tomorrow. The thought of IVs still makes me woozy. 

    How are you and the kiddos doing zills?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Probably a good idea removing it from active category. I felt bad for  those who were trying to be helpful but didn't realize how long ago the query was posted. Bless their hearts!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    Ginger tea helped my stomach. Also love those alka seltzer chews! I looked for a pattern too. I was eating a snow cone with my first one so didn't think I was dehydrated but extra water seems to keep them at bay. 

    Ewwww. Dead rat. We just have squished mice and moles from the tractor. Shy guy, Firebob and Rainbow (garage/barn) cats eat everything. Tonight was fritoes from the baby's side of the car. This morning it was the waffle she dropped. 

    Both seem healthy. Spent the day at the beach. Both zonked out but just heard whimpering from her room. Thunder. She's also afraid of cows. 

    Boy heard Free Falling on the radio and said it was a Jesus song. I was afraid to ask. 

    It stormed right after we arrived. Had to make a mad dash up the hill, get out stuff and pile into the car. The rain was lashing and it stung our legs. Watched Disneys 3 little pigs cartoon while it blew over. Then back in. Was red neck day. Most brought their big gas grills from home. We had cheese and crackers and grapes and baby cupcakes. 

    She calls everything baby. Baby cheese is shredded cheese. My sil gives it to her one year old. I thought that was smart. 

    We love Mexican. The boy requests "flat" beans. Can you tell us about the cookie or is it a secret? 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    ugh, dead rat in pool.  ewwwwwwww.    I had rats in the house one time.  Set a trap with Snickers bar, supposedly they really like those. It went off in the middle of the night with a loud snap that woke me up.  Then I had dead rat in kitchen.  2AM,,,,, no one to call. I got BBQ tongs and shoved it into shoe box and put it on the porch.  Gross,,, so very gross. 

    Big monsoon storm again. When it stopped, backyard was flooded. Ava bravely stood in water to pee. That's my girl.

    Enchiladas and pina coladas. I'm there.  Dicktor,, excellent word.  

    back to work,,,,

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263
    edited September 2014

    DP, you are awesome. Really.  I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through, and yet you still have your wonderful sense of humor.  That rocks. Seriously.  Happy

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Rats gross me out. We had twenty in our yard by our house once. Exterminator put down poison, but we had to remove bodies (and by we I mean exhusband). Biggest one was 20" long nose to end of tail.

    Nearly jumped out of my skin yesterday when I saw a little old mouse in the garage. Kids just laughed at their terrified mother (spiders have same effect on me).

    So I bought traps today and set them in garage. My 13 year old  daughter has agreed to check and empty traps for me. She's my hero!!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    Have you tried horchata? My friend translates as rice water. I've never been able to duplicate it. Good for bellies in hot weather. Won't cramp if you drink too much. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    thank you Jennie :-) I owe to this merry band collected here. 

    Oh gross Andrea. I kind if have a mass problem too. They climb in the trees. When the light is right, I can see them crawling all over the branches. It's creepy and they have been coming in the garage after dog food. Bf has a barrage of traps but they are too smart. I can't stand the sticky traps. Find one once that really fought it and you'll understand. I hate poison because then they crawl in the attic to die and smell. Plus I'm afraid one of the dogs will eat a poisoned one. The new snap traps they have look like binder clips and I can't imagine them working. So I just had to let the thing drown, but I do love most creatures and can be a softy. My grandpa showed me how to melt a slug once when I was little. I was fascinated by the science at first and then horrified, wanting to wash it off so it would stop. 

    What a full day zills. Glad everyone is feeling good and hopefully you too. I am jealous of good rain. We don't get good rain here, like in movies. It always comes with tornados and scary wind or hail. I would like just a nice strong gloomy shower, on a day I don't have to Go anywhere anyway. The dogs had their braums ice cream for dessert and now Toby is nibbling on my toes. Bf takes them through the drive thru for a scoop of vanilla each. I tell him it's bad but they seem ok. That's probably how Toby has gained weight and Reggie gets plenty of exercise but he probably should cut back. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    oh yea the cookies. It's not a secret but I couldn't discern the recipe just yet. She told me but remember what a bad cook I am. Lol. I have to really focus on recipes. It was some sort of praline kind of squares. I don't like pecans but they were just delicious and a lovely texture. The crust was made of graham crackers. I will share the recipe when I get it. It sounds easy. She will probably enter them in the first contest on 9/27. Maybe it will be a winning recipe to share. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    meanwhile I'm working on the bisquick contest for this year. Never used it before. Hmm

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    hope dicktor was wrong because it's more than a month away...

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Oh my, rats, are so yuck. There were rats in the boat shed before it was transformed. I painted everything  stark white, even the floor, so if any of those little suckers get in again, I'll see them straight away.

    Shock dose the pool and let it  settle for a few days DP. Those pool chemicals will kill anything.

    I know it is going to be hard to forget the rat in there, but who knows what swims in or pools at night when we don't see them! Sorry, that didn't make you feel any better about it did it?

    Andrea, I don't do spiders well either and Bec is even worse than me. My gf and I went after a huge huntsman one night with a badminton racket and a big coffee jar. We managed to get it, but not before we had both wet our pants laughing like children as we chased it all over the place.

    Glad to hear your DD is the brave one! My Mother was amazing, she would pick up big spiders that would get into our letterbox, by one leg and throw them into the garden, while I squealed and turned myself inside out from the grossness! LOL

    We had a mouse invasion at one of my houses years ago and the exterminator gave us these cookie, biscuit things to throw under the house and in the attic. He said that they would eat them, get very hot and go outside to cool off and to get water. I just thought he was yanking my chain, it sounded just so unlikely, but the mice disappeared, I don't know where to, because I never found a dead one. They must have gone like the the Pied Piper of Hamlyn, but down to the river for water. 

    Zills, is probably right DP, the dehydration is a really debilitating thing and if she has had these episodes too, you need to "chug a lug" lots more water. Just be careful nothing funny happens or you'll be doing the pants wetting thing, like my friend and me!

    "Free Falling" a Jesus song? Wonder what he is hearing in  that song? I just checked and he's right there is a line about Jesus!

    I just remembered a competition that was on the radio when my 2nd ex husband was on the air, about mistaken words in songs. It was hysterical!

    Robert Palmer "You're Addicted to love" You're a Dick with a glove!

    Madonna "Like a Virgin" Touched for the 31st time!

    Suzie Quatro "Down on Devil Gate Drive" Down on Dribble Dick drive!

    I could go on and on..........

    Just as well this thread is locked down it is getting a bit grubby, don't you love it!

    Glennie, Ava is so good! Dex won't get his feet wet so he doesn't even step off the patio, he will pee and poo in the decorator stones outside our windows, so he doesn't get his tootsies wet!

    Big storms here today too, and freezing, thunder and some lightning. I am a little concerned for the visitors driving such a long way in it. They are also towing a caravan, which wouldn't make it any easier.

    Will check back later...M x


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Oh yes, the sticky traps. The Rat man offered us one but told us rats will sometimes gnaw off a foot to try and escape. Also he said they will scream when they are trapped. I knew if I used one inside then during the night I would probably awake to a squealing rat...and then what??? I would have to dispose of it??? Not bloody likely!!

    Rats in your trees!!!!! That is horrible. Now just tell me you have tarantulas in the trees too and I will never set foot in your state !!

    Trying to think of better things before I try and sleep tonight!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    I would be thrilled if this is all dehydration instead of doomsday. Water bottle in tow!  

    I love those mistaken song lyric stories ariom. Excuse me while I kiss this guy...,

    I know I said I would go to bed like a normal person tonight. But who am I kidding?  This clip is adorable. I've always been envious I musical families when I watch behind the music. Kid is cute and sad has a nice voice. Could be the next big talent. Don't let me down

    Power just went off on the whole block and I'm sitting on the patio. Creepy. I think I hear rats in the garage!  Should've been in bed. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    no tarantulas. Lol. But we have brown recluse spiders whose poison eats holes in your flesh and makes it decay. Charming right?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    back when I had the rat problem,, exterm told me not to use sticky traps for rats, as they were too big and could drag them around!  And then you have very angry rat stuck to this thing,, then what to do???  Better to kill them. Very Large spring trap worked for me.  And exterm. put more in the attic.  I only caught the one and the attic ones caught the rest.

    Sorry you have crappy weather, M.  Ava knows that she must go pee on my work break before she gets her dinner, so she is very motivated at that time. Any other time,, she might just turn right around and walk back in w/o doing any business.

    Bedtime.  See you all tomorrow.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    DP, we have those flesh eating poison spiders too, they are called white tails over her and the mess they can make is nightmare material.

    Speaking of my 2nd ex the Musical one, he did some gardening for me while I was overseas once. He woke up 48 hours later with a foot that had gone black with a hole in it. He had missed a whole day of work, hadn't even realized it. They thought it was one of those bites, it took several years for it to be completely right.

    Jimmy Hendrix Purple Haze.... "S'cuse me, while I kiss this guy!"

    Monkees "Now I'm a Believer"  I saw her face, now I'm gonna leave her!  M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    some of my own mistaken lyrics are

    Freda Payne -Band Of Gold :

    "Now that you're gone, all that's left is a 

    MANIFOLD."...(guess that's why the song didn't make sense to me lol)

    My neighbor (mother of two young girls mind you) used to belt out this song when it played on the radio:

    Shocking Blue-I'm Your Venus:

    "I'm Your PENIS, I'm Your Fire, What's your desire..."

    (My oldest daughter and I can't even hear those  songs without cracking up!!)

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Huntsman??? Might as well be tarantulas. I think I would have to be institutionalized if I ever ran into one of those!!!

    Brown recluse bites are beyond horrific. We had black widows back home; never saw one. 

    So much for getting back to sleep now, lol.

    Thunder woke me up at 1:00 and pain meds wore off at 3:30. Well, I should try and grab a few more hours before I have to get up for the kids.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    okay, I have my fingers in my ears, my eyes shut, and saying blah, blah blah, so I can t hear you all talking about spiders and rats.

    Dicktor is a good one M, will definitely use that.

    " Alex the seal" sung instead of "our lips are sealed"

    " I can see clearly now, Lorraine has gone"

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Lorraine is gone. LOL

    Back in the early 90's, long before Google, a friendship was lost over an argument about the lyrics to the Brady Bunch Theme Song.

    Me: "They were 4 men living all together..."

    Her:" They were FORMED and living all together..."

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    OMG, those lyrics are so hysterical.

    We have brown recluse spiders down here and they leave a terrible bite. I'm super afraid of them. I have to kill every spider I see regardless of what it looks like, just in case it is a brown recluse.  And I really don't like killing things. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    I've never seen a recluse that I know of but used to get these big wood spiders in the house that were ugly mofos. Everyone says they don't bite you but man they are big and ugly and fast!