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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    A major storm approaching rapidly.  The winds are actually cooling things down.  DD's dog is whining already. She hates storms and I don't know where her thunder shirt is.  She's heading for the closet so I'd better go.  Have a good night everyone, S

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    does the thundershirt work?  It's about 78 here right now but it's 4am. I'm so ready for our two weeks of fall to arrive. Blink and you miss it. Forecast says 98 for the rest of the week then a big dip to 92 for Sunday. Ugh. Having family over on Sunday for September birthdays, so I don't have to go any where. 

    I guess I can only sleep in 4 hr intervals. Or the sleepy tea has a placebo effect. I was laying in the couch thinking about making some before bed, waiting in my phone to charge. Next thing I know 3am. So having my tea now. But I would much rather be going to bed at 3 than getting up. Dr discovered I am taking double the dosage of steroids that he thought I was. He said it was huge but didn't say to change it. I would rather keep the swelling down than sleep. Which has not been normal in a year anyway. 

    Now why exactly is there a cookie missile headed to Florida?

    Glennie poor Ava. Is the house haunted or what!?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    forgot to say (damn there goes my memory, deliriumpie here I am!) what a wonderful treat I had in te mailbox when I for home today. Bond had a stack of bills but handed me a beautiful stack of lovely cards. Thank you all so much for your love support and friendship. I know I say it a lot but you guys are just the best and you keep me going every day. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hey there gorgeous! I wondered if you were up.

    I had the same thought about the exploding light, that's scary and creepy!

    The cookie missile going to Florida to Bobo's Dad who is having a rough time with cancer too, right now. Fuck cancer!!! Anyhoo, Bobo's Mother who we named MD, for Mommie Dearest, isn't the most compassionate gal, in fact seems to be a real narcissist who arranged to have her gastric bypass, elective surgery, the same week as Bobo's Dad was having all his test to see about progression. I started talking about how she can only have a thimble full of anything for a very long time and how Bobo should  make a Vitamix soup and freeze it in ice cubes as single serves, then someone, I can't remember who, because we are all bitches, who are thinking of ways to get MD back. Oh meant to say she cracked the shits with Bobo for not getting cancer at a more convenient time, for MD, who had insurance for cancer, which she couldn't use...get the picture? 

    Well, some brilliant one here decided we'd send lots of yummy stuff to Bobo's Dad, cause MD can't eat anything more than a thimble full, so she will be either dead jealous, or she'll dig in and make herself sick...I am betting on the latter!!!   I promised chocolates, but I don't have an address, so I won't get them there in time for Bobo to see the outcome at the weekend. I wish I could be a fly on the wall! bahaha 

    Good grief, if you aren't sleeping already, this is going to put you to sleep!

    Hugs to you!!!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    you're welcome DP. You never know what Joy you bring to others. I just moved to a new state a few months before my DX and didn't know a soul here. Neighbors were so welcoming when we first arrived, and the neighbor behind us invited us to their summer end block party where I met a lovely young lady. She has become a dear friend and although she had no prior experience with cancer she has not ceased to be a big comfort. She even rallied a bunch of her neighbors to bring me a meal for two weeks after my surgery.

    Well now she is moving out of state soon. I will miss her dearly.

    Anyway, my initial point is that all of you have seemed like my friends now for so long, even tho we have never met. So glad we could be there for each other. Who knew you could care so deeply for people you've never met!

    Hugs all around!!'

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    lol ariom. Thanks for the update. Wow that's a lot going on. Sorry bobo. I think it's a fabulous bitchy idea. I'm at no sympathy for weight loss surgery "journeys" right now.  After all of clueless' dramatics. I bitchily brought in smelly Mexican food (she has always hated and griped about food smells) to eat with a coworker at her conference table a few days after she was back at work and moaning about her laproscopic surgical pains. I know I'm mean. But when I asked the colleague what she wanted for lunch, she said I don't care as long as it has tons of smelly onions. So you see, it's not JUST me. And they are all exhausted of hearing how hard it is to get half a yogurt "down".  Sad thing that the entire region literally made a plan to all be gone before she loses all this weight. Fear of how she is now vs when she's all hot stuff. It's going to get ugly. 

    Talked to some of the girls tonight. Guess it's been a real bad week there with the antics. No one wants to bother me but they want my input. Sad I can't do anything for my team. I've worked really hard there to get them where they are and it's sad to see it falling apart so quickly. When I started, we had $20k a week in billings. My last week we were averaging $200k. But it takes a lot of hand holding in my emotionally delicate branch. Oh well. Not my problem now. :-(

    Had the best shower I've had in two weeks and going to try for bed now. My skin is so thirsty!! They said the radiation wouldn't do anything to my face but they are liars. My rosacea is pissed and I'm peeling underneath my eyelids. Did a full face of isomers. Hopefully it helps. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    that's a wonderful story Andrea. As irritated as I've been by some since this whole thing started, I have also been overwhelmed by the kindness of many people. Hoping she isn't moving too far away and that you can keep in touch. You can come move to Texas with me if you don't mind the heat!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hi Andrea, I had a similar experience. We had moved here in the beginning of July and I was Dx in October. I barely knew a soul here either, but I found people to be really nice and so helpful. I had been welcomed into a BC group in my little town the week before my surgery and those girls contacted me and offered to help me if I needed anything.

    I have kept going to the monthly meetings and have become involved in the running of the group and really enjoy the contact and the friendships I have made. One of my really good friends is a lovely woman who had just been Dx triple neg, as she was moving here. What is it about Dx when you're moving? Anyway, she has been doing chemo, is just about to go up to Sydney for 7 weeks to do her rads and then she'll be back. I admire her so much, being able to deal with it all on her own and in a new town. I've really enjoyed her company, we go out for lunch or coffee and check out the Opp Shops.

    I am sorry your friend is moving away Andrea. I have said it before, but i am so amazed that a group of like minded women, can find each other in a Forum as big as this one, hit it off and become real friends.

    These girls are mostly young enough to be my Daughters and I have become terribly protective and attached to them. Zills and Bobo even keep me updated with news about their children, like I am a distant Grandma! Hugs to you too! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hello DP! Ha Smelly onions, that'll work!

    You should be very proud of yourself for doing so much for that business and that you have a team that loves and respects you enough to still want your input and still want to visit and lend a hand. That bitch, Clueless, would get on well with MD! lol

    Are you using the flexible shower hose now? Ahhh Isomers, I used that for a while, I am such a cosmetics slut! There isn't much I haven't used, I liked Manuela. Do you have any of Dimitri's Night time yellow cleanser? I love using that as a mask. It has lots of olive oil in it and slather it on just before my shower and rinse it off last, just before I get out. It is really moisturizing. 

    I don't know if I told you, but I decided to do a makeup workshop at my BC group meeting in October and asked a friend who is a presenter on our Shopping Network if she could help me source some product. Well, long story short, I got an email to say that there was 3 boxes of makeup on the way to my house. I couldn't believe it when a courier arrived with a trolley and 3 boxes which came up to his chin. There was 51kg of makeup, high end French brand, that's over 100lbs!! I spent all day today filling the goodie bags and still have hundreds of items left over. Wish you were closer and could come, it will be fun!  Take it later M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Thank you ladies! 

    DP  thanks for the invitation....if you can guarantee no rats will fall out of the trees on me I might take you up on it, lol.

    Is there anything your RO can give u something for your skin? Sorry to hear about your skin issues.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Ok ladies I need your help today.

    My daughter ran in a Breast Cancer fund raiser last year (before I was diagnosed). She ran for a fellow nurse. Her team was called "Rainbows and Butterflies" after something she used to always say.

    This year she wants to run for me and needs ideas for a team name. I suggested "Find a Cure Already" .  So you can see I suck at this team naming thing. lol

    Any ideas? At this point it is just her running but she is trying to get a team together. Probably just girls, but possibly co-ed.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    I don't think the house is haunted. My handyman came by today for another issue and I asked him about it. It seems the bathroom vent fan (which, surprise, doesn't vent anywhere as he discovered in the attic) has vibrations, which probably slowly over time loosened the screws and finally BAM!  That's the theory.  I want to redo that bathroom anyway (hope to have the $$ next year, if I'm not too busy having surgery) and I'll just leave the bare light bulb until I decide what to do.

    DP: interesting that he didn't tell you to lower the dose. Sucks about the sleeping problem and the skin problem!  Any suggestions for soothing creams from the doctor?  Our M, who is an admitted cosmetics slut, may have some ideas??? Awesome how you built up your team. It's hard to let go.

    I have just zero sympathy for people with weight loss surgery. YOU decided to do it,, You deal with it. I'll eat whatever I want, thank you very much.

    M: I think the sweets project will be ongoing.  We will definitely plan more,, I think a delivery will be necessary before Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Sending chocolates to FL in this heat will probably result in a melty mess. Probably better to send in a couple of months. Must coordinate between your summer and ours!

    Clueless and MD trapped in a room together with a pan of burritos and a very large chocolate cake.  **evil laugh**

    Andrea:  sucks when good friends move. You could come here. There are no rats in trees, but we do have alligators.  But you would have me and Bobo.  How cool would that be???  I like your team name, but you are right; probably need something more catchy.  "Flatties for a Cure"   hmmmmm,,,,,Must ponder this one.

    Bobo:  report in!  What is up with Dad?  More chemo?  Does he know yet?

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning!

    Well, the storms passed quickly last night, but my DD's dog had an awful time if it. I couldn't find the thundershirt!  It usually works to calm her down. She finally went to DD's room and DD finally woke up and let her in!  Ryan, DD's dog, is a sweet labX.  "We" rescued her from death row 5 years ago.  When I was so sick she started sleeping with me, which was fine with DD because that ment I would take care of her! Now that I am better, she still wants to sleep with me and DD will frequently put her in my room-while I am sleeping-and close the door.  Ryan does not "sleep through the night" and then wakes me up to potty-or doesn't which in itself is a major issue!  Since my sleep patterns are so messed up you would think she would want to go out when I am awake at 2am-nope she waits until I am asleep.  DD really needs to get her own place!  She is in school and can't afford it, but I look forward to the day she is finally independent and takes the dog with her.  Don't get me wrong, I love the dog, but it is like a rock and a hard place since the dog is really DD's.

    I too feel fiercely protective of everyone here.  Mess with one and watch out!  I speak of you all as though we were living right next door, best of friends. I find myself worrying about each of you, wanting to bitch slap anyone who hurts you.  Yes, it was me, I am the bitch who came up with the plan to ignore MD and spread cheer to Bobo's dad. I do have an evil side, but I only use it for the good of those I care about!  Lol   You see I am very isolated here.  No support group or friends.  I moved here to take an administrative position and was then that I had the dx.  Not quite as quickly as others, but soon after.  My kids are scattered and rather self absorbed and I don't have any family but my Dear Brother and SIL in NY.  DH is another story all together!  My in-laws have been consumed with my FIL's cancer and after he passed they didn't want to or couldn't deal with me.  So I guess you all have become my family as well as my friends. I am so grateful that you are here!

    Sorry your friend is moving away Andrea.  I do hope you will be able to remain close.  If you do decide to see DP, pop in on me in VA!  You are only a hop, skip, and a jump depending on where you live in MD!  

    Hey DP sorry your absence at work is causing them difficulties.  I know how hard it is to let go of a job you worked so hard at.  As for the skin, I have used various things for my peeling skin.  I'm not all that adept at recommending skin care lines but have found, believe it or not, Ponds helped to hydrate and relieve the dryness.  It didn't bother the rosacea.  My mother swore by it and had the skin of a woman 20+ years younger!  Worth an inexpensive try?  I wish we could all go to M's make-up meeting- what a hoot we could all have!  Sorry about the Texas heat!  Lord knows you all have suffered down there!  I have been very partial to Popsicles as it has been so hot the AC can't keep up!  I also have a fan going at all times.  I hope you can find some tricks to keep cool.

    Glennie, are you and poor Ava okay?  Do you need an exorcism?  Who else had the same thing?  Spookie? That is just too freaky!  When I was a teenager street lights would go off as I walked by.  Only happens infrequently now.  Thought I had a ghost on my tail!  Lol

    Well, I must jump into the shower so I can head out to the dreaded BS appointment.  I hope you all have a joyful day, S

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    good luck at the bs sgc. Wouldn't it be awesome if we all lived on the same block somewhere?  PARTY!!! 

    I tried dimitri when I did my first chemo and was scarred by the smells. Lol. It also didn't do much for me. I have $600 worth packed up for my garage sale that will never happen. I should send it to you ariom. Jealous I can't make your makeup party. That will be so much fun especially with you in charge. How great of you to organize that for them. I'm sure it will be much better than our boring look good feel better classes here. They don't like people who already know how to do makeup. But the goodies are nice. Still using my It cosmetics brow pencil, which is the best thing ever. 

    Went to sleep with my hair wet. Now I kind I look like a fat Justin bieber. 

    Where's that zills today? Hunting doggies?  Watch out zills,  I know your address and I love a dog shopping project!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    oh about the shower. I hate using the extended head. It's so annoying. I just want to have a normal shower. It is cumbersome to mess with all that. But if I'm in the chair I have to if I don't just want water dumped on my head. And I have a little 1950s tub, so it's a bit cramped too. But secretly, shhhh, I've just been pushing the chair all the way up to the faucet and standing in front of it. Then I can sort of have a normal shower but know it's right behind me if I need to make a quick plop down. It takes two hands to get Wen conditioner out of your hair. Then I did have a seat this morning to shave my legs. Which took longer that way. But well worth it. Almost a new woman. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    I found a Wen knock off products at Sally's Beauty Supply for a fraction of the cost. Check it out!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Bond.  James Bond.  How we all love him!

    Wow, a lot going on over here, DP!  Did you give us all a hit of your steroids?  :)

    Not much time before next meeting but I thought I'd check in.  ND, you are so sweet, thinking of my dad.  Anything is fine for the cookie bomb!  Agree about the melting, though.  And you are so metropolitan and exotic.  A jaunt to Canada?  A tea house?  I love the sound of a tea house. I want to live next door to you pretty badly.

    Susan, you are so young and pretty!  DP, I vote for face oils and serums for your dry feeling.  I have Weleda something -- has pomegranate oil in it, and it is supposed to be regenerating.  I like to press serum into my face after shower, then do moisturizer from there.  So happy you had a satisfying shower.  Love those.

    M, will PM you dad's address!  Oh how I wish I could have stuffed goody bags with you, that sounds like so much fun!  I love make-up shopping, but I am quite picky, and also fickle.  Was on a serious Caudalie jag for a while.  I favor natural-based things, but things that are effective.  And now I'm off it.  Before that was Dr. Hauschka, but I feel it's not doing enough for me.   When I had this recent job interview I decided, Fuck it.  I want some new Bobbi Brown makeup.  I had gotten to the point where I was out of everything, even concealer.  So I got myself straightened out with Bobbi.  I have got to 'front.'  I have got to 'represent.'  Have two jobs and multiple appts of all kinds, and multiple sx.  Have got to keep my two jobs.

    Off to next appt!  Hugs to you DP!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    DP:  good job with the chair. That's the best thing to do,,, keep it close so it's there when you need it.  I'm not a cosmetics person, so I'm glad others have recommendations. I grew up in the no makeup, no bra, long straight hair hippie days,, and sort of never left,,, except hair is not long and straight anymore.

    S:  good luck at the BS.  It would be awesome if we all lived on the same block. I live in a cul-de-sac that has 15 townhomes around it.  I know most of my neighbors really well. If we all lived in,,, it would be completely awesome!! *wave across the parking lot at each other*  Ava is fine.  It was scary at the time, but we are both over it now.  She is snoozing comfortably on her rug.  One of many, I might add. Spoiled little Princess.

    The townhome next to me is vacant. Has been for 3 years since the woman who owned it walked away from her mortgage. She bought it at the top of the market, which is WAY more than it is worth now. The water was never turned off, and a pipe developed a pin hole leak.  Two years later, when the bank started looking into the property. The downstairs was flooded and MOLD grew everywhere. It was horrible,, the worst smell you can imagine. So the place has been "fixed" up and is now for sale via HUD.  My friend is looking for a rental, so we got someone to show up the place today. OMG.  It still needs TONS of work. The floor is concrete slab downstairs, and bare wood upstairs. They replaced the bottom kitchen cabinets, but they are not plumb, you can rattle the whole thing and it's just bare wood. And they are asking $72,000  for it.  In their dreams.  My friend says she'll start at 40!  If she decides to do it, anyway. Has her eyes on another place too.  And my handyman was over also to look at it. So Ava had a lot of company this AM.

    Bobo:  glad to see you!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    what do you think of this team name for the run:


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    that's cute Andrea 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Thanks. I want something catchy. But not flippant or disrespectful to women whose lives are forever changed by this wretched disease.

    I appreciate anyone who will run for something they believe in to raise awareness and money to find a cure. 

    Hell, I admire anyone who runs period! Lol. I haven't even "moved quickly" in years. Ok, maybe when I saw the mouse in my garage the other day...sorry, I digress.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Mammo mias,,,   now that ABBA song is in my head.  See,,, that would be a good thing.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Andrea, hate to be a pooper here, but have a ?  Where does the $$$ you will raise go, how to be spent?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    I admire motivated people. I'm in awe of some of my super "involved" friends. But super involved people also wear me out too. It's all about intentions too and who people really are. Some people do all these things because they care about something but so many just need to be surrounded by the attention. Don't know what my point is but good on people who are motivated to take care of themselves. Andrea perhaps adding for a cure to the end of the name. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Mammo Mias for the Cure.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Evening DP!  What 's new with you tonight?

    Andrea - mammo Mia's here I go again! I do love it!  Oh lord I will never get that song out of my head either, Spookie!  That would be a good thing for the team!  

    Glennie, my college roommate lives in a townhouse in Florida as well.  She has also seen the real estate crash and burn.  Luckily she didn't buy when it was high.  

    Thanks for the compliments, but that picture was taken before my dx.  I look a lot rounder and my new hair is so curly that people have asked me if I had a tight perm!  It's no longer blond either!  Sort of devoid of color with a bit of grey.  As for being young, I was born in 1955 and I too grew up in the hippie era without make-up or a bra, and long straight hair down to my waist!  I was "carded" at bars/pubs until my mid 40's and my DD's are asked, "what grade are you in, honey?"  (DD1is 33.) Mom swore it was the Ponds Cream that kept her looking young, but I think Genetics held up well until my dx (and hers).  (Must have been all that estrogen!)

    Saw the BS today.  She wants to put me on an antidepressant for my inner heat problem.  I am hot 24/7!  DH and DD wear sweats in the house and I am still sweating! I don't have hot flashes, I have hot months! She said she needed to talk with my PCP and would let me know.  The girl in the office scheduled another appt. for February and off I went.  So much for that appt.  I return to my MO next Thursday so I will talk with him.  Not too sure about the antidepressants. I certainly don't need anymore weight on me. I haven't figured out how to lose the 50 lbs I gained without exercising!  

    Okay, I am posting now so I can find out what I have missed!  S

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    stop it sgc. You sound like me with self criticizing. You are a beautiful strong woman. Don't hate on yourself!! Sorry about the heat spells. They prescribed me the antidepressants for it during chemo but I refused to take them. Maybe it would help you though.  I'm sweating round the clock again, I assume from the daily zappings. Brain meltdown. Lol. 

    Just got off the phone with FIL. He has stalker called me at random for months. It's been daily this week so I decided to call back. Exhausting. But good to know that in the eyes of god, divorce is just a piec of paper. Whew!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    I was on Effexor for a while for the hot flashes. It did help, actually lost a few #!!!! Now I have warm flushes, bearable. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    S:  Maybe it is the estrogen. I was carded until around 40. The lines around my eyes started giving me away. I should have used Ponds!  Now when I get the HX later in the month and my estrogen levels drop from "pregnant" to "menopause",,, I'll heat up in a hot flash minute.  Something to look forward to.  NOT!  We can be hot flash buddies.

    back to work,,,

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    DP-Is that what FIL said to you? That in the eyes of God divorce is just a piece of paper? Damn!  Since DH1 was married before me, and "The donor" was married before me, and current DH was married twice before me then I guess I've never been married!  Cost me a whole bunch of money not to ever be married.  Lol. Sounds like FIL is very old school!  (And I was brought up Catholic!)  

    Glennie- yes, flash buddies!  I hadn't had hot flashes in years and then chemo and estrogen sucking drugs reprogrammed my inner thermostat to hot!  I am lucky that DH doesn't have a problem with my keeping the AC on full blast!  (He sort of understands the hot thing because he was burned in a fire saving a baby and ever since when he gets too hot, he is really too hot.). Seriously, I hope it isn't that bad for you.  I didn't have a huge problem with them after my HX.  Don't work too hard!

    Might try the Effexor, Spookie.  Might mellow me out and get rid of the headache as well.  Thanks!

    Later Ladies, S