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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    Oh, look out Sgc, has a James Bond also!  Saving a baby from a fire!  What a scary job, he must be a special kind of person Susan, to help people in that way, whilst risking his own life.  Do people stay in contact afterwards?  "The donor". Lol!  So, you are still a single woman Sgc?!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Oh my!!  DH!!  BIG HUGS TO HIM for his bravery.   Fire fighters are my heroes,, I do think they are the bravest people on earth. 

    My college boyfriend's 3 year old son died in a fire. It was truly the most awful thing ever. I loved that child like he was my own. The firefighters tried to get to him, but couldn't.  Even now, I tear up horribly when a fire truck goes racing down the street.

    Back to hot flashes:  I just read on another thread about a product called Pedi-Jams by EArth Therapeutics.  They are sole-softening gel booties and the woman says she wears them at night to bed and they help to keep her cool. She got them at Target.  And there was a mention of Frogg Togg towel,, a cooling towel that can be purchased at Bed Bath & Beyond.  I'm making a list of these things in case I need them.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Ha ha, no Dawny I am married to the retired firefighter, my #3 as well as his! He is definitely not a James Bond!  People don't stay in contact with the firefighters who save them or their family members.  Sadly that baby died 10 days later and DH has always wondered if he caused her to suffer.  He still doesn't forgive the 5 adults who got out, but left her.  It was gruesome. Special people or just a bit nuts?  In any case, very well trained.  DS is also a professional firefighter. S

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    oh Glennie, I am so sorry!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    I thought Mammos was a good play on Mama. I definitely like the added "for a cure" part. Because isn't that the whole point??!!

    I think the run is in called "CIBC Run for the Cure". CIBC is a Canadian Bank and I guess BC is their pet project every year.

    I will ask my daughter more about it. I don't raise money, but I have donated in the past.

    Did I mention we now have two hamsters in the house? My 13 year old got one last Saturday and today my son wanted his own for his 12th B-day. I say it is a race to see which one gets lost/eaten first. I did grease the wheel so I won't hear them running all night on their wheels.

    Now I have a birthday cake and cupcakes to make for tomorrow.....might make a run to the bakery instead...I am so lazy!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    just looked it up. It is in conjunction with the Canadian Cancer Society and uses it funds for research. The website gives a breakdown of the money in action. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    firefighters are such heroes. The mans man bonds. What a tragic story. FIL is very old fashioned. He started by rambling about how his wife was married before - he was having a hard time making a point and I'm still not sure what he was actually saying. Said he knows how we had some problems and that his son sure loves me. Was he really trying to ask I I'm coming back? Now? Really?  Said he never expected this for me. Cancer? Divorce? What??  He means well I know. But I would really like to be left alone, especially right now. He wants to come visit me. Told him I am too busy with daily treatments. Guess I'm still the girl who can never say NO. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    They left the baby behind?  OMG,,, That is just heartbreaking,, and the baby died. Sadness.

    They are special people who happen to be a tiny bit nuts. You have to be a little nuts to run into a burning building. And a lot brave.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    this is so frustrating! I can only type on my iPhone . But if I read messages in it so many of your replies are missing. When I then go to read on my iPad all these missed messages pop up. And my responses don't seem to be in context.

    Breaks my heart everytime I read about children dying in fires. Seems to happen a lot at sleepovers too. Hats off to the brave men that put their own lives at risk to save others!!!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Oh dear, that just breaks my heart, to hear about a baby being left behind in a fire. I look up to fire Fighters too, not nuts...heroes!

    I love the name Mammo Mia's...running toward a cure! I now have that song stuck in my head, the only way to get rid of it is to have another take its place!

    DP, ex fil sounds a bit weird and old school, you're so good natured, to allow him to visit.

    I can't help you Andrea, I refuse to have a "SmartPhone" I am an old girl who goes into the phone shop and tells them "I want a phone that takes and makes calls, maybe a camera, but hold the other crap, especially the swipe, which doesn't work for me and give me text I can see, even while wearing glasses and I want a qwerty keyboard, none of this letters on a screen bullshit!" They just sigh and offer me either the big text phone or the Blackberry style, which I like, but seems to be the only thing available other than the smart ones. I am sure they see me as the cranky, old school bitch!! Suits me!

    I have just come from my Pink Ladies meeting, it was a lot of fun. I gave them a little teaser of the goodie bags and they were quite amazed, that so much has been donated to us.

    I had lunch with my friend who just finished chemo this week and she was very teary and upset, no reason, so we went out for lunch and we also have a 60th to go to tonight. She goes off to Sydney in a week or so for 6 weeks of Rads.

    The sun is shining and it is a little warmer today, the weekend should be nice too. I am sorry I haven't mentioned everyone, bit I need to get some lunch for Colin and get some work done before I go out again tonight. Take it easy everyone...M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    you stay so busy ariom. Just dashing about town. I love that. Had slightly better sleep luck last night. Showering at night is my new thing now. Never could do that before with my hair but it doesn't matter now. Listened to a new book until midnight. Mind over Medicine - why not, I had a free download and it can't make things worse, so I'm going to try to embrace it. Woke up at 3am thinking surely it was 4ams time to take pills. Nope, but wide awake. Did manage to fall back asleep for two hours. Now here I am. And hungry of course. My new state of being. I gained 7 lbs in 6 days out I the hospital. And it's all in my face and neck. Grrrr. I do not like getting up this early!  

    Hope everyone has fabulous things happen today. Can't wait to hear about them. Wondering if dawny ever found a pile of cash. 

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    hehe DP, no cash!  Did find some new stretch marks today tho!  I have gained 20 kgs since diagnosis, and can't seem to find the motivation to get rid of it.  Sigh.

    Hope you were able to get back to sleep.  Xx

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    DP: the steriods make your face round and puffy. And f*ck up your sleep.  Wonderful drugs.

    M: I prefer my old phone too. If I had an IPhone, I'm afraid I'd be one of those people constantly checking my email or whatever all the dang time. So I still have my 4 year old phone that has an excellent keyboard which suits my numb fingertips. Talk, text and a rather crappy camera,, but it has one!   Goodie bag teasers!  Oooooooo.  

    Off to breakfast with two of my other at-home co-workers.  Back later.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hi everyone, just got back from dinner, great night 20 women all celebrating the 60th of Mary!

    It's funny, but so many people were mortified that when we said we were going to move here 2 years ago, they kept saying that we were such city people and we, especially me, would go nuts in the quiet of the country bahaha, I don't know how I ever had time to go to work, and I am so busy here, I just love it.

    I am glad Glennie was here to tell you about the steroids. They are the culprit for your round face and neck. I take  a very low dose, even though I've been on them for over 17 years, I have a bit of the neck and I have the belly too. The damn things make you think you're always hungry, but they do keep the inflammation down. I tend to bruise easier too.

    I hope you got some more sleep, I just checked and although I am just heading off to bed, it is about 7.45 where you are. 

    We could have had fun stuffing goodie bags, I am amazed at all the fabulous stock they donated and there is still some more to come.

    I like to shower in the evening too, sometimes. I insisted on having a beautiful oval, free standing bath put in when we did up this house, the bathroom is beautiful, we even extended the bathroom to accommodate it, but I have never been in that bath , in the 2 years we have been here. Colin just shakes his head! lol

    I am hoping for good weather tomorrow, so I can plant my 6 different types of lettuce in my little vegetable patch and re do my herb pots.

    I, like Dawn have put on more weight over the Winter and I don't really have any inclination to do much to rectify it. I lost a huge amount, like 10kg during the whole Dx and surgery, that was including a 975gm breast, but I have put it all back on again, including that 975 gm, that's crap on a chapstick!

    I know I will get fired up to do something when the weather warms up, but I'm not sure what that will be yet. I have been very slack with the Rites, since I had that Dog Ear surgery and couldn't stretch again for a while. Give me an inch and I will take a mile!

    Dawny, stretch marks instead of money, now that isn't fair!

    Glennie, how was your breakfast? I can't believe I went to that morning tea meeting, then had lunch out and then dinner too. I might explode! I didn't have any dessert.  

    Have a good day girls, I will catch you in my morning! M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Ooh, M, sounds like you had such fun!  Missed meditation class today because I have to walk bobo, so am catching up with bills and work email before I leave the house.  Getting a jump on things.  Today is going to be crazy.  Trying to stay calm.

    Crap on a chapstick!  At weight gain.  I have lumps at the tops of my arms that drive me crazy.  I can never get them to go down.  Next time I have coffee (tea) with Glennie, I will show them to her and she can give and unbiased report.  I call these fat lumps 'Hi Betty!' because when you wave at someone, and then stop, the fat area keeps waving.

    Susan, your DH sounds like a hunk!  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    We call those things "Tuck Shop Arms!" hahah I felt that slap Bobo! We were talking about them and other flabby bits, at the dinner tonight. Get 20 women together and the conversation can be crazy!

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    "Hi Betty"!!!!!  Lol, I think my thighs actually move too!  Lol.   Xxx

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Funny thing about firefighters, not one of them considers themselves a hero.  And yes DP he is a "mans man", but not a hunk Bobo. With 9/11 around the corner I am reminded of the 343 firefighters who gave all, the police officers who gave all, the everyday heroes who rose to the situation, and the innocents.  It is a hard day for us as it was my home and DH truly feels he lost 343 "brothers".  People may say your job is not who you are, but I have to disagree.  For DH and DS being a firefighter is and says everything about who they are.  When DS told us he wanted to be a firefighter we were shocked as he never showed any interest in DH's job.  Later I came to realize that it was the tragic death of a dear young man that gave him the "calling".  I had told my children not to go into public service- go for the dollars. Teachers (me), fire (DH), police (my dad) struggle to make a comfortable life for their families.  So far 3 out of 4 haven't listened and I am okay with that!  I figure the youngest-who wants to be a psychiatrist-will be the one making money, if she doesn't go into public health!  Lol

    I do have an iPhone!  I fought it forever, but DD2 gave me one for Christmas two years ago.  I love the damn thing!  Even upgraded to a "5" for my birthday.  I am not on it that much, but it is very convenient!  (Even when I am driving my phone comes through my car!  I can choose to ignore the call or answer it easily.). DH has a 10 year old tracfone that is a flip phone with an antenna!  He only uses it when he is on the road-at my insistence!  I don't think he has ever sent a text!  Lol

    Oh we must stop talking about weight gain and flabby parts!  All this talk, well, makes me hungry!  Lol

    We finally made the final decision to go ahead and fix the other house ourselves and sell it.  At least I will have a project to keep me busy!  I raised my kids in that house and it saddens me.  Time to move forward!

    I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday or a great night's rest!  S

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    My former trainer called them "lunch lady arms", cuz the cafeteria ladies in the lunch room at elementary school had flabby arms.  Whatever.  Yeah, the thighs are flabby and the arms wave by themselves. Oh well.  I see men with 9 month pregnant bellies and they have the nerve to comment on our flab.  F that!

    Breakfast was nice.  Catch up with the girls.  One of them said I looked really thin.  I told her I wasn't wearing my foob today, so that always makes me look thinner.    Think that freaked her out.

    Bobo: where is this meditation class?  Is it freakish early in the AM?  I could use one but it's hard for me to get anywhere before 9AM.  Scored some panda licorice today for Dad today. does he like flavored licorice too?  I noticed that Fresh Market had all kinds of flavors, like strawberry, etc.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    yes the steroids and I go way back. I gained 20 lbs during my first chemos. I was actually surprised at the first ro appt that I was quoting my weight 10 lbs too heavy at he hospital. Then 6 days later in blown up like a balloon. Between all of the surgeries and what not that I was having, I could never get on track. And the last two months I have been so fatigued that I barely wanted to leave the house. I guess being a cancer farmer makes you tired. Sooo, after I kick this shit out of my brain and lungs, I'm going to be motivated and get moving. 

    I resisted the iphone for years. But instantly fell in love. I am one of those constantly connected people though. Or I was. And meanwhile, it's all I use to get on here. Hence all the typos. Lol

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Ava really works hard to clean the peanut butter jars. She considers it her job.


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Rocco liked his peanut butter too. 


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    And the crossed legs frog-dog pose.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    I've had iPhones for years. I love them. I switched to a super cheap plan for a short time, they sent me a flip phone. I couldn't figure how to use it. I don't use most of the features on this, still will always have one. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    I love my iPhone. Only use it to check email and take photos + 1 game. It's what I worry the most about having taken in a robbery.

    News item here: A man with a mask tried to rob 2 Japanese exchange students of their phones. They barely spoke any English and finally managed to convey they didn't have phones and the man drove off. A translator helped them report it to the police.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    My GS was mugged on his way to high school. The thugs didn't want his phone because it was pink and "that's too gay bro." So he used it to call the police, who busted the thugs.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    That's awful, Wren.  Geeeeez,,,, glad your GS wasn't hurt,, and had a "gay" phone.

    Maybe it's good to have an old phone,,, says the old fogey here.

  • Helenna
    Helenna Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2014

    Glennie   looks like Ava needed that nap after working so hard to clean that jar! Rocco needs to get on it to catch up, some grey whiskers there.

    Sgc  aww firefighters, all heroes in my book. Here they have been pleading with the public to get more alert and get the hell out of the way, they've been showing unbelievable videos from their firetrucks on runs where they were stuck in traffic because people wouldn't move, or people driving along and don't even notice a firetruck on their butts until the last minute. Or near misses in intersections! That must be so frustrating, how can they save lives if they are stuck in traffic! I make it a habit to always have my window cracked just an inch so I can hear sirens.

    DP  I'm with you on waking in the middle of the night and it is like midnight and should be 4 or 5! Ugh, can't get back to sleep and nothing on tv at that hour but silly infomercials. Taking a bath before bedtime is soothing and might help with sleeping. I have to deal with DH sawing logs sometimes which never helps. He gets an elbow jab and it usually slows him down for awhile. Then when both he and one of the dogs do it together it sounds like stereo snoring. 

    Ariom  what fun to get 20 women together! That is mischief in the making!  Wish I could snap my fingers and come to one of those dinners.

    Wren  front page of the paper here just yesterday was two guys going door to door pretending to sell encyclopedias and then they scam, rob or check out the house for a return visit. Two of my dogs would take a chomp out of them, but still pretty scary. I don't answer the door anyway unless I know who it is. But then they would probably think you aren't home and kick in the door. Everyone always be careful and cautious.


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    I've been digging through recipes looking for fair ideas. Of course being hungry hippo is making for lots of inspiration. Anyhow. I saw one for jalepeno popper buffalo Mac and cheese. Omg it looks delicious. I would send a batch down to Florida but it wouldn't handle mailing. Darn it. My taste buds are officially shot. Put a ton of jalepenos on my lunch and couldn't even taste them at all. Boo. Apple juice is still pleasing though. 

    Don't get me started on the self absorbed idiots who don't pull over for fire trucks. Idiots. But I also get irritated with people who have no funeral etiquette. Our society just makes me sad. I live in an older neighborhood that is mostly elderly people. There are stories every week of people coming to scam them and breaking in. It's pathetic. I don't open the door without hanging on to Reggie as if he's about to pounce. Even though he wouldn't. He would just run out the door probably. He was born to be free and can be gone in a flash. I also always leave them inside when I'm gone, in case anyone comes knocking. They say it's easier for them to pick the next house instead of hassling with dogs.