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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    my grandparents raised me. They are more like my parents. I have a very different family dynamic with everyone being so young. My mom and I are more like sisters but not really so close. I'm an only child but grew up with my uncles who weren't that much older than me. So I also had the fun torture of brothers. I was the only grandchild for 26 years, then my youngest uncles family kicked in. There are now 5 grand daughters including me. Ages under 1, 4,5, and 7. They were really trying for a boy. They were giving up and waiting but that girl is fertile. It did take the pressure off me though when they started. I've never had a maternal desire at all.  Apparently I was pretty vocal about this fact as a young child - I hear a lot of stories about things I said about kids. But I was always a little adult, so maybe that's why. I spent most of my time with my great grandmother - lots of needlework and embroidery hoops while hanging out at northeastern star meetings and church socials. And there's your impromptu I don't know why story of my life. Lol. Ramble ramble ramble. Let's me know my mind is working I guess. 

    How was bobos weekend? Did you visit your dad?

    Interesting about the family connection sgc. One reason they were sure it was Alzheimer's was that all of her brothers and father had it. But then if it turns out she doesn't, maybe there is no connection at all. It is certainly a mystifying disease and surprising that they have not made more breakthroughs there. 

    Having my tea and think it's time to hit the bed. Pretty sure I can sleep a few hours right now. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    DP, I was raised by grandparents too. And I shared a room with a great grandmother for many years. She could tell awesome stories about growing up on the frontier in Missouri. When I saw Mom and Dad I'm talking about my grandparents. They had a son who was 15yrs older than me. So when I was a kid, he was my uncle. As an adult, he was my brother. He was my very very special person.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    I love that wren. I always loved granny's olden days stories. Especially about sweeping the dirt front yard with a broom. We would go to the country for family reunion and I would beg to go see the old house. It was this big dilapidated thing that they called a shot gun house due to the lay out. But I like to live in history and find all old things fascinating and beautiful. 

    The best part is that growing up, I never knew that anything was wrong with my situation. I knew it was a little different than my friends but it was just normal to me. I just had extra people that loved me. I wasn't phased to not know my father. I knew he existed but it wasn't an absence from my life. I called grandpa daddy until I was a teen though. But none of the other kids are allowed to call him grandpa. Cuz he's mine and mine first. Lol. Happy grandparents day. Life story part two. Geez I'm writing my book. I gotta knock it off. Feeling mooshy today I guess. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    DP, Was the house in Texas? There were shotgun houses in Houston. It's actually a good layout to get air inside to cool it off. I described something my great great grandmother made to eat and said she did it on a big black stove. Turns out that was in the old farm house. They were absolutely amazed that I could remember that far back. I decided history was interesting when my great grandmother told me she was born the year that Lincoln died. All of a sudden it was about people I might have known.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hi girls, I'm back, had a great facial, feel great!

    DP, that is just outrageous, if "Dicktor" was a real word, they'd have a picture of that one, in the Webster's Dictionary as the description!

    I go through the same thing every time I forget something. I remember my Mother when she was being assessed. I remember every question in the assessment process, but the hardest was the Clock, at first she could get a so- so clock but as the Dementia progressed it was kind of a circle with the numbers dropping off the side, very Dali-esque! My Dad had a similar thing with the Oxygen, they would put him on it and he would rally, take him off and he was in Lala land. It was tragic and devastating.

    Glad you enjoyed the Casino! Would have been nice to win, maybe next time!

    Sgc, My Mother was the same, she couldn't tell you anything that happened that day, but could describe the outfit she wore to a wedding in 1945 and what gift she and Dad gave to the couple!!!!! The other thing that always got to me was when I was visiting her, I would go to the bathroom, in her room and when I came out she'd greet me all over again, like I hadn't already been there. 50 first dates, kind of!

    Gosh, I would love to come over and catch up with everyone, never, say never! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Interesting stories, I am an only child too, but when the 3 of us came to Australia in '58, it was just us. I really never knew the Grandparents and the cousins are hazy too. There is 1 that lives in Aus, but I wouldn't pee on him, if he were on fire! He and his family were take, take, take, from my Mother, she was a real softie for a sob story and they had plenty of them.

    Bec, was an only child till early teens, when Vi arrived, but she has a large family on her Father's side, with 2 half brothers and 4 aunts and uncles in another state. She doesn't see a lot of them, except for her Uncle who is an Aussie actor and muso, who catches up with her whenever he is in town and takes her to lots of interesting shows etc. She adores her 2 Dads here and is in touch with them both all the time. She has been very loved, all her life!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    glad you had a good facial. I think this rads mask is going to launch me into the permanent thick old man rosacea skin. It has already, but hopeful it will repair itself. My nose especially. It's be cool if by the end it just became some bonus derma peel treatment or something. 

    Loving these family stories. Of course I've already said how jealous I am of growing up bec. Cuz we all know how fun that must have been. Yes wren, down in east Texas - or down home, as they called it. That is cool about Lincoln. Puts things in perspective. I helped my mom last year with a project on That site is so addictive. We dug back so far and into Europe. Found Ann Boleyn and the Robert the Bruce guy from braveheart in my grandfathers tree. That was kind of fun. But my favorites were finding local stories and pictures from the 20s - 40s. You should check it out if you not afraid of getting hooked. I think it's free to start. 

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    I love hearing everyone's family stories. My mom was an only child.  Her dad died when she was 2 and she was raised by a childless couple for a short while as my grandmother had to work and had no one in the US to help her.  She and my mom returned to Denmark. I guess they went back and forth a few times because my mom would forget how to speak English. My grandmother married a man out of necessity/convenience.  Since my mother had dual citizenship she could get Henry (her step-father) into the country legally and in return my grandmother had someone to lean on....sort of!  Times were tough in the 1930's and they could all live in the US away from the impending doom in Europe.  He wasn't a nice man. Grandma was a bit out of it in her later years.  Every conversation began with, "I was born in 1902, in Denmark". As she got older the accent became thicker and eventually we would have to remind her to speak English. She lived until she was in her 90's.  (Her mother lived until she was 100!)  We have cousins in FL that I have never met as they are from my mom's biological dad's side and my mom is not here to give me that information. I would love to get their medical history to see if they had cancer too.  Okay, I am prattling on and on! 

    It is pouring here-a welcome relief!  It has finally cooled down!  I hope everyone is having a good day! S

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    what an interesting story sgc. Peope did things so differently back then and it was all about taking care of the family. Funny she would forget to speak English. I guess I'm an commercial today but you can use it to look up your Florida family. I was amazed by how many people in our very distant family has set up profiles on there and were looking at he same things. My grandma got in touch with many a lost cousin. I was going through my brca testing during that time. I was able to talk to family on my fathers side that I didn't know existed. All I ever knew was that he had died of cancer at 32. Which was rumored to be stomach and brain. I wonder if they were not primaries.  I also found out that my other grandmother was quite wealthy and had passed away about a year before. I never knew that about her. She would come see me sometimes when I was little and I just remember being uncomfortable. She was a big lady in a smelly moomoo dress who was apparently living in a mansion on the hill. Turns out they were in on an oil company from 1800s. I have an old leather breast plate from a horse with the name on it that my mom had snagged for me as a baby for some reason.  It was pretty disappointing to learn that I missed out on some big inheritance!  But then I learned in talking to the real aunt I never knew I had that they never really thought I was his. Pretty sure it was more about one less heir. Ha! The end. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Genealogy is an addicting activity.  I haven't been able to track my Mom's family past the great grandparents but it has been entertaining. Found all sorts of relatives that I never knew existed. And you might think this is strange but old obituarys from small towns can be really enlightening.  One great grandfather died of a heart attack right in the middle of Main St.  Had a huge write up about it in the small local paper.  He left a pregnant widow and 4 children, including my dear grandmother. The paper appealed that the widow could use assistance!  Imagine that!  Makes me tear up when I think of it.  Two months later when the youngest child was born,  my grandmother told me:  "I was young and didn't know anything. I thought babies came in the doctor's black bag. And I scolded him for bringing a new baby to a house where there was no father."  Grandma was only 11 at the time.

    S:  if you are really interested in finding them, you could try searching on Ancestry for them.. Do you know their names and approx. ages?  Or you can try searching under your Mom's name and see who pops up connected to her. Do you know her biological dad's name?  Believe it or not,, you can probably get her birth certificate from Denmark.  This could be interesting.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    I have my grandparents and parents birth certificates, death certificates, and even marriage certificates!  I don't read Danish so some of it is difficult.  My mother's great grandmother on her father's side was Heneritta Pitz, a German Jew, who could have had the gene, which is why I wonder about the breast cancer on that side of the family.  I have checked and believe her cousins are in Hollywood Florida.  One has a very unusual first name, Halijah, but I don't know if I am spelling it correctly and can't find her.  If I did, what the hell would I say?  The people I did find don't list my grandfather as a relative.  If only I was independently wealthy..... Maybe I could keep digging, something to keep me busy!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    DP- I love how you use the word rumored!  I question just how much "fact" I have been told about my ancestors are really rumors!  BTW Many elderly people revert to their native language as dementia sets in. My Danish was limited and now almost non existent as no one speaks it anymore.  My DD's were given the gift of being able to pick up languages-I was not! All my biological children were also given an uncanny ability to play string instruments- without much effort- I didn't inherit this gift either.  I play the radio-lol genetics fascinate me!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    Back in the day families were so hush hush about things, quiet little family rumors. I remember kind of odd things that I picked up on as a child while eavesdropping in the grown ups. Try to piece some of them together to make sense with those quiet stories I heard later as an adult. so much will always remain speculation though. Kind of fun to get the old folks telling stories. We had so much fun gathering everyone around the computers during this project. Everyone lit up and started telling stories and calling people they hadn't talked to in decades. And sometimes a little juicy old gossip story would slip out. I'm glad we got to give that experience for my grandpa and his brother. He was his last living sibling and he just passed last month. The memorial is tomorrow. It's hard to think about him being the only one left. Being that my grandparents are traditionally young, I never could imagine them being old. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    oh and about genetics sgc, I am totally on board. I've always sworn I was switched at birth. Mom and grandma and domestic goddesses. I can't cook, clean properly, sew or anything. I can be crafty with some things but I was destined to be a career girl from birth. Must be those oil tycoon genes. 

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Switched at birth, hum..... My brother told me I was adopted!  I totally believed him because his evidence, to a young child, was totally believable!  He said that I was the only one without a "J" name, there weren't any photos of mom pregnant with me, and I didn't favor them.  All true, but so circumstantial!  Lol at 59 I look so much like my mother it is scary!  So, today's discussion prompted me to sign up at ancestry. Com.  What do I see?  My niece has all this stuff on her family tree, listed under her mother's maiden name! is wrong information!  I sent her a message giving her some of the correct facts.  (I know she started this because she is getting married and has decided to convert.  She should have just asked me and I could have told her that she would have to take the plunge, as my DD1 did.)  My uncle (father's brother) has also listed information for his side.  He is trying to get proof of an address for his father, my grandfather.  I know I have seen that address on something, but grandma probably threw it out.  You see, grandpa played the stock market-against and unbeknownst to grandma. (My grandfather worked on Wall Street in 1929 and they lost everything so she never trusted stocks again!)  Seems there is some stock that has matured but uncle can't get it unless he can prove the address. This has previously happened two other times and the locating firm took 50%!  Uncle wants all of the money, so at 85 years old he is going to just sit on it!  What is that adage?  A bird in the hand?  Wow, this is going to be an adventure!  Well, I need to take DD's dog to the vet as DD found a lump under the dog's arm.  I hope you all have a great day! S

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    If you find them, you can say you are doing genealogical research and you think you might be related. You are looking for information about the families and any stories/memories that they have. That has worked for me in the past. I have written letters and enclosed my addy, phone number, email. And if they respond, great.  Honestly,, they always have. Older people LOVE to talk about the past.    This one older man, who I'm sure now that we are not related, called me a few months back to see if I had dug up anything new and I hadn't talked to him in about 5 years! He's in his 90's now.

    Try googling the relatives. Look under the Broward County property appraiser (Hollywood FL's county) and see if they have a property.  Google that unusual name and see what various spellings there might be,, and try all of them.

    Also, the Church of the LatterDay Saints,, the Mormons are big on finding relatives. If you have a church near you, they usually have a family history center where you can go and research their databases for free, or very cheaply.  I think you may be able to do it online too.

    Just a thought!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014


    look what I found at Target for Bobo's Dad.  Australian licorice!!  How cool is that?  

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    And I got Yes To Carrots shampoo/conditioner and Yes to Cucumbers body wash.  They all smell really good.  No night cream, but the shelves were a little wiped out after weekend shoppers, me thinks.  Will have to go back again.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    that's great sgc. You do have to be so careful when clicking things into the tree. I would verify all the details before accepting someone's notes. Even then one click could ruin 3 hours of work. I think I still have one I didn't fix where it put two sets of the same family on. And there were 12 kids to start with!

    Good luck at the bet. Hope it is nothing serious. One of my babies that I left with ex is in surgery right now getting a lump removed from his butt. Hoping he's doing ok. 

    I also think that not having a j in your name and all could be total adoption convincing! Ha

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Just got off the phone with my credit card company.  Not two minutes after I signed off someone tried to make a transaction (in London) with my credit card!  Oh and Ancestry chaged me $1.01 twice to verify my card. Seriously?  Canceled the card and ancestry.  I think I will do my research the old fashioned way!  We do have a Mormon temple nearby.  Thanks for the tips Glennie!  I think I will take your advice and google.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    DP- hope the puppy is all right!  Doesn't it just break our hearts?  If DD had any free time when the vet was open she would be doing this.  I missed the morning window so now I am off to get there before the afternoon crowd!  Country vet doesn't take appt.  Just show up and you will be seen.  Makes for a long, but interesting afternoon!  S

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Vet doesn't take appt?? oh lordy,,, bring a book!

    I hope both the doggies are OK!!  Bumps and lumps,, UGH!

    S:  another avenue to consider.  My library actually has an Ancestry account so if I go to the library and use their computers, I can get on Ancestry for free.  After your recent experience,,, EEEEK!!  Seems much safer.  And the Family History Center might also have an Ancestry account that you can use for free, or maybe a donation???

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    DP I know why I was drawn to you....we are related!! Lol we have Anne Boelyn in our tree too. If you like I can PM you my connection.

    I found out about three years ago. I remember visiting my mom. In Canada,  and coming across the Boelyn name about 12:30 at night and running to her room to wake her up and tell her. 

    We are from England originally. I think it is every Englishmans dream to be related to royalty! Lol

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    that's terrible sgc!  What a hassle. Glad you caught it. I saw a tv show the other day about the giant underground Mormon vault where they keep all the family names on microfisch. They said that they run that website for free in order to collect eeryones information for their records. They want to have every record of every person in the world. Kind of weird. But free stuff is good. 

    Oh that's so cool cousin Andrea. I would like to see that. I was pretty hyped about being related to someone in braveheart. However remotely.  My fathers side is from France. I tried looking that part up but couldn't get past my grandmother there. 

    Our country vet was the same way. He would also shut down the office for 3 hours in the middle of the day to go see all the horses. I preferred him to the really commercial places though. Those docs are all about billing codes and not thinking out of the box. They rescheduled Chitopilo's surgery until Friday because they want him to finish some pills first. Maybe that's a good sign.  

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    the Mormans want everybody to be Christian, so they baptize Jews posthumously. Don't be surprised if you run into that. 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Spookiesmom, that is funny.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    My great grandmother was in Denmark so I doubt she was posthumously baptized .  With that being said, being Jewish in Denmark, where they woke up one morning and were occupied, I don't know if it was ever admitted outside the family that she was Jewish.  Her husband was a member of the church of Denmark, as were most Danes.  My grandfather wasn't raised Jewish, I believe he was baptized Danish Lutheran.  I am sure it was the big family secret during the occupation.  I believe I also have family that was part of the Danish Underground. Hell, the Mormans would have a field day with my family as no two people are the same religion before marriage. 

    So cool that Andrea and DP are related!  Makes the world seem smaller.  

    Took Ryan to the vet.  The tumor was, as I suspected, the fatty kind. The vet also found others which are not unusual for a labX.  DD2 is terrified of something happening to her baby. (After my parents had cancer, my lab/Newfie had it so she is a bit nervous that history was repeating itself.) It is worth the $60 for her peace of mind.  Also got meds for the chronic ear problem.  Next time, DD is taking her.  Ryan raised holy hell in there. Crying, howling, whining!  As soon as the vet came into the exam room she shut her mouth, put her butt on the floor and looked the other way!  Lol. 

    Keeping my fingers crossed for Chitopilo!  Hopefully the surgery delay is a good sign!

    Well, I asked for rain and rain is what I am getting!  It rained so hard and so fast all the drainage ditches were full within a half hour!  Hasn't stopped yet, but at least it isn't so furious!  Glad to be home!  S

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    yes I forgot about that baptizing they talked about it. That's why they want all the names. Is that even legal? Pretending to baptize dead people without permission? Kind of weird to me. No offense to anyone who is Mormon. Maybe I just don't have a clear understanding. But I think the way they treat women is kind of off too. 

    Radiation for cancelled today. The machine broke. I knew I was having too good of luck with it staying up. I don't think I can afford these delays though. But what do you do?  They act like it's not a big deal but it seems important to me. For one the rads themselves are important to get done and stop the swelling. Remember dr dickstick? This is serious. But then it also delays me from starting chemo. Ok rant over. No outing for the shut in today. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Not funny. True. All those killed in the Holocaust have been baptized. 

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Why did I miss this history lesson?  In all the years I have taught the Holocaust, I never heard of these baptisms.  Holy Shit-yes pun intended!  So, if I give my Jewish family names in searching for relatives, they will try and baptize them?  Wow, I am stunned!