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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Ooh, DP, rads cancelled today?  Stupid machine.  Love the family stories.  I think your family situation sounds so nice and warm.  Wren, yours too.  I wish I had known my great grandma better.

    DP, go over to 'New and future flat sister' for full report of the weekend!  XXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    no history lesson, S.,, they just do it, to make sure any and all of their potential ancestors are "baptized" and going to heaven.  I find it offensive, but then again,, it's not really real,,, so what does it matter?

    DAMN it for rads being cancelled! Why can't they have you go to the other place??  Stupid people.

    Hoping Bobo has a good post on other thread,, cuz work is really pissing me off again tonight. These "upgrades" with the computer system are such a disaster.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    I meant no disrespect to any Jewish person. I meant funny- odd, that they would do that.

    Even though I am not Jewish I have always been interested in learning about the atrocities they went through during the holocaust. I feel that in some way if I learn about their plight they will not be forgotten. 

    I even made my kids watch The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas  when they were the same age as the characters. It helped them relate. Is it odd that I want to go to the Holocaust museum in DC (hoping to go with my sister this fall when she comes out)?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Thank you Glennie. I'm not Jewish either, but I find this offensive too. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Not try, WILL

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Andrea, I totally got your meaning.  I don't find it odd that you want to go. I think everyone should learn from history,,, so we do not have a repeat.  What was the name of the movie about Rwanda,, where one tribe was killing the other?  That was so horrible.  Just one tribe against another. It's happened over and over in many places,, it seems we do not learn from history.  (Hotel Rwanda,, I think was the name of the move?  Don Ceadle (sp?) was in it. )

    I think it was in Nashville,,, somewhere in Tenn, where school kids put 6 million paper clips inside of an actual train car that had been used to transport Jews to concentration camps. To give kids the idea of just HOW MANY 6 million is.  Very educational. I imagine it had a big impact.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Andrea-I think it is great that you want to see the Holocaust Museum!  I was going to take the entire ninth grade as a field trip.  (I actually had students who said that it never happened and it was a government lie!) Unfortunately BC got in the way and no one else will take them as it is a logistical nightmare.

    I find it very offensive that someone would baptize my ancestors/relatives.  Not that it would mean anything, but it negates their belief system.  

    Sorry rads were cancelled today, DP.  Hope tomorrow is a go to get you that much closer to completion! S

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    What an interesting read this morning. I think my family must be from another planet. I have tried and tried to search. Being Scottish makes it hard because the Scottish sites that hold all the info are super expensive and very hard to navigate. I can't even find any real evidence of relatives that I have all the details of on paper for and having a very common Scottish surname doesn't help.

    Sgc, I can't believe your card was compromised too, I had the same thing a couple of weeks ago. I had a call from the bank to see if I had made a purchase that morning in the US. I hadn't, but a company had done a $5.00 reversal on my card, which is apparently how they check that an account is live. When the reversal goes through, they then empty the account. Fortunately, the banks have the software to flag it, before they emptied the account.  

    Must run..will check back later...M x 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    I would like to know what Indian tribe my great grandfather was from. He talked to me about what it was like growing up half breed and the taunts he heard. The other side of the family said he was Seminole, but I have a feeling that was just the first tribe that came to mind when I asked. They didn't tell lies, but boy could they leave out things and mislead you. I asked my grandmother (Mom) how old I was when my real mother and father divorced. She said two. It took another 15 years to find out if that was 2 months or 2 years.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Sorry, posting at the same time. DP, bugger, to that bloody, broken machine!

    I have heard that same denial of the Holocaust, what the hell are they thinking! I have spent many evenings listening to the Parents of my Jewish friends speak of the horrors and losing their family members. I have always loved and admired the culture and the ceremony of the Jewish faith and have been so fortunate to have been welcomed in, to many family evenings, even vacations away with friends. 

    Life is Beautiful, Schindler's List, The Boy in striped Pyjamas, I watched them all with Bec. 

    Hugs to all... M x   

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    People are just crazy.  I don't see how anyone can deny it. Does anyone deny the POW's from the Vietnam War?  Oh you were not really held prisoner for 7 years over there. 

    There  are so many documents PROVING that it happened,,so many people who attest to it (although those numbers get smaller every year)  so it's just unreal to me that anyone could deny it.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    and on a lighter note:  I used the Yes to Carrots shampoo/conditioner and the Yes to Cucumber body wash and they were just lovely.  And smell soooo good.     **approved**

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2014

    Interesting reads here tonight, Wren, DH's great grandmother was Native American, we have just learned this in the recent years and his family was quite prominent in this area so of course back then it wasnt "acceptable" so there is no pictures of her at all. She came from Illinois, I just think that is such a shame and am really quite mad about it and some of the older family would not even admit it!! grrr just dont understand why humans have to do these things but they do and guess they always have.

    On the Morman issue, and I dont want to offend anyone either, but years ago while in HI my friend and I visited the Tabernacle and went on a tour.. well at the end of tour my friend said to the guide "this doesnt look like heaven to me" and guide said why not? Friend said "because this looks like a hotel lobby and they need to be dusted and if I go to heaven I sure am NOT going to dust" poor guide didnt know what to say.. I laughed all the way out the door!   

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    One last comment from me on the Mormons. It's my understanding that if you aren't in their church, they aren't supposed to associate with you. "My way or the highway" type thinking. So if the y baptized the Jewish people, they could associate with the names. 

    And their archives are supposed to be fabulous. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    lol Ndgirl.  You think they could get some of the sister wives to dust!  

    Do you know what's states your native relatives were in wren?

    We have a big holocaust museum here. It is a really haunting history lesson. Went on a field trip in grade school to one of those traveling exhibit ones. They had an authentic train car. They crammed all 40 of us on it and shut the door. It was a truly horrifying experience to think about what it must have been like. 

    In other news. Bath and body works tried to run my card 5 times this mornjng. It kept saying my billing address didn't match even though it was correct. So later I notice online that I had 5 charges from them but I had already given up on the purchase. What's with the credit cards today??

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Just saw where Home Depot had a bigger breach than Target. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    omg,, I'm going back to writing checks!!!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Lol Glennie!  I haven't written a check in a long time! I don't think I can get it away from DH unless he has gone to that great bank account in the sky!

    Thank God, we live in such a tiny place we don't have a Home Depot!  (And that will probably be the last time I ever say that!)

    DP-hope you can get those charges resolved!  (What is up with the credit cards today?) Sounds like some one had a problem hitting the correct information at the cash register.  No way it should have shown up if the error message came through.  Weird!

    ND-Great story!  So how did you like Hawaii?  I thought the big Tabernacle was in Utah, like by the Osmond family?  And how can they be in entertainment if they can't associate with non-Mormons?  Oh, wait, I know it's like when they go door to door spreading their beliefs.  Just like the Witnesses, who also shun those who leave their faith.  I wonder how Sister wives can be on TV when it is illegal to co-habitate with more than so many women, I forget the number, or it becomes a brothel? Or is that just in silly old VA? I do believe most states/commonwealths have a limit on number of non-related women who can live at the same private address. College dorms don't count as they are not private residences.  Perhaps brothels are legal in Nevada, that is where they moved to, right? Okay, I digress!  No more religion, or sex.  Hum...what does that leave? S

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    DP, He was in Kansas, but I'm not sure that's where he originated. The rest of that family was German. Needless to say it was NOT cool to speak German outside the house during WWII. That's why I never learned any. I do know about the German side of the family. My great-great-great grandmother and and husband got married in Germany and left the next day on the boat for America. They settled in western New York and had my great great grandmother. Then the husband was killed in an accident on the Erie Canal. His wife answered an ad by a German farmer in Kansas who wanted a wife. They married and had additional children. All the children were daughters and he sent back to Germany for husbands for them. I have napkin rings that say Willie and Emma, plus 2 blanks for their children. They never had children and she gave them to an aunt who gave them to me. Willie brought them from Germany as a wedding present.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    no Home Depot? Wow. We literally have one every 10 miles. They old me when I was figuring out a truck rental once. And lowes is always right across the street. Who buys all this stuff? I am always in awe at the amount of stores everywhere. What has baffled me for years though is the vacuum cleaner store. Seriously. The place is there for like 20 years. No one iis ever in there buying a vacuum. I think it is orick, so they are very expensive. But how the heck are they open for business every day?  Besides everyone buys that stuff on tv or at Home Depot. Lol. The Segway store is also baffling. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    what a neat story wren. Went husband shopping. It was always about survival back then. What lovely traditions - even though perhaps not popular if your the one being married off. 

    There are a lot of Cherokee and Seminole in Kansas. Kansas is such a pretty state. I visited years ago and made my own Little House on the Prairie tour. Yes I'm a dork. I know. I saw a commercial on tv last night for gattlynberg tn. It was fall and there were leaves and jackets. I decided I think I want to move there. Ha. 

    Drinking peppermint tea tonight. It's better than I thought. Have to go in as find something to wear to the funeral in the morning. It's outside and will be back to 100 degrees tomorrow. Should be interesting. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    ok I caught up, mostly, on the other thread with my tea this morning. First, so glad you had all good news ariom. Zills, how has it been with the neurontin?  And finally, what am awesome bobo report!  I LOVE the girlfriends comments. That is priceless. Everyone should start including love notes. The surgical scars also cracked me up. I just can't stop thinking of clueless with this whole md affair. I'm trying to think all nice positive thoughts these days, but her surgery is so freshly traumatic to me. She moaned and leaned and layed over her desk because she was in so much pain. A week later mind you. Then she showed me the three different lapro spots and how swollen they were. I mean. I'm sure it hurt but as I sit here liking like someone took a can opener around 3/4 of upper body, it was not inciting a lot of sympathy. Especially when your ass could be at home instead of moping around in front of everyone looking for sympathy. And my other thought is that if she does well, which I think she will at least initially, she will need major skin removal. How in the heck is she gonna handle that?  Looking forward to being around for full reports on that but glad I won't be there to witness it first hand!  Neither am I missing seeing room temperature string cheese sitting out everywhere and mushed up beans. Ok time to put my nice face back on. 

    I'm off to get ready. Boy I have not worn foobs for a full day in two weeks. My back will be aching. Wearing makeup all day has become a drag too with my yucko skin. But I would scare animals without it. Maybe that's why the boys are acting funny lately. Time to get to it. 

    May everyone have a fabulous day and not work too hard. And let the credit card gods behave today. And may the darn radiation machine gods be smiling too. Thank you guys so much for listening to my incessant rambling and being there for me. I know I've been all over the place. My days have become so long and you guys just keep me same. Love you all!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Hope you have a good day DP.  May the rads Gods be with you!  We all love you too! S

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    It's hard to by sympathetic to people with tiny scars when we have had entire body parts removed.  And NOT by our own choice either. 

    Good luck with the rads today, DP. Hopefully all will be well. The credit card gods will shine upon us too.

    and may the computer gods shine on my work computer "upgrade" so that tonight will be better than the last two. I'm really getting cranky about these issues. Why can't they test the darn things before they unleash them on us???

    Off to PT,,, back later!


    (hugs) to all

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    you are their test glennie

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    **whines** but I don't wanna be the test!  It's too painful.

    Speaking of painful,,, I'm bleeding AGAIN. My cycle has zero meaning these days. 3 weeks minus 1 day until I get spayed. Lordy, I can't wait.

    Now off to PT.   Although I really just want to go back to bed.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2014

    Scg, I loved HI, have been there twice, dont think I would want to live there longtime tho, I am too used to being able to travel many miles and being on an island might get to me.. but spending a winter there would be just great!! I have never found the Mormans to not associate with others, I have a childhood friend who is now Morman and is surely not like that. I think they are good citizens, they take care of their own as far as welfare etc.. I dont agree with their theology but that is neither here or there, to each their own. They have a beautiful tabernacle in Honolulu and the Polynesian Culture Center is owned and operated by them. I believe Mitt Romney is a morman, didnt seem to be an issue for him when he ran for president last term.

    Glennie, getting spayed... ha, sorry you are having troubles again and I can sure understand how you feel... hugs to everyone.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014


    Found this on Wiki, thought of you


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    ndgirl, like you I have just had good experiences with Mormons. There are a few Mormon missionary girls that help out ladies in my mothers senior apartment. They offered to do my mom's laundry , and they never ask for anything in return. 

    There are good and bad people in every group. 

    DP, hope you are having a better day today!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    DP, how was your long day?

    And do you think clueless and MD are the same person?  **I am a genius**