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Time for hospice and Im really scared



  • stellaratovsky
    stellaratovsky Member Posts: 131
    edited August 2013

    I don't know what to say except I am sorry u are going through such a rough time. If u ever need someone to vent to I am here. We are all in the same boat struggling with this horrible monster. No one really knows how long we have. We all just live one day at a time. I also heard people going into hospice and some even came out and are still around doing great. Another thing maybe you could look into alternative treatment. Alot of women are on it. Many hugs and we are here.

  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited August 2013

    Bahamas! Yay! Cheers, Teri! Keeping you in my thoughts every day...


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2013

    Popping in to say hi and hope you are not in overload with information Re your choices for hospice.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited August 2013

    Stopping by to say Hi to Teri and all of your supporters. May you find moments of peace today.

  • Angelfalls
    Angelfalls Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2013

    Sending BIG (((((((hugs))))))) from across the pond as you gather your information and make your choices. And wishing you all the very best as you take the next step.

  • SPAMgirl
    SPAMgirl Member Posts: 137
    edited August 2013

    I am so sorry to do this, but I am devil's advocate by nature and I have horrible, horrible inability to make decisions that are permenant. I can't even cut a piece of x-mas garland incase I decide I want to use a longer length next year.

    I completely, completely respect any decision you make. This disease sucks eggs!!!!

    Remember that some chemos are very easy on your body. At this point, no one is trying to kill all the cancer cells, it's just about control. And some might reduce pain later. They can lower the dose as well. I didn't have any side effects from navelbine. The only SE I had with Halaven was fatigue. My DHand I have decided that we don't want the kids to remember me if I'm in horrible shape.

    Okay, I'm done. I completely admire that you can make a decision like this. My counselor told me that crying is an amazing stress reliever because the adreninaline pours out of your body with each tear.

    Last question, can I have a margarita or Bloody Mary for our hug depending on the time of day? From 4am - noon, I prefer the Bloody Mary:)

    Now my last complaint. We had to put down our chocolate lab during Memorial Day. He was geriatric, in constant hip pain and had stopped eating if my husband left. So my 11 yo DD lost her cat before school started last fall, our dog when school finished and I have been given that speech of 2 weeks to 6 months speech. My husband is 100% against getting another pet because he can't handle taking care of any more things. I've become very high maintenance.


  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited August 2013

    ((((SPAM)))) Hey, margaritas, bloody marys, it's all personal choice around here, and I'm sure Teri won't mind:)

    I'm just thinking that y'all are such amazing people! And I hope that you're finding some peace in knowing you've got a whole crowd here with you, Teri.

    Love to all,


  • Fitztwins
    Fitztwins Member Posts: 144
    edited August 2013

    Some hospice accept dogs...I know I want one with me!

    May you have many wonderful days left!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2013

    Sending love and thoughts of strength to get you through.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Capriness
    Capriness Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2013

    What a crappy morning!  Sorry everyone for starting this post so negative but I had a terrible day yesterday and it's going to be bad this morning too.  The guy who was going to take care of my goats came to pick them up.  We could only catch 4 of the 5 so he left one of them tied in a stall as bait(!) so the one that ran off would hopefully come back over night.  Then I'm supposed to go up to the barn this morning and try to capture him myself. Me. Who can't breathe when walking across a room.

    And getting rid of my babies was bad enough but then to have it drag on with these complications is horrible. I just wanted it to go quickly and cleanly.  And the worst part, when he had 2 of my babies in the truck, I went in there to say goodbye and they were clear at the other side where I couldn't reach them and looking at me like they were scared of me!!!!! Their own momma!!!  This is killing me.

    I know I've asked a lot from you ladies for support lately but please hang in there with me.  You're the only thing that's helping me survive this. Once again, sorry for the negativity but right now I see nothing positive in the world. I try to look ahead a week or so when it will be all done (if the horse's home works out) but it's hard. I was even taking my anti-anxiety pills yesterday and they didn't help at all.

    It's starting to get light out now so I better come up with a plan to capture Deuce. Hopefully I don't scare him anymore.  At least there won't be strangers around.  That was freaking them out the worst I think.

    Please know I'd love to answer several of your posts here but I just can't think straight right now.  Talk to you all later.


  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758
    edited August 2013

    Hunting for a scared, skittish animal can be really frustrating and difficult. Hope your renegade goat comes trotting over to you the moment he sees you. (Fake serenity and calm!)

    Sounds like you've got a good, practical and caring plan for the animals and are doing much better than just putting one foot in front of the other. Hang in. Let us know what's up later on today.


  • AmyJM
    AmyJM Member Posts: 134
    edited August 2013

    Hi Teri,

    I'm sorry you had to say good-bye to your goats and then to have it drag out like this.  Know that you gave them a good, loving home for many years and I'm sure they will be well cared for in their new home.  Still hard to say good-bye though.  Good-luck rounding up the escapee - I'll be thinking of you!

    You're in my thoughts and prayers,  Amy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2013

    Oh Teri, how heart breaking for you.  Hopefully today will be a better day........and we are not going anywhere we are here for you.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394
    edited August 2013

    What a terrible day for you! I suspect that your goats were scared, but not of you. Someone had chased them down, and then loaded them onto a truck. They will settle into their new homes and not even remember these fears. So hard to say goodbye to our animals. I hope that this morning goes well.


  • SPAMgirl
    SPAMgirl Member Posts: 137
    edited August 2013

    I'm so sorry. I think you have every right to be negative and heart-broken. Losing your "kids" would be traumatic. I think this story deserves a good cry. I think I'll start one for you now (:

  • Capriness
    Capriness Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2013

    Spamgirl, please don't cry.  I'm doing enough of that myself. 

    I saw my escapee goat this morning sleeping as close to the house as he could, which is also as far from the barn and the "bait" as he could get. Great.  But when I went out there, there was no sign of him. I stood quietly for a long time, I called his name like I do when I'm going to give him a good scratching, but nothing. No sign. Didn't even see him peeking at me from the woods.  So I don't know what to do but call my guy, Richard, and have him pick up Martha (the bait) and we'll just have to leave Deuce to his own and maybe he'll turn ferrel.

    Hope all of you are doing okay.  I'll talk to you soon.  I think I need  a nap right now.


  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879
    edited August 2013

    Teri - so sorry that you are having to say goodbye to your babies. And to have a kink thrown into the works just makes it so much more disheartening. Perhaps Deuce has other plans than to leave you. He might just be thinking that you need him close by so he has decided that he won't be caught.

    We will also remain by your side each and every day. You will never have to wonder if there is a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold or an ear to listen.

    ((hugs)) and smiles for you!Smile

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited August 2013


    Thinking of you. Hope Deuce comes back soon. Get some rest.


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited August 2013

    Teri, I am also not going anywhere - will be right here with you! I agree that Deuce may have other plans. He may just hang around a while, especially since you saw him near the house today. Are you able to leave a little treat out for him? Tis might encourage him to visit a bit.

    Hugs and hoping you find a moment of peace today.

  • sunny210
    sunny210 Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2013

    What a terrible day. I'm so sorry. Imagine we're all with you, holding your hand, giving you hugs, shoring you up. I hope tomorrow is better. 


  • Brendatrue
    Brendatrue Member Posts: 487
    edited August 2013

    Teri, What a difficult and challenging day. I am so sorry that we can't just pop into your immediate world and give you both concrete help and emotional support. Like others here, I hope it helps to know that we are thinking of you and hoping that your day has become a little easier, that your nap was restful, that tomorrow will present fewer challenges. Don't you worry one bit about needing us and about not having the time to respond. We understand and are here for you regardless.

    And I will stay hopeful that you will find more peace and comfort each day, that your feisty little Deuce will seek you out for a little visit, and you can help him to find his new home.

  • formygirls
    formygirls Member Posts: 154
    edited August 2013

    This is heartbreaking. I hope tomorrow is better. I think of you often. We are there holding your hand. I wish we could be there in person.

  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited August 2013

    I hope that you're asleep right now, Teri, and getting much needed rest after this traumatic day. Deuce is probably asleep too after all that action! And he and the other goats will forget any of it ever happened tomorrow. I hope the new day is calmer, and that you can find some peace in it. Sending lots of love...


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited August 2013

    Teri, hoping you got some sleep and much-needed rest. Keeping you and Deuce in my heart. Wishing you at least one moment of grace today (be that a moment of beauty, a moment of peace, a moment of joy, or even a little smile).

  • chanah
    chanah Member Posts: 90
    edited August 2013

    Teri & all my Stage IV Sisters, you are in my thougts and prayers every day.  I am sending a warm hug to each of you and will be mentally holding Teri's hand all day.

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited August 2013

    I hope your goat comes home. They usually try to go home where their food is and their fellow goats. 

    I hope the rest of your week goes better. I'm sending lots of energy and fortitude during what has to be a very hard time for you. I hope you can nap and your hospice team gives you something to help you relax and sleep.

    Take care.

  • Annie62
    Annie62 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2013


    I am so sorry that you are facing the end of treatments. I hope you find a good hospice program to help you. Please know that I'm thinking of you. Hugs to you and your furry family.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2013

    Teri, just popping in to see how you are doing and wether that naughty little goat has decided to come home. Sending love and support for you.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited August 2013

    Teri, I hope you find a solution to your runaway goat problem. Wish I could help, but know nothing about animals. Hope the hospice search is also coming along. Sending hugs and positive thoughts.

  • bhd1
    bhd1 Member Posts: 173
    edited August 2013

    Teri I so sorry for what you sre going through