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Time for hospice and Im really scared



  • SPAMgirl
    SPAMgirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2013

    Are you moving into Hospice or having them visit your house?

  • Brendatrue
    Brendatrue Member Posts: 487
    edited September 2013


    As always, an update from you is a welcome thing for all of us here. You sound as if you are more optimistic about staying at home for hospice care and having your mom be your primary caregiver. I was surprised that one of the hospice team members told you there are no in patient hospice programs in Oregon. There are actually a few, like in Portland and Eugene, but the few that exist are designed for very short term stays. To be clear, that is not the same thing as in patient level of care through a home based program; that level of care is temporary and, like you said, is available when acute symptom management needs require greater attention and ends once symptoms are controlled. That level of care also is supposed to be available (for up to five days) when the main caregiver becomes exhausted, sick, or for whatever reason needs respite.

    Most, if not all, hospice providers in Oregon have contracts with residential care programs, like Adult Foster Care or nursing home facilities, in order to meet the needs of those who cannot stay in their homes through end of life.

    Most people at end of life prefer to receive care in their homes until they die, and the majority of the people in the USA who receive hospice care remain in their

    homes. I hope that will be possible for you, if that fits our wishes. However, if your wishes change, your hospice team should be able to help you make the transition elsewhere. If you have questions about this process and your options, and you need to talk to someone outside your current hospice provider, you can call the

    Oregon Hospice Association (888-229-2104), where Debra or Meg will be able to help you.

    I wish you the best and hope each and every day brings you more peace, more comfort, and as many moments of joy possible. Remember, you have many caring women out here supporting and thinking of you!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2013

    Hi Teri, just doing my usual popping in to see how you are doing........resting I would think or reading a good book.......both good things.

    Hope you day I'd filled with all good things and none of the bad.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited September 2013

    Hi Teri,

    Glad you've gotten the hospice situation taken care of and that they are able to help you with caring for you and your animals. What a shame that you had so much trouble getting the necessary paperwork. It's not like you don't have enough to worry about. Hope things will settle down for you now and you get some R & R. Thinking of you and hoping for peace-filled days with your Mom.

    Hugs, Glenna

  • GrammyR
    GrammyR Member Posts: 297
    edited September 2013

    Teri- happy to hear Deuce has been showing up an maybe get closer soon.You will have to keep contact w/hospice and rattle their cage until things get moving for you..Sure hope your settled in w/them soon.Keep calling until you get registered.Squeeky wheel thing.Hugs and hope this week things go much smoother for you.


  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879
    edited September 2013

    Hi Teri - hope that today brings about some happiness and joy. Thinking of you and wishing you peace.

  • Chickadee
    Chickadee Member Posts: 469
    edited September 2013

    I bet hospice never got asked to do goat wrangling. Hope deuce comes back soon and hospice takes real good care of you.

  • nancyh
    nancyh Member Posts: 185
    edited September 2013

    Hi Teri - just dropping in to say hello and send good wishes.  I love reading the stories about Duece, that is some goat!  Take care.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited September 2013

    Teri, hoping for a few moments of peace for you today.

    I agree with Nancy - the Deuce stories are great, so please feel free to share some of your best goat and other animal stories with us!

  • jocanuck1951
    jocanuck1951 Member Posts: 214
    edited September 2013

    Just popping in to say hi and warm hugs Teri! I'm thinking of you, xoxoxo Jo

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited September 2013

    Hi Terri,

    Hope things are peaceful with you. Sounds like hospice is doing a great job.


  • AmyJM
    AmyJM Member Posts: 134
    edited September 2013

    Hi Teri,

    I hope you're having a good day.  Have you seen Deuce lately?  I'm sending prayers your way for restful, peaceful days.

    Thinking of you, Amy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2013

    Morning Teri!

    Hoping you are settling into the hospice routine and you are finding it helpful.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • justjudie
    justjudie Member Posts: 196
    edited September 2013

    Hey Teri,

    Has Deuce always been a little more independent than the rest of his herd?  Sounds like he just dug his  hooves in and decided he was NOT leaving his mom.  Do goats make good pets?  I dont think I have ever been near one except maybe at a petting zoo.  I can picture you out there waiting for the wayward Deuce to show up.  You would think he would when he gets good & hungry.  I hope you dont have to wait too long.  Especially as you are not feeling well yourself.  You need to be able to rest, not chase a silly goat!  Hope it is going well with your mom there to help you.  I particulaly hope getting into Hospice will go easier from now on.  Thinking of you. 

  • Capriness
    Capriness Member Posts: 111
    edited September 2013

    Last night we brought Deuce's brother back, Domino, and tied him in the stall with the door open so that hopefully Deuce will go in there while I'm in there and I can slam the door (literally) on this whole mess. It broke my heart though because Domino acted terrified of me.  Then I broke out the granola and he was all over that munching away. Of course by the time I left him last night Deuce was still halfway across the pasture because  of the "big truck" that came again and scared him.

    My mom had some kind of allergic reaction last night and we had to call 911 and they took her to the hospital.  They released her right away but it really messed up my evening as far as I forgot to take any of my meds. Now I'm in extreme pain even though I took my morning meds.  My hospice nurse is due out in about an hour so that's good.

    Hope everybody is doing good.  I don't know how much time I'll have to peruse these boards today but I'll try to if I can.


  • AmyJM
    AmyJM Member Posts: 134
    edited September 2013


    Thinking of you as always.  I'm so sorry to hear about the ordeal with your Mom last night and the pain you're having.  Hopefully the hospice nurse can help take care of that quickly.  In fact, since you wrote your post a few hours ago, I hope you're already feeling more comfortable.

    sending hugs and prayers, Amy

  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited September 2013

    Wow Teri... Between Deuce and your mom, that's a whole lot of action! I do hope your pain is being managed now, and that you're feeling better. Never a dull moment, but I hope you will find moments of peace and relaxation.

    Sending love, as always...


  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879
    edited September 2013

    Oh Teri - so much going on around you. I hope that things have settled a bit and you are resting comfortable. No worries about checking in - just know that we will all be here when you do and are thinking of you each and every day.

    Wishing you peace and comfort and sending you smiles from miles away.

  • GrammyR
    GrammyR Member Posts: 297
    edited September 2013

    Teri - so much going on at your house. Hope your mom is OK and please do NOT forgo your meds. Easier said than done I know, but you must control your pain. Can they give you the 3 day pain patch as well. I forget the name but they help control the in between times. That way you can spend more time chasing Domino and Deuce ....ha. Hugs.

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited September 2013

    A goat that likes granola! No wonder he's hanging on - holding out for yummy treats! He's a smart goat. Keep up with your pain meds so you can snuggle with Nugget. I hope there will be no more ER trips for your Mom.

    Take care.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2013

    Oh Teri, that Deuce sure is giving you the run around! Hopefully now with his brother back he will make your life a little easier by obliging and going into the goat shed.

    Oh my! Your poor mom! Hope she found out what caused the reaction. Not good that you forgot your pain pills as it will take a while to get it under control. By the time you read this the hospice nurse would have been so I'm hoping she was able to help some.

    Take care.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • iwillwinthisbattle
    iwillwinthisbattle Member Posts: 42
    edited September 2013

    Teri---so sorry that ou have all'of this turmoil going on around you. I hope that you are doing all that you can to focus on you and your needs. We are here for you!!!!

  • Angelfalls
    Angelfalls Member Posts: 83
    edited September 2013

    I'm coming late to this thread, although I've been reading since it began. I just couldn't find the words. Still can't, but just wanted you to know that you have more people rooting for you, Teri. And for Deuce, of course! I hope the hospice nurse has got you comfortable again and that things will calm down a little at your house... It all sounds exhausting! Look after yourself and I hope today will be a good day for you all.

  • Annie62
    Annie62 Member Posts: 92
    edited September 2013

    Aww Teri- I've been away and just caught up on your thread. You are such a good momma finding homes for all your animals. I know it must be heartwrenching to see them go. I hope Deuce turns up today and can rejoing the herd. 

    You are in my thoughts, 


  • Janlee5802
    Janlee5802 Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2013

    Capriness, I'm so sorry for everything that you're going through.  I'm sending you big hugs with lots of love.  I hope that Deuce smartens up and cooperates with you.  Glad your mom's okay.  Keep taking care of yourself.  It's all about you right now!!

  • meima-Bev
    meima-Bev Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2013

    Teri, Hope you feel the love!  You are in my prayers each and every day for peace and comfort!  With loving thouhts,   Bev

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394
    edited September 2013

    If this weren't happening to you, your situation could actually be funny. You chose to enter Hospice, a time that should be ALL about you, and you are surrounded by living beings that don't get it. You have Deuce playing prima goat, and your mother running off to the ER. Clearly neither of them got the memo. If that TV show that FItz likes so much about the woman with cancer was still in production, I believe you could have sold them the rights to this story for an episode.

    Hope today was calm.


  • Capriness
    Capriness Member Posts: 111
    edited September 2013


    Yes, it's true. my friend came up to move the other goat, Domino, Deuce's brother, into my other goat barn where it would be easier to catch Deuce. My mom insisted on letting her chihuahua tag along. Well Duece took off when he saw us but the darned chihuahua chased him so much that he got scared and ran into the horse's stall.  He figured the horse would keep him safe.  Well, guess what? Richard was standing by the stall door and trapped him inside.  HAAAA!!!

    The chihuahua gets all the credit for this one. I wish I would have thought of it sooner.

    Hope everyone is having a pleasant evening.


  • AmyJM
    AmyJM Member Posts: 134
    edited September 2013

    Whoo-hooo!  Hurray for the Chihuahua!  He could hire out as a sheep herding dog!  What a relief it must be to have this resolved at last after all this time and effort!  I'm sure Deuce wasn't too happy to finally be corraled, but now you don't have to worry about him out on his own and will know he's being well taken care of.  I hope you have restful, peaceful days, Teri.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Sending love and hugs, Amy

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited September 2013

    Goat vs. chihuahua

    Goat 0 Chihuahua 1

    Glad to hear that you can shut the barn door on this little escapade.