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Moving On......After the Flap



  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited August 2014

    Teacher, beautiful smocking!  Aubrey wears smocking quite a bit, because her momma likes it so much, and I had no idea it could be done as a craft.  Sammy and Sissy, our 13-lb "hybrids" -- probably Maltese/Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix--absolutely love carrots, and yes, they come running when they hear the carrot bag exiting the fridge.  They got their teeth cleaned today.  General anesthesia for doggie dental!  Oh, well, they were way past due.

    I did a timeline analysis of the surgery/cellulitis thing.  The only surgery that wasn't followed about 3-4 weeks later with cellulitis was the one that I went directly from the recovery room to the hyperbaric chamber, and did 15 daily treatments.  So my PS will do the same thing this time.  Nothing can stop me from Mt. Hood!

    I don't know about the viewing audience being limited thing...seems like I hike up my shirt to show just about anybody who's interested.  Maybe getting simu-nips, with pretend areolas and everything, will change that, but I even showed my podiatrist.  Who, in turn, unzipped his pants to show me his recent back surgery scar--a procedure that created a foot-long incision near his waist, and they pretty much created part of a new spine for him from the front.  Amazing stuff!

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited August 2014

    My podiatrist was who recommended by PS because a friend of his is in plastics and knows my PS. I had great toe joint fused due to arthritis and bunion last year 2 weeks before diagnosis and my podiatrist left me with a thread-thin scar because he'd done a special rotation in plastic surgery. He said scars on feet make walking too difficult. We talked quite a bit about reconstructive surgery because his mother and mother-in-law had bc. He said his favorite thing to do was create nipples because it was like origami and meant that patients were at the end of their journey. 

    My right origami lost two stitches today. Celebrate. 

    Oh, I told my PS about the Ken Doll result and he said it is quite common. I said I hoped he'd think about fixing it for all his patients whether they ask or not because it is a huge morale boost to not be like Barbie or Ken anymore.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014

    I've been following along but not posting much. Best wishes for upcoming procedures, congrats on recent ones. I've enjoyed the photos of babies, vacations, pets, etc.

    Another acquaintance of mine (didn't know her well) just passed away this week from a recurrence of FBC. Her 8 year old daughter managed to get on her Facebook and say her mommy was dead. So heartbreaking. It's so hard to take and always stops me in my tracks. I don't want to bring you guys down but nobody understands like you.

    My little white dog spent yesterday at the vet because he's been vomiting with diarrhea and I've spent today with him, watching him and cleaning up messes. Praying he will be feeling better and won't need X-ray's tomorrow. It's a good thing he is a charmer because he has been an expensive dog over the years! He is going to get a badly needed bath now so hopefully the worst is over.

    Jlbloom, no worries about the hiking thing. I keep having setbacks in my quest to get in hiking shape. We all will look out for each other up there, I'm sure.

  • lahela
    lahela Member Posts: 145
    edited August 2014

    Back from vacation - 16 days in Ireland and Wales, walking in the hills (the locals call them mountains, but they ain't no Alps!), on the coast paths and through some of the most stunning scenery I've ever experienced. At one point, as DH and I were standing at the top of a lighthouse looking out to sea, I realised it was my first DIEPiversary. Then I immediately stopped thinking about it and went back to taking photos of birds. I like this moving on business!

    Re nips - I don't think I'll need tattoos after all because the graft nips & areolas look so real. If I didn't know better, I would swear they were the originals! I love 'em  :)

    Sending healing thoughts to the wounded and recovering, and love to all.

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited August 2014

    Jeannie, I have a friend who dealt with a miscarriage and infertility, and it seemed like she was the beacon to all who had children.  She saw nothing but babies anywhere she went.  Seems to me we are similar in that after our diagnosis there is cancer every where we look, and it is definitely seen differently especially when it is breast cancer.  

    My sympathies in the loss of your dear friend.  I have had two people close to me pass away since my surgery, one of lung-brain and one of ovarian, and of course the wonderful FBB is the first one I "knew" via the boards.  Sorry you are going through another loss.  

    I am determined to live differently since I realize more than ever what a gift being alive is.  This isn't easy but it also makes me want to dig in and embrace what I should embrace, run away from what is toxic, stand up for what is right, laugh more, and take in all that is beautiful.  Sending you (and all of us) hugs.


  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited August 2014

    Lehela - so glad you were able to move on and take more photos. I know those of on this journey this year will relish that time next year.

    Jeannie - so sorry for your loss, the loss of an 8 year old's mom.  A dear friend of mine lost her husband to liver cancer Monday (diagnosed in April). She said she's lost because they had been together since high school 45 years ago. 

    Enjoyevrymoment - I love typing that because it reminds me to do just that. Years ago when I experienced miscarriages and fertility treatment, everyone I saw was pregnant. I reached a point and told my best friend I couldn't do showers anymore. She'd get a gift and include my best wishes. Then when I was 40 and we adopted our son, all those people came out of the woodwork with gifts. I'm sure some of them were thinking "so glad it's Rita at 40 and not me!" but they were there. 

    Whenever we go through struggles, it is an opportunity to see a new perspective. I've made a very conscious choice to omit what I call doomsday thinkers from my life. This started nearly 5 years ago when I developed heart issues. I've always been one to look on the bright side and believe that the more positive I feel, the better results I will experience. I like looking at the world through my rose-colored glasses!

    Today I went shopping, something I don't do much. I actually bought 4 dresses that called my name, or rather screamed at me! Well-made, fully-lined, in my size in the petite dept and, even better 2 were marked from $149 to $49! Then I went to another store and got the other 2 for 20% off. Those will be perfect for next summer. I also made a casual perusal of bras admiring the pretty ones I will be wearing soon. A sales lady wanted to assist me and asked what I'd last bought. I showed her and told her 36DD when she asked the size. She said I looked to be about a 36B and had I been measured incorrectly? I said I was a bc survivor and she said to come back when I was ready and she could measure me so we could find pretty bras. I'm going to ask when that will be when I go in Monday for another ultrasound treatment.

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited August 2014

    Teacher, you are so right about seeing things from a different perspective.  Life gives us a way of relating to entirely new groups of people based on the experiences we go through.  It helps make them worthwhile when you can be more understanding of others.

    Jeannie, sorry for another ugly reminder.  Yes, the world seems to be having a cancer epidemic now that I am so aware of it.  And vet bills are a way of life with the lovely little furry babies we all love so much.  It's best not to stop and think about how much we have spent.  To copy the commercial, the value of love is priceless!

    Can we just go on vacation to Aruba or Ireland or Wales?  Pictures Lahela!

    Wishing you all a nice weekend!  Love ya.  ...Julie

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2014

    Jeannie, so sorry for your loss. And I hope your pup is okay. 

    Sbel, get those hyperbaric treatments and then rush to the Mountain!  Wish you didn't have to go through this again, but, you gotta do what works, right?

    Teacher, nothing like a few pretty dresses to lift the spirits.  If you were a 36DD, I can sympathize with how difficult it was to find dresses to fit. There is an entirely new world of fashion that opened up after my "re(duction)construction".  The problem is They also used GAP flaps, so I can only wear stretchy dresses or else the rear of the dress hangs. I didn't have much in the hip department before surgery. The good news is I can wear tighter stretchy dresses!  Life is good.  

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited August 2014

    Teacher, wow! That smock work is amazing - not many people are doing it anymore at all. My mom made my daughter a beautiful pink smock dress when she was 2 years old. It gave me great pleasure to pass that same dress on to little Emily a few weeks ago. It is undamaged and just as pretty as it was 30 years ago.

    I soooo agree about negative people in our lives. I try to navigate away from them as much as possible. Life is far too precious to be wasted cowering in fear - TOWANDA!

    Our 12-year old Golden Retriever is now beginning to lose his confidence. DH has to carry him up the stairs to our bedroom every night although he is still able to climb them. It is sad to see him slowly but surely losing his grip, and I do not want to think about what is to come. My sister has a 19-year old Siamese cat, and she is in the process of making the decision to have him put to sleep. Her kids will come home to say goodbye. They both grew up with him, he has always been quite the personality, and so adorable. He is very old for a cat, his teeth are falling out, he is very thin, he is peeing all over her furniture - shame. I've also known him all his life, and love him too. It is so hard to let him go.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited August 2014

    Good morning, everyone!  It's a sunny Sunday here in SoCal, and we got up early for a reasonably cool bike ride.  Yesterday, we foolishly slept in and didn't get out there until close to noon, and suffered in the midday heat. 

    Liefie, our dogs and cats are family, and like all living creatures, they are born and they die.  Maybe that's part of the beauty of life.  We learn to cherish the seasons of their lives, including their dotage.  And at the end, when they've left us with joyful and sorrowful memories, the grief can be deep and terrible.  But would we choose to live without the happiness of a loving animal?  Not me!  So you have my sympathy and encouragement as you help your sweet baby through his little-old-guy years, and your sister as she loves and cares for her kitty. 

    Last night we had dinner with our DS and DIL, and tiptoed into the nursery to watch Aubrey sleep.  We are blessed.

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2014

    Sbel, your words are so true. We hate to lose our beloved pets, but  what a treasure to have had them in our lives. Liefie, your Golden is so lucky to have such a loving family to care for him. 

    My yellow Lab is only six, and we have already spent a ton of money to get both back legs (knees) fixed. Couldn't bear the thought of her being in such pain and certainly couldn't bear the thought of the alternative. They really do become our family.  And it's a good thing because I still only have grandogs. But I live vicariously through Sbel, Liefie. Cherrie and others who post adorable pictures of their grandchildren. Keep them coming ladies!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited August 2014

    Sbe and Zenful, I so agree with you. Can't imagine not having a cat and a dog. Here is Oubaas a few weeks ago. He absolutely loves the boat, and goes skiing with DH every morning in summertime. He will sit in the boat for an hour waiting, too scared he will be left behind - lol.


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014


    How about a picture of my granddaughter AND a new puppy? Isabelle is nine, Jaxson is three months old, a Cavachon---Cavalier King Charles Spaniel/Bichon mix. We gave her a toy stuffed dog for her birthday and they got Jaxson, its twin, two weeks later! 

    Ugh, we went hiking around here in the morning yesterday and I got way too hot, not good for lymphedema. Maybe I can only hike in winter. Devil

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2014

    You are right, Jeannie. Dogs and grand kids. I am loving it!  Both are adorable.  So do you have any pictures of Oubaas skiing? 

  • lahela
    lahela Member Posts: 145
    edited August 2014

    May I ask for "incidentaloma wishes" for tomorrow, please? I had a PET scan in April that showed 2 nodules in my lungs and I'm having a CT tomorrow to check on them. The docs weren't particularly worried after the PET because they didn't appear to be cancerous (although they did note them as abnormal), but out of 4 women in my mum's family, 2 had BC, one died of respiratory failure and one died of lung cancer, so my mind goes to dark places.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited August 2014

    Lahela.....take the "peace" of the beautiful places you saw on your holiday with you to the test.....hoping for another incidentaloma report!

    jeannie....your GD and her puppy are adorable!!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited August 2014

    Praying for you Lahela.  When you mind goes there, think "delete, delete, delete."   We're in your pocket.

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited August 2014

    Liefie - your picture reminded me of our schnauzer who had her own raft for the pool at our previous house. She'd jump in and swim beside anyone who dove in and then yap at them when she got to the step. I guess she was the lifeguard. Your Oubaas certainly won't be left out with that cute face.

    Jeannie - adorable granddaughter and. Cute puppy. She looks thrilled to have her little bundle of fur.

    Lahela - you are in my prayers for a good report tomorrow.

    Getting ready to deliver a crocheted baby blanket and realized I didn't have a git bag, so I improvised. 


    I bought a Christmas plaid to make my grandgirls' Christmas dresses. I was so thankful their other grandmother had last Christmas. Their dresses have to be finished before Thanksgiving because they always do photos before the rush. 


    I'm going to adapt this plate for a straight yoke using the plaid fabric and add a white Peter Pan collar. I like a classic look when I smock their dresses. 

    After I take the blanket, I will head on for another ultrasound treatment. My side was so uncomfortable last night I couldn't sleep. I guess not sleeping well will mean I get more projects completed.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2014

    Lahela, wish for "IT"S NOTHING" in your CT scan today.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited August 2014

    Teacher, you make me tired just reading your post. What a diligent person you are - I can only admire you! You remind me of my mom whose hands were never still, always knitting, sewing, crafting.

    Lahela, try not to worry until you have something to worry about, if that makes any sense. Easier said than done, I know. Best advice is to stay busy, and to 'delete' as Sbe suggested. Big hugs for tomorrow!

    Zenful, Oubaas does not ski, but he is the official 'spotter' on the boat. When the boat leaves, he is on it.

    I'm seeing my OB/GYN later today for a routine checkup. He's the one who found the lump in my breast as well as the endometrial ca in Dec. 2011. So not looking forward, but necessary.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2014

    Wish for NOTHING-ness for you at the OB/GYN's liefie. I have an endometrial biopsy scheduled at my GYN's on September 5. How soon do you get the results back, liefie? Oubaas is the hero golden, right?

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited August 2014

    Great pics of granddaughter and dogs.  I want a dog like Jeannie's granddaughter. My hubby (bless him) will not budge on this. He is NOT an animal lover at all. As a child he had severe allergies and a bad experience with a dog. My daughter has two, allergy free dogs, and I love them. It would be perfect in retirement. Oh well.

    Lahela- Thinking of you tomorrow. Bring your positive energy and good thoughts with you. We understand how thoughts can go to the dark side. 

    Teacher- I have a friend that is very crafty like you. Sometimes she gets me to do something, but it never turns out like hers. Haha. I am experimenting with quilting. I need a new hobby. I was a teacher for 35 years and didn't have a lot of outside hobbies. Working on it. 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014

    Teacher, how talented you are! CanI borrow some of your energy?

    Cherrie, it's no wonder you didn't have many hobbies when you were teaching! It's such a demanding job on your time and energy.

    Liefie, praying for a boring appointment for you!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited August 2014

    Nips tomorrow, guess I am moving on!  See y'all on the other side.

    Lahela - praying for you!

    Teacher - cute smocking. Wish I was that focused.

    Liefie - this check up can be nothing but routine.  I so want your dog!!!  Too sweet.

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited August 2014

    Had another ultrasound and will have one again next week. Got a few stitches out that weren't moving on their own. The rest aren't ready. With more stitches out, the nips are looking so good. 

    MartyJ - expect "bigness" but the nips will improve every day. 

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited August 2014

    Lahela - Here's to assuming that your PT scan is boring and unremarkable.

    When your mind goes to those dark places - pretend your thoughts are ping pong balls, then imagine there's a giant cartoon paddle in your head, gently swatting them out of the way. That's the visualization I used when I had a spot on my liver that turned out to be absolutely nothing. 

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2014

    Loving thoughts going out to Lahela, Liefie and Marty.  Positive energy being sent your way.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2014

    Yahoo! Marty, congrats for putting cherries on top!

    Thinking about you liefie. lahela, make the dark thoughts tennis balls, I will hit them real hard for you.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited August 2014

    Marty, in your pocket tomorrow! We're calling on Wilbur to keep you company, and may you be thrilled with the results.

    Thanks for all the well wishes! OB/GYN appointment went well, everything okay. He said that if I went for the first two years without a recurrence of the endo ca, then chances for it to come back is almost zero. I am two and a half years out, so YAY!!!! Have to see him every 6 months for a few more years just to make sure.

    Jeannie, Isabelle and Jaxson are soooo adorable!

    Morningsun, yes, Oubaas is the hero golden. Love that dog so much. Here's more photo's of him doing water sports. He makes such a scene if he is left behind that he always goes with, doesn't matter what the mode of transport is. LOL.



  • butterfleyez
    butterfleyez Member Posts: 34
    edited August 2014

    hey ladies

    Just trying to catch up..I had my dog ear revision surgery Thursday and had to drop my son off at Texas state for school on Saturday. Talk about an emotionally draining week! 

    Wilbur was good to me but the Norco pain pills they gave me after weren't working for me. I've finally traded in the hospital girdle thing for spanks but its such a headache going to the bathroom. I've got 3 weeks in this compression. Luckily it's cooled down to 93 degrees this week :-)

    I've been scrolling through my Aruba pictures and keeping my mind on the beach. Dropping off my only child at school was really tough. I didn't think I would cry seeing how I've been counting down for at least 2 years but I am a mess. I have a puppy I got after surgery who has been really sweet and patient while I lay on the couch. Love the pics of the cute pups. Ill have to upload mine. 

    Love and positive thoughts going out to Lahela, Liefie and Marty.