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Moving On......After the Flap



  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited August 2014

    Snickers is adorable and so fashionable!

  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160
    edited August 2014

    Katski- Snickers is so adorable!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014

    I love dogs! I love you all, too! Happy weekend!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2014

    Kat-ski, Snickers is truly adorable. I haven't posted much lately but reading and thinking of you all with love. 

    Marty, congratulations on completing the journey. 

    Can't wait for Mt. Hood. I need to go online and find something for my DH to do that weekend. Although he told me yesterday that is the weekend of the Masters golf tournament. I can envision him locked in a hotel room staring at the television. What a waste of some prime scenery!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited August 2014

    The podiatrist pulled the pin out of my toe.  After about ten seconds, It exploded.  What a mess.

    ...just kidding!  I am happily hardware-free.  It didn't hurt a bit.  Like a tiny titanium snake crawling out of my toe. 

    Darling woofer, Kat-ski!  I love the "dirt" around his mouth!

    Enjoy and Bailey, both my boys have been out of the house for years and I still have "STUFF." Old military uniforms, a surfboard, a microwave, plastic storage dressers, high school letter jackets, a box labeled "girlfriends"...when and how do you get rid of such detritus of parenthood?

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited August 2014

    Hey Katy....I dunno.....Thing 1 had it in his head that he would be taking everything with him and changing his permanent address lol......just a bit naive, I guess. I told him we aren't kicking his arse to the curb just yet Winking and he can keep a room here for a few years lol.....I guess he hadn't thought about where he might go in the summertime.

    I recall at about 25 or so my mother putting all my "stuff" out and telling me to go through it or she would. I had my own apartment for a few years by then so I suppose it was time.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited August 2014

    Bailey- expect your things to keep coming back and even living with you until they " get on their feet". Lol

    I am feeling better. Cough is better, but left ear is completely plugged. 

    I am NOT a regular exerciser by any means. I did a slow 3 miles today for the first time in 10 days. Hopefully some of us can be lead on shorter hikes. Some of us are not use to altitude either. I am looking forward to fresh air, coffee, talking, walks, etc. what are we doing for food???? I think we should go out once. What should we pack on that airplane??

    Marty- You are in the very best of hands and I don't need to even tell you that. Give our doc a big big hug. Thinking of you DIEP partner. 

  • The1toC
    The1toC Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2014

    sbelizabeth you make me laugh! Glad your toe did not explode.

    Hope all the recent fipples and stage 2s and other adjustments are doing we'll, and able to enjoy this glorious august!

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited August 2014

    Yes Sbel, exploding toe grenade :) 

    Cherrie I'm so glad you are feeling is your ear today?

    I dropped a rolled up carpet (of course) on my already damaged ankle (it was tricky, but I managed). Grrrrrr....I might be on the "short hike" list in Oregon, too!

    Movie, how is your finger? And your dog?

    Ay yi yi we're a bit of a collective mess!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited August 2014

    bailey....are you and movie in self-destruct mode???? SHEESH!!!!! Both of you belong in bubblewrap!

    cherrie....please don't be worrying about any "outings" we may do in Mt. Hood (40 days.....woohoo!!!!). I doubt if anyone will be in a "how fast/how far can we go" mode. I know if there are interesting sights....I'll be stopping every 20 steps to take photos, then likely will have to run to catch up with you all!!!! Glad to hear the bronchitis is moving off. Nasty stuff.....especially in summer! How are all the "biker wounds" healing up???

    sbe...good job on the toe!...Are you back on your bike yet??? If must be going nutso!!!

    Hiking on Friday was basically a slog up the hill in heavy rain. By the time we reached the destination, it was pouring!!! Hope anyone in the backpack forgives me for putting the rain cover on top of you! We took refuge in the teahouse at the lake (gotta love those alpine clubs!!!) and of course, by the time we were gearing up to head down...the rain had stopped and the sun started to show it's face. Oh well, what can you do.

    yes.....that's rain pouring off the roof......


    thank god for coffee!!!! The dark haired gal is my daughter...AFTER she had gotten some coffee in her....before that...not so happy...


    even the horses were not amused.......


    Lake Agnes, when it isn't raining.......


    Getting sunnier as we head down........


    Chateau Lake Louise.....NOW the sun comes out?????!!!!!!!!!


  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited August 2014

    Kat-ski, your dog is so adorable!!!!!  I have been thinking about you.  Are you feeling better?  On the mend?  I hardly ever stop in here.  I really should. You gals all look like you are having a great summer.  

    Nihahi, great pics as usual!!!  You should get a job taking them for vacation brochures. And, I love your new short hair.  It's adorable.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited August 2014

    Oh, Nihahi...the photos, and the fun and adventure of which they speak, leave me breathless.  You are SO blessed to have all this in your backyard, rain or not!  I can remember being caught in pouring rain and hail in Colorado while we were hiking, and there's nothing like sitting down, getting dry and warm, and that first sip of hot coffee.  Here in California, it's "pass the Gatorade."  August is not known for its's hot, brown, dry, and dusty!

    YES, I'm back on the bike!  The foot is still a bit bruised and swollen, but it fits in my bike shoe, so we did a short ride Saturday morning while it was cool.  It was heavenly.  Boy, had I missed riding.

    We don't have to call our Mt. Hood adventures "hikes." Maybe just the word itself is daunting, especially for me, a sea-level girl who will be pale, sweating, and gasping in the rarified atmosphere of the mountains.  How about "meanderings"?  "Shuffles"? 

    Yesterday evening was the American Cancer Society fund-raiser dinner, and they had asked Jerry and me to be the guests of honor, which was loads of fun.  It was a 1940's theme, and I had a GORGEOUS black lace dress of my mom's from the late 40s that Julie wore.  She was stunning in it, like a vintage movie star.  Blonde hair, black lace, red stilettos.  I wore navy blue polka dots and had my nails done fire-engine red.

    I have Aubrey this afternoon!  When she wakes up from her nap we'll go for a swim, which she loves more than anything.  So the baby and I will splash around while Jerry holds a big golf umbrella over us, like the princess bathing in the Nile.  Have a great Sunday, everyone!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited August 2014

    I am up for shuffles as I did 5.5 miles today and felt great. My ear is only half blocked and I am hardly coughing. Finally!!!!

    Nihahi, my DH and I camped there on our 1st year anniversary. That was 35 years ago. We even saw the Calgary Stampede parade on our way through. Lake Louise is so pretty. We may need to go back for a revisit. We had a bear outside our tent with a tub of butter stuck to his nose. Yep, we forgot to put cooler in car. We were so young then. 

    Alaska airlines has a great deal going on for one more day. It would have saved us each $120. Oh well. 

    Another beautiful, sunny day in Michigan. Love to you all.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited August 2014

    Katski....your doggy is sooooo cute. Really makes me miss our little guy. 

    It goes without saying that each and everyone of you have a standing invite to Canada!

    sbe..that gala sounds like fun! Good to hear you're back on the bike, too. Your DIL would be gorgeous in a burlap sack, I do believe. How is your son doing in DC???

    Getting ready for tomorrow's LAST go round of mini lipo and fat grafting. Soooooo eager to get this all "done and dusted"!

    Goldie...hope all is going better for IS a journey, isn't it!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014

    Nihahi, beautiful! We've always talked about visiting Lake Louise.

    Cherrie, glad you are feeling better! Where do you do 5.5 miles? That's so impressive, especially considering you haven't been feeling well. 

    Sbel, I figured you'd be back on your bike! Have you figured out how to wear heels??? That's a great word picture of Jerry holding the umbrella in the pool over the princess. I'm so glad you were honored by ACS. You deserve it. I am so proud that you provided such an intimate education to the public about the bc fandango.

    DH and I took the ferry to Whidbey Island --ferry is about ten minutes away---and hiked around for 6-7 miles. It was so hot for me, though.  We sure laughed a lot! I felt grateful not to be "cancer girl" today. I have a long way to go to be fit but today was great. So blessed to live in such a beautiful place!

    imageAn ancient cedar

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014


    a fern gulley

    imageThe Strait of Juan de Fuca, Puget Sound. It's huge! The big mts. In the distance are the Olympics. The Pacific Ocean is west of them.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited August 2014

    Jeannie....I LOVE your neck of the woods. I've been to Whidbey.....lovely place. There is something about ancient forests that really "speak" to me. Just goes to show what a wonderful world it truly have so much beauty, in so many different places.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014

    Hi, Goldie!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014

    So true, Nihahi! My parents used to live half an hour from Calaveras Big Trees State Park, which is home to Giant Sequoia redwoods and giant cedars. An awesome, awesome place. The coast redwoods of California are not as wide but very, very tall. The tallest ones that have been discovered are kept secret! I read a great book about it once, of course I can't remember the title.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014

    Nihahi, you'll be in my thoughts tomorrow!

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2014

    Good luck today, nihahi. Question, where can your doc find any donor site to graft from? You don't look like you have any extra fat anywhere on you. Great pictures, ladies. Lots of good reports of 5+ miles,  6+miles, bike ride... Shuffles sounds good, for I never did any real hiking, but one of my bridge group is called Shufflers.

    My head is in the sand again. Waiting for the results of a repeat pap test and have an ultra sound and a biopsy scheduled due to post menopause bleeding. IT'S NOTHING. 

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited August 2014

    Jeannie57 - love the pictures

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited August 2014

    In your pockets, MorningSun....yes...."it's nothing".... are those new nips doing??

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014

    Morningsun, I'm in your pockets, too. 

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited August 2014

    Morningsun- it is nothing!!

    Jeannie- We have a bike trail in my community. It doesn't have the view that you and Nihahi have. Just a river. I am impressed with 6-7 miles. Awesome job! 

    Rainy and warm here today. Leaving for Seattle in one month!!!!!

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited August 2014

    Nihahi - the new nips are fabulous! I had to go in today and only needed an ultrasound treatment to break up a huge hard bulge on my right side. It is scar tissue in spite of the massage I do on both sides. I'm glad it didn't develop on both. The ultrasound was painless. The med assistant, who does the tattoos said the nipples were "looking good." She asked if I was going to do tattoos and I said I will. So around Thanksgiving, I will have some color, other than bruising!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2014

    Jeannie, beautiful pictures, beautiful lady!

    Nihahi, hope everything went well. Give us an update once the swelling goes down. 

    I'm going to have to extend my walks just to keep up with the "shufflers"!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014

    Cherrie! I love rivers! That 6-7 mile hike was actually a few hikes, broken up by short car rides and a seaside lunch! It sure had its challenges, though.

    Teacher, so happy for you!

    Nihahi, hope you are resting easily and everything went well.

    Movie, thinking about your poor thumb and your poor dog. We are holding your raft!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited August 2014

    Thanks for the compliment, Zenful!

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited August 2014

    Jeannie you look fabulous, love the pictures!

    Nihahi, goes without saying that you live in almost heaven!  Gorgeous pictures! Thinking of you today and hoping you have smooth sailing for the details.

    Teacher, glad you are doing well overall and that the mystery was solved about the lump.  I wore just gauze over the girls to work (besides clothes lol) since I had tried a bra that seemed to squish too much.  Got two new bras yesterday that seem more comfortable so I will keep it a family show... ha ha

    Morningsun- best wishes with the test results, always good to check stuff out but I like the "it is nothing" declaration.

    Hope all those who are "limping" soon get all better.  Sbel I wish you would post pictures from the ACS dinner.  I am sure it was wonderful!  

    Cannot sleep much, even though a bunch of plans tomorrow I am at least off so that is nice.

    Zenful, after seeing your adorable bikinis that you had posted a while back, I suspect you will keep up with those on your get together just fine.  You had all better post pictures of that too!

    Good night, going to go back to bed.  A nice rain so that should help zzzzzz

    PS edited to include Cherrie hope that cough is completely gone! :)  Also Bailey good luck to your son!   Lieflie, how are you doing?  the 1toC I hope you are doing well too!
