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January 2014 Surgery Sisters



  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited February 2016

    Mary: I'm so glad that John is doing better and finally listed to you. Sleep is SOOOO important, especially now. I'll bet when you get a job the SAD will get better. Just having other things to focus your energy on helps, as does the practical need to get up, put on make up and put on a happy face every day you go to work makes a difference.

    Eve: I hope your shoulder feels better soon. It's always something, isn't it? I hope you do get that big bed, but I'll be shocked if the dog will actually sleep on a different bed...I think you may still have to share LOL. I do think that the treadmill is boring, but it will help you feel better. Good on Nate for being so supportive!

    Beverly: How is your husband doing? Is he able to get around okay?

    I'm making progress with rehab and actually went to TKD class on Saturday. Although I had to do a lot of modification, it felt really good to be out on the mat and I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. My weight is the biggest thing holding me back now. I have to be extra careful, because it puts more strain on all of my joints, but you have to start somewhere. I'm also pretty sure it's affecting my sleep, which is not good. My Fitbit has me averaging 3-5 hrs/night, restless 15-20 times and waking up 2-3 times/night. I also wake up with lot of low back pain every day. I went to see the doctor last week to see if I might have a kidney infection. They ruled out infection and kidney stones, but are still sending me for an ultrasound Monday to make sure I don't have a cyst or something affecting it. Most likely it's just keep muscle pain. I've clearly gotten to the place where I have to work in earnest and get rid of the extra weight. For now, I'm just cutting out as much sugar as possible, and will do a full blown diet as soon as I feel mentally able. It's a process that I'm pretty familiar with, and I know I have to be in the right place to make it actually happen.

    Hope you are all having a great weekend and that the sun came out for you!



  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2016

    Diane, I wish it was that simple. Getting out of bed due to lack of sleep is the problem. Putting on make up doesn't erase the tiredness or take away the brain fog. It's like my brain has packed up and gone on vacation. When I'm working, it can be huge problem especially if the job is demanding. It shows in my work. I think that's what hurt me in my last job. I started a new job during the winter and it didn't go well for a number of reasons, one of which was my cancer diagnosis. I've gone through this every winter for as long as I can remember. It goes away when spring comes, the birds are singing, and the grass is green. Then life becomes wonderful again. I know it would help to move to a sunnier climate, but since we can't do that, for now I'm using my lightbox and working on some other things to help me get through it. I figure I'll try doing some volunteer and temp work. That way I can test the waters and hopefully boost my confidence.

    Congrats on getting back on board with TKD! That must feel pretty darn good. I'm going to try really hard to get back to Yoga this week.

    Good luck with your ultrasound. Keep us posted!

    Love to all,


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited February 2016

    Hi all,

    Kudus to you Diane for getting out there with Tdk. Dot you get your new tats pretty soon with the NOLA guy? I get what you are saying about getting up and having to do the make-up thing did it for 30 years and yes it does/did help. However after a few years of being home I love not having to be out in "that" world.

    Both of my sons called today....what an absolute JOY!!!!! wow, we just have the best conversations, they are doing well in school and I am so proud of them. We were discussing Egyptian history and ancient political ideas today. Fun stuff. First time neither one of them started the phone call about my health!! yay!! I am getting back to being MOM not cancer mom.

    So Mary, the light box? does that emulate UV rays or ultra violet rays? Is it the light alone or does it help your body make vitamin D? They say we need 10 minutes of sunlight a day to make enough vitamin D and we don't get enough exposure.

    gotta go hubby is finally home


    be well


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2016

    Eve, how nice to have your sons to talk to! Egyptian history - wow! Yesterday I watched "Cleopatra" and it made me want to dust off all my old classics from college. You are so lucky!

    The lightbox I have uses florescent bulbs - 10,000 LUX of white light that is supposed to simulate real sunshine. My doc gave me a prescription for it and I got it through a medical supply store. They're expensive, but my insurance company paid for it. Apparently it's different from any commercial light you buy in the store and is made just for those with SAD. All I can say is it's VERY VERY bright! At first I was like a bat out of a cave and the light hurt my eyes, but then as I worked up to it I got used to it. You have to have your eyes open, but aren't supposed to look directly into it. Just like with the sun. I use it first thing in the morning for at least 30 minutes, sometimes longer if I forget, lol. I have it on my desk behind my computer screen. It has a UV filter to protect your eyes. I don't know about Vitamin D. My nurse monitors my Vitamin D levels during the winter, plus it's in my calcium pills so I'm usually good on that unless I forget to take my pills. So far I think the light is helping, but I still need to work on exercise and eating better.

    I made it to my first Yoga class yesterday!! It was really really hard! I couldn't keep up with the rest of the class, but I know I'll get there before too long. I am soooo out of shape! Oh well, you have to start somewhere.

    Take care,


  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited February 2016

    Eve, It is nice not to have your health be the topic of the day. I'm getting there too. My right quad is oh so sore, as are my calves, but it feels so good to get back to Taekwondo. I did Sat and Monday, and may add Friday class, with PT in between.

    Mary, I hope the light box helps. Maybe some day you can move near Eve or me and enjoy the sunshine year round. Congrats on starting yoga again! That should really help!

    Love and hugs,


  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Mary, I take 6000 units of vitamin D..maybe it wil help? Good for you on getting back to yoga...and to Diane on TKD. Baby steps are still steps! I keep plugging away at yoga and Muay Thai. Doubt I will ever be as physically strong or flexible as before bc....but I still enjoy it.

    Eve, what great conversations you have with your sons. I love it when my daughter wants to talk politics, what is happening in the world or her latest cause. Affirmation we parented well, right?

    I was supposed to be in ft Myers this week with hubby. Our first real vacation in two years. Plane ready to take off Saturday morning and BOOM! He comes down with stomach flu. No way could he get on a plane. I tried not to pout too much. Then I came down with it on Monday. So now on Wednesday night I am in my pjs while he is blowing the snow out of the driveway as we get our worst snow storm of the season. At least I am feeling better now and it is beautiful outside.

    Marissa, I saw your post on Michigan ladies thread....hope you are doing well. My daughter is having an awesome EL experience!

    Take care all!

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited February 2016

    Sounds as if we are all getting to the "other side" albeit slowly. Any progress is progress....

    Yes, Ann the mega doses of D3 is supposed to be a huge deal. That's what I am talk'in about mary. it won't hurt to ask your doc.

    Not going to be political here, but in talking with my 32 yo he "confessed" he registered democrat. now I have been a staunch republican since forever. I now don't identify with any party. So I asked him if he was going to vote for Bernie......."yes" oh the horrors.....I just was cool and asked him "why"? Pretty interesting as to why and the more we talked the more we realized we were on the same page. Just a bit different. Sean said he would vote for my candidate in the General if the "other" democrat got the nod. So yay!. It was really great to talk about the state of our country with a younger man and get his who was in the navy and did a tour in Afghanistan, who is in college with younger people than he. His thoughtful, informed responses were really interesting.

    Again nothing political here just such a joy to have adult sons that think.

    So sorry Ann about your vacation. The Flu is rampant here in maybe just as well. Come down in a few weeks...the Azaleas should be in full bloom and really spectacular.

    Spring is coming y'all


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2016

    Thanks for the tips on Vitamin D3. Now that you mention it, I was taking it last year, but quit over the summer. Then I got into this quandary of how much I should be taking, and when I asked my providers, the answer varied depending on who I asked. One doc who is into integrative medicine said 1,000 IUs is enough, a nutritionist said up to 4,000 IUs in the winter. Then I saw a physical med & rehab doc and she said don't take more than 1,000 IU's per day because more than that leads to bone loss. Really? My levels were at 64.9 NG/ML when they checked a few weeks ago, so I think I'll start with 1,000 IUs.

    I had a little scare today. This morning I found a lump on my vajajay and called my PCP who got me in right away. She said it's just a swollen lymph node, probably from an infection. I'm hoping my body will clear it up on it's own. I really don't want to take any antibiotics. Less is more as far as I'm concerned. UGH!

    Bummer about your vaca, Ann. Hopefully you can re-book your flight for another time!


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited February 2016

    First I want to say I am sorry for my comment that was clearly political....

    Loopy I promise I'll stop. I just love politics and this go round is so much fun.

    Mary, how are you jay jays can be so temperamental.....hope all is well. Has john tried out his mask? How's it working for him?



  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2016

    No apology needed. Hey, if I can talk about my va jayjay, you certainly can talk politics! I agree, if nothing else this election is very comment, heheh! As a general rule, I avoid political commentary on social media. But it is surprising sometimes what I find posted on some of my friend's pages.

    We haven't gotten hubby's mask yet. Apparently there is a HUUUUGE process to getting one. We expected to walk in and get a mask the same day, but noooooooo. You have to jump through the hoops and play the game - at least if you want insurance to cover it, which we do because just the machine alone is $1,500. Sheesh. And I thought getting compression wear was hard. But anyhoo, he is really looking forward to getting it. I don't think I have to sell him on the benefits once he heard from the PA.

    Thank goodness "Virginia" is feeling better today. If she ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, lol!!!! Sorry, I know.....TMI.


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited February 2016

    I just love that so many more people are involved this election. The passion is awesome. it is just so wonderful to know that people love the usA. We may not always agree but that is the beauty of our country. There is a "debate" tonight which hubby and I will watch. I have to chew on a towel in order to quit yelling at the TV. lol.

    Sometimes I think having INS make things more expensive and more difficult. Hopefully John gets fixed up soon.

    And no not too much information about Virginia.....agree....if she ain't happy nobody's happy


    love ya lady


  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    omg, Eve-- I was in jest when I made the comment about no politics. No worries! I love talking politics with my daughter. Funny thing, she is way more conservative than me and is leaning towards Bernie. We had great discussions on why....can't blame her for a college student.

    Mary, I had no idea that there were lymph nodes in our va j j .....who knew? Not me! Hang in there girl

  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited February 2016 made me look up a map of lymph nodes! They do live down there. Who knew? All kidding aside, I hope you are feeling better Mary.

    Well hell, the US did find 2 simple cysts on my left kidney, one of which has mild calcification of the wall, so I have to follow up with a urologist. Oh more doctor. I did play Dr. Google, and they just drain them with a needle using US if they start causing pain, or take them out if they begin to look like they may turn malignant, but they are really common and the chances are very slim I'll ever have to worry about it. I'm sure he'll just want to watch it, but it's annoying to have to go to yet another specialist. Grrr.

    On a happier note...I went to TKD Sat, Mon. and Wed. and am still okay, although very sore everywhere BUT my knee, including my feet! I do think that this is the best therapy for me. :)

    Oh, and Eve, I haven't had my tattoo redo yet. I never heard back from Vinnie, which I guess is good because the money I thought would be here by now hasn't arrived and I'll need it. Vinnie is now $800. Once I have the funds, I'm going to investigate Corry Norris in Grass Valley that I saw mentioned in one of the threads. At least he's close by. There is also a place called Dragonfly in SF. It would be great to get this done before summer. :)

    Love you all...although I tend to read more that post...I'm here with you all.


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2016

    I just googled lymph nodes, too, and now I'm confused. I read there are lymph nodes around your vagina, but not IN your vagina? If this is true I need to find a new PCP!

    Diane, it's good you're getting this taken care of. I hope it relieves your pain and that it's nothing to worry about.

    I've been thinking about tattoos, too. Must be spring, lol! I still not convinced that I need an aerola, but a tattoo would definitely be a nice way to top things off! If only I could decide one way or the other. It's such a big decision and I'm such a chicken these days when it comes to messing with my Thelma and Louise. I'd love to have Vinnie do it, but if my clinic does it insurance covers it, which is a nice benefit.

    Happy Friday ladies!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited February 2016

    happy Friday is right!!!! What a week!! My husband is doing well. He's getting around with a cane. He's not really one to ask for too much help. We went to his follow up Wednesday which was 2 weeks post op. He asked the doctor if he can go back to work next week. The doctor thought he was kidding and when he realized he wasn't he was like... Most people are out 6-12 weeks with a total knee replacement. Not my husband!! He plans to do physical therapy this week at the rehab place. He was having physical therapist come to the house. And then the following we, week 4 he's thinking he will work half days. We shall see!!! I'm glad he's doing so well I just don't want him to do too much too fast.

    I have my formal observation on Thursday this week. I'm a bit nervous. Not because I'm not prepared but my class is so talkative and active!! I can have my stuff perfect but I'm counting on 21 kindergarteners to behave for 45 minutes!!!! 😳

    All so can do is my best, right?

    So I went I guess a month or so ago to my breast surgeon because I felt a flipping lump and I had pain. She ultra sounded it and said their a lump filled with fluid. We decided to wait to aspirate it until my next appointment which I believe is in May. Well I still have the pain and last night I was at a basketball game and my hands, both of them got bright red and swelled up. I took a picture of them and sent it to my sister who is s nurse. She said it might be the beginnings of lymph edema. My mom has it. I'm like u gotta be flipping kidding me!!! Ugh!!!

    Oh and another thing. I had the genetic panel done awhile back. My husband tells me on Sunday last week, oh by the way the breast surgeon called on Friday... Friday!!! And said she wants you to call her Monday something about the test. I was like WHAT???? Why didn't you tell me Friday?! He's like we figured we would keep it from you over the weekend so you wouldn't freak out about it. Oh my gosh ladies I was fit to be tied!!! Long story short, I called her Monday and myriad wants my parents to do blood work to rule out positive variant- if I'm saying it right for msh6. Which is the colon cancer gene associated with lynch syndrome. Will it ever end?!?!

    Happy Friday ladies!!! Here's to a great weekend that doesn't fly by!!

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2016

    Hi Beverly,

    I don't get to this site very often. I've been trying to go on a social media diet, but for me that's like trying to quit eating chocolate, lol! Sounds like your DH is doing well, which is just awesome!

    I hope your review went well - I'm sure it did!

    Isn't it wonderful that we have genetic testing these days? I think whatever test you can do to predict cancer is just awesome. I wish they could step up the research on everything and find more genes to test. The more, the merrier. I hope things turn out okay for your parents.

    Wow, you have to wait until May to aspirate the lump? That's a long wait! Maybe he's hoping it will just go away. I hate waiting for tests. I've been dreading my upcoming brain MRI for awhile now and can't wait to get that behind me. It's going to be the end of the month. I try to coordinate appointments between DH and I to maximize our travel time. We usually stay overnight and have day long tests, so it gets to be quite the process. Lately I've been trying to squeeze in some fun time, too, while we're there. Eating out is OUT, but I enjoy window shopping or taking in a class. Rochester is a world class destination center and they always have fun events going on.

    To answer your question - No, it never ends. The latest thing for me now is this "burning tongue" syndrome. My ENT did some bloodwork, including tests for auto-immune disorders. Some of the results came back online last night and I took a peek. There is one test that was abnormal - my anti nuclear antibody (ANA) came back positive. I'm not sure what that means exactly, but am trying to put off worrying until I hear from my doc. :/

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Hey Mary, I have had a burning, tingling tongue for almost 2 years. Ever since Chemo. I will be interested in what you find out. My onco just looks at me. I called it tongue neuropathy for the longest time and then when I did some research it appears to be related to menopause. It is maddening some days, a nuisance most days and occasionally I can forget about it. Hope it is nothing

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2016

    Ann, thanks for replying! Yes - my ENT said it's probably related to menopause, but wanted to rule out other things. She said other patients recommended Thieves or myrrh oil put right on the tongue. I haven't tried that yet. It comes and goes and like you said, it varies in intensity. When it started, I also had loss of taste, pain, and there were tiny ulcers on the side of my tongue. That's what made me RUN to the doctor! At least it isn't cancer. When it flares, I can't eat hot foods - everything has to be lukewarm. I didn't have chemo, so it's most likely related to hormonal changes. All my tests so far have come back negative except for the ANA. I really hope she calls on Monday and says it's nothing - no further tests needed, come back in 6 months, etc. But I'm also having other symptoms like joint pain and muscles aches, insomnia, brain fog, fatigue, fluctuating weight loss and gain. I'm hoping it's just arthritis and aging.

    Getting old ain't for sissies! :)

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited March 2016

    Burning tongue = menopause.. I have it also. It is better the further out I get from the "change". You are right Mary, getting old aint for sissies. Is your brain MRI routine? I hope so. Let us know how it goes. The ANA test is something I want to have. My dad had Lupus and I have some of the symtoms...I have asked my PCP but he just looks at me like I am nuts. Oh well, I'll keep asking till I get what I want. How's hubby doing? and your Mom?

    Beverly wow hubby is a power house, hope he is still on the mend. How was your review?

    Hi Ann!

    hope everyone is ok.

    Remember when I said I'd lost my mojo? I found it this weekend..on aisle 2 of a grocery actually said mojo on the sign above the

    have a great week everyone!



  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2016


    I need to go shopping for some bread, milk, and oh yeah, I'm completely outta mojo, lol! Gotta love it! You should get a picture of that sign! :)

    You have the tongue thing too? Wow! That is just so....crappy. But I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've been in menopause for over 10 years, so I'm not exactly a newbie. As you can imagine, it was really freaking me out - especially with the tongue sores. My ENT doc is amazing. I think she is appeasing me with all these tests knowing that I am so paranoid. I just want to be NORMAL!!!!!!! If my burning tongue is normal, then so be it! Loopy

    DH is doing okay. Still just working part time. Still not eating. Food is just not appealing in any way, shape or form. Hard to believe it's almost been 6 months. Mom is declining. I'm feeling very guilty that I haven't seen her much during the past 6 months. Now that winter is almost over it'll be easier to drive in and spend some time with her.

    Nope - the brain MRI is not routine. I've been having these memory issues for some time now and it's getting worse. I didn't say anything for the longest time because well, it's one of those things - who doesn't have memory issues? But it's much more noticeable now, and even though we all know I've been under a tremendous amount of stress, my NP is playing it safe. She wants to rule out mets and Alzheimer's, and I appreciate that. I'll have to take a written exam, too. Yippee skippee. I'm sure they'll have me count back in 7's from 100 and I've never been able to do that! Oh well....

    The good news is that the sun is shining today and it's going to be 63 degrees!!!!!!!!!

    Take care,


  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    hi Eve, I have also read a lot about burning tongue and the relationship to menopause. Mary, keep us posted on the have an awesome doc!

    I really am doing just fine. I am writing this from Brazil...probably my last time here for awhile. It has been a very interesting add on to my job the past year. Certainly helped me gain confidence and focus on everything I remember vs what I FORGET...which is massive. I have no business to complain about anything right health issue of significance, my newest AI seems to be working because I feel good. My hubby and I missed our vacation to Florida because we contracted the intestinal flu. Now that sucked!

    Mary, I worry about my mom every day, too. Can't remember if I told you ladies that she is no longer NED. They found 3 very small tumors on her lung at Christmas. She switched meds and was even able to spend part of the winter in Florida which my parents have done forever. I pray for her every day...she and a couple of my gal pals from my chemo that is now stage 4 with multiple legions and 2 small kids. Another reason I hate this disease.

    Remodeling a bathroom. Now, that is something fun to think about

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited March 2016

    hi ladies. Well I did great with my observation it was a great lesson and for the most part the kids were behaved! Lol

    I'm just so glad it's done! One of the other teachers has to re do her lesson because the principal basically said it was awful!!! Ugh

    My husband is looking to go back to work either Thursday or Friday starting with half days. I'm trying to talk him into going back on Friday and I'll take Thursday off so we can have a day together alone while we are both relatively healthy! Lol hmmm no kids at home or school for the day? I'm in sign me up!!

    I can't believe it's already the 121 day of school! 59 more days to go, but who's counting?! Me!!! My side has been out for 6 weeks for surgery. She comes back next week I can't wait! We really work well together. Well I'm pretty tired and have a ton of work to do tomorrow so I need to get to work for 700 so I'm calling it a night. Good night ladies! I hope you are all well and any health scares you are facing end up nothing. With all the crap I've been dealing with the last 2 years, I've never had the tongue thing. I had a hysterectomy last year. Is it something that happened right away or is it something I have to look forward too

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2016

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Ann. I hope the new meds will shrink the tumors and give her some quality time to spend with her family.

    After a retreat for survivors last year I stayed in contact with a few ladies who were stage 4. One is still doing well, but one has passed. It's so sooo hard - even though you know what's bound to happen, you still are never really prepared. That's when it really hits you square in the face. I hate this disease!

    Wishing you many happy moments with your mom!


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2016

    Congrats on your review, Beverly. That must be a relief to have it done!

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited March 2016

    So sorry to hear about your mom, Ann. sigh. Are the tumors mets from breast cancer? Sorry I can't remember. My cousin had mets to her lungs and abdomen from endometrial cancer. She took one of the anti hormonals and is now cancer free. Hoping for the same outcome with your mom. Hugs!

    Good on you Beverly!

    Mary please keep us informed. I have memory issues also...short term. I swear I'll be looking for my glasses and I AM WEARING THEM lol. Hoping its just getting older stuff.



  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited March 2016

    Hi ladies,

    have a question...just for fun.

    Diane said a few posts back about the benefits of getting up and putting on make-up and that really spoke to me, getting back to a routine.

    Well, I don't have to get up and put on make-up etc. But I can see where that has led me to be less than I could be.

    I have been taking 5000iu of vitamin d3, probiotics and emergenc-e everyday for a few weeks. I am getting up earlier and feeling much more energized. I also got a back brace that has metal spines in it. No pain anymore...I am so thrilled. Ha! what kind of foundation do y'all wear? No matter what I try it just seems to accentuate the little lines in my skin. Any ideas?

    Thanks ladies for some help here.


  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited March 2016

    Good for you Eve. I use Lancolm tiente idol 24 hr, but the key is to always moisturize before you apply foundation and blend the crap out of it. 😊



  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited March 2016

    ok Diane....I'll try it. What moisturizer and skin cleansing regime.....just wondering.

    lancome ?$$$$$


  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Hi, I have been using probiotics and vitamin D. Will have to try the emergence-c.

    I use bare minerals foundation. It's powder based. I agree with Diane on moisturizer. I moisturizer every morning and night

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2016

    I usually use Clinique (at Macy's), but lately having been using Aveeno (Walmart). They have a new combination moisturizer and foundation, but in the winter, I still have to moisturize before.

    My doc checked all my vitamin levels, so I know I'm good on that. I'm feeling so much better with our warm Spring-like weather! I feel almost human again. And I've recently discovered that acupuncture makes me feel better! It's really helped my anxiety and insomnia, so I'm happy about that.

    My ENT has recommended that I see an oral dermatologist. Did any of you ladies have sores on your tongue in addition to the burning sensation? Freaky how it comes and goes.

    On Monday I'm having another exam to check out a new little lump on Virginia. It's probably nothing again, but I wanted to ask the experts this time instead of the local docs.

    Have a great weekend!
