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January 2014 Surgery Sisters



  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2016

    This is why I am able to get through it all.

    imageJust wanted to share a picture of my daughter, Kaya ready for her 6th grade dance

  • anneb1149
    anneb1149 Member Posts: 821
    edited May 2016

    Beautiful young lady, Beverly.


  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited May 2016

    What a sweet picture! She's a beautiful young lady.

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    just precious, Beverly!

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited May 2016

    What a pretty princess. So sweet.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2016

    thanks ladies! That's my girl! She's aspiring to be a doctor. After my surgeries she was right there flushing the lines, changing dressings etc. she is the real real! A student, athletic, and yes beautifu

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2016

    hi ladies. I need your advice. I went for my 6 month appt with my breast surgeon. I pointed out a couple lumps I can feel (assuming it's far necrosis from fat grafting-again). She ultrasounds the area and saw 4 that she suggested we aspirate. She said I'm cured of cancer by doing the double mastectomy since I had non invasive DCIS but she'll send it off to b sure just cause it's the right thing to do. Anyway, I pointed out how one boob hangs much lower than the other which wasn't always the case... She said yeah I see that. She said that I might want to consider swapping out the round implants I currently have for the new pear shaped implants and while the plastic surgeon is in there, tell her to suck out all the fat that was injected during the fat grafting. She said then you won't have the lumps and you can fix the different sizes/shape situation. I starting thinking... Should I or not? I've had to have spots aspirated every 6 month so, you can tell the difference in size in clothes etc. my husband, my mom Nd my sister think I'm nuts to even think about another surgery. Finally my husband said just do what you want. Thoughts

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Hi Beverly, wish I had good answers for you. I love the anatomicals that I believe your doc meant by pear shaped.

    No one can answer the question on another surgery but yoU.

    I am having capsular contracture on my radiated side. I can't stomach the thought of another surgery or infection so I am waiting until September to decide. Hate that this is what we think about all the time.

    Hang in there, kiddo!

    Hope everyone had a great memorial weekend!

    Eve, haven't heard from you in While. All okay

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited June 2016
    • thanks ann. I am thinking even if I did the surgery I might wait until next summer. I can't even think about putting my kids through it right now. I can't take time off each year at work so next summer might be it.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited June 2016

    how's everyone doing? It's been pretty quiet on her

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited June 2016

    HI!!!!! waving


    so sorry for being MIA.

    I read everything. Just. too. tired. to. post.

    My father-in-aw has moved in with us for a while. Life at home for him became unbearable. Loooong story but here he is. He is a diabetic with a partially amputated foot which has developed an ulcer....sigh...I have spent hours learning about diabetes, insulin, blood sugar tests and carbs.

    Thankfully we seem to have his sugar and blood pressure under control. yay!!! What a pain for him. He also is in stage 4 kidney failure but I think we may have backed off on that through the carb control.

    Dad was being abused by, I hesitate to call her my sister in law...can't stand her to be honest. How can someone be a head Chaplin at a major hospital scream and hit her (step-father) dad. he adopted her when she was 5 yo, shortly after marrying my MIL.

    Dad will move to Michigan in a few weeks to live with his daughter and her hubby. Big house and property. We just have to get all his doctor appointments outta the way so we can send him up as healthy as possible.

    Having him here has been good for me...I like his company and taking care of him. Just forgot how tiring it can be...I am gonna miss him when he leaves.

    Other than that all is well....looking at some crazy weather tomorrow...don't mind the rain but praying the tornadoes stay away..

    love you all...miss your comments...its good to be busy..yes!!


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited June 2016

    last day of school.... Let the summer begin!!

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited June 2016

    Hi all! I've been MIA, too. Just too busy working and running to appointments, etc. I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Kind of hard to believe, but then again I knew something was wrong. I think I struggle more with fatigue than pain although I have that, too, from time to time. I started Cymbalta, but my insomnia has gotten worse, so I'll have to stop it even though it was helping the achy joints and stiffness. Just can't win....

    My MIL was hospitalized again. Her heart is giving out. The kids have been taking turns caring for her at home, but I think she should just have hospice and home aides - it's much to do caregiving. You can only do it for so long and then your health suffers, as I found out.

    But things are going relatively well. I'm getting more comfortable at work. Summer is here and we are trying to catch a few weekends up north, although it's never enough!

    I just realized it's been 3 years since my diagnosis. Time sure does fly by!

    Take care !

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited June 2016

    I hate flipping cancer!!! I just got word that my cousin who was 43 years old with small children passed today due to breast cancer! I can't deal with how this disease affects so many people and their families! I can't believeshe's gone.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited June 2016

    So sorry about your cousin, Beverly!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited June 2016

    thanks Mary! It's just so unfair that this disease would take a young mom away from her family. I also found out yesterday that my uncle has stage 4 prostate cancer. It's affects so many people!!! We need a cur

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2016

    hi ladies. I come again looking for support! My mom went for a routine yearly mammogram, after being diagnosed with stage 2 bc about 7 years ago. She was referred for an ultrasound because they found something suspicious. I can't even believe this is happening right now. We just had a funeral for my 43 year old cousin!!!! Cancer, even the threat of it SUCKS!!!! Please say a prayer for my mom, Barbara. We go for ultrasound on Wednesday, July 6

  • anneb1149
    anneb1149 Member Posts: 821
    edited July 2016

    Beverly - I am so sorry you are dealing with so much. I think we all live on the edge every day. I know I do. Every pain, cough,headache etc puts me right back on the cancer planet. I worry about family and friends. I get very angry that they hAvent found a cure yet. Why not? Is it because cancer is big money? They had a treatment for AIDS within a few years that gives many people a normal lifespan - we have been dealing with cancer for years and years. I am a few months away from my 3 year cancerversary, yet I live with the leftovers every day. No boobs, my chest still feels like someone has put a very tight band around it, and my right arms swells with lymphedema every time I try to do something normal, like vacuuming.

    I will pray for your mm, and your cousn's family. Sorry for the rant, but my life has changed so much because of this awful disease. Don't get me wrong, I thank God every day that I am still here, I just get so tired of hearing about people being diagnosed.


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2016


    Thanks. Yes once you are told, you have cancer... Whether DCIS, stage 1,2,3 or 4 it changes your life forever! It always feels like it's lurking. I am praying that this is nothing for my mom. She also deals with lymph edema. She wears a sleeve 24/7 or her arm blows up, gets red and becomes infected. She has to have antibiotics on hand. If she gets anxious or stressed she has an episode. It's just terrible!

    I pray for a cure! All the money that gets collected hasn't been enough which is so frustrating!!!hoping soon, very soon someone will find the cure and this terrible disease that affects so many will be gone

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited July 2016


    I'm so sorry to hear about your mom! I'm sending you a virtual hug and hoping for the best for your mom. Just keep in mind it isn't cancer until they say it is.

    I agree with you both - it's so difficult in so many ways, once you have been diagnosed. You are never the same again physically or mentally. We need a cure desperately and it seems so far away from ever being a reality.

    Please keep us informed and let us know what you find out. I'm hoping she gets the all clear!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2016

    well my mom went for her repeat mammo and ultrasound. The radiologist said there is something there, about 6mm in size. He said she needs to see breast surgeon. We called the breadt surgeon and they set up an appointment for next Tuesday for a biopsy. My moms upset about the news. I'm hoping it's nothing, but if it's something hopefully it is just this 6mm speck of cancer that once they biopsy is gone!

    Say a prayer, please!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2016

    just got back from the breast surgeon with my mom. It's cancer again!!! This just isn't fair!! She was diagnosed 9 years ago and ended up with severe lymph edema of her arm and now has to go through surgery and radiation all over again. It's not fair!!!

  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited July 2016

    Hi Beverly, I'm so sorry. No, it isn't fair. I'm guessing she had a lumpectomy? If she has a mastectomy and it hasn't spread to any lymph nodes, maybe she can skip the radiation. It's worth asking No matter what, this just sucks.

    Stay strong. Your mom will need you.

    Love and hugs,


  • anneb1149
    anneb1149 Member Posts: 821
    edited July 2016


    I agree totally with you. Cancer is not fair!! I found out a week ago that my older brother is dying from melanoma. He had it about 8 years ago, did everything they suggested and was told he was 100% cancer free. Two years ago, he had a tumor removed from his brain -"no problem, we are 100% sure we got it all." Then his gall bladder was "infected" . Took months to clear the infection. Meanwhile melanomas are metastasizing to his colon, etc. They finally decided there is nothing more they can do. The treatments weren't even slowing the spreading of the cancer,but they were harming his health in general. From what I have been told, he can no longer walk by himself, or go to the bathroom. He was a NYC. Firefighter all his life. ITS NOT FAIR!!!


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited July 2016

    Nooooooooooooooooooo! So. Not. Fair! Not again. That's what I said to myself when my hubby was diagnosed one year ago this week. He is doing well, but every time I look at him now I am reminded of our mortality.

    What kind of cancer did she have originally, if you don't mind my asking? I'm hoping that her team is able to do the very best for her and get rid of it without too much trauma. I know that you are stronger now, Beverly, and you will be a big source of support for her. Sending gentle hugs to you and your family.

    Anne - so sorry to hear about your brother. How very devastating for him and the family. I often think of those I love who have passed from cancer and I always I next?

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2016


    So far just the biopsy to get diagnosis. She's probably going to have lumpectomy and radiation we have to see if oncologist wants to do chemo also once we get full path report. She will be 70 this December. It's just crazy that she has to do this all over again! Luckily it's small and dr thinks it's just started growing. Still sucks!

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2016

    sorry to hear about your mom, Beverly and your brother Anne.

    Yes cancer really stinks. You can do everything or nothing re:the doctors suggestions and the beast can still come back. sigh. I don't get it either. No matter what anyone says you can never get away from "it" 100%. I feel as if I am always "on watch". Blessings to you both.

    I try to not dwell on cancer but every time I do an exam my heart is in my throat.

    Not to hijack what you are going through... but I found another lump. Right in the same place, near my nipple that I found the original one and then #2. This is getting OLD!!!! I completely regret saving the nips. I am so pissed and starting on the road again to MRI ville and surgery. Pffft.

    This time I am having my implants out and going flat. I want all the cancer skin much as possible. Ill look like a little boy but I don't care anymore. Going back and forth about this but my boobs, fake or not, are trying to kill me. It is just not worth it anymore.

    Do you mind being flat Anne? I know my hubby wont care but I don't know.....I was always really bra sized unless when I was nursing my sons. ....what to do...what to do.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited July 2016

    Oh no - Eve....have you had this lump biopsied? I'm so sorry to hear this!

    All I know is....whatever you decide to do about your breasts is secondary to saving your life. I sometimes wonder if all this "breast conservation" and plastic surgery, lipo and fat injection is really safe. They say, it is...but "they" aren't the ones having it done now, are they? When I was going for a 3rd opinion on whether or not I should have radiation, the doc I consulted had 30+ years experience. She combed through my records and laid out the pros and cons. I asked what she would do. She said....well, I wouldn't have had the reconstruction. Why she said that - I don't know. Was it just personal preference? We all do what we can and make the best decision we can at the time. Are you really going through this again? Please say it ain't so!

    I know it's been awhile since we've chatted, but please keep in touch and let us know what's going on.

    We are sisters. Forever.


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2016

    thanks mary,

    I have been watching the RNC convention...tonight a young man came on to speak. He was in a car accident that killed his dad and girl friend and left him with a 1% chance of walking again...Well he walked on stage. WOW just WOW.

    Putting on my big girl panties and tiara. Yes, the boobs are going. I am going to move on from this.

    My Nathan doesn't care at all...he started researching fake says I could have different sizes for different occasions...also pointed out that I could get stick on nips...oh my! lol. I told him he could take one to work in his pocket...tee hee.......good times...I hope you all get the humor.

    I am not totally committed yet but I don't see any other choice. I know I will have a bit of an adjustment period but my hubby will make it fun. Already talking about body paint for the missing boobies...whaaaat!!! he's the best. lol

    So much life matters to him and my kids and friends.... so here we go. Ill let you know in a few days what is going on...

    love and peace to everyone.....


  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited July 2016

    Oh no Eve! I guess you hope for the best and plan for the worst. I'm sending you a long gentle hug. This really sucks. I think it's wonderful to have so much love and support from Nate. They do have to leave some of the breast tissue for nipple sparing recon. One of my friends had a mastectomy and just had tattoos with no nipple recon. It's been close to 15 years now and she is still cancer free.

    The key is to get a really good surgeon, who can get all of the breast tissue. Hopefully, you won't need it 💜

    Meanwhile, keep the faith and keep us posted!

    Love you!
