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January 2014 Surgery Sisters



  • Summerwheat
    Summerwheat Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2014

    Eve, thank you, you always seem to choose the right words, you make me cry. Yes, nobody knows about tomorrow. And I should enjoy the times when my son sits in his full Harry Potter robes and wand under a tree and contemplates Voldemoort's next moves, and when my daughter does her little dance routines in the kitchen. Life is indeed short, and whenever I hear a helicopter or a fire truck, I am grateful when my family is already at home.

    I am so appreciative of the little acts of kindness from my friends, one of whom just sent me an Etsy gift certificate for a hat or a pair of big earrings and another one came over with a lasagne to freeze. I usually love life, it's not that easy right now though, but I have to get back into it. Thanks again for being there. Even though I am mostly lurking here, I see that we all have the same fears and concerns, borne from the place we never wanted to be.

    Thank you, Alexandra

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited May 2014

    Not to be too wordy today...funny.. That  spoiled rotten pooch......did me a favor today.  I was stranded on the toilet without toilet paper. TMI?   So I called her to go get daddy, he was smoking his cigar on the porch. The door to the porch has a cat door, Kiku the pooch will hit the cat door when she wants to go out....sooooo just for fun ...I called for miss kiku to hit the door and get daddy to bring me some TP.   ha ha ha she did it!...sooooo freaking funny.  She got his attention and he came into the house...I got my TP!

    My little  princess. k I know my bed is a mess...let it go K?   lol



  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Mary and Alexandra, extra special hugs to you today.  We are with you in spirit. 

    Eve, your gift of words and strength continue to inspire me.

    Finding this group is a silver lining.  Blessings to all !

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited May 2014

    You know Alexandra,

    something you said made me think...the comment about we all carry a bag...basically a bag full of crap..yes?

    I am thinking, maybe for me at least, it is time to empty that bag...take out all the crap and examine it. and throw it to the curb.

    I know there is some good stuff in there  that is worth keeping...but the rest gotta go! once and for all.

    wow! I have some work to do....sigh...but it is beyond time to acknowledge the crap, accept it and empty the brain (drain) of it.

    thanks for the metaphor.

    feel good


    and no, ANN YOU INSPIRE ME!

    ditto to all of you



  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited May 2014

    Happy Friday everyone! 

    Thanks Eve and Ann. You're right, Eve, all we have is the present. 

    Welcome back Alexandra. Yes, we are different in our treatments and progress, but there is one thing that we share in common on this thread - we became CANCER FREE in January after our surgeries and we are all awesome! YAY! Remember, there's only one rule - there are no rules :) You sound like you have a lovely little family and a wonderful support system. Consider yourself lucky. As for me, I'm going for all the joyful moments I can get. 

    Diane - I am following your lead and having my NutriBullet drink first thing in the morning instead of my usual cereal and toast. I didn't have much in the frig, but threw in some strawberries, pineapple, lettuce and sunflower seeds. Cheers!

    Some good news for a change: My new PT said  he doesn't think I have rotator cuff problems. He thinks maybe I'm overdoing it with the weights. LoopySo, I'm putting them away and if I feel better in a week then we know what it is. I'm crossing my fingers!

    Tomorrow the hubs and I are packing our bags and going up north to the cabin - Our happy place. I'm hoping it will squeak up to the 70s sometime soon. This cold spring is really getting to me!! 

    Here's to letting go of all the crap in our light and enjoy the journey, sisters! 

    Love you all!




  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited May 2014


    I love metaphors, too. I've learned a lot about Alzheimer's in an attempt to stay by her side on mom's journey. They respond to sensory cues like visual metaphors after all else falls away - sight, touch, taste, facial expressions, tone of voice, overrule all else including logic or reality.  My next project is to create memory box or trunk for my mom. Since she is moving soon, all her things will be scattered. So, I want to gather all her little treasures together - things that might spark a memory at some point - jewelry, buttons, pieces of fabric, photos, letters, misc tokens and collections, etc. Right now I'm finishing a photo book of her childhood which she remembers with so much fondness.

    Also, what you said about emptying out bags reminded me - I have a HUMONGOUS cleaning out task. I plan to clean out the clutter in my house, specifically the basement, my guest bedroom, and my home office of all the crap I don't need .... although I"ve yet to get started. It seems like an impossible job, but I"m going to try to do it - a little bit at a time. Wish me luck!

    Luv ya,


  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299
    edited May 2014

    Hi my tiara wearing ladies :) Its been a little bit since I posted.  I am here, just flippin tired all the time.  As I read through some of the last posts I can see that many are wondering what she did to "cause" or influence the onset of BC.  Well I have the answer.....ABSOLITELY NOTHING.  I too have gone over this a million times.  There is no answer.  We were simply chosen for this journey for some reason.  There is do direct causal relationship for external factors and the development of BC.  Yes things do put us at risk, but everyone is at risk.  Lets not beat ourselves up here.  Lets also keep in mind and each of us has taken matters into our hands and done the necessary treatment.  I saw my MO yesterday and she reminded me by saying...."I don't ever want you to think that you didn't do enough....I have reviewed your chart and seen everything, there is not one thing I would recommend have done everything you could".  She then went on to say that I can't let "nerves" about recurrence flood the mind because there is a powerful connection between the mind and the body.  I believe this to be true.  So girls, be nice to yourself, live life and know that you will move beyond this.  I have to remind myself of this more than one time a day, but it is getting easier.  Much love always, Marissa

    P.D. Mommyathome; so glad you didn't overcook your foobies:)

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited May 2014

    Mary, What a wonderful thing to do for your mom, she is so fortunate to have a lovely daughter like you. I know it is difficult for you to see her like this...but I lost my mom when I was 21. I still miss her, but keep her close with my memories.

    Funny about whole kitchen is torn apart right now. I am tired and over it...but I have to clean the shelves and drawers yet. Then the fridge...don't think I'll even look in the oven till tomorrow ;o.

    It's amazing how much junk we can accumulate in such a short period of time. I am a thrower away of things my Dh is a keeper of everything. he studied to be a CPA but hated tax law and is now a third party logistics warehouse super organized but a keeper of every receipt and piece of paper that comes into this house....he has pay checks going back to the 90's   sheesh.

    you're right one day at a time and one piece of paper at a time.

    Love your messages in your true all of it.

    Have a wonderful time at the cabin.




  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited May 2014

    I am watching a Fox news. The researchers have found a way to find the cancer stem cells that are the root of the tree of our tumors....yay yay yay...this doc is saying in our lifetime that they will be able to eradicate cancer...clinical trials may begin in 3 to 5 years.  The doc more chemo, no more radiation even no more surgery...can you imagine?  Amazing. Of course they are starting with prostrate cancer(the guys have all the luck)...and leukemia...

    I'll try and find a link to the segment.  here you go

    please God, the universe, karma...whatever...let this work!


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited May 2014

    Marissa - hi! Nice to hear from you. I think the docs are so right about the mind / body link. My clinic promotes mindfulness ...  on an every day, every minute level. I don't tend to blame myself for my cancer. I can't go there. Instead I believe that in so many ways, we are the ones in control like with what we do for treatment and afterwards, what we eat, exercize, etc., altho the flip side to that is blame. Soooo we gotta just focus on the positive, right?


  • anneb1149
    anneb1149 Member Posts: 821
    edited May 2014

    Hi Everyone-

    Eve- had to chuckle at the difference between you and DH when it comes to bookkeeping. My DH was fanatical about money- had every paycheck stub, check written, etc from the time we married in 1970. He balanced the checkbook and checked our savings once a month, usually behind a month or two near the end, and would get so upset when I couldn't remember what I bought at Walmart on the debit card 2 months ago for $32.67. My only answer was I never use the card unless you are with me, so whatever it was, you were there. He used to balance his retirement account to the 5th or 6th decimal to get it to fit. Now, OMG, he would die on the spot if he looked at my finances. I use the debit card at least 50% of the time! and I keep no records at all. I sort of check every once in a while to make sure there are no "unknown" purchases- there's usually one or two but never more than $50, so I put it down to chemo brain and move on. I am not, and never have been a person who spends money just because it's there, but if I want to treat my family to dinner once in a while, that's my choice. Money was a major issue for Bob and therefore a major stress in my life. I remember going to my shrink for years telling him Bob was obsessed with money, and he would say, he's not obsessed, he's careful, or frugal. Then Bob came with me for a while and the next time I saw Dr alone, he apologized and said I was right- Bob was obsessed with money. He would save and reuse dental floss, as just one example. The saddest part was we were very stable financially, always. I know part of that was Bobs careful watching our finances, but it was also because I grew up in a home where we always had enough, but never more, so I also learned to be careful. He was engaged to someone before us, and when she broke up with him, she also emptied their joint bank account of several thousand dollars. We were married for 42years, and I still had to remind him that I wasn't Irene, and had never spent money we didn't have or that was earmarked for something else. Oh what memories...


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited May 2014

    So funny Anne..

    I so get it. My DH has the accounts down to the his head. I am amazed by that ability to remember numbers and compute everything in one's younger son is like that. The kid's dad, my 1st husband was anal and mean about money a real power trip. So hard to live with , especially when you are a young mom with two little kids...part of why I left him....

    On the flip side my Dh asks me twice a month (coincides with his pay checks) if I need money or want money in my account. There is never a question asked if I say "yes" other than how much.  If I want or need something, I get it...however that is a rarity.  So while I am careful with money, my DH is very generous.  It used to be difficult to ask for money once I quit working, but not any more. hey, I deserve the little bit that I ask for and Dh is always asking "is that enough?" We aren't rich...actually probably considered lower middle class in this economy....but we are careful and because of that we get to be extravagant when the fancy strikes us.

    Our vacation this year will be at Ft. Desoto State park...on the beach in our huge tent. We will spend less than$200 for 2 nights 3 days including food and gas for the trip over. We get to take our pooch and step son of course. Steaks on the grill...sunning on the beach.  We have a queen size mattress, so all the luxuries of home.  Best part, when camping I don't have to lift as much as a pinkie.   Lovin it.

    You know, money is just money. It buys stuff, and like you can bring joy to others in a lunch enjoy! on your terms.


    Oh and my kitchen is still all torn apart.    Oh well I'll finish tomorrow.

    DH brought me a Whopper with cheese and fries for dinner...BUT I did have my healthy smoothy for we are all good right?








  • anneb1149
    anneb1149 Member Posts: 821
    edited May 2014


    Even before chemo brain, I could not remember what an item cost. At any time, if anyone asked how much something cost, Bob could tell them to the penny, not just that item (like an appliance) but what the one before it cost as well. As tight as he was about money, if I really wanted something, I got it, and usually a better, more expensive version than I asked for. But money for Christmas, or clothes for the kids - always a major stress on him- especially when I found my voice and bought what I wanted regardless of his objections. 


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014

    Hi ladies

    Couple of questions.... For my Pre op testing for my exchange I need a blood test and EKG. Did you guys? Is it safe to go an EKG with the metal ports from the TEs?

    On a side note, My poor son, he is the only one in our family that likes seafood but only gets to have it when a neighbor has a party. We went to dinner at a seafood restaurant because we like their burgers. He wanted so bad to order seafood but doesn't know how to eat it "safely". Like lobster, crabs etc. he was so funny. I told him to ask the waitress how to eat it. He's like, really mom? Lol. 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014


    I looked up smoothies w flax seed on the internet and it says they are phytoestrogens!!!! It could increase the amount of estrogen in your body!! Is that true?

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    hello sisters, lots going on and hope all are doing well.  Diane, you okay? I know it has been a rough week for you.

    Silver lining is a pic of me wearing Veronica with my daughter before she leaves for senior prom.  Love this girl!  


  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited May 2014

    Oh BOTH look so beautiful! Thank you for making me smile.  You really rock those wigs!

    It was a very rough week and I admit that I've been just keeping my head down, trying to regain my emotional strength.  My friends all started calling yesterday, since I wasn't my usual communicative self.  The funeral was beautiful and difficult all at the same time.  My former BF's family and friends were absolutely wonderful, and I know they appreciated that I came...even his son and daughter, who I hadn't seen in 4 years, wrapped their arms around me.  Sadly, the reception I received from the current GF was very unpleasant and my former BF stayed on the other side of the room, which made me sad. I had no choice but to face them both as we made our way out, paying our last respects on the way to the casket (thankfully closed) to say goodbye. Hugs and kisses from everyone...then to the end where SHE was, and I was treated to a nasty look when I took my former BF's hand and dared to tell him how very sorry I was.  I left, didn't go  to the internment, or to the house (I had been invited) and cried all the way home.  I really do get along with everyone and don't understand why this woman has such distain for me.  His sister in law (who is my good friend) told me that his ex wife (yes, his ex and I always got along).and his daughter both said how nice it was so see me. I guess neither of them cares for her.  It makes me so sad that someone I loved is with someone like this.  I'm doing my best to focus on the special moments I had with the rest of the family, especially his mom, who held me like she didn't want to let go, but it shook me in a way I can't describe.

    So I'm moving forward... My son and had a really good time working on his State Float project for school.  He chose Texas, not knowing that I lived there when I was a little girl for about a year and a half, so I told him stories about my time there.  We saw Godzilla today, which was awesome. 

    My son does light up my world, but I long for life to feel more normal...whatever that is going to be now.  I want my balance back.  I know that many of you are still awaiting your exchange surgeries and hate to complain while some of you are still fighting the TE's and worse yet, radiation and chemo, but I'm finding the prospect of another surgery (which I'm putting off until late August after my testing) really hard.  Couldn't I just put on a tiara and wave a magic wand and be done? I would like to go out on a date again, and have someone kiss me.  I realize it wouldn't be fair to spring all of this on some unsuspecting guy, and I will have to wait until this is all done and healed, but being alone sucks sometimes, and I get pissed off that BC has taken so much control of my life.  Good thing I get to kick and punch things tomorrow. :)

    Sorry for the diatribe...I promise to be back to my chipper self soon.  Tomorrow is another day and I promise to look for the silver lining.

    Hugs to all,


  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited May 2014

    Beverly - I did a little bit of research and this is an exerpt from an article I found.  I bolded the section that made the most impact on me:

    "Flaxseed is a good source of dietary fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. The fiber in flaxseed is found primarily in the seed coat. Taken before a meal, flaxseed fiber seems to make people feel less hungry, so that they might eat less food.  Researchers believe this fiber binds with cholesterol in the intestine and prevents it from being absorbed.  Flaxseed also seems to make platelets, the blood cells involved in clotting, less sticky. Overall, flaxseed’s effects on cholesterol and blood clotting may lower the risk of “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis).

    Flaxseed is sometimes tried for cancer because it is broken down by the body into chemicals called “lignans.” Lignans are similar to the female hormone estrogen - so similar, in fact, that they compete with estrogen for a part in certain chemical reactions. As a result, natural estrogens seem to become less powerful in the body. Some researchers believe that lignans may be able to slow down the progress of certain breast cancers and other types of cancers that need estrogen to thrive. "

    I looked up phytoestrogen, and this is what Wikopedia had to say:  "Phytoestrogens are plant-derived xenoestrogens (see estrogen) not generated within the endocrine system but consumed by eating phytoestrogenic plants. Also called "dietary estrogens", they are a diverse group of naturally occurring nonsteroidal plant compounds that, because of their structural similarity with estradiol (17-β-estradiol), have the ability to cause estrogenic or/and antiestrogenic effects,[1] by sitting in and blocking receptor sites against estrogen.[2]"

    I also found articles that suggested that flax meal could be helpful in preventing menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis and joint pain. 

    Hope this helps.


  • anneb1149
    anneb1149 Member Posts: 821
    edited May 2014


    So sorry you had to go thru the crap from new GF at funeral. It seems obvious to me that she is jealous and insecure in her relationship. I would imagine a large part of it was because you are still "family" to most of the family and she isn't even close. 

    When my late DH and I were dating, soon after I graduated HS, we broke up for a while. He started dating another girl from my class. About 7years after we married (and had 2kids), my FIL passed away. At the viewing, we were talking to his brother and his wife about his former girlfriends. His SIL did not remember D. I have to explain here that I never ever used racial or ethnic slurs. I was extremely shy and very quiet as well. Two of Bob's 3brothers had married Italian first cousins. The viewing was at least 75% Italian. Have you ever been at a gathering where there is a constant level of conversation and all of a sudden it gets very quiet? It was just as MaryEllen asked "who was D? I don't remember her?" that  the silence hit as I replied that she was that stupid g****** he was with when we broke up. The whole room heard me. I was mortified, but MaryEllen, Italian herself, burst out laughing. She knew me better than anyone else in Bobs family, and she knew my choice of words were pure jealousy related, nothing more. I still am ashamed of my words that day.

    On the other side of that, when we were Foster parents, we had the same 8 kids for at least a year (including our 3 biological ones) and we attended church every Sun. One day, one of the ladies came over and said to me "I hope you take this as the compliment I mean it to be, but you are doing such a good up job, I have trouble remembering which kids are yours and which are foster kids, except of course, for the one". I said " oh, you must mean R". R was a 10 year old boy. He had been witness to his mother's murder of his stepfather, then placed in the custody of his grandfather who sexually abused him for 2 years. He had just finished first grade when we got him and had been in 10 different schools already. His behavior was very different, but not difficult. Plus he had dark hair and eyes while everyone else was blond and fair. The lady said " no, actually I was thinking about the black baby." M had become such a part of the family, I had totally forgotten he was black. We got him when he was 6 mos old and he was considered a "failure to thrive" baby. He had been in the hospital for several months to get him stabilized. He was then "healthy" but small and basically a newborn as far as development. When he left us, 13 months later, he was a chunky, happy toddler. On target with exactly where he needed to be developmentally. BTW the day he went to live with his grandmother was one of the worst days of my life- that same day my dad passed away suddenly.  


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014

    Headed to my Pre op testing appointment for an EKG and blood work. I'm not sure where I'm going at this hospital and I'm going alone. My family is very superstitious and the last time I went alone to an appointment was the day I found out my mammogram results!!! Hope there's no surprises today!!!!! Ugh

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014

    So as I was heading to hospital I passed by the school I work at... Its at the bottom of my street, and my class of 6th graders were outside for recess. They saw me driving by and were screaming hi and waving!!!! Man, I miss them!!!!!

    Now sitting in admitting with my heart racing!!! Ok people lets just get this over with!!!!

  • SSheehan54
    SSheehan54 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2014

    My journey began on December 31st, 2013. Even though I frequently did self-checks, one morning I woke up and my right nipple was pulled to the side. I discovered, with shock I might add, a golf ball sized lump just behind my nipple. I made an appointment with my primary for January 2nd, 2014, and the journey of breast cancer began for me.

    On January 13th I received the official diagnosis from my breast surgeon. On January 23rd I underwent bilateral mastectomies, at the same time having tissue expanders placed under the skin. February 6th I was readmitted to the hospital for a complete emergency transfusion and further surgery to replace the right tissue expander. I had torn the expander from my chest wall because I did not have adequate in-home care.

    I found that I needed to move from Arizona and return to California to be cared for by my family, and in so doing had to begin my medical care all over again. I also left behind my fiancee of five years. I now have a new Oncologist and will see my Plastic Surgeon soon. I have had a recent CT Scan and have a Bone Scan scheduled for May 20th. I began Femara therapy on March 10th, which drove my blood pressure through the ceiling and so I am also taking hypertension medication.

    Through this, I have learned how to smile through the pain and laugh through the tears. 


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited May 2014

    oh man Ann...are you sure  you're getting chemo....what an AMAZING picture of you and your absolutely lovely daughter.  You both are positively glowing. Fabulous! sorry for the reception you received from the obviously jealous and bitchy GF.

    been there done that. Same story for me a couple of years ago when my son and his wife re- stated their vows at his dad's house. Holy crap!!!! The hatred and animosity amongst the guests....most of whom I had never met (neighbors, step mom's children).....towards me was so very evident. It was clear that there had been a conversation amongst all these people about me. And a not very flattering convo at that. I had 50 people staring at me with daggers in their eyes.  I am such an evil woman for divorcing my kid's dad fully 25 years earlier.... let's not go there are at least on your way...get it done and remember those little ones that want to see you back at fuul speed...rock on.

    Wow Anne..what a legacy you have given to so many heart just breaks for their past little lives and the swells with the utmost pride knowing there are selfless people like you that undertake such a task in loving these kids. BRAVO girl. dito to your hubby. Thank you for your love.

    As for me...I finally got an appointment with The MO........yay...holy only took 4 months...and we (dh and I) also have an appointment with the dermatologist....DH all of a sudden has a brown spot on his lower lip and I still have the stupid welts and rash crap.....oh well no big deal I am sure...but after BC I am so not taking any chances.


    Funny...Sunday we picked up my step son from his first camp out as a Boy Scout.   We watched these 10 -11 yo try and figure out how to fold up a 2 man tent.......oh my funny as heck.     They finally got it right....LADIES we were sitting watching for an hour and we all of a sudden were covered in freaking ticks....ahhhhhh!!!....holy cow...the little nasty bugs were everywhere....that meant baths and inspections when we got home....omg I woke up this morning with one imbedded in my scalp.


    ah well, aniel had fun camping and it was a beautiful what's a few ticks. :O

    K gotta go

    love you ladies,








  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited May 2014


    Welcome to wonderful group of women. I am sorry you have to find us....but you will never find a braver more loving special group of women. Say what you mean....and we will mean what we say.  We will support you.

    peace my friend

    and love


  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    according to a Facebook post today...


  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited May 2014

    Hahaha!!! Awesome Ann!  Happy Tuesday everyone.

  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited May 2014

    Eeewe Eve!  I hate ticks!  You're making me itch..LOL.. Glad your hubby is getting his spot checked.  When do you see the MO?  I know it's been awhile, but you have an arsenal of carefully researched questions now.  I put my MO appointment off until next month.  Still hoping that some morning soon the joint pain SE's will end, I'll wake up and not feel like a 90 year old with arthritis.  When I see her, I'll be asking about more homeopathic solutions that don't involve taking any more AI's.

    SSheehan54 - sounds like we're neighbors and oh...I'm 54 too (not 90). :)


  • anneb1149
    anneb1149 Member Posts: 821
    edited May 2014

    SSheehan- Welcome to our world-one of the best parts of my world right now. I am not near you geographically, but like you had to move to get proper care for my BC. My home has been in Ft Lauderdale since 1973 and we have been in the same house since 1978. I was here with my oldest daughter near Atlanta when I felt the thickness in my right breast, and was diagnosed here. Since she was reasonably close to Emory University, one of the cutting edge hospitals for BC in the country, I chose to stay here for treatment. I had a very aggressive fast growing cancer, and they decided to do chemo before surgery. I had never heard of doing it that way, but I believe doing it that way saved my life. It stopped the cancer in its tracks and it did not have a chance to spread, and I was cancer free at the time of my surgery (BMX) on Jan 28th. Today is my last full dose radiation, then I have 5boosts which will target the scar line only, and I wii be done, except for the once every three week infusion of herceptin, which is a necessary nuisance, but has no side effects at all. I will be doing that for a year. But as of this afternoon, I will begin what I hope is my final recovery. I am heading down to Ft Laud a couple of hours after my last boost next Wed to be there when my 5 yr old grandson graduates from preschool.

    You will find friends here, always ready to celebrate good things and encourage and support you during tough times, and it doesn't matter if what is happening relates to the cancer. We talk food, gardening, reading, golfing, family situations, travel and just about anything else anyone wants to talk about. Welcome!


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014


    Ok I had pulled it together for a bit there, but now I'm getting nervous about my upcoming appointment; exchange June 2, MO appointment June 4, Pre op consultation June 10, abdominal hysterectomy July 1..... Need I go on?!?! My husband is supportive but doesn't get my anxiety. He's more of a roll with it kinda guy I'm nothing like that!!!! I already have a list of questions typed up and printed out for each one of those appointments lol. I know, a bit over the top lol; but that's me! :)

    Can any of you suggest questions for the MO? I know I want to find out if I need to be on tamoxifen and as far as after the hysterectomy and bring put into surgical menopause what can I do to help with bone density and memory loss.... These are the things I worry about most. I can't see taking any dose of estrogen! I'm hoping he doesn't recommend that! I'm already paranoid about a reoccurrence with no reason to be nervous! Forget about it if I take estrogen, the thing that helps the cancer grow!!!!! I have to say I'm very nervous about the gynecologist finding cancer when I have my hysterectomy. I was dealing with heavy periods, cramping, clotting etc PRIOR to my bc diagnosis. I need to get to a point where cancer is not the first thought in the morning and last thought in the night.  I guess we all hope for that, huh? 

    Any advice for my upcoming appointments are greatly appreciated!!! Thanks for being here. It's so funny, we live across the united states and beyond but we always seem to be able to support each other and help each other through the rough patches!!! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited May 2014

    I think, Beverly that you are very well armed with your list of questions.

    I for one am really interested in your MO's answers.

    You had DCIS and LCIS right? So that means all the nasty little cancer cells were totally contained...right?

    And you had BMX so everything should be gone in the BC realm?

    As far as the hyst are you having the ovaries out also?

    I don't know girl....If I could have anything out that would stop some of the problems you have suffered with I would be all for it.

    Is that so wrong? To want to get rid of anything and everything given your family help you live a life free of cancer thoughts every morning and every night. 
    As for me...I don't think of BC all the time...I do on occasion get really upset about "the not knowing" at times...but then I have to let go and ,right pretty amazing. easily said , I know, but it is the only thing anyone of us can live by.

    Our children's smile, their laugh/giggle, a phone call, a hug. It is the absolute moment that we are in that matters.......period

    k off the Eveie soapbox
