Stage III Cancer Survivors .... 10+ Years and Out
Congrats Wallen on 12 yrs! Thank you for coming back and sharing with us that are early in this journey
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I rarely post on the site and realize that I should do it more often as we "long-timers" need to support those "in the trenches" so to speak.
I was 11 years out in Early Feb. 2016 ( 7cm tumor/22/22+ nodes ). NEVER could I have foreseen this....when you are first diagnosed you can barely see past tomorrow..and you harbor the darkest of thoughts .Just want you all to know that yes,it is possible to have a good outcome and continue the life you always thought you would have.
I am still taking Aromasin with minimal issues. Continue to see my Oncol. every 6 months . I appreciate EVERY birthday ! Drink a little too much wine and love every minute with my family.
Here's to all you ladies who are just beginning this journey ....keep positive and surround yourself with positive friends and family. I'm always available for encouragement or a positive to you all.
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Wallen and texgirl. You give so much hope to keep dreaming of a future. thanks for your inspiration. It really!!!! Means so much. .
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I'm with TectonicShift. It's very kind of you to post your stories, and very encouraging to us. Thanks!
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oh my gosh Wallan! so happy to see you. Isn't 't it fantastic?
Really happy you are well .
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texgirl Great to see you too.! From another stage IIIc nurse .
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You make my day! Always love more positive news so keep posting---love hearing it over and over!! Wondering-- Do you watch your diet?
Hugs and best wishes to you! Life is good!
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Wonderful Texgirl! So very grateful you posted....thanks for the hope! xo
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Texgirl and Wallen, thank you for coming back to post and encourage those of us that are just starting this journey or are early in our PFC.
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Congratulations, ladies! Please keep coming back and helps me to keep my eyes focused on hope.
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I just wanted to pass this along... I knew that 20 years ago a dear friend of the family went through breast cancer, what I didn't know until just now was that she was Stage III when she was diagnosed. She had a mastectomy then, and has since also dealt with colon cancer, but she has been healthy and living life without regrets. Staying hopeful today, despite the throes of chemo...
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always good to hear stories of success. Wow 20 years. That is good inspiration . glad you shared.
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Thanks fightergirl711! Love long term stories 😊
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Benita here haven't been on in years but when I saw this thread had to reply. I am an 11 years survivor. It has been a long journey but by God's grace I am still here and NED.
Blessings to all of you!
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Thank you Benita for this excellent post. We do need posts like these. Bless you.
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agreed. Congrats and many thanks for updating us. Come back and post every year please!
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Thanks for posting Benita. I have a question. Did you stay on an AI for longer than the 5 years
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It is great to see these stories and to see old friends that I went through this journey with. Apologies, but it seems I come on here only about once or twice a year, and usually only posting in this thread. Just a note to say I'm still living and kicking.
Other problems, but that's life, lol and not health related. A big hello to oldies and a big hug and offer of hope to the newbies!!!
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stef. How awesome it is to hear from you and to encourage us newbies. Never get enough of hearing great survivor stories. Love it.
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Stefan. so great to "see you" here. Love that so many of us are living well!
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Thank you Stef for posting! It's people like you who are helping us get through the tough spots!
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Thank you Stef for posting. Please come every year and for many many years. God bless you.
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So thrilled to be able to post my 10-year cancerversary! The day that saved my life actually happened a couple of months before my 4/28/06 diagnosis: I had randomly grabbed a paperback in a store & read that scar tissue in the breast could hide a malignancy. Four years earlier I'd had a surgical biopsy for turned out to be benign, but every year my breast got lumpier even though my mammograms were normal. The doctors kept telling me it was just scar tissue, but after I read that paragraph I pushed for another biopsy which came up - ooops - positive. Had I not followed my gut and become my own advocate, I most certainly wouldn't be here celebrating today.
I wish nothing but the best for all of us - we're all stronger than we could've ever imagined!
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Hi sugarplum,
I have been having sharp pains in my right breast. 10 years ago I had a lump removed that was benign. I just had a mammogram and ultrasound done and the doctors are telling me that what I am feeling is post surgical changes in the scar tissue from the prior surgery but I just feel like something is not right. Your post is the first I have seen that even mentions scar tissue (I have been searching everywhere! lol) Do you think I should push for a biopsy of this "scar tissue" area? The doctors don't seem to concerned but I just have this feeling that something is not right. I am only 36 so I feel like they are not taking me seriously. Thank You!
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hi sugarplum. Hooray! Great story. Congratulations on your 10 year. Many thanks for sharing. Ita so good for us newbies to hear success stories
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i have my eyes (and heart) set on posting on the 15 year thread !!!
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hey jennie-ca. You just keep going, girlfriend. So happy for you. Keep coming back and posting. Love to hear the good stories
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officially ELEVEN years this month and still doin the deed with NED, and lovin every second. So grateful to see so many of us doin the same.
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ikc. I see your post often and very thankful you keep coming back to encourage all of us. Enjoy life. Congratulations!