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Phoenix Tears Treatment Plan - An Experiment

In December 2013 I was diagnosed with bone mets to sternum and T1

I've decided to take medical marijuana to treat this disease.

I'm not going to waste time debating the legal issues surrounding medical marijuana.

My extensive research leads me to believe it was greed that removed the plant in its entirety from the Materia medica in the early 1900's, after it had appeared in this publication, in all its forms for over 5000 years by that time. (The Materia medica is a Latin term for the body of collected knowledge about the therapeutic properties of any substance used for healing). I see now it will be greed that motivates governments to legalize the plant for both medical and recreational use. (In Colorado, sales of retail marijuana have reaped about $18.9 million in state taxes (with a percentage to go to local governments) from January through June 30 2014, according to the state Department of Revenue).

Here is a link to understand what 'Phoenix Tears' are.

In order to help anyone else who may be interested in taking this medicine, I have provided below a list of studies linked to using medical marijuana (taken orally, not smoked), and will continue to update this list, as I come across these links in my ongoing research.

Here are some studies linked to breast cancer:
A study published in the US National Library of Medicine,
conducted by the California Pacific Medical Centre determined that
cannabidiol (CBD) inhibits human breast cancer cell proliferation and
invasion. They also demonstrated that CBD significantly reduces tumour
A study published in The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics determined
that THC as well as cannabidiol dramatically reduced breast cancer cell
growth. They confirmed the potency and effectiveness of these
A study published in the Journal Molecular Cancer showed
that THC reduced tumour growth and tumour numbers. They determined that
cannabinoids inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce cancer cell
apoptosis and impair tumour angiogenesis (all good things). This study
provides strong evidence for the use of cannabinoid based therapies for
the management of breast cancer.
A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) determined that cannabinoids inhibit human breast cancer cell proliferation.

I will also be taking these other medicines from the marijuana plant:

  1. freshly juiced marijuana leaves (about a shot glass taken throughout the day)
  2. water resin, which is like Phoenix Tears except water is used to strip the cannabinoids from the marijuana, rather than alcohol.
  3. CBD (cannabadiol, one of the 55 cannabinoids currently identified in marijuana) capsules

Note that marijuana in its natural state is non other words, you cannot get 'high'. You have to intervene in the (female) plants life cycle by cutting, curing, drying, etc. in order to be able to 'get high'...



  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583

    It seems really odd to me that your new oncologist is proposing to you a four-month gap with no treatment at all for stage IV cancer. Have you asked any other doctor about this? A second opinion might be appropriate at this point, or was the naturopathic oncologist your second opinion?

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    I agree. Waiting 4 months for a treatment plan is unacceptable with advanced disease that can change weekly. Not that it's not good that you're doing something on your own, but your onc's failure to realize the gravity of the situation doesn't sound quite right. Did you tell your onc you wanted to forego treatment for a while?

  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    Thanks for your concern about the wait....but if I wasn't on board with the wait, I would have initiated another discussion with my new onc.  But because I wanted an opportunity to do the Phoenix Tears treatment BEFORE taking any pharmaceutical drugs....I'm very happy with how things have worked out.

  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    I'm going to be really straight up here.  I am currently taking the tears with my sight on a CURE. 

    If I'm not cured, then I will still benefit from their ability to manage pain with no toxic side effects. 

    I'm going to add a new installment every week, so this doesn't get too long.  I'll include pictures, etc. so everyone can see exactly what I'm talking about.

    Talk to you next week!

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    I'm looking forward to how it goes for you. I just found out a former co-worker of mine has done this protocol and is doing surprisingly well. I've since been seriously considering it myself. Wishing you the best and hoping to hear good news. 

  • WorldMK
    WorldMK Member Posts: 1

    My mum is taking this now (well we are not in the US so we found someone who can make the oil for us). She has bone metastasis, and kidney problems (one kidney left and causing LOTS of problems). She was reluctant at first, but seeing not much is helping, we decided to try it. I will definitely keep you posted. Good health to you all. x

  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    Thank You WorldMK....the more people who can report how this is helping/not helping, the better!!

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Good luck to you! I know a team of people who are researching medical marijuana. I think they are importing some special leaves (legal research here folks) from a lab in Germany? There is a physicist who is perfecting an extraction process with a new machine which will serve to increase the cannabinoids and remove as much of the psychotropic element. If it gets below the legal standards then it can be used across state lines for medicinal purposes with no legal repercussions. When I read all the research about how  many cannabinoids type receptors our cells have and the natural affinity, I was shocked. I even switched to drinking hemp milk (vegan triathlete Brendan Brazier has a lot of research on this I stumbled across a few years back)

    My best friends son is autistic and she has said it's amazing to help him sleep through the night. He is more functional. It definitely serves its purpose.

    I tried hemp oil one time during chemo- threw up for an hour. Potent stuff. Start with low dosage to build a tolerance. I hope it helps you! I am curious! 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Geewhiz, that is really interesting about the research. It does seem like there is enough preliminary evidence on MJ to warrant further research. May I ask where this group is and where it is affiliated?

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Twinkly, I hope I'm not getting too personal here, but do you have pain with your mets? If so, do you find the oil is helping the pain? The reason I ask is I'm already smoking for pain control (and neurological issues) and I'm having a dilemma about whether to give one up to try the other. So far pot has been the only thing that has worked for pain (opiates didn't do squat). I wonder, can I do both? Guess I'll have to ask my doctor, but in the meantime if you could let me know if the oil helps with pain, it would be much appreciated. I need a nudge in the right direction.

    WorldMK, thank you too, for keeping us posted. Geewhiz, thanks for the info.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Leggo, for what it is worth, Rick Simpson originally started using the oil for chronic pain caused by the after effects of a bad concussion, as far as I know. Hope users can weigh in on this.

  • Srh242
    Srh242 Member Posts: 139

    I tried the cannabinoid from Germany and ended up high in ER. 

  • Fallleaves
    Fallleaves Member Posts: 134

    I thought cannabidiol was the component of marijuana that had the anti-cancer effects, but no psychotropic effect? THC is what causes the high? 

  • abbyfree
    abbyfree Member Posts: 1

    I live in California (so luckily it's legal here and you can buy at some dispensaries) and am taking CBD. I started using it during radiation because they gave me the chemo drug Cisplatin as a "radiation sensitizer". The CBD helped with the side effects enormously -- completely managed the nausea and pain and helped me sleep. I had zero psychotropic effects and am continuing to use it. Very expensive but I am hopeful that it is having a good anti-tumor effect. I will update once I have my next scan -- it the only treatment I am using right now aside from supplements and juicing as I am waiting for a trial slot.

  • Fallleaves
    Fallleaves Member Posts: 134

    I was considering taking CBD as well, (still am), but was a bit hesitant because of the cost. I look forward to hearing how it works for you, Abbyfree. Hope it is as effective with the BC, as it was with the side effects of treatment!

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Twinkly, abby, or anyone using it.....what strains are you using? 

    Eta: please feel free to pm me if you're not comfortable posting the info. 

  • mila_vegas
    mila_vegas Member Posts: 11

    I was on the protocol for almost 4 months, consumed about 80 grams......but it did not work for me.... i used high grade indika strain and made it myself with Everclear alcohol.On my last ct scan i had progression....., from what i understand cannabis oil does not work on every patient, also you actually have to clean and keep clean the cannabioid receptors in your body ( i didnt know about it while on the oil). If any of you deside to try the protocol there is a wonderful private support group called Cannabis Oil Success Stories on FB with a lot of info and great success stories, God Bless You All!

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Hi Mila. Between my husband and I, I think we've done nothing but read up on this. I don't recall anything about keeping cannabioid receptors clean. What does that mean and how would you do it?  Could you please elaborate? Also, can you tell me why you used everclear? The preparation instructions I've read and been given are totally different.

    Any further information you can provide will be greatly appreciated and thanks for the info about the facebook group.

    I am truly sorry that it didn't work for you. It really does seem to work for some and not others. Wish we could figure out why.

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Oh...and thank you for telling me the strain you used. I have so many questions rattling around in my head that I completely forgot my initial question.

  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    Hi all, 

    It's great to read everyone's comments...THANK YOU for everything you are sharing!

    Ok, now, I'd like to tell you about my experience so far with phoenix tears.

    First of all, be cautious and make sure you are getting real phoenix tears, made in the same style (give or take) you see on the 'Run from the Cure' video.

    Now, I will give my experience thus far.

    I purchased the oil from a dispensary in British Columbia (I live in Alberta).  I had to provide them with the prescription for medical marijuana my new oncologist provided to me, along with other information.  I am now in their database as a medical marijuana patient.

    This means I can order marijuana, food made with marijuana, the oils, tinctures, etc.  The dispensaries are very specific about each strain they sell, what it is good for, whether it gives energy, is good for pain, etc.

    The dispensary has a lab that makes the phoenix tears.  The tears are packaged in syringes.  Each syringe is in it's own sealed plastic bag, and is labeled with the percentage of THC and CBD contained in the oil....each syringe holds 1 ml, which is equal to 1 gram.

    Rick Simpson recommends taking 60 grams in 90 days. 

    To begin with, you only take the SMALLEST dosage.  I mean putting a schmear of oil on your finger, that would be the same size as 1/3 grain of rice.  This stuff is potent.  You need to work up to the full gram per day (or work up to whatever is your maximum limit up to 1 gram maximum) over several weeks time.  Every 3 - 4 days, you need to increase your dosage by another 1/3 rice grain in the evening, along with what you're taking in the morning.  .  By doing this, you should never feel 'high'.

    I am now on day 9.  The tears have given me pain relief from the bone mets.  Which, is already a good reason to take them.   I am also intuitively LOVING the feeling of well being they give to me. 

    I have also ordered the following:  CBD pills to take along with the tears, as the CBD lessens the effects of the THC, and they work together to kill cancer cells!!  Each pill has 35 mg of CBD, and I will take half a pill (with milk or smoothie so there is no upset tummy) morning and evening, when I take the tears.  

    Then, I have also ordered water resin.  This is like making the Phoenix Tears, but with water, instead of alcohol.  What you end up with  is something you also eat, but the water resin has a different profile from the tears, and also different healing properties of the plant.  This is what they use for small children who are critically ill, as they can dissolve the resin in the fluids given through and IV, so children are receiving the dosage directly into their system.  The water resin helps with anxiety, and is just as important a medicine as the tears themselves.

    And finally, I have a supply of frozen juice cubes, from the fresh plant (no psychoactive effects in the fresh plant at all...humans need to intervene in the plant and heat it up in order to get high).  This juice holds an incredible amount of THC and CBD in their acid form, along with turpenes, etc. that make up the healing properties of the plant.

    But as of today, March 11, 2014, I am only taking the tears....I expect my other items to arrive any day, and next time I post, I'll let you know more about them, and have pictures of everything..

    I'll also dedicate a post to the ways the tears are improving my health over all....already there have been some improvements, and I will talk about this in another post.

    That's all for now!

  • mila_vegas
    mila_vegas Member Posts: 11

    Hello leggo. You have to clear your endocannabinoid receptors in order for the oil to get to them, and you do so by drinking at least 2-3 organic green teas a day, eating mangos, ingesting essential oils like oregano, basil. There are studies done about it. About Everclear, Rick Simpson recommends using it if you don't have naphta, it's 99% proof grain alcohol. If you have any questions feel free to ask, Good luck to you!            I am not a fan of all these CBD pills, you need THC in order to cure your cancer, CBD is great for seizures and epilepsy.

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Twinkly and Mila, thank you both so very much. Any and all info is greatly appreciated. Good luck to you too!

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301

    I think this is great twinkly, I will be interested to see how it goes for you. I have read a lot about the healing component of marijuana. I have a friend whose father is 94 in a nursing home in CA. She lives in WI, she made the oil herself into a salve per instruction from Rick Simpson. She spent 4 weeks with her dad applying the salve to a large open cancer sore on his forehead, he was too weak for treatment. After 4 weeks the sore was almost gone, your brother then continued treatment and it is now just a scar on his forehead. Does it work for everyone? I don't know but I commend you for trying. If its ever legal here I most definitely will try to keep this awful disease away with it. I think as time passes we will find out that marijuana is a great medicine, just hope our government lets the word out.

    thanks for sharing.

  • mila_vegas
    mila_vegas Member Posts: 11

    Ladies, i forgot to add, that a study shows that turmeric close the endocanabioid receptors and should not be taking while taking RSO (Rick Simpson Oil). Have a  great evening:::

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Just wanted to share with you all. I went to visit the co-worker I mentioned above. When I had last visited her, she was in the hospital. She had stopped eating and could not even swing her legs over the bed. Tears were building up in her eyes every time she moved. I don't think she weighed more than 100 lbs. It was so hard to see. Last night, I went to visit home. We had coffee cake!....that she made! She was walking and eating! Granted, she's still got a long way to go, but I was flabbergasted at her improvement since starting on the oil. There is no longer a doubt in my mind that this is a miracle for some people. I'm remaining hopeful that it will be mine too.

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    And, I woukd just like to thank you guys again for all the info and getting me on the right track. I don't want to bombard her with all the questions about making it so you guys have been invaluable to me. 

  • Fallleaves
    Fallleaves Member Posts: 134

    Leggo, what an amazing turnaround for your co-worker! I'm really happy for her. I hope it is just as effective for you. This summer I'm moving to Washington state, and I look forward to trying this treatment, too.

    Thanks, mila_vegas and twinkly, you guys are a fount of information!

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Falleaves, I'm so happy for her too. Don't get me wrong, she's still very sick, but I'm sure she would have just died of starvation had things not turned around. She hadn't eaten or kept anything down in weeks. To get enough energy to walk and bake a cake is truly a miracle drug working its magic. I hope you get the opportunity to try it this summer. I think you'll be ahead of the game. It's not legal where I am so the cost is enormous, but hey, it's only money, right? Thanks for the good wishes.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Leggo, that is really wonderful about your colleague. I have no doubt that cannabis can be extremely helpful against both pain and failure to eat. I also suspect, as an OT thing, that it can be helpful for people with ADHD (just from observation).

    If it turns out that it can also kill cancer, even if only in some people/situations, that would certainly be completely awesome.