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Phoenix Tears Treatment Plan - An Experiment



  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320

    this is purely anecdotal but makes for a good story at a dinner party. My friend's brother-in-law decided around age 50 to quit his daily pot-smoking habit.  His subsequent  eye exam showed he had glaucoma. He came clean with his eye doc that he had quit pot after decades of regular use. The doc suggested he resume, and the glaucoma "went away."

    I am very interested in learning more about the benefits of cannabis!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi twinkly and all, thanks for info and updates.  This is so encouraging and I wish (us) all the best!  ♥

  • lightandwind
    lightandwind Member Posts: 97

    Leggo, that is really great to hear.  I feel hopeful about cannabis too. Keeping my eyes and ears open. Clearly it kills some types of cancer cells. Several studies show scientific evidence of anticancer action of cannabinoids on breast cancer.
    "In conclusion, our data indicate that cannabidiol, and possibly Cannabis extracts enriched in
    this natural cannabinoid, represent a promising non-psychoactive antineoplastic strategy. In
    particular, for a highly malignant human breast carcinoma cell line we have shown here that
    cannabidiol and a cannabidiol-rich extract counteract cell growth both in vivo and in vitro as well as
    tumor metastasis in vivo. Cannabidiol exerts its effects on these cells through a combination of
    mechanisms that include either direct or indirect activation of CB2 and TRPV1 receptors, and
    induction of oxidative stress, all contributing to induce apoptosis. Additional investigations are
    required to understand the mechanism of the growth inhibitory action of cannabidiol in the other
    cancer cell lines studied here."

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Gemini, it's definately more than just a good anecdote.

    Lightandwind, thank you for the links.

    Badger, I sincerely hope this helps your friend. 

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320

    thanks, leggo! :-)

  • NadiaT
    NadiaT Member Posts: 1

    Mila-vegas - do you remember what the study was that said you should not take turmeric? I have also read about the tumor inhibiting properties of curcumin so I've been taking turmeric supplements...

  • mila_vegas
    mila_vegas Member Posts: 11

    Hi Nadia, no i dont have the study, but if you join Cannabis Oil Success Stories on FB you will find it there, i cant do the search right now...,sorry. 

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Nadia, there are studies cited within this page. Hope that helps.

  • Fallleaves
    Fallleaves Member Posts: 134

    That study linked to not taking turmeric with cannabis was reaallly confusing!

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    I know, right? As a layperson, the only way to make sense of all these scientific articles is to translate word by word. First, I had to look up WTH a ligand was.Loopy

  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    way to go ladies!  I can't tell you how awesome it is to learn from all of your comments and posts!!!  

    This past week, I received my CBD pills.  You can get them in a variety of strengths...I chose to get the larger dosage capsules at 35 mg each.  The CBD works with THC to kill cancer cells...and it is particularly efficient at stopping metastases....but because THC is what causes the 'high', in recent decades, marijuana strains have focused on growing plants with high THC, and lower amounts of CBD.  This is because CBD counteracts the 'high' effect to a certain degree.  Many people take CBD capsules every day, to help with anxiety, depression, pain, etc.

    So, in the morning, I take the phoenix tears (always slightly increasing dosage amounts every 4 days...and NO sooner, as this is powerful stuff and you want to ensure you don't cause anxiety by putting too much THC in your system too soon.  If you acclimatize to the tears, by increasing dosage steadily and regularly, you may never feel 'high'.  Along with the tears, I take one capsule of CBD.  3 hours later I take a grain of the water resin, along with two frozen juice cubes melted in a little water.

    Three hours later, I have another dose of the tears, along with another 35 mg CBD capsule.  

    At the end of the day, before bed I do another dosage of the tears alone.

    Whenever I take a CBD capsule, I take a large teaspoon of plain yogurt, because it can upset your stomach - but if you eat with dairy, this helps a lot.  If you don't eat dairy, I would substitute a clean protein.

    Always working towards increasing the dosage to eventually take the full gram a day, if possible.

    No time for pictures today, but will add some on Monday.

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320

    twinkly, do you find it affects your appetite -- specifically, do you get hungry?  One SE of cannabis (I've only used it recreationally) that I would want to avoid is an increase in appetite. I need to be eating much less these days. 

  • corky60
    corky60 Member Posts: 453

    Fallleaves, the legality of medical marijuana in WA state is "iffy" right now.  Do your research if you're planning to move here just for that.

  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    Hi Gemini,

    I've not experienced muchies at all, but I have noticed the following changes since I started taking
    the tears.

    • They manage the pain in my T1 and sternum – I take
      nothing else for pain.
    • My appetite has been ‘corrected’ – I lost my appetite at
      first.   Completely lost it.     I was eating just the smallest
      handful of food at each meal, and I craved for this handful to be as nutritious as possible, so I created an indoor vegetable garden using a passive
      hydroponics system.  I planted kale,
      chard, spinach, beets (beet tops!), lettuces, and basil.  After 3 weeks I was able to start grazing every day, and have planted
      in different phases so I will always have fresh leafy greens to eat every
      day.    I used certified organic non GMO
      heirloom seeds, and feed my garden using certified organic growing food.  (I’ll include a picture with the other pics I
      add on Monday).
    • I stopped craving sugar and empty calories…effortlessly.
    • My hands and feet are no longer freezing all the time...they are normal.
    • My bladder/kidney relationship has resolved.  All my life I've held my pee in for so long, until I am doing the pee dance all the way to the bathroom.  Soon after starting the tears, I found that the instant I would start to do the pee dance, I would pee myself.  I couldn't hold it just flowed freely.  I couldn't even stop it a little.  So I had to wear those poise pads because many times I had no warning.  But somehow, instinctively I knew I was healing, and I wasn't alarmed.  After about 9 days, things resolved completely.  Now, I don't do the dance any more...and I have complete control, and can feel my body's need to pee much more clearly, so I no longer ignore these prompts, as I used to.

    The tears give me a sense of well being that goes really deep.  I LOVE what they are doing for me.

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Twinkly, thank you for those posts. I'm seriously going to have to consider moving to BC for the duration of the treatment plan. Getting the quantity of the quality weed here to manufacture the tears is not easy. Little bits are easy to find, larger amounts, not so much. Haven't given up yet, but it's a challenge. I'm looking forward to hearing about the cost via the legal dispensary. I'm also in a quandry about smoking and taking the tears. As things are right now, I have pretty good pain and nausea control. I'm looking for some assurance that the tears will help with nausea, if i stop smoking. I deal with pain pretty well but I don't do very well when I'm nauseated. Do you have any experience in that regard? Also, if you're taking the CBD capsule in addition, does that mean I can continue smoking the strain I already know works? I know you probably don't have the answers, but I'm just running it by you in case you have any thoughts. 

    As I type this, I'm getting increasingly angry that it's not legal here. This would all be so much easier with a dispensary. Ass-clown politics. A temporary move to BC is sounding pretty good. Anyhoo, my husband and I had a good laugh last night about how we're in some Breaking Bad episode trying to get our hands on the blue meth. Happy

    Thanks again for all that you're sharing with us. 

    It's wonderful to hear how well this is working for you.

  • Fallleaves
    Fallleaves Member Posts: 134

    Twinkly, really glad the phoenix's tears are working so well for you. I love your indoor vegetable garden system. Wish I had your green thumb!

    Corky60, thanks for the article about med. mar. in WA state. Jeez, just when I thought it was safe to get in the water! Well, I'll be moving either way. My husband is already out there (new job), and I'm just waiting for our youngest to finish high school before I join him. I'll be driving through Colorado on the way out, so maybe I'll pick up a few things out there Winking.

    Leggo, I'm with you on being angry about marijuana not being legal in so many places. Totally ridiculous. Funny "Breaking Bad" image (loved that show!) Hope you find the blue meth of medical marijuana!

    I'm now researching this for my Uncle Bert. He had his gall bladder out a few weeks ago and it turns out it was cancerous, and there were also spots on his liver. His weight is way down from what it was last fall, 165 to 148, and my cousin Jenny said he is concerned about pain. So I'm thinking this might help in both dept's. Funny thing was, when my Aunt Dotti had BC (she passed away in Nov. of 2011) she lost a lot of weight, so my cousin Lee brought her a bunch of marijuana brownies to try and help her appetite. My Uncle Bert found them in the freezer and before he could be told they were laced, ate 6 of them (he loves chocolate)! Let's just say, they threw him for a loop!

  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    Hi friends!  Here is a picture showing the marijuana-based medicine I am taking until I see my onc in May....I should be able to take 100 CBD capsules by then, along with (hopefully) another 25+ syringes of the tears, and another 25 grams of the water resin.image

    From the left....fresh juice from marijuana plant (nothing psychoactive - just vegetable juice with amazing healing properties) I take 2 cubes per day, melting them in water.  The taste is fresh and green, and I really like taking this juice, as I have been a vegetable juicer for years.

    Next two items are the Phoenix Tears.  The first syringe (second item from the left) is the one I am currently using.  I've taken maybe 1/2 gram over the past weeks, as I slowly and carefully ramp up my dosage to a full gram (which is a full syringe) per day.  Because I'm sensitive to drugs, I may never ramp up that high, but will go as high as possible without exceeding the 1 gram per day.  I also included a syringe of Phoenix Tears that is still in its original wrapping from the lab.  The label also shows the amount of THC and CBD in this batch.  Presently, in Canada, Phoenix Tears sell for $20 to $25 per gram.

    Over the years, growers have been lowering the amounts of CBD's in the strains of marijuana they are growing, because CBD's balance out the high gotten from THC.  So, if there was more THC and less CBD, people would get more high, for longer.  Now that CBD's are better understood, it's important to understand how CBD and THC work together to kill cancer cells.  But because the CBD level is so low in these tears, I have started supplementing with CBD capsules, which are pictured above right next to the tears.  I take two of these tablets (each contains 35 mg of CBD) whenever I take the tears, and ensure I take them with yogurt (some milk product is best, if you can tolerate milk...otherwise I'd eat some sort of protein).  Presently in Canada, the 35 mg CBD capsules sell for approximately $1.40 - $1.75 each.

    The final package is water resin.  This is made exactly like the Phoenix Tears, but using water only.  This resin has a more diverse cross section of helpfulness (CBD, THC, terpenes, etc.) and the thing is, this resin is also used to help calm anxiety, and for pain relief and everything the tears are used for.  And because the water resin has higher CBD rates, some tolerate the water resin better than the tears, and use the resin exclusively as their medication.  It's nice to know there are alternatives, because we are all so different.  I was told the water resin can be directly administered in the IV, as it is water soluble.  Currently, the water resin sells for the same price as the Phoenix Tears.

    If anyone has any questions, just let me know.

  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    Here is an article written about CBD....

    ....and here is a blurb from the article....

    A pair of scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San
    Francisco has found that a compound derived from marijuana could stop
    metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancer, potentially altering the
    fatality of the disease forever.

    "It took us about 20 years of research to figure this out, but we are very excited," said Pierre Desprez, one of the scientists behind the discovery, to The Huffington Post. "We want to get started with trials as soon as possible."

    The Daily Beast first reported
    on the finding, which has already undergone both laboratory and animal
    testing, and is awaiting permission for clinical trials in humans.

    Desprez, a molecular biologist, spent decades studying ID-1, the gene
    that causes cancer to spread. Meanwhile, fellow researcher Sean McAllister
    was studying the effects of Cannabidiol, or CBD, a non-toxic,
    non-psychoactive chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. Finally,
    the pair collaborated, combining CBD and cells containing high levels
    of ID-1 in a petri dish.

    "What we found was that his Cannabidiol could essentially 'turn off'
    the ID-1," Desprez told HuffPost. The cells stopped spreading and
    returned to normal.

    "We likely would not have found this on our own," he added. "That's why collaboration is so essential to scientific discovery."

  • Fallleaves
    Fallleaves Member Posts: 134

    Twinkly, wow, that doesn't seem like much to get you to May! Well, as they say, good things come in small packages....

    Very interesting article on the CBD. I read some good studies yesterday, too. One is "Care and Feeding of the Endocannabinoid System: A Systematic Review of Potential Clinical Interventions that Upregulate the Endocannabinoid System."

    The other was: "The Endocannabinoid System, Cannabinoids, and Pain."

    One interesting thing I came across was that cannabinoids affect P450 enzymes, so can have an impact on how your body metabolizes other drugs (making it more sensitive). Could be a benefit, but also a danger.

  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    FAllleaves, I'm LOVING your research!  Thank You so much for sharing it!  The first thing I am going to do after writing this, is read them.

    I realized from your comment that I didn't clearly explain about the picture of my medicine I went and put in a better explanation.  Basically, the picture was just to show what each of the medicines looks like....not the quantities I am hoping to be able to take.  Thanks for helping to clear that up!

  • Fallleaves
    Fallleaves Member Posts: 134

    Ah, I see, thanks for clarifying, Twinkly! Thanks for sharing your regimen with us.

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Ladies, thank you so much for your very informative posts. Twinkly, it's good to have that picture as a reference and the details about administering it all. Falleaves, very important information. Thank you both. You guys are great.

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Just heard this on the news. As things stand now, there aren't nearly enough legal growers to meet demand. Here's what Health Canada in its infinate wisdom decided to do about it. Jeezus.

    How stupid are they going to look when they arrest someone dying of cancer. 

  • Fallleaves
    Fallleaves Member Posts: 134

    Well, Leggo, good thing they are acting "to protect public safety" (Seriously???) 

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    I particularly like the "cat litter" solution. If you ever got a load of our Prime Minister, it all makes sense. Happy

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Just to add to the stupidity.....they were interviewing some guy (tuned in late, so I don't know who he is), talking about those who need it for pain and nausea. His remark "they have marinol for these indications". As someone who suffered extreme pain and unbearable nausea can attest to, that synthetic junk does not work. His comment was so matter-of-fact with no compassion whatsoever. So sad.

  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    lol leggo...too true!  

    As April 1 approaches, dispensaries are getting less and less product because the intent of the new law is to close down all independent grow-ops and force Everyone to purchase from federally approved companies - of which there are only five at the moment.  Also, these approved growers are only able to sell marijuana buds.  No Phoenix Tears.  No edibles.  No tincture.  No water resin.  Only the buds will be sold, at a cost of $4 to $7 per gram (roughly $110 - $200 per ounce - and we know that one ounce of bud makes ONLY 2 - 3 grams of the tears.  So it's pretty clear to see this new law punishes those that need this medicine to get through the day.  It's absolutely ridiculous.

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337

    if it becomes legal I would get some of that salve for sure, but if it needs a doctor's note that would be a problem for me.  also that it precludes dreaming though not sure if that applies to cbd.  cannabis is definitely a pain killer & a sleep aid.  should definitely be legal as should every substance perhaps not uranium.  in a free country to forbid a plant, especially when the future of its possible medical benefits is not known.  though in the case of cannabis its been known for thousands of years

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Twinkly, how are you doing? I hope you are well.  I'm almost three weeks in.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Thinking of you too, twinkly, and sending my very best wishes!  ♥ 

    WI just legalized CBD oil for the tx of seizure disorder in children.