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Phoenix Tears Treatment Plan - An Experiment



  • I also look forward to hearing how this went.  My question for anyone who knows is this:  if you live in state where it's likely it will never be legal for any reason, (aka Missouri!) is there any chance of obtaining some Phoenix Tears from another state?  Or is my only option to get some and make my own? I have no wish to get high--just cancer free.

    In answer to what Momine said earlier about ADHD and pot--no, it's terrible for that.  

    Certainly this war on drugs was never working anyway and now that we know how much it can help people, it gets stupider all the time.  

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Posts: 2,061

    OMG   I am soo excited to be reading this.   I applied for my med mj but NONE of my doctors will sign off on it.  Get my tx in Vegas, can't remember who posted from there, but can u pm me someone I can contact at your convenience.

    I was IV with spine/ribs from get go.  Now am about to finish 15 tx of WBR (whole brain radiation), 3 left.  Trying to kill 5 lesions.  Anyway, have been smoking at night only (never built tolerance as a young adult) but it does help with relaxtion and allows me to get better sleep which has good qualities in healing/pain.  But...not enuf.  I will be watching this with every fiber of my being.  I will come back and hit all the links you all have posted....I am finally feeling a bit more positive!!

    Twinkly...and all the rest of you contributors, you are my HEROS!


  • abigail48
    abigail48 Posts: 337

    probably better to use an infuser, getting mist with no tars

  • leggo
    leggo Posts: 379

    Pipers, even with my license (Canada), I was impossible to get my hands on the tears in my province. Legal growers were only allowed to sell buds. Isn't that about the stupidest thing you've ever heard? Anyway, I had no choice but to make my own. Here are the instructions.

    Finding a trustworthy source, who knows what strains need to be used is the hardest part.

     I hope someone from the US chimes in to give you the info about purchasing in a legal state.

    Twinkly, hope we hear from you soon. Are you ok? 

  • twinkly
    twinkly Posts: 104

    Hi Badger and Leggo....great news about the legalization of the CBD oil!!  And how have you been doing your first few weeks leggo?  Exactly what are you taking??

    I have been doing well, thanks for your kind thoughts and wishes!

    The treatment is going well.  I definitely made every mistake you can make and increased my dosage amount too quickly - and had a bout with anxiety that lasted many many days.  But, I was able to get reassurance from the dispensary that I didn't do any harm to myself, and simply needed to wait for the drug to metabolize out of my system...which it did. 

    I am grateful for that intense anxiety though, as it allowed me to get in touch with some very deep seated fears.  Working through fears is very important to me, because I want to feel at peace with today, and not obsess over my thoughts....which are connected to my has been such an education to not believe everything I think :)

    I'm really pleased with how well the tears/CBD capsules help with the pain in my T1.  And whenever I drink the fresh cannabis juice (add a couple of frozen juice cubes to water) I feel 'itchy' alongside the left edge of my sternum, and am thinking it is a healing itch - only time will tell.

    My big appointment is next week and I will have much to write about after that.

    take care & biggest hugs!!

  • leggo
    leggo Posts: 379

    Hugs back 'atcha. Glad you're doing well. My pain has diminished slightly, hoping for more as the weeks go on. Looking forward to the good news after your appointment.

  • That is great info leggo!  I'm still on the fence as to what I want to do about it, but once I make a decision I will want to move quickly, so I'm glad to have this.  It's very clear too.  

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 200

    Hiya! So funny that I came across this thread as I just got my medical card and have been researching dispensaries here in Seattle to do the very same that you are doing! I don't want to make the tears myself as I have 2 young kids and it's risky to make and I don't want to risk something happening like me blowing up my kitchen. LOL So I am trying to find a dispensary that sells it as well as the Dama Oil which comes just like the RSO oil and has high CBD totals.

    Also, we have a lab here that tests the THC and CBD totals for a lot of our dispensaries.

    Twinkly, have of thought about eating the plant raw too? Supposedly I hear there's benefits to that too but I don't know what.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Posts: 2,062

    I hate this stupid "War on Drugs" where you could end up in jail for trying to treat your cancer! I live in a state that has very strict laws on possession, and our situation precludes moving somewhere else to be treated legally. My PCP is very pro-med cannabis, we talked about it at some length when I first found the lump. But she doubts we'll see it here.

    My son has been very involved in the movement in his state, where they are in the process of passing a Charlotte's Web bill. Not enough, but a start. 

    But for me, it's just not possible to use a plant to treat or maybe cure my cancer. How much sense does that make?

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 200

    Well, the jury is still out on whether marijuana can really cure cancer so to speak. A lot more studies need to be done first as we are just entering the prelude stage of studying it. Everyone's cancer is different and unique and every cancer type is different which is why it is so hard to find and make a "cure" for cancer. What may work on one type may not on another, and so on. Also, studies currently being done or have recently been done are using pure CBDs which those of us who can purchase medical Mary Jane, can not access. Not unless you know how to do the risky chemistry yourself and have the proper equipment. And because of the negative association of the high with marijuana from the THC, it makes it difficult for more studies to happen on the non-psychoactive components and possible anticancer, CBDs. And unfortunately, how the CBDs and cancer cells react in a petri dish maybe different than what happens when tested on animals or people. So, more studies and funding for these studies need to occur and preferably sooner rather than later, in my opinion. I find that what has been done and studied as hopeful and promising and want more to be done. 

    Here's the latest promising study/article done on leukemia cells.

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 200

    Twinkly, you said you're aiming for a "cure" but your info. states you were diagnosed in 2007 with stage 3. Did you have a recurrence or did your cancer just unfortunately, never go into remission or it spreaded?

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 200

    Did I scare everyone off? LOL Please post up. I'm very interested to hear how those who are doing this are doing. I am narrowing down dispensaries today and will hopefully be joining in taking it too. I really hope it works, for all of us! Hope everyone has a nice side effect free weekend!

  • twinkly
    twinkly Posts: 104

    Hi Sinsin, .....yes, I am aiming for a cure.  After finishing treatment in 2008, I was cancer free until this latest diagnosis.  And to be honest, I will know more after my onc appt on Tuesday.  At that time, I hope we'll see whether the tears have been working for me.

    Although I'm only 1/3 of the way through the protocol (Rick Simpson recommends taking 60 grams of the tears in a 90 day period) it's a little slow going for me, because I have been unable to increase my dosage passed 3/10 of a gram per day (I start to feel high) so although I've been taking the tears for almost 3 months, I've only been able to get through approximately 20 I still have another 40 grams to go before I'm finished the standard recommended treatment.

    So, if you are sensitive to drugs like I am, it may take you longer to take in the 60 grams to tears in total (over 90 days).

    Thoroughly enjoying the feeling of well being this medication gives to's like my body is giving off healthy vibes that people around me can feel. 

    Hope you had a wonderful side effect free weekend too!!

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 200


    Here's my stash. Haha! The bottom is the Dama Oil which is high in CBDs and the top is the Pure Cure, a RSO type oil high in THC. I just took my first doses of each sublingually (under the tongue) and hopefully I got it all. It was difficult as the oil was pretty thick so it made it hard to administer as it just more smears all over the applicator. Tomorrow I'll run the applicator tips under warm water first to soften the oil and make it easier to administer.

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 200


    I also got this little guy for raw and fresh leaves to make smoothies with. I never thought I'd say this but, isn't she cute? 

  • twinkly
    twinkly Posts: 104

    what wonderful posts Sinsin!!  Can't wait to hear how everything goes!

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 200

    Thanks Twinkly!

  • kmedic6351
    kmedic6351 Posts: 1

    Twinkly, I was just curious as to how the treatment is working out for you so far? I am curious as I may need to see if a family member wants to try this but I like to hear from other patients as to how they feel. I make cookies for the person but with met cancer I am curious as to how cancer responds to this line of therapy. By the way if you ever need a cookie recipe I make some of the best and willing to offer it to any patient that would like to use it. 

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 200

    Kmedic, I would love the recipe! I tried one with budder (aka pot butter) and it tasted horrible! I'm not a fan of the way marijuana tastes. 

  • leggo
    leggo Posts: 379

    Been thinking about you Twinkly. Hope all went well with your onc appt.

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938

    ((twinkly)) sending love and hugs. ♥ 


  • leggo
    leggo Posts: 379

    Thinking about you Twinkly. 

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 200

    So, I fell off the horse and hadn't been talking my oils lately due to I can stand that slinky taste. Last night I started again after figuring out a way to help minimize that problem. I heat the oil up under running hot water and dropper style, put my dose on a milk laden spoon. This way I just swallow it down in one swallow like a medicine dose. 

    Well, I did something wrong (either messed up the doses or shouldn't have taken the RSO before the CBD oil) because I had the worst trip last night. I had a huge anxiety attack and was on a bad trip that left me continuously moving and fighting to not freak the hell out. That was a first. Usually the oils make me suddenly so tired that I am falling asleep standing and I just go to bed and wake up in the am super groggy. Was so not fun! LOL My poor hubby was ready to kill me. 😉 

    So tonight I'll lower my dose and take the oil that's high in CBDs first and see if that helps. The CBDs are suppose to counteract the psychoactive effects of the THC oil but it didn't last night. 

    Hope everyone is doing alright!

  • Kudra
    Kudra Posts: 29

    I love this thread! I cant wait to hear more about your journey. Im not sure how I could pull this off due to financial issues and living in Florida, But we have a vote in November. Where theres a will theres a way. Please keep posting. Im so excited about this therapy. You are our clinical trial! Thank you for sharing your experience!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Posts: 2,062

    Kudra, my son is a medical cannabis activist in Florida, and the bill that passed the legislature a couple of weeks ago for Charlotte's Web includes use by cancer patients. Even though it's for low THC, it would be someplace to start before November, and signs are good for that one as well.

    Here's the website for Florida Cannabis Action Network: They were instrumental in getting both the Charlotte's Web bill passed and the referendum signatures collected for November's vote. 

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 200

    Kudra, I'm from Florida! I have family in Orlando! LOL Where are you? I find that vote in Flordia interesting as I'm not sure what will happen with it seeing as Florida is so divided. Be cool to see!

  • Rcount79
    Rcount79 Posts: 2

    Twinkly where have you gone? its almost June... did you have your appointment / scans done? any kind of results? I have friend with breast cancer and myself with type of melanoma in my brain and I just found your link here. Shes already had a surgery and they want to put her on Tamoxifin for the next 10 years! shes still got a couple weeks before they start this would love to get an update on you before then if possible. ALL happy good thoughts  I send your way! please keep us informed.  Your guys info is so encouraging.

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 200

    I'm not sure how solid of a clinical trial I am since I am using medical marijuana and all the studies that have been done have used pure forms of the CBDs and THCs ingredients and usually injuect them in high doses either directly into the tumor or near it. So, I am sadly not able to get pure forms and I can't inject it either. But hopefully, it works.

  • Rcount79
    Rcount79 Posts: 2

    most of the things i see is actual ingestion of the cannabis extract from the plant  and not injections but I am looking into the RSO. 

  • Kudra
    Kudra Posts: 29

    Magdalene, thank you for the link! That's pretty exciting!

    Sinsin, I'm in Lake Wales ( Central fl.) and am going to Moffitt in Tampa. I'm from Ft. Lauderdale, but have been here for several years now. Where are you?