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Phoenix Tears Treatment Plan - An Experiment



  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Leggo, I am not "insinuating" anything. I was simply observing that obviously there is a lot of money to be made in the medical MJ business. I base this observation on the simple fact that ads in the NYT are extremely expensive.

    I do not think that is bad or that it in any way detracts from the potential usefulness of the stuff.

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    My apologies. I misunderstood and read too much in to it. 

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Member Posts: 200

    Leggo, what province are you in? Are on the east coast and therefore not close to Washington state (where I live)?

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Sent you a pm Sinsin.

  • kimag
    kimag Member Posts: 22

    Twinkly, just to say I keep my fingers crossed for your journey with this treatment plan. I share the same province as you, and just before my pathology report results came in my family started to plan the way to get the cannabis oil in case needed. I got a phone contact to the person staged IV who is now NED using this. I am stage 1a - nothing it seems (discovered by pure miracle) however being a lymphoma survivor I do not know what else I will need to fight with and do not know my real risk of recurrance and mets.  My ways of treatment are limited due to previous radiation and anthrycyclin use. I am struggling now with decision about Tamoxifen as doc said pros and cons equals in my case. We had discussion about prophylactic use - the person I mentioned is still on small dose to keep well. May I ask you have you noticed any effects of the cannabis on your blood pressure? I have low BP and smoked marihuana does lower it, however oil seams to have a little different effects. Thank you for this thread, for updates I wish you all the best!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Leggo, no worries.

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Member Posts: 200

    Kimag, just be aware that smoking it does have carcinogen effects so vaping it or ingesting it is best!

  • kimag
    kimag Member Posts: 22


    Sinsin, thanks - no worries I do not smoke it, I had few adventures when  I was 'young' I had at that time issues with dropping BP so when I read about cannabis treatment I started to wonder would that have same lowering effect. Having BP sometimes 90/60 or lower I cannot lower it even more :(

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Member Posts: 200

    Wow, I honestly don't know if it will or not, in lowering your BP even more. That is something to research as well as talk to your doctor about but the high Cannabinoid oil might be a safer bet to try dependent upon what causes the BP to lower in cannabis. But CBD oil doesn't have the psychoactive potential that the THC strains do.

  • Hi All,

    I have been following this thread for a while. First let me say, that I find all of you inspiring.  Second, I am writing in on behalf of my friend.  She is in her early 30's and stage 4 with metastasis to her bones.  She just finished 6 sessions of chemo (taxotere/herceptin/perjeta) and is now looking to start on cannabis oil.  I have been doing research for her over the last few months in order to give her one less thing to think about.  We live in California so that is a huge plus and she has her medical marijuana card.  We know of a couple of reputable suppliers thanks to a friend who uses cannabis oil to reduce the size of a brain tumor (though we are not totally sure if this is the right strain for her to be using).  I am familiar with the rick simpson oil to a degree and have done quite a bit of a research but it feels like there is a lot of information and yet not enough all at the same time.  So I was hoping that maybe some of you all could point me/us in the right direction about where to start/dosage/etc if possible. 

    I'll try and keep you all posted as to how this works out.  Seems like the more people sharing information the better since the government can't seem to really bring itself to allow trials/testing.  Thank you all.

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Member Posts: 200

    Positivethinking, I'm in the car but I can assist you once I get home and my kids are bathed and in bed. I have some links I can share with you. My condolences to your friend but how lucky she is to have you as her friend!

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Member Posts: 200

    Positive, here you go! My apologies for the tardiness. I spaced and forgot. LOL

    Here is a recent study done in the UK on the effects of CBDs or cannabinoids on cancer. (In this case study, leukemia.):

    Here's a great place for all alternative medicine info. and articles:

    This link would be more prevalent to you and your friend. The provider of the marijuana oils referenced in this article resides in San Fran but delivers anywhere within Cali and claims an almost 100% cure rate with her oils. Whether this or true or not, I do not know but it is worth researching and talking to her seeing as you are in the area. She isn't cheap but if it works, it's money well spent. It doesn't hurt to contact her and talk to her and hopefully talk to some of her clientele. Also, the oils aren't cheap period even for those of us buying them at dispensaries ourselves. A gram of oil for me is $75 and the Rick Simpson Oil is suppose to be up to a gram a day. That is the goal anyway, so that would be $75 a day!

  • kimag
    kimag Member Posts: 22

    Ladies, in my search for info on low BP and cannabis I have found 2 interesting links which describe contradictions (low BP 100 or below Scared)  but also tell about different absorbtion methods and its effects.It seems to be based on the same book: 

    Marijuana Medical Handbook: Practical Guide to Therapeutic Uses of Marijuana

    For example there is an advice to avoid cannabis in eatable form before one know her tolerance as the peak from ingested cannabis takes  a while and in a meantime one can ingest too much. My description is chaotic so here are the links:

    As for me it seems I have to be very careful with my BP as well as an episode on ER with heart rate over 160, cannabis can increase the heart rate 50 points more. Still I will be tracing any information about its use and hope if I need to use it I could find a way to do it under medical care somehow.

  • Sinsin, you are awesome!  Thank you so much!  I will keep you all posted as to how my friend reacts to the oil.  

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842

    It makes sense to be careful when ingesting it, as you have no way of knowing how much MMJ was used to prepare the food.  If possible, I would recommend making your own butter, brownies, etc., and keep a record of how much and what type you use and how much you ingest.

    I've never been to a dispensary, as MMJ is illegal in my state.  For those that do have access, can you get the same strain of MMJ each time so you can regulate how much and what you're taking?  A while back I did some research about the MMJ and there are quite a few different strains used and the amount of CBDs in each strain was different.




  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    I have so much to tell everyone....all good's a start....for Canadians....

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Member Posts: 200

    Bren, for my state I am able to look up the product and it's values as my dispensary lists the amounts of CBD, THC, etc. and I can also look it up online at the lab that tested it. I can usually buy the same strain but it can still vary a little from plant to plant. But yes, we can manage the amount of CBD and THC we are getting.

     Twinkly, can't wait to hear your news!!

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Member Posts: 200

    Just checking in, wondering how we CBD ladies are doing?

  • coralle
    coralle Member Posts: 1

    Hi gee whiz

    I wonder if you know the lab in Germany? Would be interesting for me as I live in Europe. 



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Hi all,  Just wanted to mention that a Medical Marijuana Law is coming up on the November ballot in Florida. If you live in FL,, or have friends or family who do,,, please encourage them to vote YES for this bill.  We need MM in FL. 

    Thank you!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Sending out some love to ((twinkly)) and all the CBD ladies!

    Here's something to make you smile.  ♥ to all

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Ice Princess - MJ

    Interesting story.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Thanks, Momine, that was interesting.  Science is amazing.  We knew our ancestors got breast cancer but now we also know they (likely) used MJ to treat it. ♥ 

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842

    Hi Momine,

    Interesting story ... thanks for posting!



  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    Hi everyone, I got the results of my latest bone scan done on Sept 29 2014. The lesion is no longer showing in the neck (T1) any more, which is interesting, because I can still 'feel' it there, although it's been getting better and better.

    The cancer in the sternum has grown one full increment.

    There is uptake showing in two lymph nodes under the sternum.

    There is no evidence of disease anywhere else.

    Now, I would like to share with you the things I believe the medical marijuana has been instrumental in healing (in me) so far:

    My liver.

    In spring of 2013, I took myself to emergency asking if they could look at my liver. It was aching all the time, and I could no longer tolerate any pressure over my liver area. They gave me CT scans with the contrast agent, and although these scans showed nothing in the liver, it did show an anomaly in my right lung. To make sure this was nothing to be concerned about, my surgical oncologist scheduled another CT in December. It was two days after that follow up CT that I was called back the very next day for a PET scan, and then subsequently received my Stage IV mets diagnosis. It was several weeks into taking the MMJ that the pain started to subside, and is now gone.

    My kidney.

    I also have had aching in my kidneys, which is now gone. believe the MMJ has helped heal my bladder/kidneys (issue unrelated to cancer), and overall, things are feeling/doing better....except the cancer in my sternum which has grown a full increment, whatever that means. And there are two lymph nodes behind the sternum showing significant uptake also.

    Stress-induced eczema.

    My entire face erupted in eczema, covering cheeks, eyelids, forehead, nose, chin, lips, behind the ears, etc. This completely healed within 2 - 3 weeks of taking Phoenix Tears.

    The lesion in the T1 isn't showing any more, and the pain in my neck is almost gone.

    My oncologist wants me to start tamoxifen now, as well as denosumab, and we meet again in six weeks, so I have an opportunity to ask any questions before I make the decision one way or the other.

    I have had many instances over the past months where I missed a dose, or there was the time I stopped taking my medicine for several days while on vacation. At these times, I can feel the pain start to take up more of my attention. And it helps so much with anxiety. I didn't think I was having any anxiety problems until I missed my dosage for several days while on vacation.

    And ideally, I always try to space my doses out throughout the there are a steady stream of cannabinoids entering my body during the day.

    Interestingly, I've not been sick since taking this medicine.

    Bottom line....I have felt healthier every day I've taken this medicine. Pain has been managed very well. Although the cancer is growing in my sternum, it is no longer showing in the T1 and my liver feels really strong and healthy.

  • kimag
    kimag Member Posts: 22

    Twinkly I was thinking about you, how are you doing and how are the tests as you mentioned you suppose to have them around this time... Thank you very much for posting your updates! And look on your MO, now she deals with naturopaths too this is obviously because of your example ! I keep my fingers crossed for you, still I have not solved the issue of this stupid blood pressure of mine... would I be safe to take it if I need it , some my searches indicates that I should not try it, not at least without medical help assistance if my BP would drop to low... that stops me from trying it more as profilactic instead of Tamoxifen which I refused

  • twinkly
    twinkly Member Posts: 104

    Hi kimag, I understand your reluctance to try the medicine if it could mess with your blood pressure.  The thing about this medicine is, is that it gently heals you - all of you.  If you began taking the medicine, you would do so at very low amounts to start with, and then you monitor the blood pressure situation.  You never know, this medicine could lower blood pressure in those who need it lowered, but it also may help raise blood pressure, depending on what's needed.  The healing is system wide.  The plant is generous beyond words.  And if you find a really good dispensary, they would help you with the blood pressure concerns, and would give you enough information to help you try the medicine without creating more of a blood pressure problem than already exists.  

  • kimag
    kimag Member Posts: 22

    Twinkly - thanks a lot, I think we are from the same province, could you tell me how one approach getting this medicine ? I understand to use dispensary  I would need prescription? would my family doc be ok or needs to be MO? I asked my MO about it since he is a lot in clinical trials for early BC about cannabis but he only mentioned its pain management effect not curing so I do not think he would give me prescription...  Is you naturopath handling this? Do you have anyone to recommend in the capital of our province? I know I am 'only' stage 1, so maybe I should just forget it and believe I am fine now.. but it is my second cancer, cancer induced by radiation for lymphoma , somehow I do not feel any more that I am done with cancer... I am 37, have 3 boys the youngest 16 months... I would love to do something to  prevent/help  the future to be healthier to help my body fight and regain its health and from your description and articles I read cannabis looks very promising, once again thanks for advice and for starting this topic

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842

    This is a link to an article about MMJ at a retirement village in southern Calif.  The article features a woman with breast cancer using the drops.


  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Hi Twinkly! I agree with your onc. No new spots IS good news. Thanks for keeping everyone in the loop and keeping the ball rolling.