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Life does not end with a stage IV diagnosis (really!)



  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2016

    That is great Shutter! Dance your heart out and I'll bet those extra pounds will melt off in no time. It feels so wonderful to do the normal things we used to do.....Nice going Shetland! Living the dream!

  • teacher911
    teacher911 Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2016

    Caryn , Congratulations on the newest addition to your family, he is precious. Love seeing his pictures.

    Congratulations to Reader and Gatorgal, I think that long term survivors help lift all our spirits.

    I am great aunt to a 3year old girl and a 10 month old girl. I love to spend time with them. They always make me feel so alive.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited May 2016

    Thank you all for the good wishes on Miles' birth. He will be two weeks old tomorrow. Here's a pic taken today after he finished nursing, It's titled "Milk Drunk"


  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071
    edited May 2016

    Oh my goodness, Caryn. That picture is priceless! He is one beautiful happy baby.


  • Wendy3
    Wendy3 Member Posts: 872
    edited May 2016

    Caryn he is so beautiful , you are a lucky thing.😊

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited May 2016

    Caryn, adorable picture! Great title .... Milk drunk! Love, Love, Love.

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2016

    Oh LOL! That is so great! Gosh he's so cute!

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited May 2016

    Milk Drunk, LOL! That is so cute!!! Thanks for sharing the baby joy with us here!

  • 3-16-2011
    3-16-2011 Member Posts: 279
    edited May 2016


    The best picture. How can he be smiling so soon. Clearly a genius as well as so handsome

    Thanks for sharing the joy


  • juli24
    juli24 Member Posts: 80
    edited May 2016

    Normal is just a setting on a washing machine. I measure daily life by how I feel mentally since that is the only thing I still seem to be able to somewhat control.......with the help of antidepressant/anxiety meds. I hurt so badly when I wake up that I want to vanish from life - not end it - just step off the planet for a break. Since that isn't a viable option I "decide" what to do next. Most days the pain doesn't subside but my decision is to get up and try moving one foot in front of the other. Some days I manage to eat a little something, dress & make it to my "chair" to read. Other days my best intentions are just that but that is ok. Acceptance is my best friend. I cherish that friendship. May each of you have an acceptable day

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited May 2016

    This is my new halo wig that this precious grandson made possible by growing his hair for me! There are no

    words to describe how much I love him!


  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2016

    Gatorgal, What a sweetheart of a young man and quite handsome as well! Very cute pic!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited May 2016

    That is amazing! Not only is it amazingly beautiful, but it is an amazing gesture of love. What a wonderful young man he is

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited May 2016
    My union.has been in contract negotiations with our school,district all this year and things haven't gone well. Today, we started work to rule. It was odd leaving exactly st 3:00 pm and not responding to parent emails or correcting papers once I got home or the myriad other things teachers do for their students.
    Am I complaining? Only a tiny bit, but mostly very grateful to be doing what every other teacher in my district is doing!
    Glad you all enjoyed Miles' photo as the milk drunk baby. He has gained over a pound since birth. My grandchildren have been the best medicine. For those who don't know, my older dd found out she was pregnant three days after my dx. That pregnancy and the thoughts of the coming baby sustained me through those early months of bc and treatment. Baby Miles is the sweet bonus and an extra dose of good medicine.
  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited May 2016


    I am sorry that you are having a difficult time. Stage IV comes in many varieties, with respect to QOL. I started this thread as a place to encourage and inspire those who are living well with stage IV as well as help the newly dx'ed know there is hope. This is not true for many and I acknowledge the pain and suffering that many endure. May things get easier for you

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,607
    edited May 2016

    GatorGal, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes over the loving gesture of your wonderful grandson and the beautiful photograph of the two of you. A picture is worth a thousand words. You are blessed.

    Caryn, I know you and your family are loving that new little boy; he is super cute. Good luck with the contract negotiations and let us know how things are working out. Those things are never easy to go through.

    Jharris, I admire your resolve to continue moving forward with life.

  • Texasrose53
    Texasrose53 Member Posts: 290
    edited May 2016

    Gatorgirl! I love the halo wig!!!! It looks amazing! And you have an Amazing grandson!!

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited May 2016

    Amazing grandson, GatorGal! And the little one photobombing you gave me a big smile too!

    Sorry about the work issues, Caryn. I hope any related stress that comes with it is balanced by what sounds like shorter hours, at least until things get resolved.

  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited May 2016

    Caryn, this is belated but I wanted to say congratulations on your gorgeous grandson, Miles. What a wonderful addition to your family! The picture of Frankie holding "her baby" is my favorite:)

    All best wishes…


  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200
    edited May 2016


    The beauty of a new born baby and the sweet contented look on his face. May God bless him always with such contentment.

    jharris, We must keep thinking positive. I find myself if I get up and have some kind of purpose for the day, everything works out better for me for the day. I understand it must be so much harder for you if you are in constant pain. Isn't there anything your doctors can do for you to eliminate the pain. Have you checked with your MO.

    My thoughts are with you and I would hope your Dr can help you.


  • Kandy
    Kandy Member Posts: 424
    edited May 2016

    Caryn, your grandson is absolutely adorable. I am so looking forward to getting mine. What a blessing he is.

  • Bliss58
    Bliss58 Member Posts: 938
    edited May 2016

    Gatorgal, love the halo wig, looks awesome, and what an awesome grandson you have. Hug him big!

    Caryn, loved that milk drunk photo of Miles; too funny.

    Best to all.

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2016

    jharris, I too am sorry to hear you are having a very hard time. As Rosieo was wondering there must be something your Onc can do to alleviate some of your pain. Keep looking around the threads here as there is so much help and advice for every concern imaginable.

    Kandy, is your grandbaby due in August? And how are you getting around these days? Hopefully well enough to go revel in your glorious yard!

    Caryn, I am an Admin Secretary in the middle of spending season and WISH I was working to rule! Hahaha! Best of luck on negotiations!

  • Kandy
    Kandy Member Posts: 424
    edited May 2016


    My grandson is due August 28, I am so excited. I am doing rather well. I only use one crutch now which is awesome. I am still trying to rebuild strength in my leg which is taking longer than I wish it would. Dr says that he is planning on dropping the other crutch in a month hopefully. Definitely plan on walking before the baby gets here. It would be difficult to carry holding onto a crutch. My DH got the pool open last weekend so the resort is about to open, lol. I am hoping swimming will help me build strength in that leg. Wishing everyone the best.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,607
    edited May 2016

    Kandy, it's so nice to read your update and here that you are healing a little at a time. So happy for you.

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited May 2016

    Kandy, can just seeing you holding that grand baby for the first time! Glad you're down to one crutch. Just think where you were just a few months ago!

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2016

    Yep, swimming should really help build up the strength for sure. I love swimming and can't wait for our clubhouse to open this summer. Although when I go there I get bombarded by little school kids! LOL!

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited May 2016 & gentle hugs to you. I know the days when you wake up & just wish you could sweep bc under the rug (or wash it away on the not-so-gentle cycle). Thinking of you, hoping there is sweet joy that helps to lessen the harsh impact of this heartless disease. happy to hear you are healing well!!! Oh, oh, oh...August you'll be rocking & cuddling non-stop...taking your grandchild on walks, pointing out birds & trees & flowers. I'm a water baby like you & Artist & you're bringing back my ancient memory of breaking my leg in a sledding accident on 12/28/64 (before most of you were born! I was 10)...and the next August, winning the county champ title in freestyle, back & breaststroke! Swim, Kandy, swim!!!

    Caryn...the milk on Mile's lips is hilarious...and the smile!!!! Retired school (grade school & high school) secretary (and sub services gal) here. It's so hard to see strife in the district...but so necessary to stand up for what's right & just. I retired just before our district teacher strike in 09...very glad to miss the hard feelings by so many. Hoping for resolution quickly! In the meantime...hope leaving on time (something that just doesn't exist in teacher land!) means more time with Miles!!!

    Gator!!!! Thank you for sharing the love!!! The joy in your gorgeous face & loving pride in his sweet face...I need another tissue. You are a blessed lady & I hope those kiddos share their amazing quests with you for decades to come!!! A priceless picture :-)

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2016

    RonnieKay, I was raised on a swim team and lived in So. Cal for years so water was definitely my friend. Then about 10 years ago I broke my ankle very badly slipping on a snow hill. So when summer came the pool was my favorite spot. Warm days and swimming, I can't wait! Caryn and Kandy, I can't wait to see more baby pictures!

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071
    edited May 2016

    Kandy, I will check into that beautiful resort of yours soon. I am still waiting for spring to arrive up here. I am so happy to hear about your progress since surgery. It is amazing how quickly you are recovering. I am sure you think it is not fast enough, but I think it is amazing that you have come so far. You must be an inspiration to your doctors. I have no doubt that you will be able to hold that grandbaby in your arms in August. Just the thought warms my heart.

    GatorGirl, the picture of you and your grandson is wonderful. I have told friends and family members about what your grandson did for you. He is such a special child.

    Enjoy your weekend.
