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TEs. A Beginner's Primer



  • shelabela
    shelabela Member Posts: 327

    i also used cocoa butter and vitamin E oil to keep skin soft to help with the stretch.

    Can't hurt to call your PS if it will help you feel better

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    nursepatient, what they said^.

  • Nursepatient35
    Nursepatient35 Member Posts: 106

    It hasn't gotten any Pinker so no infection. I did start using some stretch mark lotion. If all goes well, I'm deeming tomorrow my last fill and scheduling exchange surgery. I'm excited to have all this behind me and not have hard as rocks boobs.

  • ReadyAbout
    ReadyAbout Member Posts: 145

    I'm jumping in the TE pool with the rest of you while the lifeguard isn't looking. I'm having bmx in 3 weeks and a prepectoral reconstruction. The prepectoral was recommended because my main concern/interest was getting back to running/exercising after surgery. I don't care too much about what my foobs will look like and I'm going to downsize a bit because boobs and running aren't compatible anyway. Well, the prepectoral thing sounded fine and dandy but wow, the scuttlebutt on the TE board is getting my attention! How difficult is it to exercise with TEs? Can you run? Lift weights? Yoga? I know I asked the PS why he doesn't do direct-to-implant and I know he answered my question, but I forgot to write it down and a gazillion thoughts were swirling around my brain while he was talking. Now I know what my students are like while I'm lecturing, LOL. I would love to know anything/everything about TEs and an active lifestyle. Thanks, friends!

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Hello, ReadyAbout. 

    My implants are anatomical and under the pectoral. 

    At my very heaviest weight, I was a 38DD. 
    I lost about 40-50 pounds the year before my BMX and became a slimmer, but pendulous, 38C/36D. 
    I did downsize to 36B/C during my BMX/reconstruction. 

    It was less than 8 weeks between my BMX and exchange surgery, so I never had a chance to run or exercise during my TE time. I waited the full recovery period, about 10 weeks after exchange, before I started running again. 

    So many things will be different between our experiences, but I hope that helps. 


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    TEs are hard in order to stretch and encourage skin to grow. Once squishies are in, you should have mo problems running, but TEs just dont move much.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Bumping for New TE people

  • ljm33
    ljm33 Member Posts: 36

    Hi ladies,

    Not sure if this thread still gets a lot of traction but I read the whole thing preparing for my BMX which was a week ago today. I had grade 3 DCIS and my first lumpectomy didn't come back with clear margins. It wasn't even close so onto the mastectomy. Everything came back clear this time and I'm cancer free so I'm grateful for that. But oh these expanders...

    The right side feels fine. Pretty good actually. But the left side is so uncomfortable. I feel like there are sticks jutting out of me - right where the expander meets the skin. It's strange cuz the cancer was in my right breast and the left one is where I'm feeling the pain. I had a follow up yesterday and my PS says everything is healing great. But today the pain is worse. And yet the right side feels fine. Shefilled both sides with 100 cc during surgery last Wednesday. I was small chested (A-B cup) and thin so I don't have a lot of skin to work with.

    Sorry for the long explanation as I don't have my profile up to date yet. I'm just wondering if others experienced this. Will one side hurt more? I've always had a high tolerance for pain so I'm kinda surprised by all this. Thanks in advance for any insight.

  • Nursepatient35
    Nursepatient35 Member Posts: 106

    ljm33, glad to hear the cancer is gone. The expanders are awful. I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you different but they really are awful. I was also pretty thin build with a small chest before the mx. Honestly, the expander pain changes with each fill. Some days I could hardly stand a pain in one side. The next day, it felt like all the pressure was sitting on a rib. It's like each day brought a different ache or pain. They're still pretty new to you and it may get better as you heal more or when they fill them a little more. I remember one fill of 100 CC's that hurt so bad I could hardly move. I wanted to get the fills over with fast so I did another fill of 100 and it barely hurt. For now, try to do some gentle stretches, take Ibuprofen regularly and even a muscle relaxer like Valium if you need.

  • SZN
    SZN Member Posts: 2

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and am 5 weeks out from my bilateral mastectomy with immediate nipple sparing reconstruction. My TEs are at 260cc and I have fortunately have had a pretty easy time with minimal discomfort. I am due for another 60cc fill tomorrow.

    My question is regarding the current appearance. I was a 36C prior to my surgery and I told my PS prior to surgery that I was hoping for the same or maybe even a bit smaller and "perky" e.g. not saggy. Currently, the right boob is sagging more then it did prior to surgery and the left is notably smaller and kind of lumpy looking. Can anyone tell me if the sag and the discrepancy in size be corrected during the exchange?

    Also does running with TEs cause issues?

    Thanks for any advice you can provide!

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    Hi everyone. I have had my pre pec expanders in since feb 12th and "topped off" full since March 29th. Started chemo on 4/ 2 so i have a long time to wait. I was happy to have my fills done so i didn't have to wait to start filling after chemo.I have had no issues at all. In fact really pleased with how my clothes fit as I wait for the exchange. I guess I didn't know what to expect. I'm sure most think I'm done with surgery lol . no trouble exercising. I Walk alot. Light jog sometimes but nothing too strenuous. Lift weights also . Supportive sports bra is important. SZN, I was told some discrepancy is normal but I have very little. I assume a lot can be corrected with the exchange. You could ask at tomorrow's appt. to ease your mind.

  • ReadyAbout
    ReadyAbout Member Posts: 145

    SZN, I am eager to hear what you find out! I am a runner, 2 weeks post bmx and snb. I did a prepectoral reconstruction and have TEs in place - they feel/look gross but I'm trying to welcome them in the hopes of a peaceful coexistence until exchange. Like you, I was a 36C and want to downsize or at least bring the breasts up to their original geography. I saw the PS today to get the drains out (hallelujah and amen) and he mentioned doing a lift to get the nipple higher up and also a fat graft down the road. *SIGH* Honestly, I am not that invested in the cosmetic outcome because my main concern was getting back to running, but my husband pointed out that the PS has a vision for how he would like my foobs to look and as long as I've blown through the deductible, I might as well follow through. My PS didn't see a problem with running, but he's very laid back so I am trying to find anecdotal evidence before trying it. I've done elliptical machine, recumbent bike, and hiking - so far, so good. I do have cording on both sides (axillary web syndrome and Mondor's cords), and it is painful and will require PT, but it shouldn't affect running. Also not quite sure about bra - I bought a zip up bra from Athleta and I love it, but I have no idea how "compressive" bras need to be for running with foobs.

  • ljm33
    ljm33 Member Posts: 36

    Thanks for the advice. It feels slightly better today and quite honestly I have a different ache each day. I'm plowing through with the understanding once the expanders are out, it will feel better.

  • SZN
    SZN Member Posts: 2

    DEBAl and ReadyAbout, Thanks for the responses!

    I saw my PS today and in regards to the appearance of my foobs they said don't worry..chill! They said the TEs expand anywhere they can unlike the implants and a lot of corrective work (re-centering and adjusting for sag) happens during the exchange. I'm going to try to relax a bit and focus on getting through chemo that starts next Wednesday.

    In regards to running with TEs my PS did not prohibit it but was really hesitant to approve any bouncy, impactful sport. She is very conservative and I appreciate that as I need to focus on the long term. I told her that I don't want to go thru all this and jeopardize the outcome for a temporary endorphin fix, so I am going to lay off. I have to say, I am going crazy not exercising. I've done Ironman Tris and Ultras for the last 20 years so I am a total fitness junky and it's so hard to find a replacement for such a important component of my life. Working out on a machine, inside just doesn't cut it. :( My husband and I just cancelled a 3 week solo bike tour thru Italy. So instead of biking, gelato and pasta, I'll be having a Taxol/Herceptin intravenous cocktail.SickTired

    So, on the plus side, I'm six weeks post bmx and she just approved me to go above 120 heart rate. I'm going to continue to walk, get on my tri-bike on the trainier, weight machines for my legs, core exercises and a versaclimber (without the arm movement.) Elliptical, recumbent and hiking all seem real good alternatives. I will definitely check out Athleta for bra. Thanks for the tip.

  • domzie30218
    domzie30218 Member Posts: 47

    Hi Ladies, I'm sure this has been discussed before but can't seem to find it in the vast amount of posts here. Would love to hear from the ladies who did the TE exchange surgery prior to radiation. My PS has given me the "talk" about how radiation will basically most likely ruin my reconstruction. This is a hard pill for me to swallow because I actually enjoy them even with just the TEs and am having a really hard time with the idea of "enjoy throughout chemo before your RO ruins it with radiation". I know that capsular contraction is a big side effect and was hoping to hear positive stories to keep my hopes up. Any advice on how to prevent or minimize the damage caused by radiation to implants? Thank you so much in advance!

  • CLmommy
    CLmommy Member Posts: 5

    Hi Ladies!

    I'm sure this too has been discussed but I couldn't find anything so I'm hoping for some insight and advise... I'm 8 weeks post skin sparing prophylactic mastectomy. I'm petite and was a 32D pre surgery and want to go back to a fullnon sagging (thanks kids!) 32C. My question is this. How did you know when you were done filling and they felt "right"? The TEs are so oddly shaped and in my armpits that I can't tell how my clothes and bras fit! I'm currently at 350ccs and know I'm close to where I was but it's so hard to tell since the shape and firmness/boulder doesn't resemble what previously was there.

    Anyone have any insight? I have to get overfilled anyways so my surgeon said we have a few more (he wants 1-2 extra fills of 50 after I'm the "right" size) but it's just so hard to know and envision.

    Thanks ladies! 🙏🏻

  • ReadyAbout
    ReadyAbout Member Posts: 145

    My bmx/recon was 5/16 and I will get my first fill this Friday. I had issues with the tissue not healing on my left side so I did 10 hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments, which worked like magic! I'm currently at 120ccs and on the card the PS gave me at the hospital, it notes that final TE fill will be between 270-350 ccs. I am a teacher and will report back to school in 8 weeks. I'm just wondering if I can do the exchange before school resumes. Currently, my right foob appears to rest 1.5 inches lower than my left foob, so an exchange and lift are in order. I know the administration will be very supportive if I have to miss school for another surgery, but it's easier to be at school than write sub plans.

  • shelabela
    shelabela Member Posts: 327

    clmommy, i guess I figured I would trust my PS when I told him how big to go. Sorry not much help

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    CLmommy: I told my PS when I liked my size. PS did one more fill of 60ccs. We talked about size (smaller) and shape (teardrop) of implants. He did the rest.

    Good luck. 

  • CLmommy
    CLmommy Member Posts: 5

    Thanks ladies. Im at 400 now and feel huge, although I think it's mostly because of the width of my boobs on my frame. They've asked for one more 1/2 fill to make sure the pocket is big enough. I do trust my PS and know he does great work it's just so hard to envision! My last fill (just25 ccs) and final discussion of shape and profile will be tomorrow. Can't wait for the exchange in 4 1/2 weeks!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hello all!

    It hard to tell about the size. You will not have as much projection as before. And compared to the TEs, it will seem flat. They will however, not sag. All can be addressed at exchange.

    I wish all of you luck and fast healing.
    Much love
  • ReadyAbout
    ReadyAbout Member Posts: 145

    Anyone ever get an infection w/TEs in? I woke up last week with a fever and infection in left foob and spent a few days in hospital on IV antibiotics. I’m now on oral antibiotics, but the breast is still inflamed in some areas and it’s swollen. If it’s not resolved by Monday, PS will do surgery the next day removing the tissue expanders on both sides and replacing them with new expanders and antibiotic plates, which apparently are as uncomfortable as they sound. All that will stay in for a few weeks and then he will do the exchange surgery. The worst part is that I will have DRAINS again.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    ReadyAbout: several of us have had infections. I had an infection after exchange to implants about 10 days after surgery. PS switched from the prophylactic Keflex to a stronger antibiotic. It cleared up and I kept the implant. 

    I think SpecialK and Moonflwr have had infections and worse. They can tell you their stories. 

    Good luck and I hope your infection clears sooner than Monday. 

    Mominator / Madelyn 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Readyabout, Im sorry. Infections suck. At least your Doctor is willing to replace them right away. In a lot of cases, they wont replace them till all signs of infection is gone. Prayers things will go your way! But if it happens that you do have to have them removed, it is hateful and disappointing, but life must go on. Its not a race, so if it takes a bit more time, it will still happen. It took me more than 2 years, and 3 tries for me, but I was not a normal case. Fingers crossed for you my dear! Hugs, feel better.

  • Mom-mom
    Mom-mom Member Posts: 15

    I have an infection that started today- the day after my drain was removed. Darn drain was in for a month! Doc put me on a stronger antibiotic and if not better by Friday morning, I have to go to hospital for IV antibiotics.

    And I feel terrible. I have a fever, Foob is hot and swollen and painful (but not red) and I have a killer headache. I'm whining, I know, but I was so happy to get my post-exchange drain out yesterday (after a Month) and now I'm just so defeated and sad.

    I've had a long journey already. Mastectomy in May 2017, hysterectomy in July 2017 and chemo in Fall 2017. Exchange on June 25 and now this! Ack!


  • ReadyAbout
    ReadyAbout Member Posts: 145

    Mom-mom: I hope the antibiotics are doing their job and you’re able to avoid hospital! Is it normal to have drains with exchange surgery? I was under the impression that the exchange surgery is relatively easy, although nothing about cancer recovery is easy. I am on week 2 of antibiotics after a few days in hospital on IV antibiotics. I’ll see the doctor on Monday and hopefully he will say that the TE can stay in. If so, it will delay my exchange but at least I’ll avoid extra surgery. Also, I went ahead with a colonoscopy (Happy 50th to me!) and I now realize that being on strong antibiotics and doing the cleanse for the procedure was a bad idea. I’m having GI issues several days later. Sigh.

  • Mom-mom
    Mom-mom Member Posts: 15

    Thanks, ReadyAbout. I started IV antibiotics today, but outpatient. I go daily for 4 more days. Already feeling a bit better, although the infected implant side is still swollen and pink and painful.

    I think a drain is pretty standard after exchange surgery, but I had prior radiation on that side some years back and it’s slow to heal.

    Good luck on Monday


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Readyabout, hope your exchange was good.

    Mommom, im praying your Abx are doing the trick. But know if it needs to come out, its not the end of the world. But I hope its betrer by now.

    Much love

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    ReadyAbout and Mom-mom: hoping that your infections are much better by now.

    ReadyAbout: Between the antibiotics and the cleanse, most of the good bacteria in your digestive system has probably been wiped out. Try some yogurt and probiotics to get your digestive system back on track. 

    Best wishes, Madelyn 

  • kandyhunt
    kandyhunt Member Posts: 46

    I am about 2 months out from having my TE's. I have had 4 fills not counting the amount put in at surgery. My right side is small er than the left. The right is the non cancer side. Very strange. But I can also feel the plastic if the extender on the outside and it it feels like plastic under my skin, which it is but it is bunched up, sort of folded. Is this all normal? I have an appointment on Monday and I called ahead to make sure the doctor has an answer.