Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,599

    Curious - That's great info - thanks very much!

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947

    That's interesting. I was told no prilsec with Ibrance. It can interfer with ibrance ind increase the risk of progression. Talk to your Dr or pharmacist first.

  • Greatly blessed
    Greatly blessed Member Posts: 28

    I have scan-xiety from upcoming scans in 1 week. My husband is having scan-xiety also. I'm on my 40th cycle of Ibrance. Any advice?

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,585

    Greatly blessed, keep things simple until you get your scans. Be good to yourself, sleep in, get your hair done, treat yourself to your favorite dessert, whatever it is you find that lifts your spirits. Find some good distractions, like a day trip, going to the movies, taking some nice walks or a nice long drive. Take some deep breaths, too.

  • Greatly blessed
    Greatly blessed Member Posts: 28

    Thank you. It's hard as everyone on here knows.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947

    Greatly Blessed scans are always a bit scary. Hope you get good results. Until then Keep busy.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947

    I got my lavs back today. I have ever seen this many numbers off. CBC is about normal except the WDR was high. The metabolic panel has alway been close to normal. Today a whole bunch are off. Last month chloride was down but that was it. I had a message from my new oncologist asking when I last took Ibrance. Just not sure what to think.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    they are a bit better than my usual.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    brutersmom, those are some wonky numbers. Do you track yours? I track mine, just to keep aware of trends, etc. Have you spoken with you MO yet? Some things are more worrisome than others, but I still worry about the highs and the lows. My Ibrance dosage was reduced when my white cell and ANC were super low. They've been better since I stopped Ibrance.

    Sending you hugs,


  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947

    Sunshine99 She reviewed them and told me to start ibrance again Monday. I have had some thoughts. I tried to switch PCP because I lost faith in my current PCP after he refused to deal with my BP when I was first diagnosed. He just wanted to watch my 170/90 bp in 2023. I tried to switch PCPs last year but in my county it was almost a year wait for a new patient visit. I have blood work again in 3 weeks. The new doc is looking at changing my Ibrance schedule. I have an appointment at a clinic in the same county as the cancer clinic but not until January because I wanted a female Dr. The males can see me much sooner. My numbers are wonky but I think I will wait till the next labs in three weeks and see what happens. If it repeats the pattern I will schedule with a different Dr for PCP care. If it goes back to normal I will stay with my original plan. None were seriously high so maybe it is just from all the stress of canceling appointments and an issue that arose Thursday afternoon with my bank owned real estate business and I found myself beating my head against the wall with my own support staff being an issue. I finally went to the president of our company over every one's head to get it resolved. It is one if those situations where the president has to fix it and going through the channels would be like playing whispering down the lane. Most of those #'s can be elevated by stress. Here is hoping that is the issue.

  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Member Posts: 794
    edited June 1

    @Greatly blessed we understand ! DivineMrsM gave you good advice. I have scans on Wednesday June 5th so we are in this boat together. You've had stable disease for 40 cycles which is really great and is a good indication that your scans will be fine. However , I also get scan anxiety every time. I'm in your pocket , let us know how it goes .

    @brutersmom - sorry about your stressful week and wonky blood test results ! I agree with your assessment that they aren't too far off "normal". Your anc is honestly great but I can't remember how long you've been off ibrance or if this was after 1 week off ? My urea nitrogen is often slightly high if I have had a lot of coffee and not enough water at the time of testing (so I appear dehydrated).

    I came down with Covid last Tuesday . Maybe Monday ? Thought I was getting allergies …nope! Hit me like a ton of bricks . I'm on my off ibrance week so have literally been in bed for days. My oncologist called in paxlovid . Last night i started feeling much better. They are keeping my scan appts for Wednesday June 1 but I am to double mask (need clarification on this - double n95 or double surgical ? I don't think I can breath through my n95 if doubled ?) .

    Hope all have a good weekend!

  • Greatly blessed
    Greatly blessed Member Posts: 28

    Aprilgirl1, I hope that your scans go well also. Thank you for your encouragement.

    Covid is still a bad virus. I hope you get well soon with no lasting effects.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,030

    Aprilgirl-Sorry you have Covid. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Member Posts: 794

    Thank you ! I feel so much better today . I have literally never had so much fatigue that I had to stay in bed for 3 days. I couldn't even watch TV. I'm relieved that it seems to be passing . I do think paxlovid helped….but idk. I'm also thankful for the quick response from my oncology team .

    I appreciate all of you - it makes this surreal journey with MBC a lot less lonely .
    @Chicagoan, when are you going to London?

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,030

    I went to London in May and loved it. Glad to know you are feeling better.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 605

    Aprilgirl, so sorry to hear that you have covid! Glad that your team got you the paxlovid, I think with our systems dealing with all the meds we're on, particularly the hit that Ibrance gives to our WBC, paxlovid is a very good idea. Hope you continue to recover ❤️

  • Rosebessie
    Rosebessie Member Posts: 90

    @Greatly blessed @Greatly blessed So sorry about your scanxiety and like everyone says, it's very understandable to worry because the results determine so much . I pray all will be well and I'm sending hugs. Incidentally, your MBC journey started around the same time as mine altho our metastases were in a different locations. I was diagnosed Nov 2020 with liver mets, started on IBRANCE December 2020 and I'm still on it. It's been a roller coaster especially this year. I've picked up infections with my Absolute Neutrophils dropping to 0.5. at one point. But my scan 3 weeks ago wasn't bad. I'm on 100mg for 2/2 on IBRANCE instead of the 3/1 to see if its gentler on my body. I'm reluctant to move ftom IBRANCE while it's still working so I'm running with it for as long as possible.

    @aprilgirl1 so sorry you got Covid, and you're blessed to have an efficient Oncology team. I truly cannot say the same about mine.... I'm just stuck with them coz of limited choice. My prayers for your speedy recovery.

    @chicagoan wow!! I lived in London for 12 years and loved it. So glad you enjoyed. I love the culture, the dry British humour.…🤣

    @brutersmom i know you're a concerned about those bloodworks but thank God they're not in the extremes. I pray you get the PCP you prefer 🙏💕. Are you still doing the IBRANCE 2/2?? Big hugs girl!!

  • Greatly blessed
    Greatly blessed Member Posts: 28

    Rosebessie, thank you so much for your comments.

    I have different side effects each month on the Ibrance. Are you like that?

    I prayed for you also. Cancer is such a demon.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947

    @aprilgirl1 glad to hear you are doing better. Hope it continues.

    @chicagoan So glad you enjoyed your trip to London.

    Tomorrow I am meeting with a counselor. I wanted counseling back in the beginning and went through a program United4her but I could only find marriage counselors in our area on this program and no one accepted.my insurance.. Not that it was a bad thing but everything wound up being focused on him because of all his issues last year.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,030

    Love this picture Rosebessie! Thanks for sharing.

  • Rosebessie
    Rosebessie Member Posts: 90

    @chicagoan thank you. That Zumba is an experiment I won't be repeating at all.

    @brutersmom I'm on my second cycle of the 2/2 IBRANCE scheduling but I'm getting some worrying sensations in the breast that had the tumours. It happened the other times as well. Its feels like there's some activity happening inside the breast, and this stops immediately I start the Palbociclib. I'm considering doing 2 weeks on, 1 week off. Whats your experience been like so far?

  • Greatly blessed
    Greatly blessed Member Posts: 28

    Rosebessie, you look beautiful.

    My biggest issue this month with Ibrance was weakness.

    I hope that your week goes good and you can do something fun.

  • Rosebessie
    Rosebessie Member Posts: 90

    @Greatly blessed So sorry about the weakness from IBRANCE. For me, I've had constant fatigue most of this year buy it seems to be giving me a break right now. LOL!! That picture!! I was having fun before the knees gave way. But thanks for the kind words. Have a fun week too.

  • Greatly blessed
    Greatly blessed Member Posts: 28

    Has anyone heard about GE wall thickening? My CT showed that. Oncologist wants me to see GI doctor. I really don't want to. Any advice?

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 561

    @Rosebessie, you look like you are having so much fun. When I was working in Canberra our department banned Zumba - it made our new building shake - so many people doing the same steps at the same time. The building shook so hard you could see coffee in cups move and ripple. It was very bizarre. Even more so when some floors were evacuated and others not. So Zumba and other aerobic type exercises were banned. Given that the building was very new and during its construction had partially collapsed once - we were all just a bit worried.

  • Rosebessie
    Rosebessie Member Posts: 90

    @Greatly blessed I've never heard of GE wall thickening but curious as always, I googled it and it seems to be something you should actually get checked out. I pray all goes well 🙏

    @malleemiss251 Oh yes, I had fun at the Zumba but clearly it's just not for me 😢. OMG, that must've been a big group to rock the building 🤭🤣. I think it's best done outdoors. The venue we had was a nature park.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 605

    Those of us who've been on this thread for years now - I read on a different thread that Spookiesmom passed away. 💔 May she rest in peace.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,599

    Sfcakes - That's very sad news. Thank you for posting for the rest of us. My sincere sympathies to her friends and family.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,030

    I hadn't seen Spookiesmom around in a while. I hope she had a peaceful death. Thanks for letting us know.