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  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    SuQu31, good grief. Were the cookies decorated to look like edible little boobies, and was the punch pink? What an appalling idea for a reception - or at least what a bad location, to have it where actual BC patients were. What the hell is behind the reasoning to market breast cancer like it's some vapid sorority we're dying (or preferably not, thank you very much) to join? Is October just an extremely long, drawn-out rush week? Pledge Pink, girls!

    Pardon me while I vomit.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    During October every year, I wish it were one of those months that had 30 days instead of 31. Nope. Just one day longer but still.

  • JanetMara
    JanetMara Member Posts: 147

    SuQu31-- yeah,it makes me nauseous.

    Lita--I agree,"mamaluki"


    I had a L mastectomy 2017 and after mastectomy,biopsy results came back stage 1. 2018,there is a growing lump on my L supraclavicular area,again I had to have CHEMO,sad to say I have severe side effects,MO stopped the chemo and recommended for radiation,after I saw RAD ONCO,he recommended chemo before radiation for 2 weeks,but my platelets and rbcs started to go down as low as 23,000 and I was bleeding in my gums,my MO did not recommend for a platelet and blood transfusion,here I am now suffering with the complications of low platelets as joint pains,muscle pains,weakness,sleepless at times,weak immune system,sinus infection,dizziness,am monitoring myself for any bleeding and go to ER and MO just recommended blood tests every week and bone marrow aspiration and biopsy (am waiting for their to call if authorization is approved),how sad that this MO is not so concerned that I might bleed anytime,this is a very pathetic MO that he cares only for the big money he gets when his patients go for CHEMO,heartless person and no caring soul MO. So I made appointment with his PA who has more experience and more knowledgeable than him.


  • SuQu31
    SuQu31 Member Posts: 73

    Alice, it was bizarre, to say the least. And if I ever figured out who was hosting it or why, I can't remember it now. I can see maybe having something set up in a hallway or lobby, or somewhere else, where you try to provide information, but in the place where you have diagnostic imaging and biopsies? Really?? I'm not as bothered by the "pink movement" as many, but that was completely tone deaf. The only positive was that it gave me something to think about other than the biopsy. And my husband and I thought it was funny after the initial shock. "Do you have breast cancer? Are you worried you might? Here, have a cookie. Don't you feel better now?"

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    SuQu31, a plate of cookies on top of the mammogram machine would be nice. Inhale - squeeze - exhale - chew - repeat.

  • SuQu31
    SuQu31 Member Posts: 73

    Yes! Or, while we have your breast in a vise for the biopsy, which would you prefer while we wait for the surgeon, oatmeal raisin or chocolate chip?!?

    I will say that I found my new pink ribbon ice/gel pack quite handy to insert into my bra after the biopsy.

  • dorimak
    dorimak Member Posts: 89

    Lita, you don't have to justify yourself to anyone even if you weren't a cancer patient. Let your friend know that it's not up for discussion and otherwise don't engage. Engaging in an argument is futile and a waste of your precious energy. Do what my son does when I start nagging him. He'll tell me mom I don't want to talk about this so am hanging up now. I love you. Bye.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,599

    I also hate Pinktober because the focus is never on later stage cancer. I feel metastic cancer is largely ignored for the sake of awareness and early stage. All stages should be covered AND awareness of the fact that men get It too.

    I ignore it as much as possible.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    Well, here's a new pisser-offer that I found on FB today. First, there's nothing like insulting people into hitting "like," is there? Where's that "fuck you and the horse you rode in on" reaction button when you need it? Second, WHY? Why not ask for a donation to a reputable cancer research or patient help organization? "Ooh, look, I thought about cancer today, I'm so caring!" (in Homer Simpson's sarcastic voice). WE think about it every goddamn day, some every moment. Third, one decent thing was that it included all cancers, so I don't have bits and pieces feeling left out! Fourth, don't make it about non-patients feeling all feelzy goodzy about themselves. Why not "If you know or love someone with cancer, invite them to lunch, or take lunch to them"? Or just "Invite them to go walk in the park, or sit in the park, or go sit with them where they are." Or "If you know or love someone with cancer, call or text them telling them you care, and just ask how their day is going." But like so many things, it's about everyone except the people who actually have cancer. Fifth, does anyone else feel awkward as hell when they see things like this posted on FB, especially if you're pretty sure it's not you they're thinking about? Like, if I click "like" (NOT gonna happen), will the poster be embarrassed when they remember I have or had cancer, too?

    Random musings of a perpetually pissed person.


  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    AliceB, I hate those emotional manipulation Facebook post too. I never and I mean NEVER like or share. It's the social media equivalent of someone whining, if you loved me you would. Well I don't love you so eff off. Also, as if posting or reposting ever cured cancer. It's the ultimate form of self loving wanking off - oooh, look I said I hate cancer and because of that thousands of others will also hate cancer and all this global hate will stop cancer in its tracks and save the world and the baby whales too. Uh huh. Whatever.

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Why just bc has a prevention month? Why not rectal cancer month? Or prostatic cancer month? It would be funny! New colours of laces, different kind of cookies... There are not enough months? There are not enough colours? It's about the cookies?

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    Alice, I have an ex-brother-in-law (yeah, he is a FB friend) who posts that exact thing all the time. I don't like or share it but I don't like or share anything. (Too many people like EVERYTHING on FB so it means nothing.) I do give him a pass because he had cancer, not once but twice. And he "waves" at me all the time. Sometimes I think he may be just trying to support me. I can't be mad at that.

    runor, you do Facebook? That amazes me.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    Runor, exactly! I always think of the British comedy series Red Dwarf, when they were facing a deadly enemy, one of the characters said "First we'll plan a leaflet campaign, and if that doesn't work, we'll do TEE SHIRTS!"

    Yndorian, other cancers and diseases do have different months, and ribbons. It's almost funny, because of course there are more than 12 types of cancer, or diseases. Here's a mind-boggling list of the confusion of colors and months just for cancer. I guess we're all supposed to carry a chart.

    Jaycee49, I guess if it's a person who had cancer, it's okay. I just would feel like an absolute derp if I posted the equivalent of "Let's hear it for cancer!"

  • marijen
    marijen Member Posts: 2,181

    That’s ridiculous. Who can remember all that? Silly. Appendix cancer? I wish I didn’t know this

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    I didn'tdea. What a stupidity

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    I had not idea. What a stupidity

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Jaycee, I'm just so damn amazing.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    I am so sick of people telling others to go with the most aggressive treatment so you can live with yourself if it comes back. Give me a break.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338


    ...and this pin is just a partial list.

  • pingpong1953
    pingpong1953 Member Posts: 277

    Not only do we have to remember all of the different cancers, we have to be able to distinguish between violet and lavender. Add all of the other diseases that have their ribbons, we'll need to start referring by Pantone colour numbers. Too much marketing and not enough serious discussion.

  • movingsoccermom
    movingsoccermom Member Posts: 164

    My latest I cannot believe moment. I have been trying to get back to see my kids (CA) since before Mother's Day. I was supposed to celebrate with them, but then something came up on the mammogram and I have been hitched to the crazy train since. Called the airline yesterday to rebook (for the second time) my ticket and started out stating what the oncologist told me (18months). Guess what the agent said!!!!! I UNDERSTAND!!!!!!! If I had not been coughing (post EBUS) I would have been laughing hysterically. I understand. I really doubt it. Cancer is not a new disease. You would think by now people would have learned to engage their brains, but nope.

  • Artista964
    Artista964 Member Posts: 376

    I agree all cancer matters but I think the reason for the colored ribbens is for personal reasons. A loved one dies and the person may like to wear or display the color representing the cancer. I like the choice. I could see using the color of the cancer with white flowers at a funeral. I used a blue ribbon with white flowers for my uncle's funeral. Blue is colon cancer.


  • Artista964
    Artista964 Member Posts: 376

    maybe the agent said I understand as in for the need to rebook and not that she understands cancer? Unless it's clear, i give the benefit of doubt. Most people aren't trying to be mean or stupid. I'm glad you didn't laugh..

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,599

    I don't have a problem with the ribbons. I agree all cancers matter too. If a person only posts to Facebook if in a position to support a person, the gesture is empty and designed to make a person look better. Facebook posts are great but also support us as well.

  • Artista964
    Artista964 Member Posts: 376

    I think if someone has never had cancer or been close to someone who has, they may not realize stage 0 to 3 vs 4. I know I didn't and I used to say some things that may have angered the person but certainly not intentional. Some people may dig to learn more, some not. That's why I don't get upset if someone says something stupid unless I know it's ill willed. If it really bothered me I would educate in a nice way. I go the innocent unless proven guilty route.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548

    In the past week I have spoken with two cancer survivors that even after I explained I had MBC still asked how long I would need to have chemo. It amazes me how little people understand about the “always” part of this diagnosis. I suppose when a person is diagnosed with cancer they pay attention only to the parts/information pertaining to them. I do not care for the “relentless” commercials on TV, but it does kind of address the fact that MBC is a forever diagnosis. Talking with the chemo nurse today we discussed how getting to a maintenance program with chemo makes this a real win for the drug companies. There may be a push for a cure, but the bigger push is to find a maintenance drug. That’s where the cash flow is. Think diabetes. You never hear about a cure, just about insulin and maintenanc.

  • Artista964
    Artista964 Member Posts: 376

    I think you're right. I just dug around with stage 3. I just happened to be interested after my own tx plan was in place about stage 4. I didn't know the details of mbc. And even now I know the basics. Unless you live it, it'd be hard pressed to know details.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    I don't use METASTATIC anymore. People just don't know what it means, and I'm no longer going to spend 5+ mins. defining it for them anymore.

    Now I use TERMINAL cancer, and I tell them I literally have MONTHS to live. They all get that. Because I have brain mets that could hemorrhage and liver mets where my liver could become encapsulated any day, I'm not lying. Palliative Dr says I could go in six weeks, six months, sixteen months.....or six minutes, if I start bleeding, so It's not a lie.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548

    I hear you Lita57. It does take a while to explain what Metastatic means. I personally (and naively) do not like the word “terminal”, but can see how it would work. I have had to convince my MO that I do not see myself as terminal and want a treatment plan that includes the possibility of a long stretch of NED, maybe even a cure! I am sorry your prognosis is so bleak. (( )) to you and know I too stare into that abyss, maybe not as closely as you, but it is there all the same.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Hi everyone...ok here I go. Maybe I have some extra anger to get rid of today but I'm so tired of people in this community not respecting the wishes of others. I will never understand why anyone would be angry about what treatments people do or don't do. Isn't it a personal choice? It reminds of people who drink that are intimidated by people who don't. Why do you care? I'm not offended that you do and I just want that in return. Why do people go on forums like the alternative one or threads that are titled refusing ani hormone therapy and use scare tactics? I would never question their choices, why question mine? IMO we should all just be respectful. It also angers me when they assume we haven't done our research or we are just uneducated. Nobody knows my personal journey, unless they ask and people who do that don't ever ask!