ctmbsikia said: "LW422, are you willing to state your reason? Or data you have that pertains to such a decision?"
Actually, no. I don't like to get into arguments on forums that are clearly not the focus of that forum. Lets just say that I am a firm believer in "my body, my choice," same as with abortions.
Right now I'm in the midst of horrific chemo and I'm not in the mood for arguing.
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this all started because someone is unable to see relatives due to vaccination status.
I don't really care what reason people have for not getting vaccinated or if it's legit or not.I just think the other people around them have their autonomy to consider too & I think fine - if someone doesn't want the vax for whatever reason, then they can't get their knickers in a knot for being excluded from certain activities - like family reunions, weddings etc. Being double vax'd is just part of the price of admission to see me. People don't want to pay - well too bad.
It's hard when it's another relative essentially holding an elder hostage in their house by refusing to get vax'd. Families are just hard, aren't they.
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LW422 thank you. I simply wish to gain a better understanding. A discussion. In no way did I find my posts today as arguing. I’m sorry if you did and thatyou are having a rough go of chemo. Hang in there. Thanks for your reply.
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ctmbsikia-- thanks, you are very kind. Sorry if it seemed that I meant YOU were arguing; I didn't phrase that very well.
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Hi all
Did not mean to change the topic but I’m mad today
Need to get some stuff out of my chest
I do not need rudeness but like to be treated with kindness from the professionals
Today went hit 4 th radiation and they put me on different machine started all over again with X-rays
It was suppose to be 10 to 15 minutes took them 40 minutes I have rotator cuff issues in my shoulder and one had to keep the arm in a special position and the other techs know that I can not keep my arm up too long.
I already went through this 30minute session on my first treatment in a different room 4 days ago ,
When I asked why they had to do this again( I was told only the first visit of treatment they take extra time to position me correctly not including mapping visit)
The tech was mean. She said “ well do you want treatment or not?” In a angry tone Never really explained why she was taking so long.
The hell I have cancer obviously I want the treatment
I feel like she did not care about her patients. Why would professional go in to field that they do not know how to care. I’m scared. I do not want to be over or under treated with radiation. So I did not complain.
Sorry folks. May be wasting your time but feel better from ranting,
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warrior - That's crappy! I don't know why had to do all of that all over again. I went to two different machines. They made a mold of the position that I had to be in and I had to lay on my mold all the time. Hopefully, you won't have to do all of that again.
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Warrior73...You are absolutely not wasting our time! We are here to support each other. The way you were treated was awful! Please consider filing a complaint. She was mean and unprofessional and should be called out on her nasty behavior. You could always talk to your RO about it if you aren't comfortable calling the center and talking to the practice manager. I am very sorry you were treated so poorly. You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect at all times. I dare say that witch wouldn't appreciate someone treating her or her loved ones with such anger and disrespect.
Sending you a lot of gentle hugs. Vent away anytime...that is what this part of the internet is for.
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Seems to me each of the 2 times I did rads there was Xray once in a while. Been a while, 3 and 9 years. Did have a mold last time, hated it. That’s what gave me rotator cuff issues now. Agree you should file a complaint on that tech. That’s uncalled for.
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Definitely uncalled for.. Doctor needs to be made aware and office manager what is going on. I am sure they would not approve of patients being treated that way.
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Warrior73, that's awful. If the techs are doing anything differently, they should explain what and why. I had great techs, but the RO was a POS - if I asked questions, he acted like I'd attacked him personally. His nurse wasn't much better. They had to change my original plan due to micromets, but neither of them wanted to explain that until I pressed them. Turds. I think radiology sometimes has such tight scheduling that they think more of the clock than the patient. I hope it's much better for you from here on out.
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warrior. Radiation treatment was brutal for me and the exact reason I joined this forum. I had to be re mapped from the breath hold method to prone. I knew the day I met my RO there was a logistical issue as the hospital has one machine for treating many patients of all sorts of cancer. Almost to the point I felt the techs were being overworked. Lots of screw ups with appointment times and lots of waiting. One time the the tech put the plate on the wrong side of the table. I could go on but in the end I feel I was not treated great but it got done. They were as professional as they could be under immense pressure. Radiation sucked for me most of time I was there. Hope you get thru ok. Vent anytime.
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Warrior73: Sorry you had such a negative experience today and hope it is the last time. I do not know the length of the treatment but I had 33 and there were several changes in approach with repositioning, additional CT scans and some problems with the machines. Once there were 3 of us scheduled for the same slot and only one machine. I was the first there but the last in (also had the shorter treatment of the 3 timewise) and I was miffed because I had to return to work. Seems these facilities are overbooked, overutilized and I once told them I felt like a slab of meat. It got their attention and they were a tad kinder.
This is the part of my treatment plan I hated because there were no explanations given for changes, the nurse was rude and had to be kowtowed to, and if you complained to the RO it was passed off as a fluke instead of what almost became a norm. I am so glad my treatment is over and if I had to do it again, it would not be at that facility.
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Warrior, I'm so sorry you had that experience with the tech. I can't imagine going through that experience and hope you report this person even if you are hesitant as it could mean that you could spare another breast cancer patient from having to have your experience with a tech.
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I wonder if when the measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, polio, meningitis, small pox vaccines etc were developed if there was this much controversy? Growing up me and my siblings had some of the above and so did my kids (chicken pox). My daughter at age 3 had meningitis and almost died (16 days in hospital) and luckily only lost hearing in her right ear. They said she if she lived she probably would be mentally retarded. Not PC in this day and age but this was in 1982. When she got out of the ICU after 5 days there was still a boy in there with the same ds not expected to make it. I don't know what happened to him. So.... my thought is.. mRNA is not new per se (say?) There are always new treatments coming out ....does that mean we should not embrace them? There is always a risk but that's how we learn. We ladies with BC are taking a risk with our treatments and are hoping for the best. If someone before us rejected a new tx because of the risk we may not be writing to one another today.
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And that is my fing rant.
Warrior73; I'm sorry you had a shitty experience. I do believe alot of times people are not scheduled properly ( as I find in my work) and it's rush, rush, rush. Hear the sound of money.
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KIDI919, I was born in 1950. Even in our small town, there was a girl a year younger than me who got polio. She wore braces for years, then had a series of surgeries that enabled her to walk without them, but with a very pronounced limp and different sized legs. There were also kids who had milder cases but had to be watched for scary symptoms for a while. All the adults I can remember were thrilled when the vaccine came out. I had chicken pox and both kinds of measles, one which messed up my eyesight because my Mom thought letting me read all day would keep me quiet while I was home. There was a tuberculosis sanitarium less than a mile from my house, and all the kids were terrified of it. My son didn't have to go through any of that, thanks to vaccines. I hope my generation is the last one that has to worry about getting shingles. It boggles my mind how anyone thinks exposing their loved ones, much less themselves, to a preventable disease is acceptable.
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Warrior73 - that comment from the nurse was completely unacceptable, and I'm so sorry you were treated that way. I would definitely make a complaint - it sounds like she was frustrated, herself, but it's inexcusable for her to take it out on you.
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Alice - I had to smile a bit when I read about reading when you had measles, when my sister and I had measles my mom kept us in a dark room or we would go blind. (it wasn't real dark-just dim) I don't know where the idea came from, but my mom and grandmother really believed this.
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mistyeyes - I was just curious, so it probably started from real world experience
WHO International says about 100,000 children go blind from measles every year. Who knew? (No pun intended)
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SeeQ, that was brilliant! I always refer to the organization at “The Who” and not The W-H-O.
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My sister and I had measles in our eyes when we were kids. It was horrible. Not only painful, but it caused extreme light sensitivity. We had to wear dark sunglasses everywhere for months. I still remember watching our old black and white television from twenty feet away with them on. Couldn't see a damn thing.
My mom was terrified that one of us would lose our vision. One of the few times I ever saw her truly afraid.
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SeeQ - Very interesting info you found from WHO. I guess my mom and grandmother knew what they were talking about....sometimes.
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Warrior - I am sorry that you were badly/rudely treated. The tech should have explained why images were needed, probably each machine has to be calibrated. Even if the tech was having a bad day, she could have given you an explanation. You should talk to a nurse navigator about this. My R-arm was so swollen with lymphedema, it had to be supported for the beam to get the R-axilla. Even then it was very uncomfortable, and I dreaded the days imagaing made the treatment longer. The techs were very patient and explained that calibrating was important since I, the tumor etc is not in the exact same position each time. I hope future treatments go better for you and that your questions are answered rather than snapped at. Hugs
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I finally had the follow up appointment for my pelvic scan. Only to hear what I expected all along: a referral to a gynecologist and a blood test to check for anemia... So the waiting continues. What gives me heart is that my MO doesn"t think I would need a hysterectomy. I'm hanging in on his every word for what it's worth. Oh, and a SUPERB piece of news... my mammo is a BIRADS 2!
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Doing the happy dance for yuo Rain, aside from teh waiting part. Well, not really a dance, too damn hot for that. Just waving hello as I stick the garden hose in my pants.
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Funny runor. Hope you get a break from the heat soon!!
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Ha ha ha, Runor!
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Rant with swearing, lots of it. Cause it's hot and I am not able to be reasonable.
People who work in offices but who should really be mindlessly working in a barn shoveling shit behind animals, piss me off. If you don't have any public relations skills, get the FUCK out of the office, you useless piece of crap, and go work in a factory stuffing biscuits in boxes. For fuck sake!
I went to...wait for it....the local chapter of the Cancer Society with an idea for a fundraiser. It took A LOT of organizing and juggling of different players to pull this off. Months of it. My donation of time and materials to this effort was considerable. The CS was initially very enthusiastic. Oh yeah, great plan, this is novel and unique, we can do this through our platform, blah, blah, blah. I look into the required licensing to do such a thing legally in our province and the gaming commission sent me a 'helpful' document that was 83 pages long. EIGHTY THREE PAGES! And then, without warning, without so much as a hint that they had changed their mind, I quit hearing from the society. No answer to several emails. No return calls. Did they change their mind? Did they decide it wasn't their thing or that it would not raise sufficient funds? I have no idea because no one would tell me a thing. Well, cancer society, fuck you. You have shit quality people working in your offices if this kind of asshole conduct is acceptable FOR ANY REASON! I am not mad that they may have changed their mind, fair enough, but that no one had the professional courtesy to even let me know? "Dear Runor, you are obviously a crack pot and while we were initially entranced by your winning personality we have since decided you might be a psychopath so...we're going in a different direction and will not be pursuing your brand of woowoo at this time. Thank you for bringing your not-quite-sane fund raising idea to the cancer society." That would have been so hard? Apparently it was. Apparently being civil and concise and humane is NOT part of anyone's job description.
I raised my kid to NEVER walk away from someone talking to her. Never to just get so uninterested that without a word of warning you walk off. NOT COOL. Well cancer society, NOT COOL.
This fundraiser IS going on, on a much smaller scale, with a much smaller earning capacity for a different but still worthy cause. I have put too much into this to let it flop. I realize that I am prone to rash ideas. They rise to the surface and then many sink out of sight. I have learned to give my ideas time and they usually go away. This idea didn't. So it needed attending. There was a good chance it would not work out, a good chance that all the parts I needed to get together would flop. I took that chance and went ahead knowing that it might all fall apart. It didn't. It's happening. It has taken months. You missed out cancer society. You suck. Rant over.
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Yay!! to runor for perseverance! And Yay!! to Mike and Avery of Rust Bros. (check out Netflix) for participating in your fund raiser!
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Beesie, you gave me the big, goofy smile on my face. Yes, yay to them. They didn't have to play along but they did. Bless their busy, greasy, red-neck hearts. I get my caps back Monday. I bet many people viewing this post have no idea who those two are. That's okay. I just needed to blow off steam.
Note: in the photo those two gentlemen are wearing welding caps, not baseball caps. Welding caps are typically worn with the brim at the back to protect the welder from having hot sparks roll down his collar into his shirt. They are made of coton and built differently than ball caps. These welding caps are being auctioned off locally in a fundraiser for our small local hospital. I get one of these caps and am offering a chance to win it and will be picking a winner from the mail-in entries that people send me. All for donations to the local hospital which is trying to raise funds for a CT and mammogram machine. When I had breast cancer I had to drive to another town, have the wire guide stuck in my boob, get back in the truck, put on a seat-belt with this big wire thing taped to my armpit/boob, and drive an hour to another hospital to have the surgery. I REALLY would have liked to have all those services in one place. But the hospital doing the surgery did not have a mamm unit. So...add 2 hours of driving and stress and a wire in the boob while doing so. Oh...I made those caps. I make welding caps. I am donating them to the hospital foundation for their fundraiser auction. ONE will be 'raffled' off through my business FB page. I have purposely NOT included the information here because I think it's against the rules. Not that I'm selling anything although the purpose is to raise money. Donations . I wanted to raise money for a cause ...and was thwarted by a crappy office person. Well, it happened anyway. Anyone interested can pm me for details. If you or someone you know is a fan of Rust Bros, you can enter your name in the draw to win a signed cap.0