
  • edj3
    edj3 Posts: 1,579

    Yeah Beese, I'm sorry you're in that limbo land. Hope you get good news fast.

  • Follow-up CT scan is not for another month so I sit in limbo land for a while longer....

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    My husband is immune suppressed and on meds to keep him that way. There can be break through infections even if vaccinated. Still a risk for him. I do not drive. Dad is so old do not want him to drive here and our altitude is hard on him to breathe. Last time he was here we were in the ER with him because his heart could handle it and they told him to go back to Florida to sea level (we are a mile high). Brother where dad lives with him right now even works in a medical office and did not get it. Told brother he is not welcome to come here and infect our mother who isolates in her own apartment or comes here where do going out in our yard. Would love to see my dad but can't convince him we are not willing to risk dying to do it either. Do not understand the push back on getting it from some people still. It is so annoying.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    Does anyone know if you can do bloodwork after having an MRI w/contrast.? They couldn't tell me when I scheduled MRI, so I will just do labs another day but it would be nice to just go once. Oh well.

    Hanging in limbo land with you, Beesie

    Bc-I hear you. You and your hubs are fine staying put but I'm sure you do miss your Dad.

  • rain88
    rain88 Posts: 162

    Beesie, all this waiting is truly awful! I am also waiting to hear back from my last mammo and to talk to my MO about next steps after an abnormal pelvic scan. Right beside you in limbo...

  • nopink2019
    nopink2019 Posts: 384

    ctmbsikia - I have to have labs o check creatine level before contrast is administered, so they do the full panel for MO @same time. I just go 1 hour early before CT and get it all done in 1 trip (and stick).

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    Thanks nopink. I was just a little unusually stupid this morning while I thought I was being proactive. First phone call was to sch. the MRI which is at one place, which went fine. Looked up the website for lab options. Penn has made changes recently where certain lab locations require an appointment during certain hours, and then walk ins 2-5pm. Another location nearby says they are only servicing oncology and transplant patients. So, while I made the MRI @ 8:30am their lab opens @ 9:30 I could go after. Then I hung up and thought, duh what about that contrast? Does it matter? I called back to asked, they didn't know, so I cancelled the lab appt. Called the other location to ask if I brought in orders for blood from both the MO another from my primary doc, would they honor the one from my primary? She said of course. Whew. I can walk in there early in the am before work any weekday. Only took 4 phone calls. Think I'm all set now. <shakes head>

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Posts: 3,063

    Bcincolorado, you are making wise choices. It is a pity that your brother's obstinacy prevents you and your dad from visiting. Want me to go slap some sense into him?

    Beesie and Rain, ugh, sorry for the waiting.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    Would not want you to risk your own health to do it. I've already yelled at him and whopped him from a distance! Can you tell I'm the oldest and more responsible and he is the baby????

  • LOL baby of the fam always gets away with shit... esp a boy. I can not understand why people will not vaccinate. Do they think the whole world is making this pandemic up?

  • goldcity
    goldcity Posts: 54

    I have to chuckle over this whole vaccine thing. There’s more than one point of view, and they’re all valid. People are allowed to feel how they feel no matter how stupid someone else might feel they are. My brother (younger) and his wife and one of my three sons and his wife have vaccinated. They are not going to have their 15 year old son vaccinated. All of them have come to visit me and hubby and my other 2 sons, who are not yet vaccinated. My one son and his family coming across the country to do so. Each of us has a different reason for not getting vaccinated. And it’s not politics, as we’re all on the same page there. And that is my rant for today.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Posts: 1,970

    Goldcity, if you and your family members have a valid medical reason for not getting the vaccine, that's fine. But any other "reason" is irresponsible CRAP. I'm sick of making nice to people who say "more than one point of view, and they're all valid."

    If the moderators decide to take this post down, they might as well cancel my account while they're at it.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Posts: 698

    With you 100 percent, Alice. There is no "both sides" when it comes to stopping a global Pandemic. There's a right side and a wrong side. Period. End of story.

  • goldcity
    goldcity Posts: 54

    wow, wish I could say I was surprised. I guess you’re the one who decides who is allowed to believe what in this country and what is valid thinking or not. And what is a vali medical reason or not. Now I know finally know who is in charge. I was wondering. I read it here on the internet so I know it’s true.

  • goldcity
    goldcity Posts: 54

    And you’re entitled to your rant too

  • m_and_g
    m_and_g Posts: 14


    Agree with you a 100 percent. After watching my husband suffer with unbelievable side effects from his second Moderna Vaccination, I will pass. Have enough worries with BC.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178

    ignore the troll.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    My reason for vaccinating was data and benefit vs. risk. I can handle a few days of not feeling well over possibly contracting covid and getting sick enough to be placed on a vent. I am a former smoker. Lots of folks out there that survived and are now facing permanent lung and/or heart damage. A shot in the arm gives you 100% efficacy of this not happening. So, yeah it is hard for me to understand why some choose not to get this vaccine. Especially when their only argument is their personal freedom of choice and no other supporting rational reason to back it up. I'd like to understand, but I don't. Wish you non-vaxers the best of luck with this virus.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    Rats! I missed an unfiltered post from Alice. I'm certain she hasn't claimed to be the decider of any sort.

    Epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists have determined that the vaccines prevent the worst effects of the virus especially death. Some people can't get the vaccine for medical reasons which isn't unexpected (should be discussed with doctors). For the rest of us, the possible side effects of the vaccine are nowhere near as severe as getting the disease itself. The delta variant is more transmissible with more serious symptoms.

    My husband and adult kids were vaccinated and had no side effects to write home about. I have suffered a serious rash after my first Moderna shot, but I'm itching to get the second. When I got my shot, I already had a rash and was in the middle of my Ibrance cycle (that affects my blood counts). The vaccine just made the rash worse and Ibrance kept it from healing. The way my immune system has reacted makes me think I would not have a mild experience if I caught the virus. When I'm cleared to get the second dose, I may need to take a low-dose steroid like I did when I had chemo. I really want to be protected from the delta variant. Then I can just worry about BC.


  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Goldcity: "I have to chuckle over this whole vaccine thing". Really? I fail to find any humor in the Pandemic and the over 600,000 preventable deaths. My DB contracted Covid before the vaccines were available and in spite of taking precautions. However, he was exposed most likely by the anti-maskers. He is still in recovery after spending 2 months sleeping upright in a chair so he could breathe and developing a blood clot in his leg. He is on anticoagulants which means his Psoriatic arthritis is running rampant because the drugs for this are contraindicated if you are on anticoagulants. IMHO a few days of discomfort from the vaccine is far less than that one would experience being on a ventilator. So I wish the antivaxers luck but really hate that they have no concerns about exposing innocent others and the medical personnel to their ignorant decision.

  • goldcity
    goldcity Posts: 54

    You guys sure do know a lot about me and my beliefs and the way I live my life. I’m impressed at all the facts you know, especially the part about being 100 percent protected. Do you even read any of the articles here? What about all the variants and mutations? Were any of you by chance cheerleaders in high school? In your world, there doesn’t seem to be room for for anyone to have doubts, or questions, or maybe even just fear. Not everyone looks at the world the same way you do. You’re right, I shouldn’t have chuckled. poor choice of words and I apologize for that. COVID is indeed a very serious thing. I was amused at how adamant you are that you are absolutely right, and I am absolutely wrong. I’m just sad at the incredible intolerance I see here. No room for any thoughts but your own. I too weighed the pros and cons. What I knew and what I didn’t know, and made a choice. You don’t have to justify your choices to me, I don’t have to justify my choices to you. I certainly haven’t vilified you. And that is my rant for today

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    I do not have bad feelings for someone who cannot get it for one reason or another. I can only adjust my own behavior accordingly. Knowing I am living with something that limits my life span a LOT and is terminal right now and there and doctors said for us to "travel" and enjoy ourselves while I still move and do that................then COVID hit........................................................ we vacation by watching Create on PBS now and dream of places I know I will never get to live to see at this point. Covid is awful. Still hoping it is does not bite me on the other other side in my "spot they are watching" right now after last mamo on my on- cancer side. Trying to keep my head up and not get down.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    Betrayal - I'm sorry that your husband is still suffering the effects of COVID. Hope he recovers fully and soon.

    Goldcity - I should clarify that no vaccine is 100% effective in preventing disease, but the COVID-19 vaccines are extremely effective. They are less effective against the Delta variant so getting fully vaccinated is even more important. Countries are experiencing new outbreaks. Before the Delta variant I considered stopping at one vaccine dose, but given the new information, I want the second dose. It's more infectious, so I'm likely to get exposed no matter how much I try to avoid it. The vaccine will reduce my risk of getting extremely sick. Plus, I would like to travel again. Being fully vaccinated is a requirement.

    I was never a cheerleader. I've been a nerd since the label was an insult.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    100% protected from serious illness and death. OK? I can still get sick from people unvaccinated and children that are not qualified yet. Twist my words into your world meaning, fine.

    Of course you don't have to state your reasons, so why do expect one to understand and respect your decision? Where did I say I was right and you were wrong? Oh right, I didn't. Neither did Alice by the way. Now I see there is no use trying to have this discussion for a better understanding. This is why folks get a little fired up over it. Talk about intolerance.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419

    Goldcity--I agree with you 100%, but we are swimming against the current.

  • smc123
    smc123 Posts: 38

    I am vaccinated but let’s not forget the vaccine is not FDA approved. A friend’s ex-husband works for a major pharmaceutical company and told her DO NOT get their 12 year old son vaccinated. That certainly gives me pause to question whether young children should be vaccinated.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    LW422, are you willing to state your reason? Or data you have that pertains to such a decision? Even if the answer is just fear, I could understand that. What I don't understand is someone like Goldcity not providing a concise point of view in a reasonable manner by calling the rest of us cheerleaders.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,424

    I am vaccinated and I firmly believe that as members of our communities and society in general, I need to do what I can to foster the health of my community and move us toward herd immunity. Of course I understand that there will be people who have legitimate medical reasons andcannot be vaccinated. My being vaccinated helps them too. In CA, children who have not received their immunizations cannot attend school. We no longer have an exemption for medical or religious beliefs. I don't know if this will eventually apply to the COVID19 vaccine but if it does, families will have to make decisions about homeschooling. Private businesses can also restrict customers based on vaccine status, so again if you choose not to vaccinate there may be places or events that are not open to you. Again, for me the bottom line is about protecting my neighbors and community as well as myself, of course.

    While true that the current vaccines are being used under emergency use authorization, none of the technologies are new, particularly mRNA which some have concerns over.

    smc123, that is an interesting anecdote but as yet, it doesn't give me pause to question giving vaccines to adolescents. What is the reason your fiends ex-husband thinks this is not a good idea? What data does he have to support his recommendation? I'd be interested in hearing data driven specifics.

    Nothing in life is guaranteed. If you're looking for a guarantee that this or any other vaccine will never have negative effects on anyone, I'm afraid no one will ever be able to make such a guarantee. I take a much greater risk with my life (statistically) every time I drive somewhere in my car than I did when getting the COVID vaccine, again going by currently existing stats. My bottom line is not just about protecting myself but protecting the others as well

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    I'll just leave this here in case it helps with the greater good. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Posts: 530

    ctmbsikia...Thank you for the link. I have never heard of that website but have now subscribed to it, there are so many wonderful articles on it! I am going to spend a lot of time looking through the entire site. My family is fully vaccinated and I am relieved we are and incredibly grateful for the scientists that were able to get us this vaccine and get it so quickly to us. To those still suffering---I am so sorry and I do hope that they recover soon.