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  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    How sweet!!!

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    Lucky, lucky you!. I hope you enjoyed visiting with that little one, ctmbsikia. My baby, my only grandson, is 6'4" and just joined the Marines.

    I miss the sweet smell of baby neck and those soft pinchy bits on their chubby little thighs. That, and fat little buddha bellies. Sigh.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    @ctmbsikia - enjoy every moment with your sweetie. I just love cuddling the little ones. 💗

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    as always I’m not angry but tired.

    Today is My Dads birthday. He died in Sept 2012. I drove around on the day he died before going to my Mom, until I knew the body removal service had been so I could remember him as he was the last time I saw him. My mom is moving to New Brunswick on Sunday to live on the same farm with my youngest brother. This is a good thing. I am happy for her. I will miss her but she will be happy and we will visit, just less often, hell with the COVID I may see her more. We had a really nice day today with her.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    ctm, beautiful picture! I love the view out of your kitchen window. The green soothes my soul.

    Molliefish, I wish a peaceful day for you. My mom died on her 85th birthday - it will be four years this December. I'm glad you get to see your mom and that you'll be able to see her, even occasionally, after she moves. My dad lives about 8 hours away from us, but a least we can drive to see him.

    I've been in such a funk lately. I should just stop reading the news. It's just too much - too much anger, too much sadness, too much selfishness.

    I'm glad we have this place where we can come and share...

    Happy Thursday, everyone.

  • My sister is a huge orange man supporter but oddly enough got a vaccine rather quickly. (we both work in a dental office so maybe she felt pressured by her peers). We were together the other night and she said " I hate Dr. Fauci". I think the good Dr. probably knows more about infectious ds than most/all of the crazies running around. As far as vaccines go....well a lot of people are alive today because of them. I'm 63 and can remember getting vaccinated against polio etc.

  • flashlight
    flashlight Member Posts: 311

    I agree with your sister! Dr. Fauci at one time was thought to be a great immunologist/allergy scientist and has made many contributions in his younger years. Most of his current journal of infectious diseases articles are co-authored. Why not he is 80 years old! He is currently the chief medical advisor to the president. His main position is to push the vaccine as a politician who happens to be a scientist. I have received the vaccine, as most of my family has. I do believe everyone should talk to their doctors about it and then make a decision. Hopefully to accept it. What worries me is the southern border and the diseases coming in, including Covid. TB to name one. No one seems to care in Washington DC.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    Oh, bullpucky flashlight. Efforts to discredit Fauci have been completely political. He, himself, is not political. Never has been. Never will be. He only cares about the science. And, contrary to the propaganda of one of our political parties, science is not political either. It is, however, ever changing, based on new information. Hence the value of research.

    Dislike him all you want, but please don't post lies about a man who has dedicated his life to bettering all our lives.


  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 741

    runor & Bessie - so sorry on your losses but how wonderful to have something like that book to open and hear the words of one taken from you. and then to see ctmbiskia with that chunky little love bug. Ah the sweet smell of babies❤️ and puppy breath too

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,341

    it is extraordinarily unfortunate that Dr. Fauci, a man who has dedicated his life to the greater good and health of society is having his reputation shredded by the politicization of an issue that should never have been political at all. To even imply that he is political reflects the inability of some to understand that people can work for the greater good without seeking personal gain or glory. Yes, he is 80 years old and we should all be doing so well at 80. BTW, research pieces in journals are commonlco-authored (sometimes with more than two co-authors). This means nothing with respect to age and expertise. He is a true example of a public servant.

    I will bow out now but I simply can't let this man, who has dedicated his life to serve others, be denigrated because someone politicized the Covid19 pandemic.


  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,419

    Here's my rant: I wish I could come to BCO for support of breast cancer issues and not have to read through YET ANOTHER political/vaccine argument. Could we just give it a rest? Thanks.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,341


    I apologize for my contribution, I don’t want this thread politicized either, but I don’t apologize for defending a dedicated lifelong public servant. Character assassination should never be ignored.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    Exactly my point, exbrnxgirl. Hate him if you want, but don't post lies about him.

    The other part I didn't address in that particular post was the insinuation that "dirty brown people" at our southern border were responsible for bringing diseases into our country. Wow. Just wow. Can't believe people think that way.

    I live in Los Angeles. I've been around immigrants my entire life, with a large percentage of them coming from south of the border. Mostly kind, decent, incredibly hard working people.

    Are there bad apples? Sure. Just like there are in any group, including native born citizens. But what they bring to this country is overwhelmingly positive in my view. Especially the food. I joke that that's the best part of our diverse population. The incredible food. Yum.

    That being said, we do have an outbreak of resistant tuberculosis in our region. It's very tough to treat. And, just as an FYI, it didn't come from immigrants from the south. It came from Russian immigrants. It started in their prison system and has spread to their general population.

    But the funny thing is, you never hear about those Russians bringing their diseases here. Or the tens of thousands of Brits and Canadians and Australians who come here and illegally overstay their visas. Wonder why that is? What makes them different from Mexicans or Salvadorans or Guatemalans who do the same? Hmm. It's a mystery.

    Rant off.


  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    Trishyla......I am giving you an enthusiastic round of applause. I fully agree with you and exbrnxgrl.

    Side note: In my humble opinion the "steam room" is for any and all rants, not just breast cancer related.

  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 299

    CM2020: I was going to write exactly that but then I read the rules set out by the OP and the final rule asked to keep politics off this forum. But I also agree that a defence to an existing post is fair game.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    The attacks on scientists is not new. Galileo was imprisoned. Those of us who had any form of treatment can thank scientists. Some scientists weren't good, and that's where open science and collaboration can help. The speed that scientists were able to take existing mRNA methodology to develop 2 really good vaccines is due to this collaboration. It started with Chinese scientists who sequenced the virus and immediately shared the information. Open science will catch cherry-picked data, bad analysis, or a simple miscalculation.

    Some people have politicized vaccinations. I would like to un-politicize it. Media can get the headlines wrong, and we should be able to discuss the details.

    Racism may be political. I'm a target of non-white immigrant abuse, so I'm taking it personally and will rant if I want to. It's not right, and I won't keep it to myself anymore.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    I hear you, Serenity. My two oldest children are half Hawaiian. As my ex father in law (the Hawaiian side) was a lifer in the Marine Corps, both their parents were born and raised in Southern California. My daughter is a middle school teacher and my son owns a construction company that specializes in very high end remodeling. That hasn't stopped them from being racially profiled.

    My daughter, who is 5' tall and weighs under 90 pounds, was pulled over at gunpoint for absolutely no reason whatsoever. They thought she looked suspicious. My son has been pulled over more times than I can remember, simply for driving while brown.

    They've had bigots yell at them to go back to their own country. My daughter usually replies that she'd be happy to, if the Hawaiian monarchy is ever restored. Other than that, her "country" is now a state. Confuses the hell out of them, as history is not their strong point.

    I'm sorry you have to go through that. It shouldn't be that way.


  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579

    I got a call this morning from a woman on my team--another woman on my team died yesterday shortly after logging off from work. She was in her 30s, this was a complete shock to us all. We're all reeling and heartsick.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    I'm so sorry, edj3. It's so much harder to lose someone so young. Condolences on your loss.


  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    It is sad that people direct anger to those who are dedicated to ending the pandemic and caring for those who become sick with the virus. Changing guidelines have been confusing and I think the CDC needs to consider this as we learn more about the virus. But the "enemy" is the virus. Here it took a nasty spin when a person on a health district board seemed to criticize a pediatric nurse who died from the virus after caring for patients with covid. "Did she die from the virus or with the virus" when criticizing measures trying to prevent the spread. The CEO of the hospital where she worked wrote a very good guest opinion/memorial in the local paper in response. Hoping that Delta variant does not undo the progress that has been made.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    Edj3, I am so sorry; what a dreadful shock for you and all who knew her!

    I am appalled at the politicization of a world pandemic, and I completely blame that 🟠💩 we endured for four years. Thank goodness Eisenhower wasn't like that when the polio vaccine came out, but he didn't see people who disagreed with his politics as enemies. And he certainly did not pander to and encourage venomous idiocy.

    My niece is a research scientist. Most, if not all, research papers are collaborative efforts because the brilliant scientist making discoveries all on his/her own is fiction, not fact. And even Dr. Frankenstein needed Igor.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,341

    “ My niece is a research scientist. Most, if not all, research papers are collaborative efforts because the brilliant scientist making discoveries all on his/her own is fiction, not fact. And even Dr. Frankenstein needed Igor.“


    Yes! I think collaborative is the critical word when it comes to research. If one is familiar with scientific research, there would be no questioning of co or multiple authors. I am most familiar with educational research but again, multiple authors are the norm not the exception. To even imply that this “proves" that Dr. Fauci is not up to snuff is not only an unwarranted insult but demonstrates a profound lack of understanding of the collaborative nature of scientific research.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    Trish - I'm sorry that your kids are subjected to so much racism especially as Hawaiians. They don't need to assimilate. I did get pulled over frequently, too. When I was young I was naive and didn't understand. I'm not as naive and still don't understand. My kids are "white passing" and didn't realize that my experience was different. They really appreciate how good they have it and try to help others.

    edj3 - I'm so sorry for your loss. It must be a shock to your team.

    Alice, exbrxgrl - Exactly! We don't expect the head chef to make all the food. Delegate!

    I'm steamed that I was trying so hard to be able to get my second dose and then I see people refuse to get vaxxed. People in other countries do not have enough vaccines and are dying. Yet developed countries are talking about getting a 3rd dose. I finally got my 2nd dose. Not looking for another.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Going to change topic. Went to IHOP for lunch. Waitress had long hair pulled back in a ponytail. Flopping all over. Ugh. She kept up with the chatter, honey, sweetie, dear, love. Each time I boiled a little more. Brings check, asks if I want change. I said yes. She brings bills only, not the silver change. That cut her tip down.

    I’ve half a mind to call the manager. I didn’t appreciate her hair flopping around, being called those words, and not getting ALL my change back.


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    That warrants a call. Hate the hair everywhere, being called "honey", and taking tip without asking. My main beef is the hair.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    I'm done with my rant (for now).

    On a lighter note, the funniest thing just happened to me. I was out watering my garden, when I was chased by a flock ( mob? murder?) of iridescent green beetles. They're huge, about the size of a quarter, and really loud. I was trying to evade them, but they just kept following me. There had to have been forty of them.

    I didn't want want to swat at them because they're big, dumb and harmless. I was laughing so hard I swear my neighbors must think I'm a total loon. Perhaps they're not totally wrong.

  • flashlight
    flashlight Member Posts: 311

    Wow! I never said Dr. Fauci wasn't a good scientist just an old one. He is to be admired for a long career as a civil servant. He is one voice in many and is a highly paid government employee. I wouldn't let an 80 Year old surgeon operate on me, although they are hired as consultants. One voice many views. Having a difference of an opinion shouldn't be met with pitchforks on this site. I live near the mushroom capital of the world. We have many immigrants who do not speak English. My daughter is one of their teachers. The virus I agree is the enemy. My neighbor, an ED nurse, had the Delta virus and was sick for a week with flu like symptoms. She had the J&J vaccine. Some people have politicized vaccinations and this has made it confusing. FDA needs to grant full approval and then maybe more will accept the vaccine with their doctor's approval. I just wonder why Dr. Fauci isn't concerned about our southern border when our friends to the north border is closed. This is not a racial question. It is a health related question that affects everyone. I am sorry for the political question. Spookiesmom, Thanks for the laugh!!

  • nopink2019
    nopink2019 Member Posts: 384

    Absolutely tell manager, but don't be surprised if you get a shrug of the shoulders in response. Then be sure to specify why you will not return and that you will advise your friends who frequent the place why. Both health reasons and respect issues apply.

    I need to get eye exam & asked if optometrist had been vaxxed. One office "refused to comment due to HIPPA", which is ignorant as HIPPA apples to patient info, not provider qualifications. 2nd office said "huh, no." Made appt at 3rd choice with vaxxed Dr. I told 1&2 "no thanks, I prefer Drs who believe in science." Seems I'm ranting all over these days.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,190

    Spookiesmom- THANK YOU for changing the subject

    When I waited tables in my youth - a million years ago - having your long hair pulled back into a ponytail was the only requirement. When I lived up north, the stream of terms of endearment from strangers annoyed me and I considered it condescending and disrespectful (I was younger then). Down here (FL), it's just normal being friendly. Asking if you wanted change was reasonable if the change amount was in the range of what a normal tip would be - and I could even see it being a routine question when people are paying cash; not bringing ALL of it is inexcusable. humble opinion only. :)

  • nopink2019
    nopink2019 Member Posts: 384

    Trishyla, as SerenityStat says in dx, "Do not overlook the little joys!" 😀