
  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Posts: 344

    Beginagain22- WTH. I’m thinking about you and your daughter. You’ve had enough. Please let us know how she is.I’m practicing calm breathing for you, and hoping that this is just one of those young woman cysts and your/herdoctors being hyper vigilant as they should be given your genetic situation.

  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Posts: 344

    bcincolorado, I was extremely grateful to come home after my surgery yesterday. Agree that it’s the safest place. I feel much better than I expected, and am cleared to telework on Monday, so I don’t have to use up my leave as I feared. I think the nurse I spoke to on Tuesday was giving me a worst case outlook, and I reacted out of surprise and stress. I’m so much better today.

  • rah2464
    rah2464 Posts: 1,192

    Beginagain sorry to hear of your diagnosis and doubly sorry to hear of what your daughter is experiencing. Hoping it is all benign.

  • Thanks be to all the powers in the universe, my daughters Dr. Called this morning and said this looks to be a cyst and he will do another ultrasound in 3 months. I am so happy it doesn’t appear to be serious AND that he is monitoring closely. Thank you all for thinking of us and commiserating with my angst

  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Posts: 344

    BeginAgain22, Hallelujah! I was hoping it was "only a cyst"

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Posts: 553

    Late to the party, but I'm glad I was admitted after my mastectomy. I had intractable nausea and vomiting that would have required an ER visit if they had sent me home, for sure. But now I know and can warn anesthesia. I was fine after this last surgery, so that was a relief.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    grb glad you are hoe now. I know the anesthesia made me sick and they put a patch on me after I warmed them it does that to me It did help me not be as sick afterwards. Not fun and you definitely do not want that right now Hope you heal quickly.

  • WC3
    WC3 Posts: 658

    Well I have a concerning mystery on my hands. Tonight I was going through a stack of mail, which is a use of my time I resent, and noticed a letter from my provider. It was a reminder for an annual screening mammogram. Dumb because I had a BMX so have nothing to mammogram. There was no way to opt out of these reminders but the letter indicated I could select paper free notifications on my patient portal though provided no additional instructions. While browsing my portal looking for this option, I discovered a section called "letters" and was surprised to find some notifications had already been sent to me through my portal. However two of them, one sent a few months ago and one sent in February, were call back notifications for breast ultrasounds of the right breast. I don't have a right breast and have not had a right breast ultrasound any time recently! I fear they may have mixed me up with someone else and this person needs a follow up they are not aware of.

  • rah2464
    rah2464 Posts: 1,192

    WC3 I received "mammogram reminder" letters for three years after my double mastectomy. Each time I would call to report so whatever indicator needed to be adjusted. Finally, someone figured it out.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Posts: 1,970

    beginagain22, that's great! Now concentrate on YOUR healing.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Posts: 1,069

    beginagain22: Phew. I was so relieved to read your later post. A benign cyst! Good news.

  • OK this is just a little bitch but has anyone found that people think breast cancer isn't so bad?

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    kiki919 haha, reminds me how ever time I flake on cleaning up (often, our place is pretty gross right now) because I am so fatigued from treatment, my husband start complaining about his hair falling out or stubbing his toe. (Both this am, lol)

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    What is bad for me is now I have a history and as I get older things just keep getting added on. I guess I should be relatively glad I made it 56 yrs with only minimal need of medical intervention.

    Today is day 11 of diarrhea. Last week was worse so I fasted and started with the brat foods, doing my best to stay hydrated and each day I felt a bit better, yet once a day, each morning, it's still there. What I wouldn't give for a normal poo!!! What in the world is wrong with me now? I hope it resolves before I hit the 2 week threshold of hell and have to call the doc. Jesus, please save me.

    Hope y'all have a Happy Easter and Passover season.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    oh ctmbiska you have been through a lot. Make sure you do not get dehydrated at all. It can hurt your heart if you do I know. If it does not get better soon you should call your doc.

  • I don't usually get mad at strangers online but today I did. Someone in one of my cancer Facebook groups said, basically, that stage 4 people with kids want to live as long as possible and that single people with no kids "maybe want to live as long as possible too".

    I may or may not have used an angry face emoji on her comment and responded a bit harshly. It made me mad though because it was clear she thought we didn't really have a reason to want to live.
  • parakeetsrule, what an odd thing for someone to say. I'msure childless people want to live too.

    dancemom, well you know a stubbed toe does hurt and it's no picnic having your hair fall out! HA HA

  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293

    parakeetsrule, I just recently joined that fb group & saw that comment. wth. I'm so done with the competitive 'who has it worst', who wants to (or deserves to?) live more stuff ... I can't seem to get away from it. Some demographics just garner all the sympathy & the rest just get a quick sad nod like it's an afterthought..

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    ok. On my way to cancer center for daily rads. (34 total). Nyc public transit is how EVERYONE gets around. Masks required,, as we are a bunch of strangers traveling in an enclosed tin box shoulder to shoulder.. B**ch plops her naked face right next to me!!!! Hello?!!!!! What do people not get about breathing in close proximity to others? Its called density. If you want to be here, cover the pie-hole. If its too hard for your precious face, go home. Also, What makes people think they are so special they don't need to follow FEDERAL LAW.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    Oh I am so tired of people being rude about violating my "personal space" and not masking because they think it is not needed anymore. One reason we feel like prisoners in our house still since DH is a transplant patient. We are totally vaccination and has even had 4 of them at this point because of his immune suppression. Doc orders. If the rest of the country cannot get on board with things will end up living the rest of my life in this house or the doctor office. So much for "living life while I have it".

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Posts: 729

    I was in the grocery store this week, and I could count on one hand the number of people wearing masks. Unmasked folks were walking around, coughing and sneezing. Did they have a cold? COVID? Who knows? So many testing sites have closed down, and at-home test results are not being reported to county and state health departments. We really have no idea how many COVID cases are out there.

  • I'm so tired of the people that think mask wearing is stupid. (or heaven forbid, violate their "rights") When you go to surgery they wear a mask, nurses etc that have to enter isolation rooms wear masks, we teach our kids to "chicken wing" when they cough or sneeze. Common sense and science tells us germs are passed via the respiratory tract. I know I'm preaching to the choir here. I worked as a hygienist for 20 odd years...we wore masks all day long.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    We were given the surgical masks and I still have some. I leave one hanging on my rear view mirror. I put a lanyard chain on it. Have gotten a few comments on it. While I admit I have been mostly mask less these past few months, I still keep on eye on my county's positivity rate, and should it climb I have no problem what so ever masking up while in public. I am about 40 miles from Philadelphia the 1st city to reinstate an indoor mask mandate. Will see if the city will lead by example in an attempt to keep the current uptick under control.

    I also hate when folks invade my space, especially at the check out at the grocery. Sometimes wish I had a pole and could poke them back away from me!! Especially when they KNOW once done bagging I have to step back in to pay! So annoying.

    I called the nurses line at my primary the other day to report my "D" I was instructed to do clear liquids for 48 hours and then do the b-r-a-t diet. Um, I tried that already but whatever, trying again. Going into my 2nd day of no solids AND I thought white wine was a clear liquid but not so. That was dumb! Working from home this morning so glad for that. My daughter will be here soon. No real pain or anything, just tired and feel I must keep from dehydrating. Hell of a way to lose weight! I'll be calling them back on Monday if not better. I think I have c-diff, but I have been wrong before in trying to diagnose myself. Fear I have more tests coming. Anyone ever had this?

    Risk factors: Recent anti biotic use (end of Feb), I had that endoscopy done as well, not sure that counts as surgery? and interesting enough proton pump inhibitor (Prilosec) use. I wish I would have bought some pro biotics after I was done the medication, there are some studies that say this helps prevent infection. I've stopped taking all my other meds and vitamins this week too. I don't like that, but feel it should be fine. Thanks for listening to my most recent health event.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    Ctmbsikia, white wine as a clear liquid made me laugh so hard!🤣BEST clear liquid ever!! Ye olde chicken broth is always my go-to for staying hydrated, especially if it's homemade and was made with some veggies (strained out). I hope the tummy troubles are resolved soon.

    I had personal space issues at stores prepandemic too. I've got my wallet and card out, back away!!!! I now always stand with one foot extended as far out as I can. And I move around. Any one too close trips. I LOVE shopping carts.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    I use a cane due to my bone mets in my hip. It's great to "show" people that I need some room. Maybe when I need to cough (or just want to cough), I should turn my head TOWARD the person who is in my space and cough loudly. Haha! What do you think?

    And what do you mean that white wine is not a clear liquid??? Since when??? ;)


  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293

    stupid religious holidays shit. my pharmacy, which normally can get my special order drug within 24 hours, suddenly can't because it looks like all the suppliers closed today??? I mean wtf. It's for my filgrastim shots which I'm supposed to start tomorrow. they're calling around trying to find a solution. this atheist is super cranky

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    I think when we grocery shop there is no one there. We go super early anyway and if someone is on the aisle we go back to that one and go on the next one first. We also stock up a lot when we go and try to only go 2 times a month if we can. Figure less exposure that way. I know our Target even still has what they call "senior" hour every weekday the first hour of the day and there is no one there either for things we need there or to grab a gift for someone. Our stores do carry sanitizing wipes to clean a cart too. I always did that pre COVID already because of my husband. Now we also our own in the car aferwards as well.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Posts: 358

    ctmb, ah white wine is sooo good but sooo NOT good for the big D. I abstained on my flight home just for this reason. Thought about imbibing but then pictured me fouling up the plane.

    I always used a shopping cart as a buffer. Kept it behind me as I paod

  • Sure looks like a clear liquid to me!

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    moth, I hope they found a solution for you!

    Our local, very busy because it's the only one left in the neighborhood, pharmacy reduced hours again🤨. It now closes from 1-2 for lunch!!!

    I'm vibing on all the clear liquids. RO ok'd a little for this holiday weekend😁. 1/2 glass was enough! Need to save some recovery energy for the last 9 (of 34) rads sessions.