
  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    I had 1 pineapple mimosa with hub's sister, brother and my daughter since it is tradition. Tried to eat a bit, had 2 pieces of candy and by midnight you know where I ended up. Worked remote yesterday and called the nurse to get the lab order for stool cultures. I dropped it off this morning at the lab so now I wait. I am grateful I can function. I am at my desk this morning. I am very exhausted though. Hard work to stay upright. I'm down 10 lbs.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Posts: 1,970

    ctmbsikia, I'm so sorry you're going through that! I hope it's something that can be straightened out fairly easily.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    ctmbiska keep us posted and hope you get answers soon and feel better soon.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    Thanks. So far I can see I'm negative for Giardia (parasite), a negative rapid pcr for the C diff, and a negative Gram stain---( I had to look this one up). Apparently there are positive gram strain bacteria and negative gram stain bacteria. C diff would be in the positive group. E coli would be in the negative group. Two results left to go, I don't think I have c diff, so wtf is it?

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    Hope you get an answer soon and hopefully have good docs on top of it right now.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    ctmbsikia: Did they rest you for celiac disease? Not all diarrheas are due to bacteria, viruses or parasites. They can also be due to food allergies. If your pcr was negative for C. diff, chances are this is not the cause. C. diff is a gram positive "anaerobic" organism and all of us have some in our gut. It can become invasive after antibiotic therapy but believe me it has a very distinctive odor that is quite pervasive. Gut bacteria are mostly composed of gram negative aerobic organisms such as E.coli (there are others as well) which can cause UTI's. Hope you get an answer soon but I do think I would ask to have celiac disease ruled out.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    Hi. No, not tested for celiac. My cultures all came back negative so maybe that's the next step. Will see if the GP office calls me with the results since they probably don't know I've already read everything posted in my portal. I have a headache and I am absolutely freezing cold. Drinking as much as possible and keeping with the brat foods. I don't know what else to do. I just want a slice of pizza for Christ's sake!!!

  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293

    ctmbsikia, have you taken your temperature? I hope your team sorts it out soon. Have you had a covid test? Read that some people are getting stomach symptoms with one of the omicron variants...

    Hope you feel better soon!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Posts: 1,667

    Good point Moth. Ctmbsikie, it would be wise to get tested. Back in 2020, my daughter had stomach issues (both ways). Turned out she had covid. Her doctor said a lot of his patients in her part of town who tested positive for covid had the same issues. That did not make the news back then. It took her over a month for things to start settling down and didn't feel back to being herself for another month after.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    Yesterday when I was freezing my temp was 96.5. Today it's 97.6 so better. Managed 1/2 day at the office and now I'm home. No phone call from the docs office. I see them anyway in a couple of weeks so I scheduled my bloodwork for Monday morning. I shall go fetch a covid test. Good point. I feel better hydrated today, had just loose bowels, and the running nose stuffy head has started.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    Rant about mother who called and asked DH to haul furniture in his very small truck from an apartment to be donated somewhere. He is disabled and is to stay off his feet anyway. Told her no and then she seemed put out. Really? With COVID all the donation places are willing to take it but they have a lot right now and will not send anyone to pick it up in her senior building. Told her she needed to call someone young to do it instead who has one since there are other relatives in town. Just because we are close does not mean we can come running and do whatever and haul stuff for people who died in the building because they are all old. Brother.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    bc-nothing wrong with telling Mom to find someone else.

    Apr 3 thru Apr 22nd. That's how many days I was unwell but somewhat still functional. Saturday I felt more like myself. Today I feel even better. I did test myself for covid and it was negative. Did blood work yesterday and nothing seems too wrong except my cholesterol. My triglycerides came down from over 500 to 248. Alk phos finally in normal range. A few other readings just slightly off but I will attribute that to being dehydrated. I have a regular appt. soon so I will ask what they think it was. A virus I suppose? Anyway, finally. Relief.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    ctmbiska glad you are feeling better finally slowly. Treat yourself gently and stay hydrated and eat well and hopefully you will feel better little by little again.

    Thought we finally many go get our sprinklers turned on today DH was not up to it though to go outside and do the turn on part while I do the changing of the "zones" inside so he can check and make sure it works right. Oh well. Maybe we will get our flower seeds planted at some point next month..................

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    Howdy. Just stopping by this God awful inactive site to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day! It's raining here and will be all weekend! Fun! No real plans, just piddling around the house. I have a bunch of stuff around that's going to the beach cottage and I am re-doing a dresser. I have my own sander now! I feel the need to organize and clean up things.

    I have been feeling well. I see my primary doc on Monday and the NP at the surgical oncologist office on Wed. Better be just routine maintenance visits. It's my turn to cook for girls night on Tues. Haven't been grocery shopping in weeks.


  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    Been putting off yard here since not feeling up it and weather here has been so up and down. Finally looks like warming enough to get them on. I cannot even look at putting flower seeds out that we got until we get going. Right now the front yard looks brown with a tiny bit of green it We are rotating between air and heat still here. Seems like a lot of energy to go out there and do it and do the yards even though we enjoy it. Hard work now it seems sometimes which is hard. Think D

    h would rather we move and and downsize at some point but he likes having the space to get away from me too.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534


    I just learned why they disabled images. A data safety org found BCO had our images exposed (possibly for years), but they didn't respond to notifications for over 5 months!

    Here's the text. The safety org recommends filing a consumer complaint to the Pennsylvania Attorney General.


    Breast Cancer Support Organization Leaks Data Despite Multiple Notifications?

    Update: After posting this, tweeting this story, and getting retweets on it, it appears that as of late yesterday, the bucket was finally secured. Thanks to SafeyDetectives who kept re-checking the bucket and to everyone who tried to call attention to this to get the data locked down. DataBreaches did not get any acknowledgement or response from — at least not yet. DataBreaches has not changed its opinion that an investigation is needed to determine for how long these data were exposed, whether they were accessed and downloaded, and why failed to respond to multiple notifications over a period of five months.

    SafetyDetectives recently reported that has been exposing sensitive information in a misconfigured AWS bucket. According to their report, exposed data included more than 50,000 registered user avatars and more than 300,000 post images with EXIF data.

    Some post images featured sensitive content that felt as though it was intended for private viewing. For example, there were results from medical tests and images of nudity (most likely taken for medical purposes) included among the files — contents that a user would not typically post publicly.

    The data may have been exposed for years.

    Read more on SafetyDetectives.

    One point that wasn't clear from SafetyDetectives' report was whether the bucket had been secured. SafetyDetective started reaching out to in November of 2021. They describe their multiple efforts but no outcome was reported. DataBreaches reached out to SafetyDetectives and received the following reply:

    … unfortunately the bucket is still unsecured, we tried reaching the organization several times to different email addresses (including their privacy email, CEO, and basically all the people on their about page), we even reached out via social media (we tried reaching them publishing a post, because they don't accept private messages), but they haven't reply back. We reached out to the US CERT but they didn't reply and AWS did reply, but the thing is that they cannot actually secure the bucket, but to tell the owner that they need to secure it.
    We published our report hoping that they would reach out to us to secure it but they haven't gotten back to us yet.

    So more than 5 months after responsible disclosure attempts began, the bucket was still unsecured. DataBreaches reached out to through their website contact form, and like SafetyDetectives, got no reply.

    DataBreaches left them a second message on their site telling them that we would be reporting in 48 hours and to lock down their data. There was no reply and the bucket was not secured.

    At 8:00 am this morning, DataBreaches left a voicemail on their office phone. It reiterated that people had been notifying them for months but they had failed to lock down their Amazon storage bucket and that DataBreaches would be reporting on it this afternoon.

    Still nothing, it seems.

    The organization's privacy policy page contains this statement:

    How We Protect Your Information
    We use reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the information that we have about you from loss, theft, and unauthorized use, access, modification, or destruction. We also require third-party service providers acting on our behalf or with whom we share your information to maintain security measures in accordance with industry standards.
    Although we have security safeguards in place, we cannot guarantee absolute security in all situations. If you have any questions about our security practices, please contact us as described in the "Contact Us" section. For your own security, please do not send any confidential personal information to us outside of our Services. It is also important that you maintain the security and control of your account credentials, and not share your password with anyone.

    Except that they don't respond to contacts.

    Pennsylvania regulators need to look into both the lack of security and's failure to respond to repeated notifications that they were exposing personal and sensitive information.

    If you wish to contact the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office to file a consumer complaint, you can find information and an online complaint form linked from here.

    If anyone has a contact at or has influence with them, perhaps you could reach out, contact them, and tell them to lock down all that sensitive information already!

    And if you ever used their site and shared personal and/or sensitive data, perhaps you should contact them and demand that they secure your data.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    All those idiots out there seem to have nothing better to do than mess with cancer patients. It is so stupid. They need to get a life and leave us to try to get on with our lives the best we can.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    It’s BCO that caused this mess. Thought they were a cancer support organization???

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Posts: 1,970

    BCO, we're waiting for a response!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178

    On the glitches thread, they’ve posted the usual horse crap.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Posts: 650

    ladies and gents, it’s the internet, nothing is secure, nor has it ever been. Don’t blame these things on BCO. Today is my first visit in over 4 weeks, mostly because of the websites failed updates. Sadly all great things come to an end, as with our BCO. But there will be something new come along. Also sad, with BCO some of us have lost a great community, which will never come back. I miss everyone but I get that things change, times change, technology changes. The BCO change was sudden, unexpected and continues to be poorly handled. It is what it is. And that’s is sad.

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793

    molliefish, I've now lived long enough (I'm 75) that I get what my grandmother told me...nothing stays the same. It didn't make sense to me then and now I get it. That doesn't mean its not a tremendous loss on so many, many levels. I don't know what I would do if I were on the Stage IV boards. Nor would I know what to do if I progressed to Stage IV and where would I go?

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    I'm still here. I don't like the changes, but without my friends here, I'd be lost! Wrenn, I had a moment of panic when I read your post, thinking that BCO was closing the forums. At this point with Stage IV, I come here often for support, laughter and of course this Steam Room for Anger. You ladies all make my day.


  • WC3
    WC3 Posts: 658

    I'm so pissed off right now. I'm sick with some type of cold like virus (COVID test was negative) because someone I trusted was not forthcoming with me. I've been so incredibly careful these past two years of this pandemic, wearing an N95 mask everywhere crowded or indoors and around all but a few select, trusted family members and this previously trusted friend, because when I get sick, even pre chemo when my WBCs were generally higher, I tend to get very sick, due to other health issues and bad genetics, and I'm so tired of people not understanding that.

    I'm not the person who can push through influenza and go about their day with the help of Tylenol and Robitussin. I'm the person who get's stuck in bed for two weeks with a fever Tylenol can't get below 102F and then two weeks after I recover I either relapse or develop pneumonia and am stuck in bed for another two weeks with fevers that can approach 104F. And this happens every single time.

    I don't think I currently have influenza but I still feel horrible and it has completely upended my plans. I had to cancel belated mother's day plans with my mother, will have to reschedule a dentist appointment for a sensitive tooth that I've been waiting over a month for, and might have to reschedule my lupron injection and also the MRI and presurgical consultation for the hysterectomy I need due to concerning uterine issues that are potentially a result of the Tamoxifen I had previously been on.

    And this all could have been avoided if someone had just told me they had cold like symptoms before coming in to my space.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    wc3, I'm SOOOO sorry! It's unbelievable that someone would knowingly put you at risk for such severe consequences. I'm sorry you're sick, I'm sorry you're having to reschedule all of your appointments (especially the hysterectomy) and all the rest.

    I hope you start recovering very soon.



  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    I feel for all the Stage IV people here. I know hard it is with other issues we deal with and testing and going through treatment and follow up on early stages and then worries about it coming back again The support of people here has made a big difference to me I know and I keep you all in thoughts every day even if I do not post.

  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293

    bcincolorado, thank you. I'm really sad that things here are going so badly. We all get used to each others stories. I'm always interested in hearing what's happening with you as well....

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    Something got corrupted on those last 2 pages . I was able to add posts to get to a new clean page.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,424

    Once again, though I am not a suspicious person , I just tried to access the glitches thread and got the error message. I may need to stay away from bco so that I can maintain my usual non-suspicious sunny nature. I would hate to think that a support forum caused me to devolve into a suspicious old lady. No insult to suspicious old ladies but that is not in my nature and I don’t want it to be!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    Click on the last page. That should work.