
  • holliewood
    holliewood Member Posts: 24

    Lula73 I have been considering that. I started out on insulin but responded so well and had such tight control, my PCP took me off it. On Monday we discussed going back on it, temporarily, just during chemo. He has me scheduled for another visit in 6 weeks and will re evaluate then. I am super good about testing so if my #s are consistently high, I will call the office and see if he wants to change things up.It may be easier for me to not force food due to meds.

    Also, I called the pharmacy today to ask the same ? about the anti nausea meds and got a clear answer. Much more helpful!

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Even stress can affect diabetes and your sugars. My DH has diabetes and is a transplant patient and also in renal failure. We deal with those issues constantly. We have learned that juice can bring up the lows quickly as well. SMALL juice glass is usually enough to do it.

  • holliewood
    holliewood Member Posts: 24

    thanks bcicolorado, before my treatments, I was pretty stable on the oral meds. The dex really jerked my numbers around and I've found the only things that have appeal (limited at that) to me are the high carb foods. I'm probably going to end up back on insulin temporarily through treatment. I'm ok with that, if it needs to be.

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705

    holliewood-it sounds like your pancreas is still able to produce plenty of insulin. I’d ask about the glp-1 injectables. They work far different than the Janumet and the glipizide. They only increase insulin release when your sugar is elevated (similar to what your body is supposed to do naturally). Low risk of having a low blood sugar because of that too. So if you weren’t hungry or you were nauseated and couldn’t eat it wouldn’t drop you low. By the same token, it would help your body release the right amount of insulin to cover any high carb foods you consume.You’d likely be able to come off the glipizide and the januvia part of the janumet.

  • holliewood
    holliewood Member Posts: 24

    Lula73, thank you so much! I will head off to look into this, wonder why my PCP didn't suggest that.

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705

    not saying it’s necessarily the case with your PCP but a lot of them don’t realize the difference between januvia and GLP-1 receptor agonists. Another important thing they often overlook is that the once daily GLP-1 meds get to steady state within just a few days where it takes 5-10 weeks with the once weekly versions depending on which brand it is.

  • holliewood
    holliewood Member Posts: 24

    thank you Lula73, I'll be bringing it up with him soon.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    I know trying to coordinate docs who are treating you is difficult. Make sure you have a printout of all your meds and doses and they all have it on file. It is amazing how many times they don't necessarily even look at your chart. You have to make sure they know the other issues besides cancer going on.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Oh, Holliewood, the vomiting episode sounds awful! I'm sorry that happened to you. Zofram was a big help to me and, as noted earlier, it dissolves under your tongue so doesn't have to be swallowed like Compazine. Zofram can cause constipation. With apologies for the gross-out factor, in my case, that meant large stools, which can be difficult to pass. Also, when I had uncontrolled vomiting, I learned that Compazine is available as a suppository. It works great if you're not having "output" issues.

    Regarding the "chemo light" remark, that generally refers to not having the adriamycin (aka 'the Red Devil')/ cytoxan regimen, considered by many in the oncology field to be the most challenging chemo treatment plan for breast cancer. Chemo side effects vary widely from person to person and ain't none of it fun so calling any chemo treatment "light" isn't appropriate. 😖

  • leftduetostupidmods
    leftduetostupidmods Member Posts: 346

    Ok need to vent and rage. I'm not going to go much into the background story, suffice to say I'm in Court with my family overseas for the Probate after my late father.

    My attorney there is a nice lady, otherwise, but she knows my health issues, disability, chronic pain, neuropathy, etc etc etc.

    It happened many times that we were talking on the phone and I was telling her how my hands are functioning less and less (just an example) and I'm afraid soon I might not be able to take care of myself. She pipes up "oh I understand, I am always so tired I had so much to work". Usually a long silence on my part brings her to reason but...

    I had last week a paroxistical bruxism episode and it's not known if I fractured my jaw or what the heck is going on. She emailed that she needs to call me.

    I emailed back that I don't know if I can talk, as my jaw might be broken, yadda yadda.

    She replies "oh I understand, I'm so tired too"


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Fuming again! This time it’s about the place where I was going for PT for my back issues scheduled me for a session on Friday when they knew that my insurance is only covering the sessions until this Thursday! They didn't check the date on the clearance from the insurance very well!

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474 dentist’s office did this to me once (I stress once lol) to the tune of $1100 for root canal work. SO frustrating as they have the policy anniversary dates right in their system! Two freaking days just about killed me as a single mother. I take responsibility for not checking myself, but geeze, they had reminded me and scheduled around it for years. I ended up having to go on a payment plan...for which they wanted to charge interest...that’s when I went wild on them. Reminded them I’d been a patient with them since age 10, sent friends and family their way over the years AND Ialways flossed! Geeze. Did you call them to reschedule?

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Nope. Their policy is that the don’t reschedule unless it is at their convenience.

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705

    you could always say to them, ‘ since rescheduling is at YOUR convenience, would it be more convenient for you to do my PT on Tues, Wed or Thurs and get paid by the insurance company; or is it more convenient for you to keep the Fri appointment and not get paid since YOU didn’t check the insurance approval dates before YOU scheduled it?’

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    So the hospital gave me the names of two places to get my naphostomy bags. Called both and neither one takes insurance. Cash only. They are 13.00 each plus shipping so would cost me 30.00 a week. Don’t know why the hospital can’t sell them to me. I’m irritated now.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    They don’t care if it’s their snafu. Thinking about what to do about it. May just call them and tell them I am cancelling Friday’s session since it will be past when the insurance will pay for it and then consider yesterday as the official end of my PT.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    May I say that I HATE this time of year?

    I feel fat (somewhat true), ugly (not true) and like I can't do anything right. Poster girl for mild depression, yep.

    But then I realize that I felt like this last year same time, and the year before same time. Could spring arrive please? Soon?

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474

    Pajim - Yes you may say it. You're not alone, and definitely NOT fat nor ugly! Try a google search on SAD (sunlight affective disorder). It ranges from very mild to totally debilitating for some poor folks. My husband is in the medium range and uses a SAD lamp from early September to April every year. Makes a huge difference. For me it's closer to having the blahs in February/March. Interesting stuff, might be why you're noticing it annually.

    I echo your request - SPRING SHIFT YOUR BUTT OUR WAY PLEASE! :)

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Today it rained like it really is Spring. But since I was born on March 25th in a blizzard I am waiting for the out like a lion to hit.

    Back to the conversation a page ago..... my nurse navigator does not know the symptoms of various cancers. I described liver cancer symptoms to her for months before I finally Googled it and found out I had the symptoms of liver cancer thus bc mets to liver. Then and only then did the next scan reveal the lesions. btw, some are feeling full after a few bites of food, tired, losing weight for no real reasons, abdominal pain, nausea, dark urine, and more. All she ever offered was drink more fluids. All I ever told her was a sip of water filled me up. And it was torturous to drink anything let alone eat back then. I have no faith in her input now but she is still my navigator. She used to be a hospice nurse too. My daughter says she does not pay attention during meetings w the oncologist either, just daydreams. I found that to be true, but she is still my lifeline, for what it is worth.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    Hey, I was born on March 25 in a blizzard, too. Happy belated to us.

  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406

    Why is it that doctors think we have nothing better to do than reschedule appointments? This makes the 3rd time my MO has had to reschedule my appt. I work too, just in case he was wondering. And I have to take time off work to go to the doctors. Now I have to take ANOTHER day off because he had an emergency and won’t be seeing patients tomorrow and he’s not in next week. Well guess what? Next week is better for ME! Ughhhhhh

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    I have zero tolerance for my 22 year old son lying to me. He simply takes money and lies. I thought breast cancer was the worse thing to happen to me. Having son stop talking to me after he has lied for months.

    So angry.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Janet was it in the Midwest like northern Indiana in 1957?

    TaRenee I think billing for a lost days work is appropriate.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Janet was it in the Midwest like northern Indiana in 1957?

    TaRenee I think billing for a lost days work is appropriate.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    Bluebird, nope, Connecticut, 1949.

  • SheliaMarie
    SheliaMarie Member Posts: 284

    They say that writing is cathartic. Let's see if that holds true for me. There are days, like today, that I feel so incredibly alone. Uncared for. This is going to sound contradictive, because in all honesty, I long for time alone. But this loneliness is different. A part of me is angry. Another part is just sad.

    Words no longer mean anything to me, and there's a part of me that just wants to "break up" with my friends. I mean, where are they? They all say, "what can I do"?, but it's just words. They don't show up. Even if I ask them to, or ask them to lunch or whatever, they're always so busy with their lives that they can't see that I need them. On the rare occasion they do come by, you'd be hard pressed to find one actually ask how I'm really doing, what's going on with my treatment, or offer any help of any sort.

    My kids cry (and I know it's sincere) about my impending death, but even when I ask or even offer to pay them, they don't help with the housework. Legitimately, I've lost the motivation to clean the house, when I do, I'm in physical pain, and every single day of my life I feel exhausted, like I've ran a marathon. And that's just from getting out of bed. Yet, I've hinted, offered money, and even guilt tripped, all to no avail. They say they will, but it never gets done. And I have pain, mostly in my shoulder, which massage really helps with. But they will outright say no if I break down and ask for them to rub it.

    My husband seems to not even acknowledge or remember what's going on with me. He thinks he's being funny, but he often makes comments about my lack of cleaning, or cooking. Mind you, he doesn't "clean" or cook. He will do the dishwasher and laundry, and for that I'm grateful, but damn! Scrub the shower and toilet, or sweep and mop the blasted floor sometime! And about that massage of my painful shoulder? Yeah, he'd never do anything like massage that.

    The one exception is my mom and grandmother. My first go round with cancer, they never came. I had young children and I had to undergo a very harsh treatment, but they never showed up to help, they never showed up to occupy the kids, they just never showed up. They would call, usually about once a week to ask how I was doing, but eventually that just pissed me off. I actually left a voicemail greeting that stated:

    "If you're making your dutiful weekly call to ask how I am, I'm fine. Obligation satisfied."

    And I stopped answering my phone. Honestly, it seemed to get my point across to most people.

    After I finished my treatment and my grandfather got sick, I made it a point to be present. It was during this time that I let my mom and grandmother know how very hurt I was by their lack of presence. It was an ugly admission, and I know that it hurt them, but they had hurt me so incredibly bad, and I knew that I'd never recover from that unless I told them. This time around they call almost daily. Almost "too much"… that's awful of me, right? And they sincerely want to know what they can do to help. They offer to go to appointments with me. They offer to cook for me. I always decline, but the offer means so much. Honestly, the thing I need most help with, housework, they aren't physically able to do. They are both in poor health.

    Cancer is lonely. Most people don't know if they should bring it up or ask about it, but I feel selfish if I'm the one to mention it, even though I NEED to talk about it. I have to be positive for everyone around me, pretending that I'm okay, when inside I feel like I'm drowning. And then there's the whole, "yeah my (blah blah blah)….", whenever I do bring up my issues. As if we're in some weird sort of competition. What happened to people who take what you say is bothering you and then sincerely ask about what is going on. What happened to people acknowledging that I'm SICK? And that I will be until the day I die.

    I recently got word that my cancer has progressed. I will now have to start chemo, whereas I was on oral medication. When I told my friends and family, I downplayed the seriousness of this. But shouldn't they know me better? Shouldn't they see the emotional pain that I'm in? The fear in my eyes? Or hear it in the tone of my voice?

    Aside from housework, the thing I need most is someone I can honestly talk to about it. To tell my fears to, to cry to, someone who will listen and be supportive. As I said, I'm so incredibly lonely.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    Swess, is there a stage IV live group in your area? It can help.

    Accept some help from your mom. It's better than nothing...or you can PAY a cleaning service if you'd rather spend the money.

    I understand the loneliness and desperation. I'm on my third line chemo...these last 2 have been IV. No fun, but you get thru it. Do you have a palliative care person? They can hook you up with some counselling.

    There is no shame in reaching out.


  • SheliaMarie
    SheliaMarie Member Posts: 284

    Well, now I feel like an ass. My oldest daughter stayed late and cleaned everything. My house smells and looks so good. And now she’s driving over an hour home so she can go to school and work tomorrow. I love and appreciate her so much.

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474

    Swess- I do hope your beautifully written catharsis gave you some relief. Print it and give a copy to all those concerned, prefaced with a request for loving change within the family, for them to read it without guilt, and that you’re simply needing them to know the depth of your despair right now.

    You’re not an ass, you deserved your daughters kind deed today. I pray it continues with all those around you.

    Keep posting, we’re all listening and really do want to offer loving support

  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305

    In the waiting room, to get labs done. This time they include - tumor markers.

    I am frightened and will be frightened until my follow-up Appt on Wednesday.

    My palms are sweaty, fingers are cold, feel like I might throw up and heart beating fast. And, only waiting to have the blood drawn.

    I am also - Angry. There are so many people who look like they are in there 80's and 90's here. I feel like - why did I get BC so young???? Why couldn't this have happened to me at least until my 70's? Or at least 60's?? Why couldn't that have been me. :-(