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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited February 2016

    Oh my goodness I am laughing so hard at the hairball idea!! Wyatt is a tiny bit better today. Still spiking low grade Temps but resting more thankfully. Alana, definitely in your pocket on Monday. I hope you have a fruitful conversation with your MO. Robin, now I have that joke in my head about the banana in your pocket ha ha ha.

    Hugs everyone. It's been exhausting around home the past 24 hours or so.

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited February 2016

    Slow, I had that thought last night - if you run a CT scan on somebody who has bronchitis, how is that going to affect the results? Your doctor had a good point about fungal infection in the lungs, that can particularly happen to people who are immune suppressed in some way.

    It's a good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read Tomboy's hairball suggestion!


  • robinlk
    robinlk Member Posts: 363
    edited February 2016

    Love the hairball! image

    One of my chemo peeps has Valley Fever. Was with her for her first lung biopsy. She was in Sacramento when diagnosed with bronchitis. MO saw areas of concern on her chest X-rays. Biopsy benign. Valley Fever is a fungal infection in the SouthWest. This will be the second time, in less than a year, that I am praying for fungus.


  • Italychick
    Italychick Member Posts: 527
    edited February 2016

    Slow, for what it's worth, my breast doctor had a patient who had a mycotoxin fungal infection in her breast. I had a cold during my PET scan, didn't know I wasn't supposed to get one during a cold, and two nodes in neck showed up hot, but have since resolved. I'm hoping your issues are related to infection or something. Remember, a lot of tests are notorious for false positives.

    Anyway, if I could mentally will it to be an infection for you, I would.

    What's your next step?

    I hate this for you

  • Italychick
    Italychick Member Posts: 527
    edited February 2016

    Slow, for what it's worth, my breast doctor had a patient who had a mycotoxin fungal infection in her breast. I had a cold during my PET scan, didn't know I wasn't supposed to get one during a cold, and two nodes in neck showed up hot, but have since resolved. I'm hoping your issues are related to infection or something. Remember, a lot of tests are notorious for false positives.

    Anyway, if I could mentally will it to be an infection for you, I would.

    What's your next step?

    I hate this for you

  • momwriter
    momwriter Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2016

    Just a quick hello from a quiet crazy here-

    just read a couple pages back-- hairball has me cracking up! Slow and Jersey I sympathize with you. , I'm am all too familiar with the constant low grade anxiety of anticipating a follow-up test. Over months it seems the low grade anxiety snowballs and accumulates- and because we all got the "bad" results at least once, we are extra fearful. Well I've survived 4 or 5 "callbacks" for MRI's, Mammos, even gyn exam that required an U/S. Thank God, so far, all B9. But that anxiety is something awful and has me questioning scanning at all.

    BTW- Jersey I have found tamoxifen manageable. I'd rather not be on it and am concerned I'll have to be on one of these drugs for the rest of my life. I do take supplements to counter effects and I've found yoga to be a great help (and diet when I don't eat sugar). Also, I found I overdid it once I went to Herceptin only- trying to run and do yoga- I was wiped. Now I'm finally really getting back into shape- so much stronger even though I"m 50! I think yoga helps with my symptoms from tamox as well as my MX reconstruction arm/chest. Far from perfect but managing for now.

    Hugs to all!

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited February 2016

    Molly, So great to hear that Wyatt is a bit better. I hope he continues to improve. I also hope you're able to set some rest.

    Cubbie, I had my CT scan on Monday and didn't come down with bronchitis until Wednesday. Maybe it was in my lungs before my cough started? I love that little graphic.

    Robin, Funny pictures!! I'll keep thinking....fungus interruptus.

    Italychick, Thank you for sharing that info. I'm hoping it's a fungal infection. At least I'm on an antibiotic. I originally had the CT scan to find out why I was having so many weird symptoms. Once my MO gave me the news about the nodule, I totally forgot to ask about the numbness and the rest of the symptoms I was having. The next step is a consultation with a Pulmonologist on Thursday.

    Momwriter, Great to see you! That is a lot of callbacks. I'm so happy they were ALL B9. What a load of stress for you. Hugs to you!

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited February 2016

    Alana, in your pocket for tomorrow. For what it's worth, I did have one day during rads with an MO appointment, the rads, and the Herceptin all in the space of a few hours. It was enough to make one crazy even without the conversation about the PET scan. Just too much going on. In your pocket and be good to yourself.

    Slow, in your (copiously large) pocket for Thursday. Wait, is that a banana poking me? Anyone know anything about that?

    Hairballs, hairballs. Too much to think about!

    The college trip was fine and at least got the kid thinking about it. One thing we learned: Colleges toured in the driving rain are far less appealing than colleges seen in lovely sunshine. More to come, but that will do for now!

  • PMR53
    PMR53 Member Posts: 185
    edited February 2016

    Good Morning All! 

    I just wanted to say I have been trying to keep up on posts and they are all so helpful and caring. I have been struggling with my final Herceptin side effects. JERSEYGIRL22. They all looked at me like I was a unicorn when I complained of numbness, fatigue and overall crappy feeling after each Herceptin. They blamed it on taxotere which i completed last March. I finished Herceptin the end of December. So mostly now just achy joints.  But I had my TE migrate under my arm and my exchange was changed from April and done last Wednesday. Yea. I'm glad it's done along with extensive pocket work and liposuction to deposit fat to right (implant side) and perk up left. So now I just feel like I got ran over by a truck. Incisions, bruises and 2 painful drains. I will say I like the look of implant and it feels better than the TE. Could this be my final surgery? I doubt I could be that lucky. I have a history of infections and seromas. I can pray though!! 

    Welcome Butterfly- everyone is here to help you during this truly frightening time. I agree with ROBIN about Herceptin running time too I wanted to add. 

    Finally my MO prescribed Armidex now that I am done with Herceptin. I know this is crazy but I haven't started taking it its here on the bathroom shelf. I am taking so many other meds, since surgery and have been in so much pain.  I am scared of all those new SE. I feel ashamed I need to take it too. 

    Thank you for being there!

    Hugs to all of us. 


  • robinlk
    robinlk Member Posts: 363
    edited February 2016

    Patty, welcome!

    As for the Arimidex dilemma....I am pretty sure Octo was where you are. Many of us question the hormonal treatments. Please hang around and enjoy the many restful places here in CT! I am sure someone will appear with information/advice that feels right for you. Ultimately your decision but the wisdom that comes from those further up the timeline is immensely beneficial!

    A scenic view while you wait! Can you tell I live in AZ? Not my yard...but relaxing nonetheless


  • Brightsky
    Brightsky Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2016
    Oh my gosh! I love this thread. Hi ladies! I just recently moved to Crazy Town. I'm glad to know that Cancerland has an official Capitol. I moved here a few weeks ago when I found a new lump under my arm (opposite of BC). I have a F/U ultrasound this Thursday to see if it grew. Since then I've developed whole new set of vague symptoms that have made me ask myself, am I crazy??? I'm so happy I've found a place to call home :-) xo
  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2016

    slow, good to see you back and dang but hope the docs figure stuff out. I had one bit of dumb luck years ago and chose a pcd who is a pulmonary specialist, she is aggressive with treating my asthma tand junk so hoping your stuff will get treated.

    Spent last couple days with wicked head ache but lots sinus spray and tylonel seem to have it under control

    Enjoy the day all, cleaning gal just finished doing her thing so off

  • Marie711
    Marie711 Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016

    I feel like life in general is crazy! Here is what is going on.

    March 2015 - Husband has stroke in front of me

    May- I'm diagnosed with Breast cancer

    November -I'm diagnosed with cancer in second breast

    December -my mother in law, sister in law and a cousin are diagnosed with breast cancer

    Last week my daughter was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

    I think I'm still dealing with everything I went through last year and I'm reliving it again with everyone else. We are immersed in everyone's chemo, radiation and surgery's.

    At least we have enough of us to form a support group. 😳 At Christmas dinner 3 of the 4 women over 50 had breast cancer!! (And not genetic..not related biologically )

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2016

    oh my but you are truly in crazy town, strong thoughts for you

  • robinlk
    robinlk Member Posts: 363
    edited February 2016

    Marie, sounds like you might enjoy one of Alana's beverages. Cafe mocha Valium Latte with Ativan sprinkles!image

    She is up in the treehouse and has it well stocked!image

  • iammags
    iammags Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2016

    RobinLK, I want a Cafe mocha Valium Latte with Ativan sprinkles, too! I'm new to Crazy Town but I feel like I've lived there all my life.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2016

    That is one cool treehouse!


  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited February 2016

    Welcome to all the new Crazies! And welcome BACK, PMR. This place is even more special with all of you here because you "get it".

    I'm in the rabbit hole so barely peeking my head out for welcomes and grabbing a handful of Ativan sprinkles.

    Crazy is like a merry go round. Just when you think you're sane again you come back around to the boogeyman. I'm so sorry so many of you are dealing with so much big scary stuff.I am sending 🙏🏻.

    Hugs to Slow. Hang in there GF!

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited February 2016

    I can't believe it. I had some weird symptoms over the weekend, and had come to the conclusion that I needed to call my doctor on Monday, and now guess what I got in the mail? A jury duty summons! I haven't been summoned for jury duty since I was 20, and now they decide to call me?! I'm already falling apart as it is. I can barely make it through a day at work without crying, how can I possibly serve on a jury?

  • robinlk
    robinlk Member Posts: 363
    edited February 2016

    Katy....sending down more sprinkles. image's an idea!image

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited February 2016

    Cubbie- I can't believe it. When it rains it pours. You can usually get out if it once if you have important somethings that can't be moved or rescheduled. It's a temporary fix only, but you may want to avail yourself of it. When they call you back, in 3-6 months time, you might feel like you can do it, or perhaps answer the questions in a way to make sure you don't get picked. Once I was called for a domestic violence trial. One of the lawyers asked if I'd ever been a victim of DM. I answered truthfully, "yes". They dismissed me on the spot. Usually any kind of experience with the type of trial issue is regarded as prejudicial and one of the attorneys will exercise one of his discretionary rights to dismiss.

    Call the clerks office and explain you're in cancer tx and ask what can be done. I'm sure something can. If you are seeing your PCP anyway, maybe you can get a note saying you aren't fit to serve at this time,

    Sending hopeful vibes. You certainly didn't need those shit sprinkles on your cupcake today!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited February 2016

    thanks Robin, I'm a bit further down!


  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2016

    Robin! How did you get a pick of the tree house without me knowing? Love the pick of my latte.... they only come in the size needed, so that one looks about right for the evening. Adore your heart to comfort us... the photos are perfect!

    Katy... hugs... just send the Cheshire cat up to the green o use when you want some more sprinkles. I'll make sure you get them.

    Hugs to all of you sweet crazies, I'm heading to bed, trying to gear up for the long day tomorrow.

    Love, hugs, and a lot of Ativan sprinkles to you all...

    Warrior On!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2016

    cubbie...what Katy said. Most jurisdictions will dismiss you if you let them know you are still in bc treatment. Or ask for a postponement and see how you feel then. Call right away, and you are likely to be released. They may or may not want a doctor's note, but that is just one more reason to go see the doc if you were going to do so anyway.

    And if all else fails,and you are called to a jury, just keep saying over and over that you can't put aside your own feelings and therefore can't be listen and be impartial fair. Even if the judge says, 'but you will put those feelings aside, won't you?' the answer you should give (which I think is the truth) is 'no, I am sorry. I wish I could say I could, but I am feeling so crazy about my own illness now that I am certain I cannot pay proper attention and be impartial in this case...especially in a trial about xxx, because I have such strong feelings about it anyway.' (the strong feelings being that you can barely hold it together at work, much less in a jury)...Repeat like a broken record, and you should eventually be released...

    but don't forget that in any case, most often you serve by being on call and never even having to come in, or by sitting around a jury gathering room and never getting called into a trial. I had jury duty two weeks ago. Thought about calling to get out of it because I didn't feel great, but instead took my chances, and sure enough: Day one: called the night before, I was told not to come in. Day two: called night before, told to come in. So I came in, played on the internet in the jury room for an hour, and then (along with a good number of others) was told all cases had settled and I could go home, and I am done with service and excused for at least a year....

    Katy, wish I could help dig you out!

    As for me, I am on the couch and feeling like a complete sloth. Hubby made me lemonade from the backyard tree. Not sure the splash of vodka he put in it will help motivate me, but at least it tastes good.

    Sending hugs to all!


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited February 2016

    Welcome iammags , Marie and brightskys. Wow, Marie that is a lot going on in your family! Slow, I am sending down a soft, cozy blanket for you to snuggle with. When I feel my darkness coming I snuggle up with the softest blanket I have ever owned. Jersey, praying for you!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited February 2016

    Cubbie, I am on jury duty this week. Called in and I don't have to report tomorrow. One of 5 days down.

  • robinlk
    robinlk Member Posts: 363
    edited February 2016

    Alana that is only one side! You can pick too, there are plenty to choose from! I figured a pirate theme was necessary for at least one of the porches!

    Katy, silly me! Of course my knickers should be visible! That was a GREAT pic!

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited February 2016

    Crazytown is Busytown tonight!

    Welcome brightsky, Marie, lammags.

    Such a small thing, but I seem to have thumb cancer. Or, that is, it seems to be newly double-jointed or easily dislocated or something. It's on the LE side: do I call the LE therapist? Or is it a SE of Herceptin, in which case the MO? And, of course, it's my dominant hand.

    Work deadline Tuesday, will call when I get that out of the way. Sigh.

    Good luck and pocket support to all crazies who need it. Tree house and other photos are so great!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2016

    Rain, I am beginning to think I have thumb cancer too. Along with my ever persistent knee cancer. I am tired of hurting and tired of the hurt interfering with being more active! MO sort of shrugs and says it could be the AI and if it isn't better in a month to lay off the Arimidex for a month, and if that makes it better he will put me on another estrogen blocker. Otherwise he says it is probably 'just' osteoarthritis. Sigh. such an exact science this medicine. Not.

    Patty, I did indeed have issues with starting the Arimidex and looked at it on the shelf for a bit as well before plunging in. Mostly because I was worried about my vision (hasn't been an issue) and knees (which have been, although not clear if related to the medication). Many women don't have problems, so I'd say start it and see how it goes...If I had to choose between the knee issues and a recurrence, well, it is a no-brainer. Doesn't mean it doesn't make me crazy though. So, pull up a rocking chair and join us on the porch.

    Welcome Marie. Too much to have going on. Again, Crazy town is the place to be when that much is going on. Two of my three sisters have or have had bc. One is in active treatment right now. She's doing well, but still. Crazy. There may be some interesting conversations at Thanksgiving this year...

    Slow, keeping you in my thoughts and in your pocket along with everyone else for the appointment next week...and in your pocket also, Brightsky, for your ultrasound.


  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited February 2016

    Thanks, Robin, Katy, Octo. I will talk to my PCP's office tomorrow about the jury duty, and see what they say. I can then call the court, too. Nobody's going to want me on a jury, I'm going to end up crying nonstop in the jury box, as I tend to cry more, the more important it is not to cry.

    Hugs, Marie. It's been a really difficult year for you, I know.

    Welcome to Brightsky and Iammags. You will find lots of good support here.