CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited February 2016

    OH NO NO NO, It just can't be a met! Prayers going up for you and your family. Lots of prayers. I'm stunned beyond words.

    Let's all form a circle of hugs for our mayor. I'm sure she needs the hugs, I know I do. And some more hugs for your family.

    Love Jan

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2016

    Joining the hug circle for our Wonderful, Wonderful Mayor who always has such positive and warm thoughts for all of us! We love you, Slow!

    and, in other CrazyTown business I second the nomination of Jan as Curator!

    You are all in my thoughts.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2016

    Hugs to all of you.... especially for "our" Wyatt.... He's beautiful Molly.... xoxo

  • pennsygal
    pennsygal Posts: 264
    edited February 2016

    Joining the group hug, and now hug circle for Slow. I'm so sorry about the nodule, the report, the whole thing. And while I'm at it - FUCK. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK.

    Molly - thank you for sharing your son's story.

    I'm holding all of you in the light - always.

  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Posts: 186
    edited February 2016

    Slow, sending you hugs and love... Prayers going up for you, and all of the crazies today. I take all of your names with me to rads and pray for each of you while I'm on the table, as well ass everyday....

    Warrior On!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited February 2016
    Hi all......Slow and I keep in touch all the time, as you well know she is my adopted daughter..I love her to pieces.......I am sitll in shock, and find my probelms very small compared to my prayers go out to her...............
  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Posts: 1,275
    edited February 2016
    Fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck, Slow! Let me know if you want company on any of your appointments. My DH picked up a rental car yesterday, so I am no longer stuck without transportation.

    I'll say extra prayers for you!

    I keep writing in my posts that I don't swear much, except when it comes to cancer, and the scans and other tests that come with it. I hate cancer.
  • littleblueflowers
    littleblueflowers Posts: 391
    edited February 2016

    Slowdeep- I'm praying for you so hard/good wishes/little magic spells. If beneign nodules don't grow, where did they come from? With you in my heart.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited February 2016

    Littleblue, that is A VERY GOOD POINT. I have been cussing and praying and hugging right there with my c~ sisters, o no this cannot be.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited February 2016

    It's gotta be something else. Even though Rhuematoid Arthritis sucks big donkey dicks, I am voting for that. One of the things Beppy and I have talked about, is that during chemo, her RA felt better. But it has left her with a greater flare of it , after. So that's what I am hopin

    I am not saying that we shouldn't build little temples, cast our spells, say our prayers, or JUST SHRIEK a big NO, out to the universe... However you ask for succor, I am right there with you, as I am pleading mercy for our mayor

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2016

    Slow. Prayers for you that it is not mets. Scary word but you know we are all hanging in with you

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited February 2016

    Just got off the phone with Slow. Our mayor is strong and what love she has for us all! Even in her time of worry, she is a fountain, pouring love and kindness forth.

    Sending love back to her. 💞

    And hugs to all Crazies needing one today.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited February 2016

    Littleblue and Tomboy, I am with you on this hoping and praying (and cursing cancer) that it is the RA and NOT what we all fear. I am joining the group hug and especially the hug for slow. Thank you all for the love on my Wyatt. He woke up with a fever this morning so extra prayers our way is also appreciated.


  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2016

    Curse cancer and curses on Wyatt's fever also, Molly! Sending special Wyatt prayers your way!

    Thanks for the update on your conversation with Slow, Jack/Katy. Slow, I've said it before, but I will say it again as it bears shouting from the rooftops:


    and of course


    Love to all


  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Posts: 186
    edited February 2016

    What octogirl said!!!!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2016

    I agree... FUCK CANCER !!

    Molly.. Wyatt is just gorgeous.!! :-)

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited February 2016

    What they said ^^ and thank you, Lucy.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited February 2016


  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2016

    oh ducky, I see that type of post, and I just want a like button so much!!! Right on, Sister!

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Posts: 773
    edited February 2016

    Slow, I saw your other post last night, which of course sent me on a late night Googling expedition regarding RA and lung nodules. I see RA can cause lung nodules which shrink, grow, and sometimes go away altogether, so I'm praying that is the case here. As my friend with the benign tumor can tell you, things are not always what they seem on imaging. Hang in there - there will be so many of us camped out in your pocket, you'll have to get a tote bag for us all.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2016

    I so hope this is random side effect but gonna know we are all here for you

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020
    edited February 2016

    SlowDeep: you're definitely in the middle of the group hug just now. Do you have an appointment with the pulmonologist?

    Sending you what calm and joy I can.

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited February 2016

    Beppy I am counting on Cubbie's research results to be the source of the node.

    Sorry for the delay in the quilt corner display. I've come down with a nasty cold and all I can do is huddle UNDER a quilt.


  • robinlk
    robinlk Posts: 363
    edited February 2016


  • Italychick
    Italychick Posts: 527
    edited February 2016

    Slow, you are in my thoughts, so sorry for the stress you are going through. I agree with all the posters, fuck cancer, and I hope all comes out okay

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited February 2016

    Dropping in to say hi after a week more or less on the road--and to join in the group hug!

    Slow, thinking of you constantly. This is not what I wanted to find after several days away from Crazytown.

    Molly, thank you so much for sharing Wyatt with us. What a beautiful boy. How's his fever?

    And Poppy, glad your son is okay after the accident.

    Ducky, how is your granddaughter doing? I wanted to tell you that my best friend in elementary school was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and became incredibly independent in short order. It has been decades, and she's happy and healthy.

    Katy, terrific article and picture. Thanks for all your advocacy.

    Jan, of course you are the quilter of C-town.

    Octo, I never saw Brooklyn. Just never got around to it.

    Queen, I've had some tough moments walking through bra departments. Such a reminder of what is gone.

    Pennsygal, thanks for naming the Dark Thing. Once named, it can be tamed and banished. Says the optimist. :)

    Hugs, group and individual, to all crazies, including Jerseygirl, Cubbie, Shorfi(!), Tomboy, Proud, Lucy, Robin, Italy, Gaia, Sula, and anyone who is in, around, circling, or snuggling up in Crazytown!

  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Posts: 186
    edited February 2016

    Crazies... I may not get out here tomorrow, so I'm going to ask if I could have some friends in my pocket for Monday. I have rads 1st thing, then I meet with my onc. We're having the hormonal therapy pill talk, again, and then I'm supposed to have a Herceptin infusion, if my ECHO and blood work was ok. Our last discussion, she said she wants to redo my PET since I had 5 positive nodes at surgery (although more scar tissue than cancer, the chemo was burning it up), and there was a spot on my rib that was there, but didn't "light up." We'd established, when she asked me, that I did in fact have an old injury to that rib, and it could very well be that injury showing up, since it wasn't considered a "hot spot" by the doc who reviewed it, or my onc initially. Now, its redo the PET. This has been a constant cause of anxiety for me since I last saw her. She hasn't called me back, and her CPN just says, she'll talk to me at my visit. I see the Integrative Oncologist next Monday, the 29th to talk about bringing my ER/PR down naturally, rather than with meds. We'll see how that goes, as well.

    Slow, and all of you crazies are in my prayers daily. I take your names with me where ever I go and pray when there is a moment to do so. I love you all!


    Heading back toward to the edge of town to watch the ocean waves lap the shore while dangling from my treehouse. Yes, treehouse. I figured there should be a permanent structure, rather than just the branches...Everyone is welcome, and there is a stash of cafe mocha valium latte with Ativan sprinkles at the ready in the pantry.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2016

    JerseryGirl.. Definately in your pocket.! (( Hugs ))

    (( Slow.))

  • robinlk
    robinlk Posts: 363
    edited February 2016

    imageHopping in your pockets!

    And for the rest of us...image

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited February 2016

    Good Afternoon Crazies,

    You all have no idea how much you all mean to me. Thank you for standing by my side these past couple of months. I'm so grateful to all of you. I appreciate all of the good wishes from all of you. Thank you! I have an appointment on Thursday with the Pulmonologist.

    I've been with my Rheumatologist for over 30 years. Unfortunately, she isn't covered by my current insurance, so I visit her once a year and pay out of my pocket. She knows my medical history better than any of my doctors. Her office called me yesterday and she wants me to ask the Pulmonologist about fungal infections. She said that could be another possibility. While doing some Crazy Town Googling this morning, I'm thinking a fungal infection wouldn't be so bad. It also makes a certain amount of sense considering I was diagnosed with bronchitis this week. I'm going to set my mind on that at the moment. It sounds so much better than RA or the other alternative. I'm also going to stop Googling because we all know that can lead to madness.

    Tomboy gave me the best laugh I've had in a long time. She said in her very natural way, "Maybe it's a hairball!" I was laughing about that all night long. So of course my crazy mind got to thinking. I have these horrible hot flashes at night. I have a remote control fan that's aimed right at my face all night long. Since we got the new dog, both dogs don't like being outside. They both sleep in our room at night. Do you think their hair has been going down my throat into my lungs???? Is that crazy thinking??? I'm told I snore a lot. I can just picture me sucking dog hair into my lungs while the fan pushes it further down my throat!!! Maybe Tomboy is right?!?

    Cubbie, Thank you for taking the time to Google on my behalf!! That is so sweet of you when you're going through your own things. I really do appreciate the info. I started looking up RA nodules, but I couldn't find anything that said they would start out small and keep growing. Thank you - that give me peace of mind.

    JAN, Sending healing thoughts your way!! I really hope you don't get the same thing DH and I have had. I'm sending love and chicken soup through the tubes!!

    Robin, the pictures. Thanks for the laugh!!! The owl picture is beautiful. Owls always look so unreal to me. When I watch YouTube videos of them, it's always a bit disturbing to me when they move. It's like the equivalent of my Sick Bear moving.

    Rainy, Sorry for the yucky welcome home!! It's good to see you back though. I hope your trip went well. I'd love to hear all about it when you get a chance.

    Jersey, We will all be in your pocket on Monday!! You sure have a lot going on all in one day. Sending all my best wishes your way.

    Molly, Extra prayers coming your way for you and Wyatt. I'm hoping his fever went away and he is doing better today. It's one thing when things happen to us, but when it's our kids, it takes on so many more layers of crazy. Keeping you both in my thoughts!! Please let us know how he is doing when you can.

    Hope you're all having a peaceful, pain free weekend so far. Thank you again for all of your love and support. Love to all...quiet crazies too!!

    P.S. I'm always in search of things that make me laugh. My niece posted this on one of her social media accounts. I about peed my pants when I saw it. I hope you all get a good laugh too.

    Edited to fix link