CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited March 2016

    Jersey, congratulations on finishing rads!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited March 2016

    Tang- so glad you popped in. Of course it's ok. That's why CRAZYTOWN was created. It is strange how putting it out there helps a bit. Sending up bright thoughts that it is nothing. Keep us posted?

    Jersey- congrats on finishing rads! Ding ding ding! Why can't it ever just be 100% good though? I get you. I hope it proves to be nothing. I know you will feel better when that's done.

    Eggroll- what an awful dream! I have to say I've been having a lot of very realistic dreams to nightmares lately. I wake up completely traumatized, shaking. Sometimes I take a clonazepam before I even attempt getting out of bed! I was wondering if it could be the AI.

    Off to an MO appt. for a liver check and progress notes after 30 days on the AI.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited March 2016

    In your pocket, Katy

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2016

    GMA, Wishing you quick healing. I'm so glad the nerve pain is finally gone. You've suffered way more than any person should. Love that picture and boy can I relate.

    Rainy, Isn't it awful we have to get angry to get anything done with our insurance companies? It shouldn't be so difficult. Fresh soup! Sounds so good. Better send some in JAN's direction. I count the day the beast was cut out of me as my beastfreeversary - December 2013.

    PMR, I'm sorry I have no good advice about the drains. I had a lumpectomy with no drains. The last drains I've had were in 2003-2004. I don't remember even having them, but I do have the scars. I hope you get some relief soon!

    Iris, Enjoy your day at home. Are you making anything delicious???

    Tang, It's ALWAYS more than okay to pop in here. Good to see you!! We will all be in your pocket on Monday. I hope it turns out to be something simple. Please let us know when you get a chance. In the meantime, pull up a chair and we will hold your hand.

    Eggroll, So nice to see you posting. That dreams sounds awful. You must have been so relieved when you finally realized it was just a dream.Gentle hugs to you!! Thank you for posting the link to the vaccine study. It sounds very promising!!

    Jerseygirl, YAY!!! I'm so happy you're finished with rads. Doing the happy dance in your honor!!


    Put that pet scan out of your mind if you can. It's time to celebrate!!

    Molly, I've gotten pretty good at keeping my mind distracted.
    That DOES sound pretty crazy that you have to go through so much to give your son a voice. Will they put him on another antibiotic?? So kind of you to visit your mom with flowers and a card. I always like to believe that deep down they know. It just amazes me how much you have on your plate. ((((((Molly)))))

    Katy, We will all be in your pocket today!! Please keep us updated when you can.


    It's a beautiful day here in sunny CA. I hear that rain is in our weekend forecast. I'm trying to decide what to make for dinner. I think a grocery trip may be on my list of things to do. We seem to be running out of food!!

    I hope you're all having a peaceful, pain free day. Love to all...quiet crazies too!!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2016

    slow, no major cooking, just waiting for call saying car is ready, course the guy asked me if I wanted a sales job, he seems a tad short staffed

    Laundry done, all ready for tommorrow meet with accountant, yes my life is exciting

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Posts: 773
    edited March 2016

    Patty, those drains are the worst. I still have sore areas on my ribs where the drains were. No advice, I never did figure out anything that helped with the pain and soreness except getting them out.

    Tang, that is crazymaking. It's too bad you have to wait until Monday to have it looked at. Let us know what the doctor says, we will be in your pocket! Like Molly, I hope it's something simple.

    Eggroll, I've had some awful cancer dreams since my diagnosis, but not as bad as yours. I'm sorry you had that nightmare. Thank goodness it was only a dream! ((Eggroll))

    JerseyGirl, congrats on being done with rads! I hope your MO is just being overly careful with the followup PET. Let us know when you have it scheduled, we'll have a pocket party for you.

    Katy, I hope your MO appointment went well. Let us know when you get back.

    Waving to GmaFoley, Rainny, Iris, Molly, and of course Slow. I wish I had more time to write, I've got a big business meeting this evening.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited March 2016

    Thanks for the party, ladies! I felt your presence.

    I had my usual meltdown, but they are always very kind to me there. I appear to be tolerating the AI pretty well.

    And though the liver enzymes are still not in normal range, they came down a bit (about 20% and are now at high end of 2X/double high normal) and are trending in the right direction so back in a month again. So mostly good news and I'm cautiously optomistic. It's weird how the Tamox and the AIs operate on entirely different processes. And different bodies react differently. I think my body really didn't like the big T. And it's taking its time getting back to normal. Thanks again for all the support.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2016

    jack, hope the recent stuff goes in the right direction

    Lordiu but act Called and canceled our meet tomorrow, seems he has s something that requires a ct scan and canceling all his appt, oh,dear, nice guy and he seemed uncertain about what it about but you know it is not good

    Oh,dear, need to find a new tax,guy

  • PMR53
    PMR53 Posts: 185
    edited March 2016

    Jersey- I am so happy you finished rads!! What's next on the BC Trail? 

    Eggroll- I had a horrible dream last week and woke up in the middle of the night sobbing. Scared my husband. I think it was from Valium. If I take it I have weird dreams. 

    I will write more later. I am going out of my mind with these drains. I see the PS today. Thank the Lord!!


  • Fowlertee
    Fowlertee Posts: 7
    edited March 2016

    PMR...Ughhh..THE EFFING DRAINS!! Since my BMX Jan 20 I have at least 1 drain in. I'm trying to decide what to name it and what I should get it for Christmas....This last one was from the ALND Feb 19th..and drains like a mother effer! My surgeon says I'll probably have it for anther 4 weeks!!! Wtf!?!?!

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Posts: 934
    edited March 2016

    DRAINS!!! I literally had at least 1 drain in for months, between surgeries and infections and seroma problems it was like it never ended. will get better though I promise!!

    So, all day yesterday I just didn't feel good. At one point I felt feverish and achy, I was literally wearing hat and gloves at one point...insane right? Of course I start thinking the worst. I also have noticed my hair is thinking big time!! I went outside and the wind blew thru my hair and it hurt, just like it did when I first started losing my hair on chemo. Just that sore scalp feeling. wtf...I'm assuming this is Femara??

    I'm a mess this week, seriously.

    ((hugs)) to everyone.

  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Posts: 186
    edited March 2016

    PMR, I still have Herceptin every 3 weeks until June-ish, and I just had the big blood draw to see where my hormone levels are. MO first said Tamoxifen, then said Arimidex, then I said I wanted my levels checked to see where I am... so checking and then once the results are in, I'll go on the hormonal drug for 10 years... MO wants to redo PETscan at end of treatment to check a spot that "showed up" but didn't "light up" when originally done... She wasn't concerned about it originally, now that I've had BMX and still had 5 positive nodes, she wants to redo... Grrrr! That's a few months away though...

    So for now, it's looking to the "new normal" and getting some energy back from radiation... I pray! Herceptin knocks me down each time, but hoping taht will even out as I'm not recovering from surgery, and done rads...

  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Posts: 186
    edited March 2016

    Katy, so glad your news was good! Hang in there!

    To all of you wonderful crazies!!!! Love, hugs, and prayers for all of you today!

  • iammags
    iammags Posts: 105
    edited March 2016

    Rainyc- make a Vietnamese or Asian inspired soup out of the chicken stock. Noodles, bok choy or cabbage, hot peppers, soy..delish...

    I'm hanging in, thanks for the thoughts everyone. Yesterday I had a lumpectomy and next week I'm going back for reconstruction/reduction surgery. Yea me. :) I don't think the CLL is anything to worry about but I'll discuss it with my MO.

    PMR, i haven't asked what they think caused it. I hope that you are feeling better. I'll be in the same boat next week with the drains. Can you use anything for the burning or raw feeling?

    JerseyGirl- What the What? is right! Congrats on being at the end of Rads. You must be so happy about that.

    Katy- I hope that the tests go well for you. I'm with ya!

    Jan- I hope you're feeling better.

    It never rains but it pours, right fellow Crazies?

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited March 2016

    Thanks for the well wishes. Still sick, day 14. PCP tomorrow. Had to cancel my UCLA appointment for today.

    My stuff is nothing compared to the many of you who are dealing with seriously crazy issues. Katy, thinking of you and your liver count. Mags, your surgeries, in your pocket. Jersey girl, hoping new normal shows up soon. Patty, sorry about drains. And others, I know there are more who are coping with worrisome issues, hugs for you. Beppy, dear leader, holding you close.

    On the subject of dreams: Last night I dreamed Mrs. Trump drove me around NYC in her brand new Cadillac! Go figure......

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited March 2016

    (((Jan))) Katy, glad your numbers are going down. Continued prayers. PMR, oh the drains. I feel for you. I never could figure out how to stop the darn pinching and pulling feeling. I do have to say though that I loved the Pink Pockets I used for the drains. It sure helped after my MX. If I had known I was getting a drain with my LX with ALND I would have ordered them sooner. I need to make a decision soon about recon. I frickin' hate this. There is no simple answer to the recon issue after a MX with rads.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2016

    Katy.. So glad to hear your numbers are heading in the right direction..

    Slow.. I'd like to know your secret for keeping ypur mind distracted .. If there's something I'm meant to be doing I'm distracted way too easy.. but never when I have a CT issue ..!!! I wish I could !!

    Flowertee and PMR.. (( Hugs)) . I hated those EFFING drains too :-(

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020
    edited March 2016

    Also waiting for SlowDeep's methods of distraction. 'Cause I think we all might want to know that, now and again....

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2016

    Hello Beautiful Crazies,

    Iris, Did you get your car back? I hope your smooth ride is back!! I've been meaning to finish my laundry for three days. hahaha I keep finding better things to do! Sorry to hear you have to find a new tax person on such short notice. Maybe a friend in your area can give a referral?

    Cubbie, How did your business meeting go? I hope it's good news!!

    Katy, As you know, I'm just thrilled your numbers are coming down. I think you're right....our bodies take awhile to adjust.

    PMR, Good luck today. I hope you get de-drained!!! Please let us know how it goes.

    Fowlertee, hahahahahahaha!! That cracked me up. I'm sure we can all come up with an appropriate name for your drain. I've got to ask about your name....fowlertee. Does it have anything to do with Rickie Fowler the golfer??

    Tang, Hang in there! I wish I knew more about the SE's of AI's. Hopefully one of the crazies can come along and ease your mind. ((((Tang))))

    JerseyGirl, Be kind to yourself. It does take some time for the mind to catch up to your body after rads. I had a difficult time with Herceptin too. We ended up skipping my last infusion due to SE's.

    Mags, I hope you're able to get some rest after your lumpectomy. We will all be in your pocket next week for your reconstruction surgery.

    JAN, So good to see you posting!! I'm glad you're seeing your PCP tomorrow. Fourteen days is a long time to be so sick. Sending you love and best wishes!! What a funny dream!! hahahahaha

    Molly, I think the decisions we have to make within a short amount of time are like torture!! I'm hope you're able to get some clarity. Sending hugs your way!

    Lucy, My secret has been to live within the moment. I'm actually getting really good at training my mind to do that. I hardly ever have a panic attack anymore. It's taken me a long time to be able to do it effectively. Normally, I would be totally freaking out about my latest news. I started by reading the book, Full Catastrophe Living which was recommended by SpecialK. It has made a big difference for me.

    Queen, See above. I really do recommend the book to anyone that is living with a chronic illness or the big C. It was very difficult for me at the beginning, but now I'm getting pretty good at it!! Or, maybe I'm just delusional??? hahaha

    Tomboy, Waving hi to you!!

    Ducky, Hope your week is going well so far.

    Octo, Have you recovered from your birthday vacation???

    Rainy, I've decided to make your no knead bread this weekend, along with a wonderful recipe Katy sent to me for White Chili Chicken.

    To anyone I didn't mention, I hope you're all having a pain free, peaceful day today.

    I have an appointment on the 21st to see the Cardiologist. I guess they want to check out why my pericardial thickening is getting worse. Never a dull moment in Crazy Town!! I got my results back from my fungus test. I'm sorry to say there isn't a fungus among us. I was so hoping!!! That would have been so much easier. Oh well....I guess I'm just destined for more testing.

    We certainly need to lighten the mood in Crazy Town. Anyone know any good jokes???? I think we are all in need of a few good laughs!!

    Much love to all....quiet crazies too!!

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited March 2016

    Oh, man, this thread moves fast.

    Jersey, hooray for being done with rads!!!!!!!

    Molly, I'm with you on the decision about recon after rads. I've been putting off a PS consult because I just don't feel ready yet, skin still very sensitive. The RO told me it would take 6-9 months before I was healed enough for more surgery, so for now it's on the back burner. Any reason for you to hurry it?

    Katy, so glad the liver signs are going in the right direction.

    Sorry to hear about the ugly dreams... Hardly surprising, but still, something that we could all do without!

    Patty, any word today on drains?

    Proud, your poor accountant!

    Crazies, do you remember that I asked about thumb issues last week or so, and about a million (or six or seven) of you spoke up? I asked my Lymphedema therapist about it--whose practice is limited to breast cancer patients--and she said she sees quite a few patients with thumb problems. She mentioned a syndrome called De Quervain's Tenosynovitis that is very common among her patients and suggested strongly seeing a hand specialist. Link here for those who are curious:

    So there you have it! I wasn't crazy. Or, I was, but it was because of something real! Gosh, I love feeling validated.

    Maggs, re soup, I made a lentil soup with caramelized onions, cilantro, mint, and a ton o' garlic. But Asian soup sounds good, too, and I froze a LOT of stock. I might try to get to Chinatown on Saturday, in which case Asian soup is definitely coming here soon!

    Finally saw an actual fitter today and ordered a proper mastectomy bra and prostheses. I've been using Coobie bras and inserts since rads, waiting for my skin to heal a bit. One more step toward some sort of new normal.

    A delightful evening to all crazies, including those of the quiet variety....

  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Posts: 186
    edited March 2016

    ok, two silly jokes from my 5 year old great-nephew.... don't shoot the messenger...

    1... a penny and a quarter are standing on a cliff, the penny jumped off, why didn't the quarter?

    because he had MORE CENTS!!!!! >>>>>>Insert 5 year old giggle here...

    2. What do you name a guy with no arms, and no legs, playing in a pile of leaves?

    Russell!!!!! Again, insert 5 year old giggle.... he learned them at school today!!!

    I'm going to bed, crazies! Prayers going up for all of you

    Warrior On!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020
    edited March 2016

    Russel? >>>>>>insert adult's giggle here

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited March 2016

    Jersey, insert 50-something's giggle. Too funny!

  • PMR53
    PMR53 Posts: 185
    edited March 2016

    Fowlertee- I speak your language and thanks for making me laugh. Wow you are really dealing  with drains. I did get 1 out today. I am hoping that it was the really painful one. The one I got out was the one in the pocket area. The one still draining and staying in until bone dry is the one in there with the Silicone implant. Did you know about I bought a short sleeve white sweatshirt and inside are 2 big  pockets they hold the drains really nice. With 5 surgerys in last year ( 4 with drains) I have worn it a lot. Anyways that sweatshirt hides a multitude of sins. Lol 

    Thanks to you all for inquiring on drain pain. I am exhausted. It was a long day. My PS had an emergency. I had to wait. I didn't mind at all as I understand. The PS had to patch someone up that went through a windshield. How horrible. I had butterfinger minis and roast beef for dinner


  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited March 2016

    all right, I will admit it...I didn't get the Russell joke. Had to have hubby explain it to me (he thought it was funny, so maybe my life is just too serious lately! or maybe he thinks more like a five year old...I didn't really say that, did I? :-))

    I am horrible with jokes. But, I wanted our Mayor to have jokes since she asked for jokes. So, I turned to Google, and asked for 'best clean jokes' (since I am so good about not posting anything inappropriate, hah!...). Here is what I got:

    Q: What type of jokes do you make in the shower?

    A: Clean jokes!


    Also sorry for all having tough times right now. Thinking good thoughts for you all.

    The weekend can't get here quickly enough to suit me!

    Hugs to all the crazies!


  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2016

    Good Evening Crazies,

    Rainy, Interesting info about the thumb issue. Pretty crazy that I have RA and I've never heard about De Quervain's Tenosynovitis. I will definitely talk to my Rheumatologist about it the next time I see her. Thanks!

    Jerseygirl, Thank you! hahaha....When my nieces and nephews were young, we always told silly jokes when we would ride in the car. I've got a few.....

    What do you call a pig that knows karate? A pork chop.

    Knock, knock...who's there? Cows say. Cows say who? No silly, cows say moo!!

    How did the barber win the race? He knew a short cut.

    Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9!

    What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese!!

    Why are ghosts bad liars? Because you can see right through them!

    Why did the math book look so sad? Because it had so many problems!

    Ok, I'm done now. Here comes the hook!!


    PMR, Yay!!! One drain to go!! Hope you're able to get some rest tonight.

    Octo, hahahaha.....I'm an easy audience. They all make me laugh. Oh to be a kid again!

    Sleep well Crazies. Think happy dreams tonight, ok???


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited March 2016

    How about THIS, you guys?Free publicity ???

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2016

    Wow Tomboy. That is crazy!! Good detective work. Very sad indeed.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited March 2016

    Right? I told my local news, and the Mods. I think the mods should let it stand, BCO will get good publicity, and that man will not.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2016

    Might be wise to get a screen shot before it's revised or deleted.