CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.
Jersey, that is insane! I'm sorry that you are reacting to the drugs like this. It's hard to believe that you're getting better when you're puking your guts out. Which, by the way, is the worst thing ever, in my opinion.
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Good Morning Crazies!!
Jersey, That is just awful. I was hoping you would be able to tolerate the Tamoxifen. I hope your doctors can get it all figured out soon. Gentle hugs to you! Very happy to hear that Glynn is weathering the chemo well. Oh my....hiccups can be exhausting!!
Twinnie, Oh my goodness we are SO alike. hahaha I don't have a creative bone in my body. When my kids were young, I tried so hard to do crafts and all the fun things that kids love to do, but I was faking it all the way!! When the second generation came along, I continued faking the creativity. Truth be told, I would get all my craft ideas from the internet. I've always been a good Googler!! I still have to pick up candy for the kids. Thanks for the reminder. How did Easter get here so quickly????
Ducky, That is such terrific news about your DGS. You must be so happy he will be close by. I'm very excited for you both!
Katy, There must be something in the air. DH and I couldn't sleep last night either. We both tossed and turned all night long. He is usually snoring before his head hits the pillow!! Hopefully you can catch up with a morning nap.
Rainy, I just love the no knead bread. My DH did a sour dough starter and made sour dough bread with the no knead recipe. It came out great. I wish I had remembered to take a picture. Minestrone....YUM!!
QM, It took me about three hours to catch up!! hahahaha I am a SLOW reader. I hope your ENT appointment goes well. In your pocket!!!
Italy, Good to see you!! Are you coming on Saturday???
I got up this morning and realized we were out of dog food. I dressed quickly and headed over to the Tractor Supply store. I asked one of the nice young men to help me out to the car. I bought a big bag. He was very nice but was looking at me kind of funny - a weird little smile. That's when I realized I had a dryer sheet sticking out of the top of my shirt. I thought I felt something weird but I was in such a hurry. I'm such a goofball.
Wishing you all a pain free, peaceful morning.
Thank you for all of your support. You all have no idea how comforting you all are to me.
Love to all...quiet crazies too!!0 -
Checking back in abt. the ENT appointment: the doctor was absolutely lovely--very sweet, gentle, soft-spoken, and my was he thorough! He noted my systolic heart murmur and mentioned the cheilitis Also about nine miles tall.
His assessment was virtually identical to that of my PCP and dentist: idiopathic subclinical parotitis. AKA your salivary glands are pissed off at you, probably because of mild dehydration. So drink plenty of fluids and lemon drops ad lib. Come back if you don't get better.
Still worth seeing a specialist in whatever-it-is.
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queen, i have to laugh about your ent but think mine is charming also, mine believes in tons of saline spays, feel better
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He didn't actually say that about my salivary glands, alas, though I would have found it amusing. But gentlest examination/information that I've had in the last couple of years. Too bad he's the least likely one to require followup!
At least it's the tastiest treatment plan of all the doctors I've met so far. Lemon drops and pickles? hot dog! (my comment to my husband later was "Eat food that makes your mouth cry." as the point is to get your salivary glands slobbering like mad.)
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Ducky, congratulations to your grandson! To even be imagining a PhD at his age is SO impressive. And what a handsome building that is!
Jersey, ugh. You've had a rotten time, to be sure. Someone needs to make your MO stand up and take notice right now! Years ago, I was complaining about something or someone at work, and my DH asked, "Want me to break his legs?" Now, he is a very mild-mannered person, so this made me laugh. Since then, it has become our shorthand for, "the world is being rotten to you, and while I know it's your battle, I can feel your outrage and would do something like that if I were a violent person. Since I'm not, I can only stand with you and offer moral support." So Jersey, I say to you: let me know if there are any legs that need breaking. And I hope things settle down, in every sense of the word!
Queen, thank goodness for charming docs who bring basically good news.
Question for sleepy Katy and anyone else who's made no-knead bread. Have you ever played around with different kinds of flour? I ask because I used a different mix today, and it was an unbelievably wet dough with the same amount of water. Curious. It also didn't get the usual rise.
Question for Italy and anyone who's been on Herceptin for extended periods: Have you had a skin rash? The trouble is that I've been on Herceptin for 10 months through chemo, surgery, rads, so these last couple of months have been the first time that I've had it on its own. It seems that with every infusion (once every three weeks), I get a mild skin rash on my forearms, especially the arm that takes the drugs, and to a lesser extent on my shins. My face also breaks out like a teenager. It gradually clears up over a week or so, then the cycle starts again. Just curious if I'm crazy (oh, right) or if this is a documented SE. I also can feel my hair slowing down after the infusion and then speeding up again. Don't look at me like that--it's true! I only need to shave my legs once in the first week after infusion, and a couple of times in the last week. I can tell it's growing faster on my legs as the drugs recede, so assume the same is true on my head, where it's coming in painfully slowly.
Enough nattering on....
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Jersery.. (( Hugs)) So sorry you are having such a bad reaction :-(
Twinnie.. Thinking of you today.!! I was lucky when my kids were young my niece ( who is 10 years older than my oldest child) lived 5 minutes away, and she loved the kids and was supper crafty !! She helped them make everything! Phew!
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just want to share photos of my 3 year old twin grand -babies 😘
This is Amity
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Both.!! At the beach I go too.
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Rainnyc, I got an arm rash in the crease of my right arm (port is placed on right side) after about 4 of my Herceptin infusions. I even took a picture to show the oncologist. The oncologist's nurse practitioner said oh it's just contact dermatitis and I said oh really, so what did I come in contact with, and why does it occur within about 8 hours of a Herceptin infusion? Mentally I thought "bitch" - lol. So yes, I've had the rash too, but not consistently. They don't know everything, or else they lie to us. When I reported the rash to the "bitch", she called me back and said well the oncologist said you are fine to do the next infusion. I said I wasn't trying to get out of the infusion, I was just reporting the rash. Again, I say "bitch".
I will add that it is either this forum or the lumpectomy lounge where in the past a lot of discussion about bras has gone on, and I only half paid attention, just recording information in my head. Well this weekend I went to Target and bought a Bali bra, no underwires, stretchy sides, etc., and if I had known this style of bra would make such a difference, I would have gotten it like a year ago! Not I'm off the investigate the Genie Bra and all the others people mentioned. I'm pretty much in shock at how much better this bra feels than the ones I have been wearing.
I'm a convert!
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Rainy........he has his head on so straight it is amazing........he got academic money......$19,000 a year for all 4 is a very expensive school, but my daughter also had $25,,000 is his 529 Tap his first year will be a little easier......I think the tuition is $52,000 plus room and board....books, etc.....but he has a good start......he is carrying a 4.0 GPA...and is a golfer, and has already been approached by the golf it's looking good.........thank heavens.0 -
Ducky - Hooray for your grandson! Isn't it wonderful when good kids get rewarded!
Italy - Hooray for well-fitting bras!
Lucy - Beautiful little darilings! Aren't grands just the best!
Rain - Do you have a kitchen scale to weigh the flour? I find weighing flour produces a very different quantity than typical measuring in cups. I have experience with traditional flours, not the less common ones. You make me want to try it. And minestrone.
Queen - Play nice with your salivary glands. Hope it clears up soon.
Jersey - I hope today was a better day for you and you continue to improve.
Katy - Sleep? So frustrating. Warm milk? Excedrin PM, if you don't have an rx for something stronger.
And Beppy - I've been thinking of you all day. Tried to be quiet in your pocket. Love you, Sister. Real hugs on Saturday.
Waving to treehouse, rabbit hole, and suburban Crazytown dwellers. Nice to know you and hope your sun comes out tomorrow.
I'm now on Cipro for the 2nd time and hating it! (nothing contagious) Jan
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Hi all.....I am up on the beach in Ventura County, getting all the work out of the way so I can enjoy the weekend and meeting the crazies. It's been weird: I am at a conference and I keep running into people who I haven't seen in a while who don't recognize me with the almost-non-existent hair...but, I am getting used to it. Today, for the first time, I looked in the mirror and thought 'hey, that doesn't look bad'....nice feeling.
Anyway, still too busy to write much. Can't wait for the weekend!
Which reminds me: Last Chance: if you haven't already let me know you are coming to the Crazytown SoCal Get-together Saturday, please let me know: PM me and I can send you email and details...if you've emailed me, I've got you on the list. Otherwise, let me know if we will see you there...I will also be in touch about skyping for a few of you who can't make it but have expressed interest....probably not till tomorrow pm or Wednesday, but final details are coming! See you there!
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Forgive me if I’m forgetting anyone, but:
Ducky, congrats on your grandson finding the perfect university “fit” for his career! Jerseygirl & Theresa, bet that Herceptin rash isn’t a “bug” (allergy) but a “feature.” Amoxicillin can do the same thing, and many people who aren’t really allergic to penicillins think they are when they get the rash with Amox. or Augmentin. Also, I learned the hard way (on a Cessna trip from Henderson, NV to the Grand Canyon) that Imodium increases nausea--if it won’t come out one end, it has to come out the other. Katy, nurse that headache! Whatever helps you sleep, especially white noise from a fan or even earplugs. Blackout curtains too. Beppy, better a dryer sheet on your shirt than TP trailing your shoe! Queen, that makes sense, and also explains why my parotids go nuts when on an empty stomach they’re given both food & acidic beverages. Guess it’s a rude awakening for them.
Had a pretty great day going--Gordy got us tickets to see the Who up in Milwaukee (their Chicago shows were sold out). Had lots of time to kill (we'd left after a shrink appt. up in the far N. Shore, cutting 3/4 hr. off the drive time), so we parked in the arena garage and went to the tavern across the street. Had a bratwurst--left over the bun & fries, but got extra peppers, kraut & pickles. They were out of nonalcoholic beer and the only light ones they had were more like pee-water (Coors Light and Miller Lite--ugh). So I gave in and had a Spotted Cow IPA--first real beer I’ve had in a year. Tal Wilkenthal, who is Jeff Beck’s bassist, opened with her band. Great chops, nice rock voice but her songs were just “meh;” lyrics too introspective but shallow, melodies rambling and not at all memorable. The Who--who’d postponed the show for 8 months because of Roger Daltrey’s severe bronchitis--were fantastic. Pete Townshend had laryngitis--instead of that choirboy sweet high tenor, he growled like Jimmy Durante (I was waiting for him to sing “Ink-a-Dink-a-Doo”). But Daltrey (except for two painfully flat mid-range notes on “Behind Blue Eyes”) was in the strongest voice I’d heard him in years. They played nearly 3 hours--and abandoned the pretense of an encore set, playing their hearts out and holding nothing back. The show was a benefit for Teens with Cancer (Daltrey’s favorite charity), so for a $10 donation I got my choice of a wristband or big guitar pick--because I figured the wristband would aggravate my LE, I chose the pick--just the right size and gauge for playing dulcimer! It occurred to me I’ve seen every U.S. Who tour since 1982, and Gordy has since 1997!
And I did so much applauding, fist-pumping, and dancing in place that my Fitbit read 8000 steps, 2.6 miles walked and 8 floors! (Now you know how to fool a Fitbit).
So we were walking back to the garage and cut across the HC parking lot. When we got to the sidewalk, I didn’t see the raised brick edge of a still-empty tree planter--my toe hit it, and down I went. Landed on my R knee, elbow and upper arm, wrenching my shoulder. Gordy and another guy helped pull me to my feet and to my relief I hadn’t broken anything. (Nice to have metal knees where that vulnerable bone had been). I could feel I’d skinned my elbow, though my leather jacket wasn’t even scuffed at the elbow. My shoulder was very sore--I couldn’t shrug or do a shoulder roll. But I was able to drive home easily. When we got home I found I can raise my arm as high as before, so I think it’s just a strain, not even a sprain. No need to go to the ER tonight nor urgent care around the corner tomorrow. But I did indeed skin my elbow: though there was no blood on the inside of the sleeve, I did have a layer of skin peeled back and an exposed bloody area the size of a penny on the ulnar part of the forearm just below the point of the elbow. Washed and patted it dry, then applied a large band-aid slathered with bacitracin. Lucked out--no LE flare. Took a Celebrex (in addition to my daily morning one) and will probably pop a Norco to get to sleep. My biggest fear was that I wouldn’t be able to take my trip to Europe this Thurs., but it looks like that won’t be a problem. (Just have to be careful putting on my compression sleeve before boarding the flight to London).
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Sandy- oh no about the fall! So glad it seems to have not done major damage. And off to Europe again! How exciting- where to this time? I'm sure you didn't fool that Fitbit. Sounds like a great concert! It's quite something that you've seen every US tour since 82?
I had a very quiet day yesterday. Headache is better, and now have to get my sleep back on track. That is, sleeping at night and normal (what is that, anyway) activity during the day.
Waving hello and blowing kisses to my Crazies!
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Lucy - your granddaughters are adorable, and look happy and healthy!
Ducky - congratulations to your grandson - and you. Yet another talented young person in your family.
Italy - those Bali bras are great - very comfortable. I also got a nursing/sleep bra from Target - helps with some LE I've got in my breast and back.
Katy - sleep seems to be the final frontier for me too. I read a good article yesterday about changing one's sleep cycle - easier said than done. I will try to find the link for you.
Have a wonderful day everyone - the sun is shining here in central PA.
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pennysgal, boy are they great! It didn't even feel like I was wearing a bra at all! I saw the nursing bras and thought about trying them too
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Italy - I got one of the criss-cross styles. It is so comfortable, and actually looks ok under clothes, although not under something fitted.
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ducky, congratulations to your DGS! What a great young man he must be! Lucy, your granddaughters are absolutely beautiful. Theresa, I love my Bali bra from Target. That conversation about bras in the LL was really eye opening for me. This is the only bra that doesn't irritate my ALND site. Katy, glad the headache is gone. Sandy, ouch! I am glad you are okay. Enjoy your trip to Europe. Are you at all nervous after the attack in Belgium?
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I gave up my underwire bras and switched to genie bras, much more commie for me
Oh dear on the falling, been trying to be so careful on that
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Chi.....hope your ok.......I am the major "fallen"....I tell my death will be from a fall....LOL.......take it easy, and safe flight..........
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I can't remember if I posted here, but had my 14 month follow up breast MRI and it came back completely clean. What a relief! So far, clean brain MRI and clean breast MRI. For me, the MRI process gives me more comfort since it was spot on in identifying exactly how large my cancer lump was.
Also got DEXA scan results, very mild osteopenia and oncologist is recommending Prolia every six months. So I meet with her in two weeks to discuss that. She said it is important to keep bones strong, makes them more resistant to any cancer cells that may try to invade the bone.
And that makes today a great day for me!
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woohoo for great days and great results Theresa!!!!!! Happy Dance!!!
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I know you all love photos, so here is the photo from the balcony of my hotel room where I am working away....taken at sunset last night....that is an oil rig in front of the sun. Did you all know they make great dive sites? I've been enjoying the views of Anacapa Island, and if the SoCal Crazies want I can tell a very funny story about the 'three hour cruise' I took there one time....
Hugs to all!
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🐙🐙🐙Octo-🐙🐙🐙🐙 Lovely!
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Theresa, that is wonderful news! Did you know the added benefit of Prolia is possible protection from recurrence?Prolia Reduces Recurrence Risk of Estrogen Positive Disease in Women taking AI's
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Beautiful view, Octogirl!
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Molly, interesting. Wonder if it has value for estrogen negative disease, which mine appears to be.
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Hi everyone. Nothing new with me, not yet ! Waiting in limbo.
Still trying to get out of the shitter.
You ladies rock and roll with the punches. Congrats. Have a blast. I will check back in a bit. Awesome pics kids and travel and such .