CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.
Hi everyone. Happy Monday.
Ducky, I am Lisa and live just outside of Birmingham, Alabama.
Lucy, I hope the test wasn't as bad as you feared.
Iris, I am married to a cop, so I trust no one I don't know.
I got a call this morning from someone at the hospital saying my MO set me up with an appointment at a urologist a couple of hours after my dynamic ultrasound Thursday morning. I asked him why and he said whatever it turns out to be the urologist will deal with it. I looked up the guy who called and he is the urologic oncology clinical care coordinator. Would they have this guy call me whether or not they feel it is cancer? Would my MO have lied to me, when he said he still thought it was a cyst, and he would tell me if he thought it was cancer? I looked up the urologist, and his clinical sub specialty and areas of interest are listed as urologic oncology and scientific research understanding the molecular basis of renal cancer. And, all his recent papers he published have been on renal cancer. Do y'all think he sent me to him because he is in the same building as the (MO) is? Do you see how my mind works? Going round in circles?
There is a lady that I go to church with. She got diagnosed about two years after me. She had bi lateral mx. She had problems after the surgery and after reconstruction. She kept having to go back into the hospital for one thing after the other. Now, the other day, they find lesions on her liver, kidneys and brain. They haven't finished testing yet. I know how bad it sounds, but I am still praying for them to all be benign. She and her husband are two of the sweetest people I know.
I am in the corner of the crazy town waiting room,
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Chest CT shows a 4 mm lesion on my left lung and a 4 mm lesion on my right lung but apparently they were there 8 months ago when I had my post chemo CT scan and they are stable so both my MOs say it's nothing to worry about and does not explain my cough. I'm due for an echocardiogram but honestly, if I never set foot in a Drs office again I would be perfectly happy! Oh wait...I work in one...well, as long as I'm the one wearing the stethoscope it's ok
Actually, the cough seems to be getting better so I'm choosing to ignore it for now.
I'm supposed to restart Tamoxifen in 2 weeks and I'm really dreading that but I'm hoping that the SEs will be more tolerable now that I'm done with Herceptin. One can hope...
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Lisa.. So sorry they are being so vague.. Surely your MO could of rung you with some sort of explanation.. So you don't have to worry for days ! ( Hugs).. Hoping for benign results for your friend as well..
PTS.. I think it was a wise move to go out as well.
rleepac... So glad you had good results from your scan , and hope you can shake the cough off soon.
(( Twinnie )) ..
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I cannot even begin to catch up with you all. The food porn, travelogues, appointments, quilts,scans, scares etc... I love you all and you keep me relatively sane!
Robin is my actual name. I live in a suburb of Phoenix AZ, called Surprise. I am a transplant, originally from Connecticut.
I have been checking in to try and keep up with the reading. Just haven't felt up to typing. Have a bunch of stuff to talk to my OC about tomorrow. Holding it together until then. She had been away for 2 weeks. I am happy she is back.
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(((Robin))) those are big hugs from me. Lisa, I know the leaps our minds make. Try to be positive and until you hear different just assume it is because it is a urologist your MO knows. (((((((((((((((((((((Slow)))))))))))))))))))))))) biggest hugs I can send through the pipe. I am ready for the pocket party. Bekah, glad the cough is getting better. Hugs to all here that I didn't mention.
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Ducky, my name is actually Sandy and I live on the far north side of Chicago's lakefront. (How's that for truth in advertising)? Originally from Brooklyn, then a few years in Seattle before landing here. Molly50, Rona is my sister's name!
Sula, your food porn pix are the perfect cure for dry mouth! (Trying to avoid drooling on the keyboard, especially over those brownies).
Katy, you are one talented seamstress--what a gorgeous quilt!
The one thing we didn't get while we were in San Antonio was BBQ. So as we left for the airport, we asked the resort's parking valet if he knew of a good place nearby or on the way. We ended up at Big Bib BBQ in Alamo Heights--an old-school walk-up-and-order place. No liquor license, but several types of pop (I chickened out on trying Big Red and opted for a DIY Arnold Palmer--unsweetened iced tea with a splash of lemonade). No beef ribs, but the best brisket, greens and green beans I've ever had. We arrived at the terminal after returning the car with an insane amount of time to kill. This time, TSA Pre cut half an hour off the security line time--when they asked if I had metal in my body and I replied I did, they whisked me to the body-scanner machine without having me remove my shoes, jewelry or even laptop from my bag. They patted down my back to confirm I had hooks on my bra and that was that. So there we were with 3-1/2 hrs to spare--and all of a sudden, ahead of us loomed Vino Volo...yup, a real wine bar. I had a sparkler flight (cava, prosecco, and Duval-Leroy champagne), a flute of the cava and finally an Oregon pinot noir. (3 hours in an airport is a very long time). After 4 hrs had elapsed since our BBQ lunch, we split a lovely blueberry-almond-mesclun salad and lamb meatballs. At the next table was a delightful lady, originally from Laredo, awaiting her flight back home to Guadalajara. She was flying on Volaris, which is the Mexican equivalent of (ugh) Spirit or Ryanair. Natch, her 2 pm flight was delayed indefinitely (we saw her plane pull in as ours was backing out). She was waiting for the wheelchair attendant to come and get her, and had gone through a river of Pinot Grigio (more than matching us glass-for-glass) by the time we left for our gate. Hope she got home okay.
I'm not surprised that so many of us are depressed on AIs (whether or not we were predisposed before cancer). The NYTimes had an article today stating that most men on testosterone-suppressors for prostate cancer suffer depression as an SE. Men get an article. We get a “try to maintain your weight, dear.”
Gonna teetotal for awhile (duh). Might have to drive to Cleveland this weekend to help my niece cope with some mean-girls bullying she’s been getting from dorm-mates/fellow art students lately (yup, even college juniors pull that kind of shit). Will give her some retail-and-restaurant therapy. My sister may be able to fly out & join us.
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I feel there is lots of truth in your comparison of men and women and drug related depression Sandy...
Not a lot of time right now, thanks to a fire at work (figurative only, which is the only good thing I can say about it...) so will just jump in for a moment to say:
1. I live in a fairly small town in the Great Central Valley. I think as the crow flies I am probably only 50 or 60 miles or so from Jan. But, that crow would have to fly over wilderness within and around Yosemite National Park (which has a huge amount of wilderness for those of you who don't know it well), so as the roads go, more like a 1.5 to 2 hour drive. One of these days I hope we have a 'meet somewhere in the middle' meet up (maybe in Mariposa or even Yosemite). Any crazies want to join us? Rleepac, you must be fairly close by, though the CV is a big place...
2. The Giants won the baseball game, on a come from behind win after falling behind 5 to 0 in the first inning. We beat LA! Woohoo! It was a whole lot of fun
3. ((((((((((((((((Slow)))))))))))))))) Biggest hugs ever. You are in my thoughts today and in my heart always. Sending my love.
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Chi.....I have 2 grandsons who live in works for J.P. Morgan and the other just got a new job.......I have been to Chicago 3 times.......first time. On a plane was to grandson got married in Old St. Patrick's 2 years ago.....his wife is a Pharma Rep....they live in downtown Chicago in a town home.
My other grandson owns a beautiful condo that you can see Lake Michigan from his balcony....beautiful town......probably some of the best food I have ever eaten....not one bad for meal.......never.....from breakfast to dinner.......we use to eat breakfast at a place called West I know Chicago.......I just hate flying....LOL
Hugs.0 -
Sandy, I love that you enjoy life so much. Funny about your sister and me having the same name. I don't meet many Rona's. I made fried chicken for dinner and oven roasted red potatoes. Not quite as good as the ones I ate at the Mission Inn but enjoyable.
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Bekah - glad your scan results are good! My friend had that same experience with lung nodules - they saw them on the initial scan but told her about them one year later - stable/unchanging. I think maybe during active treatment, they manage information.
Ducky - I now live in Hollidaysburg, PA, but I was born in Haverford, PA and grew up in Highland Park, IL. I spent many adult years in Chicago - Rogers Park neighborhood.
I have an appt with my MO tomorrow - six months after surgery. I honestly am looking forward to it - it makes me feel like I'm being monitored, and therefore somewhat reassured.
Thinking of you Slow.
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Morning guys, cold and rainy here so slept in late, skipping gym today
Course my doorbell just rang and I wondered if I should freak out after yesterday's was my neighbor telling me I left my window open in the car
Duh, i must be loosing it0 -
Well, hello Crazies... It's been a while.... I got into a bad head space with overthinking treatment, since I can't take Tamoxifen or AI's right now... I tried just hanging in the treehouse, but that didn't help me... I worked myself up so badly that I just needed to jump down the rabbit hole and hide... Feeling better now... I've been on a break from Hereptin, and see the MO April 25th to see if I''m continuing it or not... I've had 9 months of it, so she may stop it, since I have SEs that they tell me I shouldn't...
I'm going to try and catch up, but for to all of you beautiful, wonderful crazies...
Ducky, I'm Alana and I live just over the bridge from Philly, in rural, southern NJ...I'm not far from you!
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I used to live in May's Landing. About 25 years ago. Do you know it?
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Octo - I'm in Manteca so I'm at the North end of the Central Valle
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Ruth in Brooklyn, getting mighty fed up with this primary election and the non-stop media coverage.
Robin, I've been to Surprise several times! My father-in-law spent his winters there, so when he was still alive, we would visit him there in December. He died in '03, so it has been quite a while. I remember the landscape so vividly and have a photo of my son, at age 3 months, in a baby carrier at the foot of a saguaro cactus, screaming his head off. DH and I always looked forward to the fantastic Mexican food we'd get on those trips.
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pennsy, I live four blocks south of the Rogers Park/Edgewater boundary, and our first apt. in Chicago was in West Rogers Park. RP is gentrifying in spots but is still mostly a difficult neighborhood. Gang crime is a huge problem. Whatever popularity it enjoys is because it is cheap relative to elsewhere on the North Side, and any attempts to improve it meet with intense resistance from those who insist rents and prices remain low. It’s convenient if you walk, bike or take the L everywhere--but it’s hell to try to find parking.
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Hi Crazies, both old and new! I'm just catching up on reading what's been happening. Some relatives were in town last week and every moment I was either working or entertaining. Now I'm trying to get the laundry, bills, etc done. Cancer really changes your perspective on even a simple visit. Everything seems so poignant. I spent most of the last couple of days in or near tears. I'm sure many of you have been there
Hugs to everyone!
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Katy! Yes, I do know Mays Landing! I have several friends who live there... I'm about 20 minutes south west of Philly.... near Rowan University/Glassboro State....
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Dear Crazies;
Good morning to all. JerseyGirl, good to see you. Cubby, you also. I will be entertaining in a few weeks, back to back with leaving on vacation. Clearly I am crazy to take on entertaining a day before I leave on a 2.5 week vacation, but a dear friend of many years is coming into town to sing with our local small town symphony, so of course I have to see the show and host her and am grateful her concert is the day before I leave for vacation and not the day after. She is the type of friend who I am comfortable telling 'when you aren't at rehearsal you can take a walk or watch me pack'...our kids were in elementary school together. That's a long time ago. Haven't seen her in a long, long time. It will be nice.
Rleepac, I am in Merced. Not all that far from you.
I thought I'd share the pic I put on the Hair thread so you all can see the progress my hair is making (with a brief blurry glimpse of the beautiful quilt my sister gave me in the background). The lighting is off, and while this pic makes it look almost exactly the color it was before chemo, it is actually bit lighter than that. I even have a cowlick! I've decided to trim it after I get back from vacation in May. The MO said it would be back for vacation and he was pretty spot on in his estimate.
All is well here. My knees are hurting a little bit from the Femara but not nearly as much as they did on Arimidex. hope that trend continues.
Sending hugs
and love to all!
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morning, wow bad day yesterday, tummy ache and the chills, wrappeed myself myself up in thick sweater and blankets, could not even keep ginger tea down. Hoping today is better, not sure if a virus flu stuff or if reaction to steroid shot
Oh shit, sure hope it is not reaction to shot, did not do my stretches yesterday so do them today along with hot shower
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Feeling a new "knot" in my left reconstructed breast and I have appointment with BS tomorrow at 9am. I'm praying that it is just fat necrosis again, but I am paralyzed sitting at my desk. So afraid. I don't want to tell my husband anything because he will worry too much. After seeing doctor I will get an ultrasound...I will let you ladies know as soon as I know something. Just saw my MO on Friday and she didn't do an exam, but did tell me since I am coming up on my 3 year anniversary of TNBC that I should celebrate. She mentioned that if I were to have a recurrence it happens in the first 3 years.
I'm frightened
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Octo.......glad Femara is being a little kinder to FYI.....when the Femara got me in the donut hole, I switched to Letrozole....that one was a tad (not a lot) nicer to me then Femara......remember what I said about the "fillers and dyes"........and the cost difference was huge, and kept me from getting into the donut hole before the year was out.........JUst a thought....
To all the ladies not feeling good...Proud, Shorfi, I have something to make you smile.
To all my Jersey, and near Philly ladies......I passed your area many times on my way to the shore house......and still will on my way to my kids summer is suppose to be nice this weekend.
Ok Ladies here is the treat I promised....this should make you all smile......I got this this morning while drinking my this little lady....Its Lila.
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Ducky, Lila is beautiful and her hair looks like mine! :-)
Shorfi, pts and all, sending hugs!!!
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This is...I think my 4th or 5th time with this...and it has always been fat necrosis. I have been having ultrasound for the past 1 1/2 every 6 months to monitor this area, but I think this is something new. I can't remember for the life of me. I'm am praying so hard that it is the spot they have been looking at. I'm in the rabbit deep down I can hardly breathe.
Ducky...your baby girl is beautiful.
Proud...feel better!!!
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ducky, that little one sure gives me a smile. Adorable
Shorti, gonna hope it is the dang fat necrosis
Feeling tad better, hot showers are always good, bought some ginger ale and thinking that will help settle tummy
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Proud: my digestive system sends your digestive system sympathy! Ginger ale sounds pretty good to me right about now...
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Sheri, I know the fear feeling today. I have my "dynamic" ultrasound tomorrow morning, then to the urologist to find out what that is on my kidney. I am frightened too. I will pray for yours to just be more fat necrosis.
I still haven't heard about how my friend is, who has the lesions in several places. They hopefully will be benign. I mean, just because she has several, doesn't necessarily mean they are bad. Right?
Ducky, I love the cowlick. Your hair looks nice and thick. My hair has grown back all frizzy, and only argan oil helps. It is getting a lot longer and all the new growth is the texture my old hair was, not frizzy. Little Lila is a doll. Does she have a little naughty side? My sister's daughter just announced on Easter that she is having a baby. That will make four of my sisters who are grandmothers. I will be patient and wait for my turn.
Proud, I hope you feel better quick. Stay warm. I don't like having the chills AND a bad tummy at the same time. I have a nervous tummy today, just thinking about tomorrow. Plus, we had lentil soup last night. It was good, but....
I appreciate all the comments that have encouraged me this week. It means a lot to me. I do plan on having a breakdown after this, and will need an ativan blizzard to get me over it. I am overdue for one.
Everyone have a lovely afternoon.
Sitting in the corner of the crazy town waiting room playing mindless games on my Kindle, Lisa
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Octo, your hair looks great! ducky, Lila is beautiful and that face made my day. Shorfi, I am praying for fat necrosis! Thinking of you, (((Slow))). You have been in my prayers everyday. Lisa, praying for you too. Proud and QMC, both of you feel better quickly and sending ginger ale through the pipes. I am in the rabbit hole and just don't know why. I may come out and climb the tree house instead. So if I am quiet...
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wondering if my leftover root veggie soup would work on tummy tonight? No fat and just cooked veggies
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Shorfi/Sher- sending you big hugs and of course you are scared! I am so sorry. Will hang out in your pocket for awhile.... Try to breathe, I'll breathe with you.
Lisa, the nice thing about CRAZYTOWN is we are able to be in more than one pocket at the same time. So, with your permission I'll hop in yours as well. When you feel scared or alone, reach down in your pocket and give a squeeze. You'll find a bunch of us in there
Iris and QMC- yuck on the stomach trouble. Hope whatever it is passes quickly. I feel we are all so much more vulnerable these days.
Ducky, Lila is one beautiful child!
Octo, hair looks good! So glad your friend is the kind who is flexible. I hope you have a wonderful visit then a fabulous vaca.
I had my MO yesterday and the liver enzymes barely budged so an US of my liver will be done next Tuesday. Hoping it's just fatty liver or something. He doesn't seem too worried, but wants to rule out and wants me to stop worrying too. He says worrying is bad for the body. Ya think?
Finally, to our Dear Mayor Beppy- I know for many of us time will stop tomorrow as we await your successful trip through surgery. I know that all aspects of this process are a worry to you, and I'm sorry that you were put in a position of having to have a major surgery (though as you said, technologically very cool and advanced) just to get info on pathology normally available via biopsy. I know your pockets will be bursting with the many people you have loved and supported here in Crazytown and elsewhere. I know there will be angels in the operating suite giving grace and steady hands to all who care for you there. And they will follow you to recovery and after. I'm so glad your whole family is going to be with you. Blessings to all of you.
Sending my best medicine. Much love.