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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2018

    Molly ..lovely pic ..we were SO disappointed..looked forward to seeing it for the past week ..then , of course it rained last night , and we didn't see a thing ...:-(

    Iris sorry ..hope your tummy has settled down now .

    There's a drop in temperature here today ..thank goodness's been a long hot summer ...!

  • tessieb1904
    tessieb1904 Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2018

    I have no words for what all of you are going through.  I am so exhausted from worrying.  Waiting for my results.  Surgery was last Friday, January 26th.  Waiting is difficult.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2018

    gee, had alsoo drank tonic water, just as a change, but yesterday i was gentle with my diet and no pain and slept fine, definitly a learning process, back to herbal teas and stay away from broccoli

    Think i will touch base with doc today

  • NicolaSue
    NicolaSue Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2018


    I'm in London, UK. I had LCIS diagnosed one year ago and this coming week I have the first follow up since excision of the lesion. Follow up will be Mammo (we don't get MRIs easily in UK). I am anxious and my other half doesn't like talking about things which is hard. Glad to have found this thread.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2018

    tessieb ..Welcome ..As I'm sure you've been told you are at the worst stage now ..waiting for results ..Once your results are in and your plan is decided on you will start to feel so much better ..Stay with us ...lots of caring ladies here ..we've all been exactly where you are now ..(( hugs))

    Nicola..Welcome ..we all feel anxious when we have test coming up , so pull up a chair with us and chat ...We had a lovely holiday in London /Europe 7 years ago ..

    Iris ..glad to hear the pain is gone and you could get a good night's sleep ..My Hubby loves tonic water ..but I don't like it at all ...

    Hugs to all xx

    Edited for spelling mistakes..

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,862
    edited February 2018

    Missed PT yesterday because I had a touch of the flu.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2018

    mommy, sounds like an herb tea time for you, hope the flu is short lived

    My pt person promised me she would get me back to the gym and that is a strong motivation, gotta ptactice my moves!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited February 2018

    Feel better, M0mmy!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2018

    Mommy ..hope you are feeling better soon !

    Octo ..what date is your knee op ?

    Iris ..yes start practicing the moves :-)

    Molly are things with Wyatt ?

    Ducky ..WHERE ARE YOU ?????

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited February 2018

    Wyatt just scared me so badly! He was trying to cough but wasn't doing well with it and was turning blue but we deal with it all the time but this time he got down really low on his oxygen saturation and then HE STOPPED BREATHING! Eyes rolled back and I am freaking out hitting his chest telling him NO and then he started breathing again. I was alone couldn't even get to my phone

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited February 2018

    Welcome, tessieb and NicolaSue. Yes, as you've guessed, the intake process is crazymaking, as are pretty much every annual followup. Pull up a rocking chair on the CrazyTown porch, with the soothing beverage of your choice, and (try to) relax. We're here for you.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2018

    ((( Molly ))) How scarey for both you and Wyatt !

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2018

    Molly, so glad you got Wyatt breathing again. Hugs to the both of you.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2018

    molly, that surely sounds scary and so glad he started breathing again. You are very strong to be able to handle everything in your life

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2018

    ((((Molly))); how scary!

    and (((Mommy))) also, hope that you get over the flu quickly.

    My surgery to replace the right knee is February 12th. (Tuesday), so just over a week to go. Really ready to have it done!

    In the meantime, I spent a long weekend up at the Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Elko, NV, hanging out with some great poets and musicians. Lucy, there was a great Aussie poet there this year, who grew up on a cattle station just south of Brisbane. Really made me miss you and DH. Come and join us next year!

    It was a good way to get out of Crazytown for a few days...

    Hugs to all and welcome to tessieb and NicolaSue!


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,862
    edited February 2018

    Feeling better, hubby has a touch of it now.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2018

    gee, half my family is celebrating today, the other half is well in denial this morning! Note i grew up in pa and have a bunch of family in mass

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2018

    Anyone see SNL this week? There was a sketch set during the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, which resulted in a face-off between colonists from MA (led by Bostonian Rachel Dratch) and PA (led by Philadelphia-raised Tina Fey--both were surprise guests). The two were trash-talking each other's cities in authentic accents. It was the best of the night.

    And ducky, wherever you are (recovering from last night's Super Bowl party?), congrats to your Eagles. Fantastic game, almost all pure skills (only one each QB sack and punt). Everyone complaining about how their home teams got screwed during the playoffs should realize why the two Super Bowl teams got where they are: either one is capable of beating the other at practically the last second (Pats last year and nearly pulled it off this year, but Eagles held off the threat).

    My Shingrix reaction has faded away. The "heat" was gone by yesterday morning, the swelling replaced by my usual flab. Only the Sharpie marks remain. (How come they don't come off in the shower, but they do transfer to my fingertips if I use a Sharpie to delineate certain frets on my practice chromatic dulcimer)?

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2018

    Octo ..Hubby says he would LOVE to come !!! Gosh ..not long now until the 12 th !!! How exciting to have it all over and done with !

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2018

    Not sure why I said the 12th...I meant the 13th! (for total knee replacement). And hospital just called: my admission time is not until noon, with surgery in the afternoon. Crud! Since the instructions are 'nothing to eat or drink after midnight, it will be a LOOONGGG morning for me without my coffee. Will be glad to have it done, indeed.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited February 2018

    Chi - DH and I enjoyed the SNL skietch you mentioned - We both enjoyed! So happy for the Eagles fans - thought it was a great game. First time in a long while that I can remember being interested in watching the entire game. DH, even though a Brit, also enjoyed it. Glad to hear you are recouping from the shingles vaccine - will probably get mine at the next PCP visit.

    Greetings to all the other ladies and hugs to those in need.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2018

    Octo, my singing partner's wife was NPO for a long time till they could finally wheel her in for her gallbladder surgery. She awoke with a raging headache. The nurse asked if she was a coffee drinker, and when she said yes, the nurse injected a bolus of caffeine into her I.V. Yup, she actually mainlined caffeine!

    Before my first TKR, I didn't make a reservation for post-hospital rehab, not knowing that the hospital wouldn't let me stay more than 48 hrs, and that I could do rehab at home. (Turns out that I needed PT daily and OT every other day, which was a no-go from home: even though there was a PT center with van transport, I'd still have had to contend with those 8 stairs up to my front door twice a day, and I'd have had to spend most of my day alone). So I ended up at a crummy rehab center--the only available one in my insurance network. It didn't serve real coffee--only weak decaf. I actually had to pay into the staff coffee pool to get the real thing! You'd better believe I made my rehab reservation(s) as soon as I booked my second TKR date--good thing I did, because my first choice (for only joint replacement patients) had a holdover and I had to go to its "sister" facility, which was fine. The difference between that one and the year before was like night & day--the place I did my second rehab took only orthopedic patients, had a dining room with waitress service and great food, movies, an ice-cream parlor with espresso bar, twice-daily PT and daily OT, flat screen TVs, large wheelchair-accessible en suite bathrooms, and a much bigger staff--more LPNs instead of nurses' aides. Oh, and in the lobby--two airpots of regular and decaf coffee, kept full at all times. (Cookies too).

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited February 2018

    Sandy, since I have no stairs at all and hubby can take off work and get me to rehab (very close by, about a mile and a half) easily enough, I will be going home when released...and while hubby is good about bringing me meals and coffee, that second rehab sounds like somewhere I wouldn't mind vacationing! :-)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2018

    Octo, it was like a hotel with drugs! The hospital (North Shore Skokie) was awesome too--great pain management (gentle weaning off the nerve blocks), single room with huge TV, "concierges" who take your meal orders and even go down to the lobby's espresso bar, and on Friday night, a "Shabbat kit:" a little challah roll, mini bottle of grape juice, and a pair of LED tea lights to borrow.

    In Chicago's older lakefront neighborhoods, it's very rare to find single-family homes or 2-or-3-flats with ground-level entry. Most houses have 7-8 wooden or concrete stairs up to the front porch, and it's the same out back from pavement to deck. Garages are detached, with cars accessing them from alleys. (Garbage & recycling bins are also in the alleys). Quite rare to find street-access driveways (which are more common in NYC's outer boroughs and S.F.). Instead, on each side of city homes are gangways for foot traffic from sidewalk to backyard. You find some ranch-style homes mostly in the far NW Side neighborhoods, and in most of the suburbs (the close-in suburbs' housing resembles that of Chicago's side streets, only on larger lots).

    I have a housekeeper who started 33 yrs. ago as Gordy's nanny when I was struggling with postpartum depression. She was my rock--though Bob took off from work on my surgery days, she took it from there: brought me home from rehab, stayed 5 days a week from morning till late aft., drove me to & from outpatient PT once my visiting PT was over, reached stuff I couldn't reach and carried stuff I couldn't carry. She set up my daybed on the first floor until I was steady enough to sleep upstairs in my bedroom again. She was also my chauffeur. My first TKR was the R, so I couldn't drive for 6 weeks, even after weaning off Norco. After the L, I was cleared to drive at 4 wks.

    She informed me today that Chicago winters and the expenses of home ownership--plus her husband's declining health--are becoming unendurable; and when home sales start picking up again she'll put her house on the market and move to Birmingham, where she grew up and her son and most of her siblings live.

  • readytorock
    readytorock Member Posts: 51
    edited February 2018

    Off for a colonoscopy this morning ladies! Wish me luck. I'm starving!! I'd love it if you all suggested what I should eat after eating nothing for 30 hours!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2018

    well do be careful and do not go overboard as your tummy may revolt! At least mine would! May br a nice bowl of ie cream or yogurt

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2018

    readytorock....thinking of you having your colonoscopy ...enjoy your meal after it !!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2018

    Lucy....thanks again for thinking about me...I’m here.....still above ground and taking nourishment.....have been kind of behind the scenes...

    We had quite an excitng couple of weeks with our Eagles football team taking the entire prize, but it took a while to get much excitement and craziness in Philly......Our parade was like no other, and I have never seen so many people out to see our guys......they are a class act....many of them very, very spiritual from the Head Coach down, and in this day and age of rebellion/nastiness/ is a breath of fresh air to see them doing all the good they do in our area and around the world...they are more then football players, they are great men off the field.........of course I watched from home, but my grandkids were right there taking in all the fun......

    Also wanted to say.....for all the news that you saw on TV around the country/world it was so blown out of proportion......we had a few “nuts” who decided to ruin it for others, but trust me......our Philly plice Dept watched the videos, and found them.....and they are going to be possecuted....and there were very few, plus how the “fake news” really love to make things worse then what they are............99% of the people were behaved and hugging and loving each, white, spanish, asian, old, was something to see.......the few nitwits of course had to show their colors..............

    But here I happy for our Eagles, and what stand-up guys they are......I hope al of your are doing well, and I will try not to be a stranger......hugs to all of you, and Thanks again Lucy......

    I do have a story to tell you about our Grayson, and her case against the Dr......will be back...

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2018

    yeap, i do think the eagles deserved to win, course my family refers to them as bobs team! That is my pa nephew, i got a posting of the boys doing their own celebrating!

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited February 2018

    Checking in with crazies.... Was driving around C-Town this past week due to PET scan yesterday. MO's nurse practitioner called last night to say all was clear. Whew!

    Naturally, after the good news, I went to bed to sleep the deep and innocent sleep of the unworried, whereupon the phone rang at 4:00 AM: my mother, to say she had chest pains. Well, it turns out you can call 911, and they'll patch you through to emergency services anywhere in the country, so I called the rescue squad and they took her to the ER. She got the all-clear a couple of hours later, and I drove out to NJ to spring her from the hospital and take her home. So I'm pretty groggy--made a follow-up appointment for my mom's primary care doc for Monday, and fortunately one of my sisters is around to take her as I have a work deadline. And so it goes....

    Octo, good luck this week with your surgery; you'll be dancing (or swimming) soon!

    Molly, thinking of you and Wyatt always.

    Hugs to all crazies!