CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2019

    Of all my doctors, only the GI doc is Jewish--kind of weird considering I get almost all my care in Evanston & Skokie. My PCP, in the Lakeview area, is Irish--and he was Bob's chief resident back in the day at UIC. (The GI doc was my PCP's chief resident). Here's the weird thing--Bob (a semi-lapsed Catholic--he's actually doing "classic Lent" this year) has very few Jewish colleagues. All his hospitals are on the SW side & SW 'burbs, which are pretty much devoid of my tribe. (Our ophthalmologist, whose office is near Bob's, is Jewish--but he lives in the near NW suburb of Morton Grove). Most of Bob's colleagues are either Hindu, Muslim, or ultra-Catholic (Lithuanian, Polish, Irish). Our neighborhood used to be Irish & German, but with the new generation of young families & professionals moving in, we're a little bit of everything. And my temple's only 4 blocks away.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2019 glad to hear your son is doing so well !!!

    Dorene..I seriously love my crockpot in the winter easy , and curries and chili dishes smell and taste so good cooked in it ..

    Octo ..glad to hear your MO visit went so well ..!!!!

    Iris ..How are you ???

    Molly ..thinking of you .. I went out for morning tea with my friend ..and I was really enjoying it until an ex work colleague saw us , and came over ...this is when things started going down- hill for me ...She says're my inspiration..I so admire you , because everyone else I've ever known with breast cancer has died " 🤪..I know it's silly to care about what stupid people say ..but .. I shocked myself because I instantly started to cry !!! Funny thing was , I don't think she even realised why I was upset by what she said 🙄

    Hugs to all

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    lucy- what an awful experience. People say ignorant things all the time. But depending on where your mindset is in that moment it can be devastating to our psyche. Some people are just insensitive. Especially if she didn't understand why you were crying.

  • Twelvestring60
    Twelvestring60 Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2019

    Ok, Are there two Crazy towns? Did I mess it up again?

    Dufus Dorene at it again.

  • Twelvestring60
    Twelvestring60 Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2019


    Good Morning!!

    Big Coyote!

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    twelvestrings- how close is the big coyote to your house?

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2019

    lucy, you are so sweet to always ask how i am doing, means a lot to me.

    Just back fro a very short dental visit, i just wanted my front teeth sanded a bit. Some of my meds cause. Sores in my mouth and my teeth and gotten sort of sharp, dentist said it was likely the cheapest vixit ever, no charge but i thick it will feel better.

    Lovely day and lovely weekend expected

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited March 2019

    Lucy, what an (insert appropriate Aussie swear language here) idiot!! I am so, so sorry that happened to you!

    Iris, hope the teeth do feel better. Take care and hope you do have a lovely weekend!


  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    Iris-what is involved in sanding teeth?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2019

    I had my teeth "sanded" twice: once at almost 21, after the family dentist who'd done my (failed) first orthodontia didn't notice my incisors still had scalloped edges because of years of overbite--Bob's dentist performed "equilibration" to smooth and even the edges. And after my last root canals, my dentist sanded a bit off the edges of my lower incisors so they wouldn't act as a wedge driving my uppers outward (and eventually, loose).

    My hygienist suggested using Biotene rinse or lozenges to prevent dry mouth...but I seem to be more of a "drooler." (So much saliva--mineral-rich--that any plaque forming on the lingual surfaces of my lowers hardens into tartar very quickly. (I've taken to power-flossing morning & night now).

  • Twelvestring60
    Twelvestring60 Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2019

    Hey jo,

    20 feet, I live in woods on 30 acres. Behind that is 500 so It is incredible.. Huge swimming pond attracts everything.I love wildlife pictures. Sit and wait and something always shows up! I waited 25 years for this. Bob cat, same distance. He was injured. Just sitting in front of my car. Had enough time to get camera. Later when he walked away , back leg lame and looking emaciated. I put food WAY away from my house and watched with binoculars. He came and ate every day for a week. Got better and better! Then gone... Looks fake!


  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856
    edited March 2019

    12: Nerdy

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    12- I love wildlife pics. You are such a great person. You provided food for an injured animal until he was healthy enough to go out on his own. What a beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2019

    jo. The sanding of my teeth was very simple, has to be as he did not charge! Guess i have become a good client! I think i had chipped my front teeth over time so now they feel just more smooth.

    Rumor is the weekend will be lovely so hoping to get out to the coast at some point just to do some ocean gazing, maybe toss in a nice lunch!

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    iris- it sounds like you're doing really well. I hope the weather continues to improve and you have a nice lunch Outdoors.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited March 2019

    Crazy town, it is! Yesterday I saw my PCP about my trochanteric bursitis and pain in my right hip. Left the office after a steroid injection for the bursitis, an order for a hip X-Ray and physical therapy (first appointment is Monday morning). After worrying all day, I'm rejoicing tonight that the xray showed "only" arthritis in my hip! Who else is happy that "all" they have is bursitis and arthritis that make it uncomfortable to sit or be in bed?

  • eggroll
    eggroll Member Posts: 117
    edited March 2019

    HI Crazytown, I took a vacation figuratively and literally but seems like I am back! Occasional ovary pain, I finally documented a really rough bout in January, then it happened again the sharp pinching feeling Thursday. My oncologist when I told him about the January episode said I am post-menopausal and so there shouldn't be anymore ovulating or cyst type activity. Which made me think, oh ok I must have just imagined it. So when it happened again I got an obgyn appointment, they did ultrasound and now I have to....OMG....WAIT!!! Until Monday or Tuesday to hear back. When she did the ultrasound from the inside the pain was so terrible I thought I was going to pass out and I had my children natural, it wasn't quite up to that level but pretty near. I just squeezed my husband's hand so she wouldn't stop doing what she had to do. Now I'm thinking back on the past three years and all the other possible symptoms I've had, most recently I've had back pain and the start of sciatica, was going to see a chiropractor...then I went to an investment advisor who is paralyzed on one side because of a chiropractic adjustment...yikes! I guess that turned out a helpful discouragement to see treatment when it could be that the pressure of my ovary is what is causing the back pain. Well I was just so happy to have 3 years distance from breast cancer, now I'm an old hand, I wish I had asked for the ativan prescription Friday. I should have known the anxiety was going to attack last night and just a battle from there. I did some praying this morning, I feel better. I told Jesus I don't even need to go to heaven, I just need Him with me right now to get through this awful fear. Anyone near Olympia WA in this group? Would love to meet up for coffee sometime!
    April M.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited March 2019

    12 - Love the bobcat picture - They are the mascot for my alma mater, Ohio University. How wonderful that you were able to help this beautiful creature to heal! You must live in a lovely part of CT. My sister lives in Stamford. She does some house/cat-sitting in Greenwich, in a house surrounded by a large woodsy area. We have seen huge flocks of wild turkeys there.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2019

    eggroll ..sorry to hear about your pain ..the waiting for results is awful !! ..and there ALWAYS seems to be a weekend stuck in the middle of the wait !!! Hoping for good results for you ...

    Beaverntx... a relief to find out it's ONLY arthritis !!! That's how our minds work these days !

    Iris ..sounds like you have a lovely outing planned ..lunch by the ocean ..can't do better than that !

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    eggroll-hope you find some pain relief. I was cringing while reading your description of your ultrasound. It seems like it's always Friday when stuff happens which means we have to wait until Monday for answers. It makes a two-day weekend sound like a lifetime when you're waiting for a test or a test result.

    Beaverntexas- it is a crazy world in which we live in; when we are wishing for painful arthritis as opposed to something else. That's probably because we've already experienced the something else and don't want it back.

  • Twelvestring60
    Twelvestring60 Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2019


    Yes Its beautiful here in Old Lyme. Im kind of an outdoor home body. Winter was easy this year.not snowey..

    Lots of wild life. Funny, today I spent as much time as I would outside keeping mind off 1st day of chemo and a brown bat was about all day! Just catching bugs and waking up. Some wood ducks and mallards in pond. Lots of eastern bluebirds today. Very calming..

    Eggroll , I hope you might be feeling less pain while waiting for your results. Man, the friday wait.. some loose clothes and try to relax as best as you can!

    I can’t wait for Monday for more explanation of oncotype dx testing day before chemo.. curious. I was wondering is just the recurrence score all that matters? Seems high for stsge 1a grade 2 no nodes.. 31? Do they explain the whole test? I wonder if it even matters since i already know my chemo and exemestane regimen. I have been told by other people that your oncologist not calling or keeping in touch is not the norm.I might make some changes maybe? Nervous. But regimen sounds like what I should be doing sfter all the reading ive been doing. Onco nurse navigator gave me regimen so i could look up stuff. Otherwise, I would find all this out the day before from a nurse not oncologist..Is this normal? Mind is racing from waiting.. sorry ,


  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,958
    edited March 2019

    Hi everyone. I have my first-ever PET scan on Tuesday. It's not a diagnostic one due to symptoms, but rather a "let's be safe before turning her loose" plan by the urologist. My MO's office is so on the ball that they called to switch my regular appointment (scheduled for last week) until a few days after the scan so she'd have the results. I'm trying to not get nervous by placing bets with myself on which is more likely: cells left behind, mets, or (my creepy specialty) a new cancer somewhere unexpected. But of course I'd prefer all clear so I can move on to other, non-cancerous health repairs and then freedom. There's been a strange feeling of living half in reality and half somewhere else while waiting for this scan, which I'm sure many of you have felt. I don't know why this scan seems scarier than MRIs or CTs - maybe because it's more associated with cancer detection.

    I guess I can't take my little friend in with me! 🤔 😁


  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2019

    Alice ..hoping you get wonderful news after your PET scan .. Surely you can sneak your cute little friend in with you :-)

  • Twelvestring60
    Twelvestring60 Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2019

    Send good vibes to you Lucy!! Feel them coming.. 


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited March 2019

    Alice, "in your pocket" on Tuesday! Can't take your little friend with you but can look forward to your friend's comforting presence when you return home! Prayers for a good outcome.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,958
    edited March 2019

    Thanks, Lucy55 and Beaverntx. My pup Winslow decided right after the nephrectomy that he wanted to sleep on my stomach - urgh. So I got in the habit of putting a pillow on me, under the blanket, to protect my incisions (and still-tender boob) from bony feet. I took that pic about a week after surgery. He's a sweetie.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    Alice- Winston is a cutie pie. So when will you have the results from your scan? Tuesday?

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,958
    edited April 2019

    Jo6359, I have an MO appointment Thursday and I assume I'll find out then.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2019

    Hi all I've been away from crazy town for quite a while.. I went in for a "screening mammo" and I mentioned there has been a few changes in my non radiated breast. They instantly cancelled my appointment (after traveling a half hour to get there). Called my doctor to get a "diagnostic mammo" ordered. Since my reconstruction, they have been doing diagnostic, but with a NEW doc I didn't remember to suggest doing that anyway. I found the bump after my appointment with her. I am on a wait list now or it will be two weeks before I can get in... Crazytown here I come.

  • Twelvestring60
    Twelvestring60 Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2019


    I wish you didn't have to wait so long! Damn waiting..

    Stay busy, good thoughts for you. Such a low oncotype score. That's a good thing right?

    Northwest Oregon... sounds beautiful. Get out there.. be in the air, find your view. In every sense of the word. Do something you never have done these two weeks! Anything!

    I bought a little cheap painting kit and painted on a real canvas never ever did it before. Ugliest thing you ever saw. It was really silly and fun. Damn worrying doesn't change a thing. We still do it. My friend let me slap her in the face when I was crying mad., oh Man, I never did that! We laughed our butts off. Red mark.. I'm not saying to do that..just wanted you to know .. crazytown right? In the same sentence, I talk to God.. who also along with giving strength has a sense of humor..


    My view ..


    Oncotype 31