CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2019

    ChiSandy, here's hope that is a good sign! Fingers crossed...

    I am back in crazy town, scheduled for a colonoscopy in two weeks. Having twice had suspicious polyps and now on the three year plan, after BC and premalignant changes in my uterus last year I am a bit anxious about what will be found. On the other hand, I really need to know...

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited October 2019

    Sandy...hope you hear back from your MO your mind can be put at ease .These things always seem to happen over the weekend when we have to wait to hear . Sounds like it could well be connected to your weight loss..congrats on that .!!

    Molly.....Grief is not a good companion at all ..big hugs to you and your family ...I know what you mean about time passing since BC treatment. I was 5 years since my surgery this August .

    Mommy ..glad you found some lotion that is helping .

    Iris ..Missing you !

    Beaverntx in your pocket for your colonoscopy..Mine is booked in for Feb..and I understand the worry ( apart from the awful preparation ! ) of getting results back :-(

    Octo ..where are you ? You're so quiet !! I need you to come and make some noise here. ! 🤣

    Hugs to all

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2019

    Beaverntx, you're gonna need a bigger pocket when you go for your colonoscopy, so you can fit us all in there. (Of course, you're gonna have to strip down to a hospital gown, so much for the pockets). Whatever they find, they'll be catching it early (and heaven forbid you need surgery it'd likely not be extensive). I hear you about the prep. Ugh. But my GI doc now allows colorless cherry or lemon-lime flavored mag citrate (OTC from the drugstore) instead of that MoviPrep or SuPrep swill; and stopped requiring a clear liquid diet before starting the prep.

    Octo, Iris--please "call out!"

    Cross-country hugs to you, Molly.

    Well, late last night I got a portal message from my MO. I'd asked how long it takes a large lump to grow (especially one that wasn't even palpable a month earlier). She replied "it's variable--see your breast surgeon." (Not what I wanted to hear). So I messaged my surgeon right away. This morning, the surgeon's NP messaged me (and phoned too) that it's most likely scar tissue surrounding the erstwhile seroma, but that the surgeon wants to see me tomorrow anyway (seeing as how she was already scheduled to in Dec.). If necessary, she can do an ultrasound in the exam room to rule out a tumor or cyst. The hospital is right next to a CTA station, so I can park there and take the Purple Line downtown to my Bar Show chorus rehearsal afterward.

    Worst comes to worst, this time I'll probably opt for a mastectomy with ab flap reconstruction--it's in the same area as the original lumpectomy and the same tissue can't be irradiated twice. If so, I will probably have a left reduction/mastipexy at the same time for approximate symmetry. (Not the most pleasant way to lose more weight, but since Medicare won't cover a lipo + tummy tuck...).

    BTW, speaking of asymmetry, I learned something fascinating from the website today: nearly half of all women have asymmetrically-sized breasts! Not just that, but the smaller one is almost always on the same size as the dominant hand (pec muscles build up, and muscle is denser and more compact than fat).

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2019

    Sandy, my prep this time is a low fiber diet beginning 5 days ahead, liquid diet after breakfast the day before and nothing after midmorning day of since I'm scheduled for mid afternoon. First time for an afternoon colonoscopy. Hoping to get more sleep the night before since my second "dose" of Plenvu is in the morning instead of at 3AM. Always hope I'll lose a few ounces but never seems to happen!

    That info re asymmetry is fascinating and fits my situation, right handed, tumor in right breast which is the smaller one.

    May all go well tomorrow.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,849
    edited October 2019

    I had a colonoscopy last week. My previous one was my first and second. Because of diverticulosis, my prep wasn't good, and I had grown a goodly harvest of polyps over the years. Including a nasty one. For the repeat, I had to do a rigorous prep, with two gallons of the nasty stuff. This time, it was a week of Miralax, then low fiber, then no fiber, then a gallon of the nasty stuff. This time the prep was adequate, and he harvested only two tiny ones.

    I finally got a regular bra, it doesn't fit quite right, was only Wal-mart. Hopefully I can get to Soma in Milwaukee and get one that fits. I now have cleavage, and a decent-size chest. A lot of pain to go through to get it, though. First mammo comes up at the end of November, so close to Thanksgiving. I only have a couple more Herceptin infusions to go. Then port removal. Don't need hormonal therapy.

    I got a dog, Shih-Tzu and Yorkie, they call them Shorkies. He is a big guy at eighteen pounds, but athletic, not fat. He is black, with sprinkles of white throughout and a white streak on his chest, and a brown mustache. I am feeling a lot better, and I know he has a lot to do with it. I am writing again, and he senses when I am getting tense and frustrated, and distracts me.

    I have been keeping up with reading.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited October 2019

    Is iris MIA? I hope you are feeling okay, iris! Sandy, in your pocket today for your appointment.

  • mac5
    mac5 Member Posts: 85
    edited October 2019


    May I ask a question?

    I see you have undergone Reconstruction more than once. If you had it to do over would you have just had Tissue Expanders and Silicone Implants from the get go?

    I had mastectomy on the Left with no Reconstruction 8 years ago. With the recurrence I need a mastectomy on the Right. There’s some concern I could withstand the 12 hour surgery for fat grafts so I’ve chosen Silicon Implants.

    I’d like to know your experience.



  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2019

    McBaker, glad this time went better. Your first (and second) is the one I always want to avoid! The one coming up is my fourth, first found a small polyp, second five years later was clear, third five years later than second found two fairly large polyps. All polyps were premalignant so now I'm on the three year plan and this is year three. Bought a bunch of low fiber options at the grocery store since I usually rely on fresh fruits and vegetables for my daily 5 to 7. It is doable and I hope egfectove.

    Love the description of your Shorkie. We have two mid size dachshunds, one long hair and one short hair. They are such a comfort and source of amusement. Enjoy him.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited October 2019

    Molly ..yes..Iris is MIA !..I sent her a pm a few days ago but haven't heard back from her ...

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2019


    I did have tissue expanders, since I had to wait a month after my bmx, (due to a history of post op infection )...,for a excess skin removal, 20lbs, after gastric bypass surgery .

    The reconstruction was first with tissue expanders and then exchanged.....they both migrated to my surgery the implants were the cohesive type ( they were recalled this year), but they were put UNDER my chest muscles....every time I move my arms they I am very constricted with arm movement....mostly from elbows down is my range of motion, I have had a consult early this am at University of WA....with my new doctor and 3 interns in the room the entire time, plus my hubby....I hated being looked at by 5 men! Every time I move my foobs, ahhh.... they jump, contract, wrinkle, I am so done. I have not schedule surgery yet....and he booked until spring. I see my original plastic surgeon on Friday....who is always ready.. YIKES!! He has me schedule for Nov 7 for surgery....just don't if I will cancel or not. I want to be over the pain!....NEVER UNDER THE MUSCLE AGAIN!!!!!


    Iris....thinking of you...hugs!

    Molly sending love....I know this will be difficult.....a mother NEVER forget their child

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2019

    Di, in your pocket for the reconstruction revision surgery next month.

    Speaking of "pockets," thanks to everyone who hopped into mine today. It took two doctors, a spot mammo and two ultrasounds, but they were able to confirm that what I felt as a lump is actually the remnants of my original tumor cavity seroma (which was 20cm at its largest in 2016 and is now only 5cm). As it shrinks, the scar tissue consolidates, and this is likely as small as it'll get. What's left inside are bits of fat necrosis, solidified serous fluid and other debris. I never noticed it before because of the layer of fat I used to have overlying it--and when my MO examined me in early Sept., I was 8 lbs. heavier than I am today. We (my surgeon, the radiologist, & I) compared the mammo films from 2016 through today and the shrinkage was quite graphic. My surgeon has discharged me from her care, unless something goes blooey. When I've lost all the weight I intend to, and it stabilizes, then she'll refer me to the plastics guy to reduce & lift the L breast. (We won't be filling in the deflated tops of either breast--so I just have to resign myself to the fact that no bra will truly fit me, because all the tissue is at the bottom and the straps, viewed from the side, look like suspension bridge cables. Best I can do is insert "cookies" at the bottom to push the girls up, or go strapless).

    Iris, hope you're okay--and just busy.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367
    edited October 2019

    Sandy, you made my day!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited October 2019

    Iris, hope all is well with you!

    and thanks for noticing my quiet, make noise? hah!

    anyway, I am fine, just going through some stuff. none of it cancer related, at least in any direct way, but it is exhausting just to write about it. Long story short: after years of vision problems that started to get worse this year, I was finally diagnosed a little over a month ago with a benign tumor wrapped around my optic nerve, of all places (yes, it is quite rare, apparently). And while it is benign, they have to treat it like it is cancerous. It isn't life threatening, but it could cause blindness either in one or both eyes if not treated. I had surgery about a week and a half ago (not to remove it, that would be too risky. Basically, the purpose of the surgery was to drill a bigger hole in my optic nerve cavity/tunnel in my skull, so that if radiation irritated the optic nerve, it had space to swell without snapping (which would of course be bad)....basically a decompression surgery. I was too scared to even write on CrazyTown about it (and it all happened pretty quickly) but actually the surgery was easy (non-invasive, they went in through my nasal cavity!) and I ended up not even having to spend the night in the hospital. Next, the hard part: radiation. Yes, same old crap many of us know and hate: daily zaps for six weeks....

    But here's the kicker: there was no medical team in the State of New Mexico with the expertise and experience to treat this. Not too surprising considering that it is a rare condition (maybe 1500 - 2000 cases in the entire US every year?) and that NM only has 2 million people. So, after lots of recommendations to go out of state, I headed back 'home' to California. Had the surgery at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, and having radiation there too. I rented a furnished apt for the duration and am here until just before the Xmas holidays, with a break at Thanksgiving. Work has been great, I am working remotely as much as I can. Hubby was here, now is back in NM, but coming back this weekend, and will be going back and forth.

    It is an ordeal. and it won't make it better, my vision will remain compromised in one eye...all of this ordeal is to keep it from getting worse! But, it could be worse I know, so I am trying to look at the silver lining and visiting my extended California friends and family. But still, brings up a bit of PTSD to be treated by a radiation oncologist!

    Anyone know any good jokes to cheer me up?

    Love to all


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2019

    Octo, all I can think of are puns--and by now you've probably heard 'em all (and told a few). Glad to hear it's benign, you're getting on top of this, and hope the radiation is easier on you than breast radiation was.

    Jud, love your new avatar pic!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited October 2019

    Octo ..Good Grief ! What an ordeal you've been/ going though !! Thankfully you will be finished for Christmas !!! Christmas gift you could get !

    We're heading off to our table tennis group this morning..first time since my mastectomy..which was six weeks ago on Monday ..nice to be getting back to normal again !!!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2019

    Oooooooh! Octo.....what an ordeal!!!......sending hugs and get well wishes!

    I have friends near Sacramento, in Pleasant Valley....I had other friends in Sac but I believed they may have moved..

    I Cancelled my Nov 7 surgery with my original plastic surgeon. and decided to go with my plastic surgeon at the University of Washington and today the scheduler called and I had the surgery day choice of November 14 or some time in May 2020.......he is a busy Doctor /Professor.....I am now set for Nov.....and have my pre op next week & post op in Dec. and to see my surgeon post again Jan.....I am so ready to get these implants OUT! Out! Out! So much pain with the implants I have now! So much pain in my arm pits, sides, chest AND back....

    Happy Halloween. 🎃


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited October 2019

    Di, are you getting implants again or going flat or what? Octo, wow glad it's benign. In your pocket Di. Octo, praying for your healing.

    Any word from iris?

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited October 2019

    Di your pocket for the surgery'll be so good to have it over and done with !!..Gosh ..sounds like you were lucky to get the appointment seeing the next one is May !!

    Octo ..hope things are going well for you !

    Molly Hi !

    Iris ..sending you hugs

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited October 2019

    Iris, thinking about you always. You are never far from my thoughts. I am struggling with this grief. I am overwhelmed. There, I said it outloud (well in writing). Now make some room in the treehouse for me please.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited November 2019

    Very sad today. The news on my friend Joe is getting worse. He is completely bedridden now as his motor skills are completely gone. His cognitive skills are failing fast. Now he is starting to have dementia and hallucinations.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2019

    MOmmy, sorry to hear Joe is getting worse.

    I'm heaving a big sigh of relief, colonoscopy today went well with only one very small polyp found so I don't have to return for 5 years instead of the 3 it was this time. A huge thanks to all who were in my pocket today; climb out now and go have a beverage of your choice. Right now mine is hot spiced cider. Breaking out the bubbly over the weekend after the no alcohol post op ban is lifted.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited November 2019

    Newest update on my friend is that he is close to passing according to what hospice was telling his wife about him having dementia and hallucinations.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2019

    M0mmy, hugs and condolences. The only saving grace of terminal dementia is that the patient is usually unaware of his suffering.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited November 2019

    Thanks Sandy. I broke down and bawled my eyes out as I was texting my best friend that knows Joe too. I did it so that Joe's wife would have less stress on her for which she was grateful. When my hubby got home last night he could see I had been crying and asked what was wrong, he knows about Joe. When I told him, he gave me a hug and told me when I had shown him two pictures of Joe, (an older one and the most recent one)he said something told him that Joe was coming to the end. What amazes me is that my hubby has never met Joe and he could pick up on it from a picture!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited November 2019

    M0mmy, I am so sorry. Glad that hubby is there to give you hugs, and hugs from me as well!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited November 2019

    Thanks Octo.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited November 2019

    Molly sorry you are feeling overwhelmed ....Grief is do hard to deal with...Hugs

    Beaverntx..yay for good results !!!..and having the colonoscopy over and done with !

    Iris ..sending love and hope you are feeling O.K .

    Mommy.. sending Hugs

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited November 2019

    Thanks Lucy!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited November 2019

    I am totally shattered. I just got the news that my friend Joe passed away this morning.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2019

    My sincere sympathy....losing a friend hurts!....think of the GOOD TIMES!

