


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I thought we were!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    good morning ladies ;

    I am off to a great start today. Trying to plan a late notice camping trip for this weekend. State park sbout 1 hour from here had a cancellation. That's not too far. If we go We will rent a RV for 3 days, 2 nights. Will let the boys take a friend each so I don't have to hear alot of arguing between ds's. The rv sleeps 8 they say if you fold form table and couch. Actually ds1 and friend might sleep in a tent. They want to and plus dog is not allowed in rv. Only outside. She could sleep in the tent with them and she will def bark to alert is if someone is getting near us and also alert us if ds1 and friend if they try to sneak out. I wouldn't really think they would but a lot of hormones going on in them. Always more strict when being responsible for someone else's child. We already have most of the foods we need so no long grocery shopping to wear me out. Dh very concerned between the trip and sleeping in different bed that my back might hurt too bad for me to participate. No way. Will take my pain meds if it hurts too bad and continue on. Ds1 and bud love to fish , ds2 and bud are into skateboarding, bike and scooter riding. Dh csn hunt first and last thing in the day. Only 7 miles from one of his hunting areas. I envision sitting around the campfire at night and making memories. So excited. If we don't get everything done in time for this weekend ( mostly dh work stuff) they have another opening end of this month. Either way me and ds's going with or without dh. I can always invite my BFF and her two children are same age as mine. They get along well. Course that means ds's can't invite anyone it will still be fun. May be more fun without the men lol.


  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    here is my great niece Serrnytee born last week


  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    What a sweetie Peppermint!

    A camping trip! WOW! The last one I went on was when Sheri was about 3 and Janie was about 6 months! So DH was by the lake fishing, and I was sitting on the cot in the tent, and this huge storm, with wind came up, and it blew the tent down, and I was sitting on that cot, holding the baby, and I was holding the tent up with my head.... I just sat there! Husband didn't know whether to panic or laugh! Got everything put together, and I sat in the car until the wind died down.... Hah!

    The girls were FINE! Then I walked down to the lake, and washed dishes with sand.... We never went "camping" again.... Stayed in cabin's from then on............. But you will have FUN! At least the boys are older.... Keep an eye on them...

    Oh, I remember hormones.... barely, but I do. Boys can find girls by instinct! Or other way around.... Hah!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856

    What a darling baby!

    Have FUN camping! Send us some pictures Smile

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Wow you have a great niece!! Congratulations. She is beautiful. You are definitely not old enough to be a great auntie though. When my Auntie became a great Aunt (when my DS was born 20 years ago) she said to me that she was not old enough to think of herself as a great-aunt. I believe she was 58!! You, honey child, are NOT 58!! XXX

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    PS Enjoy planning the trip!!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    feline. Lol. Actually my little sister's step daughter had a baby. She's been in our family since she was 3. she is now 22. so I count her as my niece

    Chevy. I can just picture you sitting in that tent. Lol. I bet you gave mr Chevy what for

    Never have taken dss camping. We always stay in a cabin or house. I love the outdoors but at the end of the day I want a hot shower , cool ac and a nice bed. We went camping spot when little and I want dss to experience camping

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591

    Happy belated B-Day Patty!!! Enjoy the camping.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    Patty - I have to tell you about my 1100 trip to Boise. One of my friends passed away quite unexpectedly - complications with gall bladder surgery. I was very upset and mentioned I wished I could go to her memorial service. Well, my DD said if I wanted, she would be glad to drive me and we could make it a 3-day car trip vacation. I jumped at the chance - DH stayed home to take care of our 2 dogs. Well, we hit all but 2 of the rest stops on the way there. At one of them, Diane was waiting in the car for me and she said she saw me in front of the car she put on her seat belt and started the car and all of a sudden, I was GONE. The curb was a little higher than usual and my knee gave out (even with my using a cane), and I fell down on the sidewalk. As I was falling, I wondered how many bones I was going to break but fortunately, I rolled.... I ended up with a small quarter-sized bruise on my arm and slightly sore muscles. Of course, Diane was frightened out of her wits and was almost afraid to come look. I was very surprised hadn't broken anything, and was sitting on the curb when she got to me. I was very embarrassed and was wishing I was invisible but I was also wondering how I was going to get up with my bad knees and Diane's bad back - a nice looking older man came up and asked if he could help me up. Although I wished I could just disappear, I said yes. He reached under my arms and pulled me right up.... You had mentioned, Patty, that you were liking gaining weight - I am a big big woman and I'm sure it was my built-in "air bags" that saved me, so you keep on gaining Patty! There are advantages - hee hee.


  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    mostly mom. Thanks for sharing your interesting story. Def got me chuckling. Thanks

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    YES Mostly! You have to learn that "tuck & roll".... I didn't do so well when I went down in the alley this last time! Peppermint probably remembers, that I stepped on this rock, without looking, and I twisted my ankle, and went crashing down to the alley-cement. So I laid there like a BIG rock! And DAMN it hurt!

    But when I tried to pick myself up, ain't no way in hell that was going to happen... I was pretty sure this was not an ordinary tumble... So my Husband tried to pull me up... I couldn't move one leg... I tried pulling myself up on his pants... I almost pulled his pants off... that didn't work either.

    And there was this MAN, up at the end of the alley, just STARING at us! WHAT did he THINK? Did he see some woman in the alley every day just laying there????? Could he maybe have even HELPED? Or came to see what the commotion was about??? NOOOooooooooooooo.

    So our neighbor came driving up to his house... the neighbor's wife we had just visited! They knew THIS scene was not ordinary.... So my "guardian angel Steve" Parked off to the side, got his Dad in the house, and got the wheelchair out of his trunk, and wheeled me home, to our driveway, Husband backed my car out of the garage, they got me in the car, and off to the ER room... ( To get that broken hip all put together again)......

    That man standing in the alley could have at LEAST helped DH drag me the rest of the way home! And he isn't even good-looking!

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    Oh boy, you ladies got me laughing good here! Although not so much about the alley story Chevy, that's terrible! Patty, that is one adorable baby. i need one in my family really bad! Hope your birthday was a lot of fun!

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Oh Patty, the baby is adorable! So precious. Wish there is a smell button. I love how babies smell

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    loverly. I 2nd that. Wish there was a smell button

    I wI'll be back later to respond. Tired after long daY ay mo's

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    hello all.

    I haven't gotten to hold my dear sweet niece since they live about 8 hours away. They are planning on coming here for Thanksgiving. I will be so glad to get my snuggles with her. She is so very young for such a long ride.

    I am feeling better everyday. Ds2 and I have been bumping heads nearly every day. in a way, I guess it's kinda good that he no longer tiptoes around my feelings but grr he is only 11. To young to be such a hormonal teenager. Our arguing finally came to a head tonight. He has been playing dh and I against each other for awhile. When one of us says no or gives out s punishment he will call the other and ask not mentioning wat has already been said. Well no longer. Not acceptable to not do basic chores, not acceptable to argue Everyday to get homework done. Not acceptable to be so mean to ds1. Not acceptable to lie ( every since dss were little lying has always been grounds for s spanking , most everything else can be worked out differently ) And most importantly not acceptable to be disrespectful to me. Dh and I have very similar rules on child rearing. We are a team and back each other up. If we disagree on child rearing we do it away from dss ears and then come to an agreement and then present it to dss. Part of it is dh and I fault. Especially me. We have let him slide on so much and even when there is discipline such as grounding we usually don't stick to our guns. Just feel so sorry that he has to has a mom who is so sick and looks like dying. He really can't remember much about me being well and all the great times. He mostly remembers me being so sick and being in the hospital so many times where the dr is saying not sure I'll make it. It has to be so very hard on him. He has been receiving counseling. Sometimes it's easier when e is at a friend's house because i can just rest without worrying about scaring him. But now we have created this mess. Well it's past time to fix it . Trying to stay firm and not let his tears break me down. Hoping to tomorrow is better then Today.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Now Peppermint.... Don't go feelin' bad.... We ALL go through this.... In fact I was just talking to my little neighbor Kelly... the one with the Chickens... She was almost in tears over the phone, because her 2 little girls, Ivy & Ellie, are going through this same stuff! Ivy, the big sister is about 7 or 8... Little Ellie, is about 3 years younger...

    But Ivy is the "boss" of the house... she thinks... All KINDS of problems and crying going on! It's all just horrible going through it, but believe me, even "I"... as old as I am remember OUR girls doing this same stuff! You don't know whether to lock them in the shed, or stand them in the corner getting meals there, or calling the Police...Loopy I remember going upstairs, and sitting on Sheri's bed, and telling her "Honey, I love you, but we would like for you to quit trying to kill your sister... so much!".... We would both be crying, not knowing how to "fix this"... But we all grow up... we all go through this same stuff....And we all get through it.

    The BEST part is you & your Husband have to stay together on this... One cannot be the disciplinarian, and the other one all wishy-washy. Even now, Sheri, with the two grown Sons, still tells me, that we ALWAYS stuck together on any decisions about those 2 girls... SHE goes through the same things... only her Husband, doesn't like to get "involved"... and it drives her nuts! So Mom's and Dad's have to be on the same page...

    Your Sons will get through it all... and you will too... It just takes a lot of time and patience, and hopefully not too many threats made... Hah!

    My biggest worry was "their friends"... They can influence your kids in ways you won't dream of, or like.... Just always be a part of their lives, every day.... Ask them questions, and be interested in what they are doing... And always let them know you care, and that you love them....

    And that's all I got for today.... Go relax little one... You are growing up, just like they are.

  • Lynnwood1960
    Lynnwood1960 Member Posts: 1,107

    Patty, sounds to me like you and your husband are doing everything right! You present as a team, have similar rules, and talk together away from your son and present as a united front. Very similar to how we do things in our house. My 3 sons are grown now, our oldest is 33 but has Aspergers and needs lots of interventions at times due to his behavior issues. Keep consistent and keep talking, they will get it one grown sons now thank me! I used to tell them "you may hate me one day but you will grow up learning respect and responsibility ". To this day if I ask them what the R words are,they laugh

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Lynwood! Good post...! We all go through this, right? Yes...."keep talking"..... One day it will sink in....

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Oh Patty, don't blame yourself. You have done your best to raise your precious boys. Children always test their boundaries to see how far they can go. Just as Ms. Chevy said....the important thing is you and DH support each other in disciplining the boys. But, most importantly they need to know that they are loved and accepted. Yes, continue with the communication. Drill it in to them what is expected of them and listen to their hearts. Your future daughter in laws will thank you both for your hard work. My DD who is away for college wants to have her nose pierced. I did not talk her out of it, but encouraged her to question her motives. Dad on the other hand, nearly fell off the chair when she told him that she is 18 and trying to be independent. It is something she had wanted since she was in high school. Ha! Wrong word choices. Yes, she is an adult only by definition specified by the law, but she is still a child trying to test the water. 18 is just a number. DH told her if she wanted to be independent she should get a job and pay for her own college education. I knew to keep quiet until they both cooled down. Had to play mediator. So far no ring on the nose yet (as far as I know). I told her once she is done with college and no longer needs to depend on us financially, if it's still important for her to have her nose pierced, then I would like to go with her. Parenting is no walk in the park. In a way, I would prefer to hear you complaining about growing pain than with the other pain ( not that it's wrong to share with us about your suffering). Hugs

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Aw geez.... I remember the time Janie, (now 55) wanted a Tattoo... Yep, she got one...on the side of her leg with she was 21... It IS pretty, but I still didn't like it... ( A wood-nymph, staring down into a pond with a fish)... SINCE then, she has little cat-paw prints on her neck. Oh well... She paid for them... of course. My Husband has Tattoo's... He got them when he was in his 20's....

    I don't like a nose piercing either, but oh well... Nor eye-brow, or tongue... or even belly-button rings... but I am just old fashioned...

    I remember my folks did not want my ears pierced! But one day, at my girl-friends house, my friend's Sister got out a cork, and a sewing needle, and sterilized it on the stove, and my ears were pierced... Hah! I was such a rebel.... AND I sneaked and smoked....! But not around anybody from school! I quit when I was 24... when Janie was 3.... only because I could not breathe... GOOD thing I quit!

    So you gals are just beGINNING! xoxo

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Huh? This is only the beginning???


    Ms. Chevy, you were such a rebel. I was a good child only because I was afraid of getting a sore butt!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I know, right? But compared to what the kids do now, I was almost an angel... Hah! My Brother and I got plenty of spankings. When Kenny did something wrong and got spanked, I would start crying, and then Dad would spank me too! Then our dog Sport would start howling, and jump on Dad, and even HE would get hit! Kinds of makes me mad at my Parents... now.... for how they acted sometimes. But I guess they thought that's how you do it.....

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    Yes the things we got through with our kids.....Patty you are lucky you and DH are on the same page. My Dh was the big wishy washy one about discipline so Mom was always the heavy weight. It was really hard on me that he would not back me up half the time. We got in a lot of arguments over it. My kids got in a few scrapes here and there and went through all of the disrespectful back talk, wanted piercings ect. It might be good to know that all 3 turned out just splendid and do thank me now for being so hard on them!

    Chevy, Same for me about the piercings. My stepmom said only SLUTS have pierced ears. When I was 18 and moved out I had DOUBLE piercings done and made sure she saw them. Then when I was over 40 and my girls were 16 both wanted their cartilage pierced but were scared. They each talked me into going first, so I have two earrings in one ear cartilage that symbolize my girls. the people at work think I am a definite hippie.....No they try and talk me into a tattoo but I decline.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yeah, me neither! I don't need any tattoo's... Not with all my other "spots".... Ha ! Maybe we should just cover our age spots, freckles, bruises, and whatever those other things are, tattooed with something exotic!

    My ears are still pierced, but I don't usually wear ear-rings now.... OR a bra, if I can help it... When you get to be 79, you can just about do or wear anything you long as it is comfortable, not too flashy, or too many sequins.... Hah! And if it matches your cane, all the better.

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664

    Wow I have been wrapped up with school starting for DD3 and changing chemo and was pages and pages behind. Here I thought you were doing great and home... you had sepsis, were in the hospital and then home. Then HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. cause I missed that too. Now you are camping and I hope you made some terrific memories. So happy days are back for you and I am so glad. May your camping trip be awesome. You have so many great friends and all keeping you company. Be well Patty!!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    thanks for the advice and support. I'll love through it lol. Guess tgatx why God made babies so cute. We had a pretty good weekend. No arguing at all. Course we will see when dh is at work tomorrow. Ds2 will def push me harder when dh isn't around. O e day at a time lol. I am still really glad to e alive and going thru it. Can't imagine dh having to deal with it alone. But truthfully I know he would be able to handle it. Thank God for good daddies. Mine was def not in that category.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856

    That is exactly why babies are so cute! In all fairness to kids, it is their duty to break away & become their own persons...and it is our duty as parents to try to make sure they don't get into too much trouble, or be too jerky, in the process. A tough balancing act!! I am so glad you and your DH are on the same would be awful to have a different parenting philosophies, wouldn't it?!

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Great to hear your DH is such a good man.

    I often think our job as parents is to say "no" a lot until they become old enough to say no to themselves. Our job is not to be popular. My DH is a lovely man. However saying no to his kids doesn't come naturally. DD knows to go straight to him with ipad and he will punch in the code. The question of whether this is a good time or whether it is good for her won't even kick in in his brain. He isn't doing it to undermine me, it just never kicks in. Can be a bit frustrating at times. I can feel like I have to do all the no's and come along and be the baddie going "Woah you can't go on the ipad, its bedtime" etc. He also seldom makes her go to bed on time if I am out. It is unfortunate that I end up having to pick up extra "bad cop" duties but it is just the way it is and I have found that speaking about this has no effect and have come to the conclusion that it is not personal, it is the way he is and is something that I have to accept. The way I usually work out that it is not personal is by imagining other scenarios involving different people and situations and realising that he is just the same there. Realising that it is not personal is hugely helpful in accepting the way he is, even if it doesn't sort the not going to bed on time if I am out problem.