


  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    Hey Chevy, I say when you are 79 you have earned the right to wear any bling you want! since my Dx I find myself wearing some stuff to work that before I would second guess. Showing my true colors a little more I guess. I make my own jewelry, have since my teens. Sometimes my principal thinks I a a bit wild. But lately I have settled into one pair of sedate little pearls and my silver kaleidoscope necklace my girls gave me. HOW I wish I could lose the bras forever!

    Feline, You have a good point, my DH is who he is. It isn't personal it's just his style of parenting. But honestly I am glad we are through it and I still harbor a tiny bit of resentment over his being the "fun" parent all those years......Winking

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Checking In to say I've been bed bound a few days. Darn debilitating back pain. Really think it's this crazy weather

    Hugs to all

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Hey gals! Yes Artist...You are right! It's like the older we get, the more we wear what we just want to! Especially when you are retired, and only working around the house, yard, and shopping centers. I have so many pretty "tops" now! I didn't used to... I couldn't afford them, but this was before Ross and/or Burlington ...Winking You can find the BEST special pretty silky tops there! Plus slacks, and what are those pants called? The silky ones that flare out at the bottom? Like pajamas.... So now even my Daughter says "Well THAT is a pretty top!".... And I smile.... Heh, heh!

    Yes, isn't that funny Feline? We can bring up someone else's name, and how they are handling a situation, knowing THAT person doesn't even exist, but make it sound like they are doing/saying something wrong? But we are really hoping that DH takes the hint, and will stop acting like a dink? We have to learn to be manipulator's... Hah!

    Patty, so what's this? You are in BED???? OGL! Just when I thought you were doing a little better.... So are you better by now? What? Is it snowing there? What do you mean the weather??? It was only 35 here this morning. Don't come here to find out! Also, they opened one of the ski areas today! People are so happy.... !!! I have never been on a pair of ski's in my whole life! NOPE! Not a snow board, in-line skates or NOTHIN' !!!

    I went tubing once, up in the mountains at Fraser... and this hill was covered with ice and snow, and I went DOWN it! Screaming all the way.... and since I didn't kill myself, I did it over and over again! With my Grandson's! I had just had back surgery the year before, but I figured I was healed up enough to do it... And that was about 25 years ago.... !

    Well, I hope you are feeling better by now.... does heat help? You wrote that an hour ago.... I could post you something inappropriate, but I had better not.... right?

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Aw Patty sorry to hear that. Hope you are feeling better. XX

  • AnimalCrackers
    AnimalCrackers Member Posts: 542

    Oh Patty - sorry you are in debilitating pain again. Hang in there and rest the best you can. Thinking of you and sending HUGS!.


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Snow tubing is fun when you manage to stay inside the tube.


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Yuck!! I am sorry Patty. Not fair bone Mets and weather tag teaming you. I see rain is coming next week to your area. I hate it when my bones try to to tell me the changes in barometric pressure.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    But Loverly.... We only used those big black tire inner-tubes they had... Ha! It really WAS a kick! And I "sat" in mine... more or less.

    Patty, I've reviewed your meds... From what it looks like, since I am a medicinal purveyor of sorts, and am full-well intercepted into the calculations of said concoctions, we should review them further. Maybe your .... um.... whatever it is, that you are taking them for, has changed... somewhat. So we should start out with "take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning" theory. I will put this question up for deliberation the next time I meet with the board of extractature whimsy's, and we will deliberate your situation... okay?

    Love you! xoxo

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145


    DD getting ready for costume party at school

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Patty, thinking of you and hoping that you get some relief from that darn debilitating back pain.

    Are your boys getting ready for Halloween? Are they excited?

    Our high schools each treat Halloween differently. My 15 yo daughter has a Halloween parade in the gym of her high school, and it's low key. My 17 yo daughter goes to another high school and they have "Spirit Week" with different events (school colors, mix match, super heroes etc) all week.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122

    Patty sorry your bones are acting up again. Hopefully it's just the weather change or is it your week off? I feel miserable on my week off but keep telling myself that hip pain is my white blood cells cranking out again.

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Thinking of you.


  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    I hope by the time I type this you are up around Patty. That it was just a small episode that self corrected...

    Lover that video cracked me up! I live in a snow area and have seen my share of "Funniest Video" worthy accidents! My DH and I met while we worked as ski bums! Worked at the same resort for 5 years until I had my first baby. After my Dx last July, we went skiing with our kids this winter at the same resort we met at. it was a glorious family day, very nostalgic, (although I tired out after 2 hours). I doubt if I will do it again this year or ever for that matter and will miss it tremendously.

    Feline, Your DD is absolutely beautiful! Even with elf ears!

    Chevy, People at work keep asking me if "what I am wearing is new?" Did you go shopping? (With a little disapproval in some of their voices) I say yes, I went shopping in my closet and am finally wearing the stuff I always thought was too nice for the office of an elementary school! I plan to wear it all out and buy some new stuff as well. We have a Burlington too!

    Feel better Patty! Hope the sun comes out...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856

    Hope you are feeling better, Patty.

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664

    Checking in on you and hoping you are feeling better and getting up and around without pain. (((Hugs)))

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I'm just worried about Peppermint.... Haven't heard from her since the 21st.... Anybody have any news?

    Come ON Peppermint! We miss you!

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    We do indeed Chevy. Patty we also know that your health and your family come first, way ahead of screen time. XXX

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    hello ladies. Sorry. Been having ad and good days. I thought the back pain was gone due to X but guess not. I have still been up and about doing more stuff with family. Back hurts most early morning and later evening. Still better then being couch bound all the time. I took dss to local campground Sunday night. All campershad Halloween lights and decos up. We walked the whole area about 1\2 mile and I did it !!!! No serious pain afterwards. Yea !!! I've been sleeping well. Which is why I haven't been posting in the middle of the night


  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931


    glad you got to enjoy time with your dss, and are not hurting for it!


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145


    Great news about the camp walk!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Thank God you are up and running! Whew! It's okay if you are busy and can't post every single sneeze you do.... Hah! Glad you are doing better! xoxo

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Glad to hear you are sleeping well. Our strength depends on good sleep. Awesome that you were able to walk 1/2 a mile with minimal pain.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    hey jwoo, Chevy. Lovely. Feline. Thanks for checking on me

    Jwoo. That's exactly how I feel !!!!!

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Hi Patty, it sounds like a lot of fun. So nice that you were able to walk with no pain.  

    Thanks for the updates. You know we worry when we don't hear from you in a while.  Now go have some more fun, but say hi again once in a while. (Not too demanding, are we?)

    Love, Madelyn

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856

    Yes, always report fun!!!!ThumbsUp

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664

    Wonderful news!! Up and walking is great. I hope it continues. Smile

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145


    DD is the one in the burgandy sweatshirt.

    We have had a beautiful Autumn here. No rain in October so the leaves are gorgeous for playing.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145


    DD's birthday party is on Sunday so we are hoping to take the kids to the woods for some leafy fun first! Fingers crossed it keeps fine. She will be 11 next Wed.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    feline thank thanks thanks. The videos are amazing. Your Ds is so happy and the leaves are beautiful. I watched these videos many times. Making me miss my dss. The are in their dh at their pawpaw s funeral. I was unable to ride that long. Hoping the weather is great for her party