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Light from around the world for LongTermSurvivor/Stephanie



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579

    Here's where I walked yesterday. A gorgeous time of the year! image

  • Longtermsurvivor
    Longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 738

    Ooo, sweet stories and lovely garden photos.

    Ruth, I've not been much in snowy climes and can only imagine what an incredible rush Spring brings to you. Sudden. Startling. Awe-inspiring.

    Here's some light from my world to share with y'all.

    This is a Puya growing near my cottage. Have I mentioned loving my landlady's gardens as well as her friendship?

    I've known many of these plants since Judy and I brought them home from arboretums, botanical gardens and nurseries.

    There is so much to love in this beautiful, amazing life.

    warm love on a cool, warm evening, Stephanie



    Yes, those are the flower colors! The teal petals, florescent green pistil, orange stamens. Smile worthy!

    There will be hundreds of blooms on those mild, but strong green and pink stalks.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579

    Beautiful! They don't even look real!

  • Longtermsurvivor
    Longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 738

    Hi Ruth,

    They don't even feel real either. Their texture like thick satin and the pollen like the finest artist's paint. Lovely!

    :) Stephanie

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596

    What an incredibly beautiful and intricate plant. Only nature could come up with such perfect combination of colors. The wild flowers in our pasture will be at their peak in a few weeks. I look forward to seeing their beauty.

    I worked on a makeshift chicken coop in one stall of our barn this week. I'm no carpenter but the chicks don't care, a plastic box with duct tape works just as well as as a fancy nesting box. When I was satisfied with their new abode, I pulled in a metal folding chair and just sat there and watched them scurrying around, truly carefree, not concerned about the past or the future, only the now. I wondered what that would be like. It made me a tad envious.

    Stephanie, I have no idea where your strength and eloquence come from. You paint such a lovely picture with your words. Thank you for beauty you spread among all of us.

    Speaking of beauty, here is my Clairabelle sporting some Hawaian lei (s?) leftover from a wedding this past weekend.image

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Stephanie, Thank you for sharing your neighbor's Puya. I looked up Puya, since I had never heard of that before. Did you know that some species in Chile are used for salads? I wonder of the salad ones look as beautiful as your neighbor's Puya. Does it have a scent?

    Tonight is the Prom for DD#1. She'll be wearing a "Princess" dress that is a peachy-pink, her flowers are pale pink, and her hair is aquamarine. (Hubby didn't like when she first started experimenting with hair color some months ago, but I said, "it's just hair.")  Won't that be a fun color combination?

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323

    just wanted to share our beautiful sunset last night - some beautiful colors for you Stephanie


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579


    Here's a picture from my Lilac Walk today. They are in full bloom, so it is extremely pretty and fragrant around here. Yes, when you live where there are cold, LONG winters.....then you really, really appreciate nice weather, flowers, plants, just being outside. Kind of like a bear emerging from hibernation!!

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664

    Those photos of lilacs and spring in ND and that amazing plant Puya... wow. Isn't nature something? A sunrise or sunset and back lit clouds... the world is stunning, a real celebration. ruthbru- you have long cold winters and I bet warm sunny days are a treat. Here in Oregon it's endless rain and cool weather from November until May. When the sun comes out we get so excited... spring comes and we burst with appreciation. Truly sun is gold. Stephanie your farm must be a paradise. You are blessed to live in such beauty.

    farmerlucy- Clarabell the donkey is wonderful. Regarding watching chicks play -There is a innocence about small animals playful and unaware...joyfully being alive. It's that same energy and curiosity in kittens... play till you drop. Wish as adults we could recapture that. Life would be lots of fun. Ypou are so right about animals just liking the effort and comfort. I bought a brillantly striped orange, yellow and red outdoor lounge cushion at goodwill. My husband gasped when he saw it. It's hideous..he said. Where are you going to put that? I said the dog will love lounging on this and she doesn't care what color it is. Sure enough she loves it and it's just the right size for an old border collie. (She has a really nice big inside bed this one was for outside). Animals are so fun to watch.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702

    Sending love and light to you, Stephanie.


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    image For me, these flowers say spring with their soft lovely scent. Happy Spring Day Stephanie! May you smell Lilly of the Valley or some other lovely spring floral scent today.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Stephanie, thinking of you today and sending lovingkindness your way.

    We have a Whole Foods store that just opened near us. They have "Saturday Sampling." I was adventurous on your behalf. I tried some jackfruit this week. It's often compared with mango, but it is not as sweet.

    I wish days filled with the beauty and wonder of nature, and peaceful, restful nights. Sending love and light from the Jersey Shore


  • Longtermsurvivor
    Longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 738

    Thought y'all might enjoy this update on the puya plant blooming near my cottage:




    It's good medicine for me to follow a plant from seed to stem to leaf to bud to bloom to spent bloom to seed.

    Nature's endless cycles of life-death-life reassure me that there is no resurrection without death.

    And there is no rebirth without grief and loss.

    To everything there is a season. *

    Sending much healing loving light and gratitude, Stephanie

    * Hey, there's a song for that! :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579


    I thought you might enjoy a collage of what the cats and I have been doing this! (Me planting, the cats supervising.) I have planted lots of perennials in the past, on the theory that I will spend less money on annuals that way......hahahaha.....I now just put the annuals into pots.....every flower at the Garden Center needs a home, am I not correct? Winking

    Wish you could come sit on my deck with me and watch things grow.......

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596

    Beautiful, Ruth.

    Hi Stephanie! Interesting about puya.

    I dug up a wild cactus out in the pasture and put it by the entryway at the farm. There is no reason it should have survived as I halfheartedly stuck it in a corner. Already is it growing like crazy. I'm a bit ambivalent about it though. The spikes on that thing are like a thousand tiny needles. Ouch!

    Many hugs coming your way!

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664

    Ruthbru- lovely montage of photos! I feel the same way about clearance plants they need a home and a little loving and poof... they will thrive again. Your cats look mighty happy and the flowers lovely. We are expecting heat and sunny days. I am thrilled. I am tired of being cold. This morning I woke up to see a hummingbird flitting among my 5 foot foxgloves. We have pinks, lavenders and white. Our garden is just bursting with flowers. Only issue is keeping the robins from eating out cherries.

    Stephanie I wish you nausea free mornings, painfree and comfortable. I know you love the gardens and natural wild world. May your window and walks supply you with both.Gentle Hugs. Happy napping too.

    love rosevalley

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579

    Rose, these pictures are for you too! Last night I had to rescue all my pots from a sudden hail storm......apparently I can still move pretty fast if I have to! Loopy

  • lekker
    lekker Member Posts: 238

    Hi Stephanie. I love "Turn, Turn Turn. My parents took me to see Judy Collins in concert at an a outdoor amphitheater when I was little. Her version of "Both Sides Now" is one of my all time favorite songs. Wishing you a comfortable day!

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702

    Beautiful pictures, Ruth!

    Sending love your way, Stephanie. I think of you daily.

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664

    I need to send some pictures of my foxglove. We have one out in the garden that is 6ft one inch tall no fib! They are beautiful. Stephanie won't believe it. I need to figure out how to import a picture from my DH's phone.

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664




  • wobbly
    wobbly Member Posts: 25


    you have entered my little heart and the same for so may others

    like a warm breeze on a summer evening

    much love

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Much love to you this day Stephanie.

    Rosevalley wow, I have never seen a foxglove that tall before. Amazing.

  • Longtermsurvivor
    Longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 738


    Here's the first gladiolus of the season.

    Sending love and gratitude for all of you.

    Living and dying wouldn't be the same without your friendship!

    We never know how we're affecting one another's lives, but I'm convinced we're all connected.

    warmest healing wishes and sweet dreams, Stephanie

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579

    My clematis is starting to always makes me think of my dad. He wad an avid gardener, his favorite color was purple, and he and my mom gave us a clematis for this very spot as a housewarming present 28 years ago. (ND winters are tough on plants, so this is Clematis III). A strange but true story; around here a clematis starts to flower now, and if you pick off the spent buds, it will continue to flower through July, if you are lucky maybe into the beginning of August. Several years ago, on the first anniversary of my dad's mid-September death, I walked out the front door to find one lone flower blooming on this clematis. Coincidence or a greeting from my dad? I think it might be the latter. Hope you are enjoying beautiful plants with beautiful memories.


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Stephanie, here is some special light from my backyard: a rainbow!


    Rosevalley, I'm enjoying your garden. I've seen a lot of foxglove in our area, "the Garden State," but none compares to your tall ones.

    With much love,


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579

    This is a dam right outside of my town. Along with saving us from being flooded out numerous times, it has been built up as a very nice recreation area, and is a great place to go for a walk or for some peaceful reflection.


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Ruth, that is a cute, new picture of you, from the Running Of The Pink walk you're doing. Nice job!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579

    Thanks....they had cake at the end, so that was my motivation Loopy