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Anyone getting ready to start Radiation in Fall 2016?



  • iz1999
    iz1999 Member Posts: 21

    hi boobsBgone, I've been having emotional breakdowns very frequent, had been feeling ok for a few days, then the day I went to prep for my radiations, the scan gave me flashbacks of the beginning of my journey. I feel so overwhelmed and sad

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    To avoid nausea you need to eat plenty of protein and drink plenty of water. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies too!! Rest as much as possible. It will help with the long run fatigue. The nausea will pass and you will do fine.

  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214

    I am a third of the way thru this for nausea staying hydrating and boosting your electrolytes definitely helps. I bought the propel packets & drink two per day. It certainly helps. Possibly zofran would help but not sure. I used it during chemo check with your doctor. Keeping everyone close in my prayers.

  • amusingsoprano
    amusingsoprano Member Posts: 77

    Boobsbgone, I had a 'moment' mid-week and I reckon it's a pretty normal thing to have ups and downs. Good idea to have a chat to someone.

    I'm 9/25 and I see next week I only get 4 zaps because they're doing maintenance on my machine. The skin RT has told me to start 'cold cloth-ing' 3 times a day - I have to wet a small towel or tea-towel, put it in plastic bag and put the bag in the fridge to get nice and cold. Then place the bag over the radiated area to help cool it from the tissue-heating effects of the rads. Anyone else doing this?

  • thereisnodespair
    thereisnodespair Member Posts: 98

    boobsBgone i soooooo hear you... and i have to thank you for writing, makes me feel like i am not "crazy" for feeling the way i do.... I'm now 17 out of 33.... its not the treatment itself (takes five minutes and the staff is REALLY nice) .... i guess a big part of this is the fatigue (serious) so i feel a lot of time i am looking and experiencing things kind of like through a fog.... I know i am super lucky i did not have to go through Chemo (and so applaud the BC sisters who are ) but it is almost like if i haven't lost my hair (can't believe it, i haven't even lost my armpit hair lol) that everyone seems to be very happy (relieved) that what i have to do - the RADS - is nothing.... so how do i say (i don't) that i'm so lost with these fatigue and the concern of what will be later.... that it won't be "over" because even now i have a bunch of tests i have to do etc etc......I guess its also the closer we get to the "end" of treatment we allow ourselves to begin to realise the trauma of having been DX with cancer etc.

    so boobsBgone and all the great women here - good luck with it all... its hard but i don't think of it only as "doable" but something that is helping us realise strengths and also dreams that we didn't know we had...

  • Miskatonic
    Miskatonic Member Posts: 3

    I had my BMX on Sept 30 and started rads Nov 1, so I have had 3/35. I have also had a teary episode every day since I started, so maybe it is reassuring to not be alone in that, it means we're not nuts? My RO also told me to go ahead and start Tamoxifen, that I don't need to wait for after radiation - anyone else do that?

  • thereisnodespair
    thereisnodespair Member Posts: 98


    Miskatonic thanks.... i started the hormonal treatment a week before the RADS - so when I started the radiation and starting feeling some SE - it took me a few difficult days to figure out what was causing what, and what I could do to improve it all.... my doctors also said there was no problem starting both at once, I think i would have done much better is I had waited until after the radiation to start the medication (if "given" the choice)

  • joyandpiece
    joyandpiece Member Posts: 27

    I am having my rads set up next week and the f/u with the MO to get tamoxifen the week after. It was on my list to ask the MO if I could wait to start the tamoxifen until after rads (end of December). I'm not sure I could handle the rads with unpredictable SE's coupled with a new medication with unpredictable SE's during the holiday season! Less importantly, my birthday is in December, too. I can hear it now ... "Happy Birthday...Have a Hotflash"! Lol

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Miskatonic, I started Arimidex about 3 weeks ago.. and yes hot flashes... and today is 2 of 25

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526

    Soprano, I used a cold wet washcloth for th heat, but I didn't put it in a bag. It felt good to cool it down.

  • Dizzybee
    Dizzybee Member Posts: 115

    Miskatonic, I started Tamoxifen three weeks ago, don't have a date to start rads yet but should be the next 2-3 weeks. I'm already post menopause so no hot flashes, but I'm really struggling with mood swings and depression. If things aren't better in a few days I'll look at taking anti depressants, if there is anything you can take with Tamoxifen.

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    tyty DaraB

  • boobsBgone
    boobsBgone Member Posts: 34

    joyandpeace: I know the feeling. my birthday was last weekend. rads with hot flashes was a good way to celebrate. that and cake, ice cream and candy!

    Had a talk with the counselor and I feel a little better. Knowing this is normal for what we are going through, helps keep things in perspective i guess. today is a better day and looking forward to a fantastic tomorrow.

    Dizzybee: with everything you are going through, don't wait, put yourself first. I hesitated too and a friend said don't wait to feel better. I take an anti-anxiety med to help me through this, know it is temporary. You need to feel good and rest in order to feel better!

    May you be kissed by sunshine and smiles.

  • Bdmommy
    Bdmommy Member Posts: 1

    Hello everyone,

    Just joining this thread and checking in. After 6 mos of chemo, BMI with expanders and one foob completely expanded I entered the RADS stage of my treatment plan. I started RADS in September, today was #22/37. My skin was in great shape, couldn't even tell I was getting radiation. Until the last two days, UGH! Now I have a red bumpy rash on my chest in between my foobs and on my collarbone. It itches so bad that it is driving me crazy and my skin is so tight over the expanders now. I have been super diligent about following all of the RO instructions and moisturizing religiously from the beginning, only seemed to delay the inevitable. I see the doctor on Monday and will ave to ask what he suggests as hydro cortizone is not helping with the itching. At first I was so happy to have over 20 of the treatments completed, but just thinking about 15 more has me totally depressed this weekend, This cancer crap just seems never ending!

    One thing that helped me and some of you may want to ask about, is having them place wedges under each of your wrists during the treatment. I have carpal tunnel in both arms and my hands would be completely numb after about 2 minutes of holding on to the bar and I would let go and not even know it. The nurses said they had an option that they used for patients that had developed neuropathy during chemo, where they placed these foam, vinyl covered wedge shaped forms under each of my hands at the wrists. It kept them in the correct position but I didn't have to grip or hold on at all. It was a true life saver!

    I sure hope that I can get some kind of relief from this itching rash, I don't think I can take it getting worse for three more weeks. The fatigue is starting to bother me too. I drive 45 minutes each way for treatment and some days I am so tired that I think I may fall asleep driving to the appointment.

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526

    BDMommy, you might try cold cloths over the weekend until you can contact your RO about a topical.

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Hi BDMommy, I have redness and itching in exactly the same spots. I just finished 14/30. I'm using aloe but I don't think it's enough. I've had bad reactions to the sun and this seems the same--starting to get bumpy too. I'm glad it's the weekend.

    I've also had problems driving home and now I'm drinking a cup of coffee just before or after rads (3:15). Hoping it doesn't interfere too much with my sleep.

    Yup, cancer treatment sucks. I will say rads is way better than chemo.

  • Marlenelin
    Marlenelin Member Posts: 49

    I've been using My Girls skin cream. It is available on Amazon. It is very soothing and creamy and not greasy at all. Can't say yet how it will react when I am burned since I have only had two treatments thus far. I'm having proton radiation. Take care Marlene

  • Marlenelin
    Marlenelin Member Posts: 49

    I'm in the same corner as you. Started this past Thursday. Had two treatments, and 31 more to go. Last 5 will be boosters. Take care Marlene

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    I just had my second yesterday... they provide the skin care.. it's aloe and emu oil

  • joanie84
    joanie84 Member Posts: 6

    Starting radiation on Monday. I have 20 sessions ahead of me.

  • Cwill
    Cwill Member Posts: 7

    Bdmommy hoping you find relief for the itching. My RO office gave me a prescription ointment called Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream that seems to help the itchy bumps on my chest.

    I am 14/25 and starting to get really sore in my upper armpit area. I don't think I was hitting that area with my green tea spray, calendula gel and Eucerin cream because I didn't think the radiation went that high. My bad! I began treating that area once it started to get red/sore. I may have a started too late though. Or maybe because it is in a high friction area it is getting so much worse. The RO gave me an rx for Silvadene to use once it breaks open. Yikes!! I've been really diligent in applying preventative measures but now I'm somewhat discouraged. It is so inconvenient to be applying layers of sprays and creams and waiting to dry in between the different applications multiple times a day - and now I'm still having skin SE's. I keep telling myself only 11 more. But today that seems like about 10 more than I can handle. Oh well, I must carry-on. Also, I have found applying corn starch with a make up brush to the sore area seems to soothe it. Anyway, I guess I just felt like complaining to you ladies who would understand .

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526

    Cwill, the friction irritated that area for me too. I had been wearing cami's, but stopped. I also,wore a tshirt under the sports bra I wear to bed. Between those two things, it got better quickly.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    My underarm was the worst area for me due to friction. I had been putting lotion there the whole time. When it was most uncomfortable, I wore fitted cap-sleeved shirts inside out.

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    Bdmommy, I have the rash. From hell. I asked for the triminacalone cream and got it. RO gave me some lotion with lidocaine in it to help with the itching. It has helped. Another thing that was recommended was Claritin or Zertec. I have heard that those work well. I did not need them after the other two creams. Just keep on putting on ointments, but be careful of anything with lanolin in it. I am allergic to lanolin and tried the aquafor. I had to immediately wash it off of my chest because of itching and reaction.

  • thereisnodespair
    thereisnodespair Member Posts: 98


    s1d1c1u1 how are you feeling, finished with RADS and back at work? thinking about you, we need your smile around here


  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    Hi cwill: i love the idea of cornstarch. Most likely will use that technique when I start radiation in December. Tyty

  • Jbakerwebb
    Jbakerwebb Member Posts: 12

    I have my 9th rad treatment tomorrow. I am scheduled for 37. I had 4 red devil and 4 taxol treatments a month off then rad. So far so good. Biggest complaints are weight gain (10 lbs) and neuropathy pretty severe in feet. Haven't started"burning" my skin yet. How about uou

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    How do they determine how many sessions of rads each person gets? I know some get dose dense, but there still seems to be a big range in numbers? I plan to ask my MO and RO, but thought maybe one of you already has the answer.

  • iz1999
    iz1999 Member Posts: 21

    hello Joanie, I will join you, I start radiation today 33, I'll let you know how it wen

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Dara, My RO had 3 options... 5-6 weeks 5 weeks whole breast and 1 week boost... 3-4 weeks whole breast and 1 week of just the boost where they took out the lump.. I chose the 3-4 week and today is my 3rd of 25